Yea, deepfake or it was memory holed by the MSM. I, at one time, thought Bush was a very good man. Now after seeing what the other Presidents have turned out to be I'm glad I have the ability to see he was a NWO plant. I bet he even has Dominion plugging numbers into his election night results. These people are insidious and need to be rooted out of our Off to Gitmo for all these Traitors!
Rush was not redpilled until later in his career. It was during the Bush administration that rumors of his addiction to Oxycontin started to swirl, and one by one his Republican "allies" started disowning him. He started to see the light about the uniparty during this time and eventually went full renegade, blasting both republicans and democrats who deserved it
Rush Limbaugh was an establishment gatekeeper. He threw Bill Cooper, one of the greatest patriots in the history of the USA, under the bus & agree with Bill Clinton, that Cooper was the "most dangerous" talk show host in the country.
Limbaugh was a more mainstream Alex Jones, another puppet that Cooper exposed, on his OWN show.
I know people here loved him like they do Tucker Carlson but I just don't know anymore, about anyone. The whole Medal of Freedom seemed off to me, insincere. Like they struck some sort of deal. Especially when Rush acted like he didn't know it was going to happen, but then we later found out that he did know. It was weird. As an aside, if there's a secret cure for cancer wouldn't someone like Rush have access to it?
"He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."
It has been played in many 911 documentary videos over the years. Its real. Like biden, bush is a mush brain but someone else writes their scripts. They tell the goyim the truth to have clear karma.
That's their limited hangout technique. Do a majority still believe Oswald shot JFK from that 6th floor window? Do a majority still believe the twin towers fell in their footprint at free fall speed by having a plane crash on them? No? And still no justice?
I get almost as pissed off these days when I see a photo or video of Dubya as I do when I see a photo/video of Obama. Probably because they were essentially the same person, just different rhetoric.
If you go watch and listen to any of his speeches while governor of Texas, you will find a much better, more fluid speaker than what we saw when he was president.
You apparently haven't spent much time in rural Texas.
It also isn't as uncommon as you seem to think it is. Just do a basic Google search with : "explosions go off". Just because you haven't heard an expression doesn't mean it isn't used by others. Food for thought.
Fuji Bank and Marsh McClennan computer floors were modified with "back up batteries around the perimeter of each floor just before 911. They were never plugged in.....and the "planes" hit each of those floors in towers 1&2 (they were not on same floors in each tower). there are no coincidences. the back up batteries were explosives and viewers believed the editing on the videos.......
Wait, if the explosives were meant to be HIGH, then that leaves everyone else room to escape below them. Who were they trying to prevent from escaping?? 👀👀👀
We get down on democrats for adopting black accents but I've never heard anyone get down on Bush for permanently adopting a Texas accent. Wasn't he raised in Connecticut? How did so many people fall for this clown?
It isn't out of Context, I watch that Sumbitch give this speech LIVE, on TV, and I got that exact message the first time, and here it is again....
I just wish they would finally release the video where he can be clearly heard saying ""Oh, is that happening right now??"", in a very nonchalant manner, no surprise at all, as if he expected it....
He wasn't talking about the twin towers, he was talking about other terrorist plots being planned. I'll grant it was symbolism and a double meaning but this won't redpill any normie will it?
The FIRST Video you reference, did you even bother to read the TITLE???
""President George W. Bush makes a statement on fifth anniverisary of the September 11 attacks""
That kinda says what he was speaking about, to, of, on, etc....
There was absolutely NO, Zero, None, nada, nothing, that could be considered a Freudian Slip....
As for the Second Video, yeah, that IS classic GW telling the truth, but this is still NOT a Freudian Slip, it's him actually telling the truth, like when he said something like ~~ Either you're with the Enemy, OR,(in other words) You're with us(The Enemy)....
Soo sorry that you cannot read him as easily as I do, but then, I have experience reading books that are One story, yet it has Two Titles....
