The top article from Breitbart tells us Anons all we need to know about why I titled this Alert Post this way. And prior Anons have provided warnings recently, along with us expecting a massive False Flag or Scare Event coming at some point. It just may be the awful event of Taiwan being invaded by China, fighting happening between the two, and the US standing down, letting whatever takes place, while we watch….., or are blacked out. Consider all the military movements here (around the US) to keep things peaceful with our “groups” that may/would pull destructive protests while something as large as this is allowed. I could be wrong and I’d like to be Anons, but signs are pointing to something this massive and awful is prepping to take place.
My prayers will be with all those affected. But I know God is not going to intervene to stop this from needing to shake the world awake.
This situation could explain the big Walton family sell off of Walmart stock. Walmart is 90% China made shit and if a state of war exists between us and China that would mean no inventory for Walmart. This would cause a massive sell-off and a crash of their stock into the ground.
This would mean massive layoffs across all sectors and industries as the majority of our stuff comes from China or S.E. Asia via the Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea. China would most assuredly move to blockade those trade routes, as well as trade routes through the Indian Ocean and Southern Sea. They also have a massive foothold in Africa, and are moving to put personnel in Cuba and Ctrl/S America if they haven't already.
The bright side to all of this is the fact that their Navy can't go toe-toe with ours, their Air Forces are cheap Chinese knockoffs of American originals, and our Navy/USMC and AF pilots are the best in the business. Plus, we have massive numbers of mothballed combat jets sitting all across the country waiting for just such an occasion as abothet world war that can be repaired, retrofitted and mobilized within weeks. We also have, at any one time, multiple sub squadrons underway and underwater (locations unknown) in every major maritime body of water across the globe. So we'd know fairly quickly if their Navy sets sail and can move to hinder, if not outright stop, their ships before they get within 1000 miles of our mainland. That doesn't include our CAT-5 ready squadrons in S. Korea and Japan, as well as those host country's air forces. Just one E/A-18 Growler has the electronic warfare capability to scramble sensors for a whole group of vessels. And we have how many in our inventory? There's a report from a few yrs back of one of our Growlers shutting down one of their two aircraft carriers and flying right over the top of it before they even knew what was happening. Feel free to look that up.
They have a massive army, yes, BUT, it is poorly fed. It won't be able to withstand a protracted engagement with the rations they do get. We would move to ensure a long term engagement would take place, so it's in their best interest to NOT do anything more than sabre rattle.
At the end of the day, this is nothing more than another of many distractions designed to keep America in fear.
IF POTUS45 is truly still out CIC, do you really think he's gonna let this happen? A war with China which very well could be the beginning of World War III?
Are we inching closer to "the precipice?" Yes, I believe so. But will we, as a species, be thrust headlong over the cliff to our doom? No, I don't believe so. I don't think we end up in another World War that just about everyone (us AND [them]) believes would go nuclear. Close, but not quite.
No, I believe there's a better than average likelihood of the world's economies and ALL the various individual currencies falling to zero or even negative numbers and a major, decades long, world wide depression happening that leads to massive arrests and executions of the asshats that think [they] own the world before another major war breaks out.
They arent going to invade our mainland from the sea. They'll invade taiwan. Any invasion of our mainland would have to take place through canada or mexico. They'd have to move thousands or millions of troops there during peacetime so they can invade at the proper moment. But actually conquering an area this size is a logistical nightmare, i doubt that's in the playbook
I heard last night on John b Wells that China is building a road North from the Panama canal.
They might attack from mexico and canada but i dont think the long term occupation of the continental US would be their goal. You'd basically have to nuke us to beat us and then who'd want what's left?
They would use conventional arms to deter us from contesting their taiwan takeover. Most likely scenario
Black rock also pulled investments from China in the last week. Large amount of capital pulled out.
And just a reminder of a memory-holed event involving Blinken: British PM Liz Truss contacted Blinken moments after Russia's pipeline was blown up, and said "It's done". She stepped down very soon after her message was intercepted, and now Blinken is pushing an escalation of US involvement in arming Ukraine. aka: fomenting WW3. (which will fail)
Wal-Mart will not be missed
In small towns, Walmart and the dollar stores (also Chinese product) are the lion's share of businesses. Low competition from mom and pops. It will make a huge impact if there is a full embargo on Chinese consumables. Will take a long time to resupply from other countries. You thought Covid was bad - we need to start beefing up our Mexico imports to diversify.
THIS! ☝️ u/Bedminster
Someone also pointed out to me that Walton family bought a football franchise.
Had the same thought, but this is the CCP we are talking about here. Confusing indeed.
If Taiwan is Ukraine then why is the deep state just about to let it go? They certainly aren't doing that with Ukraine even if Russia is destroying them.
If it is another Ukraine....China owns Biden admin, so regardless of what is found if they tell them to stand down they will.
