Remember a few years ago when there were several high profile celebrity deaths / "suicides" including the people you named above, plus Chester Bennington, Kate Spade, Robin Williams... many of them died under suspicious causes. I've always believed they were killed by the cabal for stepping out of line or threatening to expose their evil deeds.
MJ wasn't a pedo, if he really were, they would've circled the wagons for him just like the others. This is enough proof to me that he was a saint, he knew the truth, so they projected their guilt onto him
The Kate Spade one was especially bizarre, i remember her husband was seen afterwards wearing a cartoon mask from the film The Rescuers and people thought it was coded message about human trafficking
I heard something about Bourdain and Chris Cornell from Soundgarden working on a project very similar to mel gibsons exposing underground networks of child trafficking
That Porsche is widely known as a vicious car. The car he was in just purchased used. It had very low miles. They didn’t change the tires. The treadwear looked great. But that’s not all that matters. After a few years the delicate chemical composition breaks down. A supercar tire is a complex thing. It’s not just tread that gives you grip. It’s formulated specifically for that car, certain formula. Most super cars have tires that you are supposed to buy every time, that are made just for that car.
They drove that car thinking it would handle the way it should. The turn could have been taken at an enormous rate of speed in good tires. Both were skilled drivers. They were deceived and were on tires that looked good. But they were not. Might as well have been Prius commuter tires.
The tires broke free when they shouldn’t have, was not expected by the driver at that speed, and they crashed. The driver wasn’t expecting it, as a guy that knows when to expect tires to begin to break free. It’s like dancing once you race enough. It makes sounds. It has a feel. This time it broke free way too soon.
A simple mistake. But fatal. You don’t always get a second chance. They should have swapped fresh tires on that car immediately, knowing that tread life isn’t the only factor in tire health. It’s a chemical product that breaks down like anything else and loses the magic that makes a super car adhere to the ground.
I leaned this myself putting old unused tires from storage on a car and taking it to the track. They looked great. Barely any wear. But they behaved like butter. Went off the track twice in places that people don’t go off, because the tires behaved 100% differently than I expected. They had no grip. Zero. Even worse, they got hot, chunks of tire were being pulled off. Falling apart. Took the car in and talked to a Hoosier Tire rep who was on site selling tires, and he knew why in an instant.
More to a tire than tread depth and appearance. Don’t use old ones. They don’t work.
Too much muddy info out there but I remember reading back in the 1980s that James Dean was killed because he was pushing back against projects he didn’t want to be involved with and also was fighting with a studio owner he was under contract (a slave) with. But in actuality he was just probably sleeping with the studio chief’s wife /s - kek!
She was 16 and he was 33. Not the right thing for him to do, but that isn't the definition of a pedo. Even creepier is the fact that Walker had a 15 year old daughter at the time. Hollywood needs to be burned to the ground.
Ok, see, I'm confused here. Remember a couple of months ago when everyone was upset over the UN report that supposedly was making pedophelia legal?
What you're saying here is more in line with what the UN report was saying. It was concerned with things like a just turned 18 year old would be branded a pedophile or sex criminal for having sex with his still 17 year old girlfriend.
So when I tried to point that out to people, I was told that any adult having sex with anyone under 18 is a pedophile.
Age of consent in most states is 16. Women married at that age in previous eras and it was completely normal, not to mention many look like adults at that age because women mature faster. Porn star Traci Lords fooled the industry into thinking she was legal age when she was actually 16.
I’ve always believed this, too. She was moving on the gurney. I feel so bad for her 2 young sons & all of her fans that will miss the years of good acting she could still give us. These people are pure evil.
What are masons proficient in? Co-opting general blue-collar institutions under a military like authoritarian rule. Police, fire, ambulance companies, hospitals...
Wouldn't want to fight back against your climb up the ranks would you? "After all that work you put in, it'd be a shame..."
She started speaking out against the establishment Hollywood & they wanted to shut her up. They probably drugged her so she’d have the car accident, too.