They are ""Double Titled, as in::
Twist the Knife Slowly (A Murderer in the House) (1952)
Big Planet / The Slaves of The Klau
The Snows of Ganymede / War of the Wing-Men (1958)
There's even a so called Journalist from LA that wrote an entire column just to complain about Double Titles:: ""If Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) wins the Best Picture Oscar will we hear the whole title?""
What I'm saying is that what we hear from these shifty swindlers, is not normally what they might actually be saying, lots of the things they say can be much better understood as Comms, than actual Speeches, and lots of it is just an act....
And then some just aren't intelligent enough to hide their Comms within a speech, like Schumer, just way too dumb to do the Double Entendre, or even use Innuendo....
Sorry i don't mean to argue. I agree 100% with you that it's comms and Bush knows explosives were used in the twin towers, but no normie will believe he's talking about the twin towers as he referenced it was intel from Sheikh Mohammed about other terrorist attack plans.
And now, IF they can still read, IF they can still Comprehend, IF they still have the capacity to learn a little, this thread, our Communications here, will teach them some key things they need to learn in order to decipher the Comms from the criminal Cabal that's trying to take over the World as ""World Emperors""....
Not to say explosives weren't used on 911, but it doesn't sound like that's what he is saying here.
It sounds like to me that bush here references that they received intelligence from questioning (likely torture) operatives/terrorists that the terrorists are trained to make sure explosives go off to trap those above a plane impact in an attack. In this context, it sounded like he was talking about terrorist training in general, not specifically the 9 11 attack.
It is also absolutely plausible that he was talking about 9 11, and slipped up, but considering it was likely an inside job a slip up would be more like 'we' used explosives so people above couldn't escape...
Well, he prefaced his speech with ""Today, on the Fifth Anniversary of""....
And it's not like we don't know that he knew exactly what was happening, he Grounded ALL Aircraft, except Osama Bin Ladens Family that were IN D.C. visiting him and his....
So, while Israeli MOSSAD were blowing up NY City, Bush was doing PR bullshit, and Tricking us into a Lie....
That was a bomb and it was detonated in the parking garage below ground level. That plan was to destroy the foundation of the building to cause a collapse.
That's the first time I've heard that tape. Any chance it's a deep fake?
Who manages his archives? Him, and people under him?
Let me text him real quick and ask brb
Ok, then check if it's a deep fake produced by them. Get back to us.
Yea, deepfake or it was memory holed by the MSM. I, at one time, thought Bush was a very good man. Now after seeing what the other Presidents have turned out to be I'm glad I have the ability to see he was a NWO plant. I bet he even has Dominion plugging numbers into his election night results. These people are insidious and need to be rooted out of our Off to Gitmo for all these Traitors!
Me too. I did, however wonder why everyone, including Rush Limbaugh, gave him a pass on illegal immigration and amnesty.
Because he was a fuckhead cabal member.
Rush was not redpilled until later in his career. It was during the Bush administration that rumors of his addiction to Oxycontin started to swirl, and one by one his Republican "allies" started disowning him. He started to see the light about the uniparty during this time and eventually went full renegade, blasting both republicans and democrats who deserved it
Rush Limbaugh was an establishment gatekeeper. He threw Bill Cooper, one of the greatest patriots in the history of the USA, under the bus & agree with Bill Clinton, that Cooper was the "most dangerous" talk show host in the country.
Limbaugh was a more mainstream Alex Jones, another puppet that Cooper exposed, on his OWN show.
I know people here loved him like they do Tucker Carlson but I just don't know anymore, about anyone. The whole Medal of Freedom seemed off to me, insincere. Like they struck some sort of deal. Especially when Rush acted like he didn't know it was going to happen, but then we later found out that he did know. It was weird. As an aside, if there's a secret cure for cancer wouldn't someone like Rush have access to it?
Compared to the alternatives at the time, Senor Boosh was a "good man."
But being the lesser of two evils just isn't enough any more.
"He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."
Doesn't make sense. Surely he means "low enough"?
If the explosives were lower, people could be rescued by ladder trucks, etc?