Yes I believe that is actually what this is all about. But these nests of evil have to be cleaned out.
Hey y'all, adding some kindling- in the past few weeks, China itself has suddenly banned some of its own companies' exports of computer boards, chips, related items. Official statements say it's for their national security. Stateside manufacturers scrambling to find replacements. Not sure if It's Habbening, but something new has definitely started.
Link in what you can find Anon. Signs stirring are signs.
Source: fml, one of the scramblers
China will attack our power grid. They already have boots on the ground. 500 male Chinese nationals crossing the border every day, since Biden took office. Do the math. Hundreds of thousands of military age males who are experts in sabotage are already inside the US. Do you really think the balloon was taking pictures of military sites? Quite the opposite....they were mapping the power grid with low altitude recon.
And I agree with your analysis. Very good Anon. I hope we’re civilian platooned up together when the SHTF. I’ll stand with you.
My ac has been struggling to keep up with the heat and humidity.
Talk about a wake up call. No electricity? That’ll do it!
And that is our achilies heel
Something recently about "know your bridges"
Cabal doings, blamed on China, methinks. But we're onto them.
I wonder if Taiwan and Ukraine are both Deep state assets that are in the process of being removed from the chessboard.
I think the Deep State’s laundering system is certainly being removed, so yes this would be a very good assertion Anon, per given research/info. I live on the West Coast and I’m worried, but what needs to happen, needs to happen.
If we aren't the GLOBAL POLICE FORCE, then "standing down" = what we SHOULD do. We don't need another Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan, we don't need to be sending American boys over to fucking China [I hear the Chinese really really like to be kind, compassionate and caring toward POWs, especially roundeyes] to fight yet another endless debacle of wasting time, energy, money, and lives.
I have family in mil over there. He seems pretty sure we will defend Taiwan. Also says there are a lot of encounters with us china jets and ships we don't hear about
Your username! ROFL 🤣
God save us
11:30pm Pacific Time update:
I’m resticky-ing for 1 more day. Why? Update. Later today Winken Blinken just openly stated, “We do not support Taiwan Independance.”
Well Anons, as GWP states in their article, Blinken gives THEE Verbal OKAY for China to invade Taiwan. I live on the west coast and have seen unusual low flying dual propeller military helicopter transports in my area since yesterday. I’m only 40 miles from a large USAFB, and activity has increased. I’m curious of what’s going on at Pearl Harbor or Midway. I bet a whole lot. I bet the US based on Okinawa are super busy now.
Better yet let’s look at Taiwan’s front page news Anons. I bet some interesting things and preparations are taking place. Yes, yes they are. And in Taiwan they are worried. They should be, as Blinken just sold them out to China just like Biden or Hunter has done to America.
Evil Cabal turds! Unfortunately for the innocent people of Taiwan, they can’t stop what’s coming. I’m praying it won’t be so bad for them but God is not going to intervene on human choice stupidity.
Righteous re-sticky fren!
I agree.
I'm curious about what's going on on Guam... Military Tribunals being held their also. PRAYING also Brent! 🙏
I don’t know. It’s hard to get unbiased news from our protectorates.
wasn't this US policy under Trump?
I think this is just restated US policy going back quite a while.
Um no. Don’t try to Shill without backing up that dumb statement with a fact and linkage to it.
Shilling is pointing out facts?
Oh stop it. I followed up with a comment linking to our current Taiwan policies and the decades old agreements that underlie it. Trump didn't break with these as far as I know. I'm by no means an expert on Trump and Taiwan, but searching for "Trump One China Policy" brings up tons of links where Trump told President Xi Jinping of China he would honor the One China policy. This happened right after he took office.
Do you need me to do that work for you? Here's a clue you can search for this and President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our “one China” policy.
If you have link showing Trump dropped his support, feel free to educate me.
The Blinken thing got reported as news, because most folks me included didn't know what our standard Taiwan policy was.
Good. Do that first next time so no one has to call it out. It was either myself or 1000 other Anons. Good correction. And I can give credit where it is due openly.
A link for ya
Looking this up. The US has a had One China Policy that is deliberately ambiguous. It's basically intended to prevent military action against Taiwan
We have had this since Nixon, I think. Trump announced he supported this in 2017.
So I don't think any change of policy was announced. We just signed a Free Trade Agreement with Taiwan.
"The United States has a longstanding one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three U.S.-China Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances."
The plan has to address ever posssible issue to protect us. Yes I know that sounded dumb but here is. What I’m thinking. Or. Been thinking really for a long time.
Foxconn Apple Selling and exporting oil Space force Opiate overdose COVID
Oil POTUS hired tillerson. They didn’t like each other and all of the rest of us had no clue who the fuck he was.