He has a few projects coming out. You might be thinking about Sound of Freedom which he helped produce and edit after the movie was done. This is something else completely different. This is a documentary he produced from start to finish. I don't know if he has much screen time. But it's 100% his movie.
It's been going on for centuries, possibly since before Jesus was born. You would never have seen this if it wasn't intended that you did because this is soft disclosure that we're all meant to see and it means that the course change has already been set, whatever the destination may be.
Watch Mel Gibson- he’s going full on war path against these demons. Godspeed Mr. Gibson- carry forth the sword of righteousness with the help of Almighty God.
Agreed...funny how a wide variety of people speaking TRUTH get whacked...eye witnesses to multiple Las Vegas shooters, legislator from Oklahoma, Seth Rich, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and on and on and on. All the way back to Arkansas DPS Officer's who guarded The rapist when he was governor and throughout history.
I’m kinda surprised that Christopher Walken is still alive. Wasn’t he on the boat when Natalie Woods drowned? I guess he was a team player at the time. I was born a few months after her death, so I wasn’t around at the time. Lol. Curious about older anons who lived through that era, what are your thoughts?
I can only deduce from the stories that have come out, bob wagner jr and walken were supposed to be having a drunken threesome with nat wood, but may have been too involved with each other, which angered wood. so she drunkenly donned her fur coat and went to exit the boat (yacht?) but slipped (pushed) and fell into the water. the fur coat caused her not to be able to tread water in her drunken state, so she drowned. was odd that neither walken, wagner nor the captain (who was on board at the time) managed to save her and took some time to actually call 911. reminded me of ted kennedy with maryjo capechne. I dont know all the details as I was not there, but remember hearing all these things.
Same with Paul Walker... and others that we have no idea about
I believe they all knew things and were about to talk, so they had to silence them
Avicci, Anthony Bourdain, Anton Yelchin, Kappy, ...
Remember a few years ago when there were several high profile celebrity deaths / "suicides" including the people you named above, plus Chester Bennington, Kate Spade, Robin Williams... many of them died under suspicious causes. I've always believed they were killed by the cabal for stepping out of line or threatening to expose their evil deeds.
Michael Jackson
MJ wasn't a pedo, if he really were, they would've circled the wagons for him just like the others. This is enough proof to me that he was a saint, he knew the truth, so they projected their guilt onto him
The Kate Spade one was especially bizarre, i remember her husband was seen afterwards wearing a cartoon mask from the film The Rescuers and people thought it was coded message about human trafficking
He wore a RAT mask… rats are snitches
I heard something about Bourdain and Chris Cornell from Soundgarden working on a project very similar to mel gibsons exposing underground networks of child trafficking
I think that was Chester Bennington working with Chris Cornell, both got "suicided" by the cabal.
Wait, Yelchin now? What he do??
Paul Walker was killed by old tires.
That Porsche is widely known as a vicious car. The car he was in just purchased used. It had very low miles. They didn’t change the tires. The treadwear looked great. But that’s not all that matters. After a few years the delicate chemical composition breaks down. A supercar tire is a complex thing. It’s not just tread that gives you grip. It’s formulated specifically for that car, certain formula. Most super cars have tires that you are supposed to buy every time, that are made just for that car.
They drove that car thinking it would handle the way it should. The turn could have been taken at an enormous rate of speed in good tires. Both were skilled drivers. They were deceived and were on tires that looked good. But they were not. Might as well have been Prius commuter tires.
The tires broke free when they shouldn’t have, was not expected by the driver at that speed, and they crashed. The driver wasn’t expecting it, as a guy that knows when to expect tires to begin to break free. It’s like dancing once you race enough. It makes sounds. It has a feel. This time it broke free way too soon.
A simple mistake. But fatal. You don’t always get a second chance. They should have swapped fresh tires on that car immediately, knowing that tread life isn’t the only factor in tire health. It’s a chemical product that breaks down like anything else and loses the magic that makes a super car adhere to the ground.