It has been played in many 911 documentary videos over the years. Its real. Like biden, bush is a mush brain but someone else writes their scripts. They tell the goyim the truth to have clear karma.
My question is WHY would they write that into his script??!?!?!?!?!
That's probably what appealed to W so much about Biden.
A lot of little bits of truth have leaked out. Never covered by the media... and it was gone.
That's their limited hangout technique. Do a majority still believe Oswald shot JFK from that 6th floor window? Do a majority still believe the twin towers fell in their footprint at free fall speed by having a plane crash on them? No? And still no justice?
It's been around for a while
I get almost as pissed off these days when I see a photo or video of Dubya as I do when I see a photo/video of Obama. Probably because they were essentially the same person, just different rhetoric.
Most likely a Freudian slip, intending to say "explosions". Dubya wasn't exactly known for superior oratory skills as president.
e - people apparently don't know what a Freudian slip is
I think Bush faked being stupid. I've seen transcripts of him on the telephone and he is alert and awake.
I can't find it now, but Bill Clinton said not to underestimate George Bush. And he puts up a fake front.
Like Pelosi and Biden are lucid when they want to be, but appear senile at other times.
I think Pelosi is usually drunk.
Yoy could be right.
If you go watch and listen to any of his speeches while governor of Texas, you will find a much better, more fluid speaker than what we saw when he was president.
Nah, that wasn't one of his Flubs....
That was an intentional Written statement, and he read it exactly as written....
Explosions take place or happen.
Explosives "go off."
I've never heard the expression "explosions go off".
You apparently haven't spent much time in rural Texas.
It also isn't as uncommon as you seem to think it is. Just do a basic Google search with : "explosions go off". Just because you haven't heard an expression doesn't mean it isn't used by others. Food for thought.
White House: Rumsfeld Interview Says Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11
Missile Hitting the Pentagon on 911:
Pentagon Hit By Missile, Not Plane
Footage Never Seen Again
Hidden Video Showing What Really Hit the Pentagon:
No presence of airplane debris at Pentagon:
Many years ago there was a video of a man who said, "I could smell the cordite in the air at the Pentagon".
He said he had witnessed many missile tests in the past and cordite has a very distinct smell.
I think it was said by the man in this video link you provided. The cordite comment has been edited out.
I found this link from 16 years ago.
Cordite is a propellent that is used in missiles.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Fuji Bank and Marsh McClennan computer floors were modified with "back up batteries around the perimeter of each floor just before 911. They were never plugged in.....and the "planes" hit each of those floors in towers 1&2 (they were not on same floors in each tower). there are no coincidences. the back up batteries were explosives and viewers believed the editing on the videos.......
Does this explain with some proof that building 7 was an explosion not debris?
Maybe, but it verifies the Explosions reported by the Firemen and Police....
"The operatives had been told to ensure that THE EXPLOSIVES WENT OFF at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."
Conspiracy nuts 1
Govt propaganda 0
And the explosives were loaded where and by whom?
Israeli art students
MOSSAD ""ART"" Students....
Israel is Not our Ally, nor our Friend....
You know what's funny?
I actually forgot he was President.
8 years of him, and you forgot???
I know he played the clown, but it surprises me that anyone could forget ""Gee Dubya""....
ya lol.
when i saw him i was like,
“Oh yaaa, he was president..”
Just like China and Russia being terrible. It’s the same fingerprint.
Just like China and Russia being terrible. It’s the same fingerprint.
Right, but we've seen this Finger Print before.....
USS Liberty....
Ain't that something. Also, notice how Deep State stooges faked being president better then than now.
Wait, if the explosives were meant to be HIGH, then that leaves everyone else room to escape below them. Who were they trying to prevent from escaping?? 👀👀👀
Here’s a run down of which offices were around and above the direct hits
Thanks Fren....
We get down on democrats for adopting black accents but I've never heard anyone get down on Bush for permanently adopting a Texas accent. Wasn't he raised in Connecticut? How did so many people fall for this clown?