Reminds me of the movie Armageddon when the need the best drillers for the asteroid even if they hate them. Rex tillerson started at Exxon basically in the Mail room. He worked himself up to ceo of Exxon. With all of us saying WTF. POTUS brought him in to open the market for us to sell. Tillerson I knows everything the laws the costs the point of contacts. He could get an audience with the highest people in the world to discuss. 2 years later tillerson was gone and we were selling oil for the first time since the 40s. We needed approval from all the oil bosses before we could sell. All had to be negotiated so the oil market didn’t become a battleground. Think like drug dealers you can’t take someone’s corner and start selling. Oil market is the same.
Whole new branch. NASA has been nothing since the challenger accident. They aren’t doing anything. If they were we would still be running shuttles or replaced them with something new. Besos is only interested in himself. Trump met with MUSK.
POTUS calls him Tim Apple. Apple is one of the most evil companies in the world. Hates trump but Apple for some reason built a huge factory here. Foxconn did the same.
Taiwan has all of the worlds Intellectual property if china got ahold of.
I would bet money all of the intellectual property chip fabs logistics has all been relocated. The deal I would think is if china let us pack our shit and leave we would let them have Taiwan. It makes sense with the clusterfuck that is our president china would not have waited.
Heroin (opiates)
We are in a crisis with opiate overdose and all drugs for that matter. The progressives think it’s ok for people to shit and live on the street so they don’t care. POTUS had to listen to countless stories of dying children from parents. Afghanistan supplies or supplies the worlds opiates. The taliban know it’s evil they destroy the poppy fields. POTUS said he wants countries to work their own way run themselves as they see fit. Nobodyy y here actually gives a fuck about the taliban. Why the botched withdrawal? It was their honey hole. Biden did not give the order. What if I told you that the Americans that were left behind were CIA. Cutting and running unexpectedly the Biden admin had no clue but they had to own it or admit to not running anything. Shutting down the airbase creating a clusterfuck prevented the cia to take control. Americans left. Nobody is axing about them. (Axing is my diversity word) where are all the feel good stories from the Biden admin showing trapped Americans finally coming home. China took control after we left. J believe it was to fill the vacuum created with us leaving. Cut the cia control.
That leaves COVID. The cia had biolabs everywhere. We can either believe it was real or have to let it play out. POTUS accelerated it. It could not be stopped. It was a new world order prep for 2030 great reset. It was sloppy. They took control of our enemies by using their plan against them. Think about it. Nothing and nobody was ready. They had to sell it to the world anything less would expose them. Remember when POTUS announced the jab we’re ready? Biden won… so fuckit run the op give everyone the vax. They didn’t need it anymore.
That is all I have to say
That's it?
Why did Nancy Pelosi, make it her business, to visit Taiwan in August of last year??
To check on her laundry. She does hers through Taiwan just like NewScum, Schiff, and the rest of the dirty west coast politicians and Hollywood.
The Boss told us what was gonna happen.
Have you seen the military movement going on in major cities around the US lately? I think the economy is going to shit in a few weeks and they are quietly getting ready.
Didn’t the State Department warn US citizens to leave Taiwan- could’ve sworn I read that somewhere on GAW
See the other articles I linked Anon. You must really learn to read the whole post! 😒
My bad …
These Biden officials are dangerously incompetent. It's plainly obvious that they don't know how to negotiate or the "Art of the Deal". They have naive and dangerous understanding of foreign affairs. Yes, it's that bad. Blinken just announced a 'carrot' to the CCP in a desperate attempt to get China to remain within the uni-polar Rothschild world order. The problem is Russia from the very beginning has supported China's sovereignty over Taiwan. Blinken is too naive to understand that pandering to the CCP will gain the US nothing. This Administration doesn't understand the real goal of the CCP..... and its not good for the United States.
What is China in terms to uni-polar vs. multi-polar ideology?
I'm using 'uni-polar' as the ideology of maintaining the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world as part of the Rothschild fractional reserve banking system. The central bank of China is a Rothschild bank. It was the Rothschild's who funded Mao Zedong's communist takeover of China. For nearly 40 years former Federal Reserve Chairmen from the time of Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, Benjamin Bernanke, to Janet Yellen have all advocated removing the reserve currency status from the United States to China. This has been echoed by the heads of the World Bank and the IMF. along with others. From this, it is evident that the Rothschild fractional reserve banking system wants China to be the world's reserve currency. In addition, Chinese has initiated the digital yuan and has already has an Orwellian social credit score system that's well entrenched. There should be no doubt that China is well positioned to be the world reserve currency for the Rothschild's Central Bank's Digital Currency.