I leaned this myself putting old unused tires from storage on a car and taking it to the track. They looked great. Barely any wear. But they behaved like butter. Went off the track twice in places that people don’t go off, because the tires behaved 100% differently than I expected. They had no grip. Zero. Even worse, they got hot, chunks of tire were being pulled off. Falling apart. Took the car in and talked to a Hoosier Tire rep who was on site selling tires, and he knew why in an instant.
More to a tire than tread depth and appearance. Don’t use old ones. They don’t work.
You are correct about that Porsche, even for an expert driver it’s an animal.
Thank you for sharing your expertise. I didn't know any of this.
That’s retarded
Somebody should look into James Dean. He came to mind when Walker was killed. I know, I know it's an extreme longshot.
Too much muddy info out there but I remember reading back in the 1980s that James Dean was killed because he was pushing back against projects he didn’t want to be involved with and also was fighting with a studio owner he was under contract (a slave) with. But in actuality he was just probably sleeping with the studio chief’s wife /s - kek!
What was the deal with Paul Walker?
He was apparently funding a documentary on pedowood, so they offed him.
I never believed it until I saw the footage of his crash:
1.) He's not going very fast
2.) The explosion is HUGE for a vehicle
3.) Security leaves within seconds
I thought the issue with him was he had a charity in Haiti and stumbled upon HRC's Haiti trafficking and then got killed for it?
Do you have a link to the video?
2nd this
Me 3
He also was a pedo. His fiancée was a minor when they started banging and he was known to have many much younger partners.
Yeah, so why would he be funding a documentary about it?
never have seen a credible sauce on that claim
Because he was on the inside and knew? Maybe his wife was a requirement for some hollywood deals, and his guilty conscience got the best of him,
Why don’t you ask him. Oh you can’t.
Oh bullshit. I know the family. Paul was a very decent human being.
He was a decent human being. Except for being a pedo. This is publicly known. Not even a rumor.
So please keep worshipping others and sucking the d. weak and dumb
She was 16 and he was 33. Not the right thing for him to do, but that isn't the definition of a pedo. Even creepier is the fact that Walker had a 15 year old daughter at the time. Hollywood needs to be burned to the ground.
Hey there friend...a child under 18 with an adult is a pedo.
Sorry to burst your bubble
edit: nice downvotes....fucking crazy thought processes some people have here....stop blurring lines.
Attraction to pubescent minors is an ephebophile.
Attraction to prepubescent kids is a pedophile.
Also, for all of human history men want teenage women.
A person is 17 years 364 days old today and has sex with someone who turned 18 today? PEDOPHILE. LOL.
You know its obviously more complicated than your simplistic comments right?
Ok, see, I'm confused here. Remember a couple of months ago when everyone was upset over the UN report that supposedly was making pedophelia legal?
What you're saying here is more in line with what the UN report was saying. It was concerned with things like a just turned 18 year old would be branded a pedophile or sex criminal for having sex with his still 17 year old girlfriend.
So when I tried to point that out to people, I was told that any adult having sex with anyone under 18 is a pedophile.
Now I'm being told the opposite.
"a child under 18 with an adult is a pedo."
Nope. In most European countries and roughly half the American states, the AOC is 16.
AOC is childish, but I'm pretty sure she's in her 30s.
Sorry, couldn't help it.
Age of consent in most states is 16. Women married at that age in previous eras and it was completely normal, not to mention many look like adults at that age because women mature faster. Porn star Traci Lords fooled the industry into thinking she was legal age when she was actually 16.
Just because its legal doesn't make it right.
You’re using a porn star to justify the morality of a case?
Actually by legal def yes he is a pedo. She is a minor in California and legal age of consent there is 18
This was the guy from the fast and the furious movies, right?