The Accent, it'll get you every time....
God's gonna cut em down. Johnny Cash
Out of context, watch the full clip.
It isn't out of Context, I watch that Sumbitch give this speech LIVE, on TV, and I got that exact message the first time, and here it is again....
I just wish they would finally release the video where he can be clearly heard saying ""Oh, is that happening right now??"", in a very nonchalant manner, no surprise at all, as if he expected it....
He wasn't talking about the twin towers, he was talking about other terrorist plots being planned. I'll grant it was symbolism and a double meaning but this won't redpill any normie will it?
This one is another good freudian slip.
The FIRST Video you reference, did you even bother to read the TITLE???
""President George W. Bush makes a statement on fifth anniverisary of the September 11 attacks""
That kinda says what he was speaking about, to, of, on, etc....
There was absolutely NO, Zero, None, nada, nothing, that could be considered a Freudian Slip....
As for the Second Video, yeah, that IS classic GW telling the truth, but this is still NOT a Freudian Slip, it's him actually telling the truth, like when he said something like ~~ Either you're with the Enemy, OR,(in other words) You're with us(The Enemy)....
Soo sorry that you cannot read him as easily as I do, but then, I have experience reading books that are One story, yet it has Two Titles....
They are ""Double Titled, as in::
Twist the Knife Slowly (A Murderer in the House) (1952)
Big Planet / The Slaves of The Klau
The Snows of Ganymede / War of the Wing-Men (1958)
There's even a so called Journalist from LA that wrote an entire column just to complain about Double Titles:: ""If Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) wins the Best Picture Oscar will we hear the whole title?""
What I'm saying is that what we hear from these shifty swindlers, is not normally what they might actually be saying, lots of the things they say can be much better understood as Comms, than actual Speeches, and lots of it is just an act....
And then some just aren't intelligent enough to hide their Comms within a speech, like Schumer, just way too dumb to do the Double Entendre, or even use Innuendo....
Sorry i don't mean to argue. I agree 100% with you that it's comms and Bush knows explosives were used in the twin towers, but no normie will believe he's talking about the twin towers as he referenced it was intel from Sheikh Mohammed about other terrorist attack plans.
And now, IF they can still read, IF they can still Comprehend, IF they still have the capacity to learn a little, this thread, our Communications here, will teach them some key things they need to learn in order to decipher the Comms from the criminal Cabal that's trying to take over the World as ""World Emperors""....
Thanks for helping....
Not to say explosives weren't used on 911, but it doesn't sound like that's what he is saying here.
It sounds like to me that bush here references that they received intelligence from questioning (likely torture) operatives/terrorists that the terrorists are trained to make sure explosives go off to trap those above a plane impact in an attack. In this context, it sounded like he was talking about terrorist training in general, not specifically the 9 11 attack.
It is also absolutely plausible that he was talking about 9 11, and slipped up, but considering it was likely an inside job a slip up would be more like 'we' used explosives so people above couldn't escape...
Well, he prefaced his speech with ""Today, on the Fifth Anniversary of""....
And it's not like we don't know that he knew exactly what was happening, he Grounded ALL Aircraft, except Osama Bin Ladens Family that were IN D.C. visiting him and his....
So, while Israeli MOSSAD were blowing up NY City, Bush was doing PR bullshit, and Tricking us into a Lie....
there was no plane impact. only demolition.
so there was a 1993 attack on TT with explosives, is it possible he is referencing that
not saying building 7 which wasn't hit by a plane didn't come down by explosives, just wondering if that's what he was referring to
That was a bomb and it was detonated in the parking garage below ground level. That plan was to destroy the foundation of the building to cause a collapse.
That ‘93 attack - also and inside job - obviously, btw.
No, that is not at all what he referenced, he Prefaced the speech with ""Fifth Anniversary"", and it was in 2006.....
I know it isn't, I watched him on National TV when he said it....
The problem is that there are way too many people who don't think like the Criminals in Govt think, and cannot decipher the Comms....
Thank You for your Service Brother....