China is also a BRICS member, which is contrary to the uni-polar Rothschild central bank digital currency. BRICS was set up to break the monopolistic control over finance and free governments from Rothschild financial leverage. BRICS was also set up to have superior inflationary/deflationary control over the existing fiat system. All members agreed to back the currency with 50% gold reserves. Russia is the force behind establishing BRICS and have been steadfastly setting up the infrastructure for it to be a success. Russia is the only member that has ended its relationship with the Rothschild fractional reserve banking system and is fully on-board the BRICS banking system. All other members have Rothschild central banks and are part of the fractional reserve banking system. It's most likely that BRICS will be a digital currency as well. The question is when will these other governments of BRICS end their relationship with the Rothschild central banks? What is keeping them from getting on-board? This leads me back to China. They certainly need to answer these questions too.
What is China's intent?
They are sitting on the fence. Both the CBDC and BRICS are looking to China as being a strategic partner. Let's look at a CCP speech that was given that provides us a clue to China'a real intentions.
The following was leaked from a speech given by the Chinese Defense Minister Mr. Chi Haotian in 2005.
In the speech Chi Haotian set out the CCP’s strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare for a future massive Chinese colonization.
Foremost to the CCP is to destroy the United States economically in order to rule over it. In terms of uni-polar and multi-polar financial ideology, these are mere tools in doing so.
My thoughtful, carefully considered reply:
How about you just come and try to get it, you primitive fucking yellow bastards. This country has about one gun for every two or three chinks on the planet. We'll happily slaughter a couple billion of you useless eaters without a second thought and grind your lifeless corpses into food for our loving dogs and cats. Fuck you commie pieces of shit all the way down deep into the bowels of hell.
There, I cleaned that up quite a bit for the board :) Me no like no commies
Something has to happen to uncover and squash the biolab and human trafficking massive-scale problem that is Taiwan. White hats/Alliance well aware and that includes Putin and some say, Xi. If true, then this is all going to play out in accordance. Things aren't as they seem. We are not going to be "at war with China" over them reclaiming Taiwan. It's just supposed to look like we are, IMHO. Can't we get our computer chips someplace else? Really. Monopolies are no good.
A lot of American companies have their products manufactured in Taiwan. An invasion is going to cause problems.
Yes it will. I wonder how long they have….
Watch for June 30th.
Yes because things routinely happen on predicted dates
Agreed…..something big to cancel 4th of July.
Another alert to be very alert about. Something HUGE involving militaries and SCARE events that could possibly happen. Many will be afraid. A select few will know this particular event is either a fake emergency or a planned emergency. Not to be captured by. This is a fake emergency that while inducing real fear, isn't the battle to be concerned about. Although that is happening and has apocalyptic scope.
Yes. That’s what it will look like to the Sheeple at first. But that cover will fail this time I think. The 10 days of darkness I think is to attempt to cover the true seriousness of what is coming.
It's Ten days. Darkness. There is no "of" in the drops with any mention of this. :)
LOL, downvoter needs to research Q drops. I'm just stating the facts man!
Someone postulated NK = N Korea, but there it lies
Only speculation. I looked at the only reference to the word found which is a book "3 Days of Darkness" sold on Amazon with the Darkness spelled Darnkess on the site. It has never been corrected. Hmmm...
Interesting that the book is said to have numerous misspellings throughout and that it is about Armageddon and a man saving a child.
The context of the 'darnkess' post, is that Q was teaching pedes how to read Q comms. This was a lesson that mispelling matters.
Good insights! Thanks for posting.
Question... do you think this would be a real thing where soldiers/civilians actually die? Or is it a staged event (and we'll never know the truth) sort of like that movie, "Wag the Dog"?
How would this play into the possibility that Xi is a white hat? And... is he?
A lot of layers to consider.
A False Flag is a False Flag. Both real and fake pieces move together. Yes, real people will be involved and harmed while Fake News attempts to place false blame.
The events of 9/11 come to mind.
This, but way bigger.
Whew, I never saw that one coming though as a kid. Let's see what happens with the people knowing what we know this time and still unarmed.
I'm bet the US will use its army to protect China while it invades Taiwan.
No. The US is going to posture up like it’s going to do something but it won’t, stating it won’t want to make the blood loss worse.
It's funny that the whole Taiwan/China thing coming up again because a few weeks ago Trump was holding a speech in Massachusetts I believe, it was at a conservative group thing can't remember the name. Well during his speech he brought up how the war with Russia and Ukraine was bad etc, but he also mentioned the war between China and Taiwan. When he said this he said in the past tense like it was already going on. Idk if it was him making the verbal mistake or a Freudian slip up. But I think the Trump team knows China will invade Taiwan.
Conditions will not be favorable for an amphibious invasion in the Straits of Taiwan until October.
China isn’t going to do amphibious. Why has China been testing how close their planes can get, especially their bombers? And again… Bliken will bend our knee.
Ummm When the World Does Get Horrible The Antichrist will Come into play and make 7 Years of Peace so yeah were close to this!