Why would he be funding a documentary on pedophiles? He was a pedophile. He was always dating 16 year olds when he was in his 30s.
16 is legal age in most states. It’s frowned upon but doesn’t make someone a pedo. Pedos are attracted to pre pubescent children not teens.
I’ve always believed this, too. She was moving on the gurney. I feel so bad for her 2 young sons & all of her fans that will miss the years of good acting she could still give us. These people are pure evil.
She sat UP
What's the theory as to why they killed her? This video is shocking!
What are masons proficient in? Co-opting general blue-collar institutions under a military like authoritarian rule. Police, fire, ambulance companies, hospitals...
Wouldn't want to fight back against your climb up the ranks would you? "After all that work you put in, it'd be a shame..."
She started speaking out against the establishment Hollywood & they wanted to shut her up. They probably drugged her so she’d have the car accident, too.
My wife and I were discussing this the other night. We both saw her still moving and actually SIT UP on the stretcher.
Mel Gibson better have good security. The documentary he's working on now is going to blow the lid off the satanic hollywood pedophile cult.
Only reason he's promoting it now is because WHIC White Hats In Control
I believe that as well. One reason I'm so excited.
Already got a FB fact check warning label thingy for posting about that lol
Read somewhere that his involvement is minimal compared to producing it.
He has a few projects coming out. You might be thinking about Sound of Freedom which he helped produce and edit after the movie was done. This is something else completely different. This is a documentary he produced from start to finish. I don't know if he has much screen time. But it's 100% his movie.
Oh awesome. More the merrier.
It's been going on for centuries, possibly since before Jesus was born. You would never have seen this if it wasn't intended that you did because this is soft disclosure that we're all meant to see and it means that the course change has already been set, whatever the destination may be.
Watch Mel Gibson- he’s going full on war path against these demons. Godspeed Mr. Gibson- carry forth the sword of righteousness with the help of Almighty God.
?? Any links to true announcements and or content he announced? I’ve only seen some fake stuff.
Anyone know the name of his upcoming documentary?
Agreed...funny how a wide variety of people speaking TRUTH get whacked...eye witnesses to multiple Las Vegas shooters, legislator from Oklahoma, Seth Rich, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and on and on and on. All the way back to Arkansas DPS Officer's who guarded The rapist when he was governor and throughout history.
No Coinkidinks..
Isaac Kappy…
Yep...the list is endless and that's just the ones we know about...
Chester Bennington, Killery's brother & Anderson Cooper's brother I think were sacrificed.
Cankles has entered the chat: "I've been a busy bee."
Ellen’s snatch killed her.
And yet no investigation onto the misrepresentations about that day. Really evil. Every bit.
Thanks for the reminder. Cannot forget this.
I’m kinda surprised that Christopher Walken is still alive. Wasn’t he on the boat when Natalie Woods drowned? I guess he was a team player at the time. I was born a few months after her death, so I wasn’t around at the time. Lol. Curious about older anons who lived through that era, what are your thoughts?
I can only deduce from the stories that have come out, bob wagner jr and walken were supposed to be having a drunken threesome with nat wood, but may have been too involved with each other, which angered wood. so she drunkenly donned her fur coat and went to exit the boat (yacht?) but slipped (pushed) and fell into the water. the fur coat caused her not to be able to tread water in her drunken state, so she drowned. was odd that neither walken, wagner nor the captain (who was on board at the time) managed to save her and took some time to actually call 911. reminded me of ted kennedy with maryjo capechne. I dont know all the details as I was not there, but remember hearing all these things.
ENGINE 63 small truck / EMS - I may or may now live next to it. 😎🤬👀👀👀💥
What vid is this? What am I watching?
Ann Heche
Is it real? This is the first I'm seeing this. And that in itself seems odd.
The video? Yes. I saw it when the story first broke.
You can expect an exposure very, very fkng soon. VERY SOON. 🥷
Need more video sauce. That seems super fake.
You're kidding right? Dug at all?