Revelation chapter 6 prophecy is that 1/4 of the inhabitants of the earth will be killed "with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth".....
So the cabal PLAN may be to kill 90%, but the Bible predicts FAILURE to kill that many.
That may have been the original plan but where are we now? A lot of people got their first round of vaxx but the boosted subgroup doesn't even top 20% IIRC.
The human immune system is designed to identify, attack and clear any foreign substance as a pathogen. This would include anything it wasn't born with and anything it did not create. This is a very finely tuned and almost a perfect process.
As a result when your body encounters a pathogen it subsequently begins the process of clearing the pathogen by first gumming up the works in order to buy time for your body to attack, study and create antibodies so that if it ever encounters this pathogen in the future it can more efficiently clear it. Chicken pox for example may cause horrible symptoms the first time you encounter it but through the process of clearing, your body created antibodies and when or if you encounter it in the future, you body immediately identifies it and clears it so quickly you never even realize you were in contact with it.
But what happens when a foreign substance enters the body but the foreign substance is benign?
Your body still follows all the protocols as if it was harmful. As a result you get a snotty and runny nose, mucus in your chest, sneezing and all the other symptoms simply because your body is clearing, what it thinks, is a pathogen. Pollen is a perfect example of a substance the body identifies as harmful but in reality does no harm and is benign. The symptoms of the clearing process may be however depending on the person. Chest congestion if not watched can develop into something more harmful. Chest congestion is caused by the mucus and drainage produced by the clearing process.
Stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this
The immune system has a fail safe for a lot of those false identifications. This mechanism can work through the IgG4 antibody subclass. This subclass instructs the body NOT to react with an immune response to a pathogen it previously identified as harmful. In our example of pollen, it's a good thing. The human eventually develops a tolerance to pollen and may never be bothered by it in the future.
Remember pollen is NOT harmful to human biology.
The spike protein IS harmful.
As a result if the body CREATES the spike protein through the instructions provided by the MRNA shot than it can't possibly be harmful right? Hence IgG4 antigen is created instructing the body NOT to attack and clear it when it encounters it in the future.
At this point your likely realizing the problem.
More MRNA shots leads to a greater amount of IgG4 antigen content in the body leading to an ever increasing inability to clear the spike when a new variant is introduced. Not only will your body NOT clear it properly but also does not create the inflammatory reaction (usually when human realizes somethig is wrong) brought on by the immune response to a pathogen since no immune response took place since it was instructed not to bother the "false identification". Spike protein builds in the body over time destroying organs over time without the human ever being aware the permanent damage is occurring until it's much too late and leads to sudden death and or greatly reduced quality of life and vastly reduced life-span.
Not providing medical advise but it would seem prudent for anyone who has been vaccinated to place themselves on a regiment of known spike protein clearing supplemets.
Don't claim to be a doctor but I did perform a deap dive on this subject as it relates to covid about 2 years ago.
I agree, think about the insane 90+% numbers they were talking about for Israel, Greece. NZ was supposed to be getting up there for 3 shots. I think USA had a stronger level of resistance than most of the rest of ClownWorld.
The 2 billion that are left will be enslaved- pureblood or not. That is their plan, and has been in play for a while.
If you wanted to create an army of workers, who would you want? What kind of people would you keep? Couch potatoes, sheep, gimmedats? No you would want the people who can research, people who can think outside the box, people who can fix things, people who can handle the stress.
Supposing what you're thinking is accurate... I would think they would also orchestrate the global "recovery/reset" to get everything functioning again even playing the saviors and patriots of mankind... so as to get out infront of the masses as if they are organically rising up to lead them. Probably provide 15 min cities and a steady supply of bugs for us...
We're already essentially enslaved, according to some.
What if it's no worse than it already is, except that the place is emptier?
What if they don't get their NWO and we reset their reset?
We get our sovereign nations back. We get gold-backed currency.
They get the rope.
What would life be like if it didn't go the exactly way they planned?
Ever seen a basketball game where the ball is at one end of the court and in the last few seconds it changes to the other end of the court and the underdog wins?
And this is where the serious advances in robotics, AI, computer technologies, genetics and communications fits in. They plan to replace almost all of us with robotics running on AI programs. They can do almost all the jobs we do now. A few slaves will be left, grown in labs and baby farms, to do those things robots are incapable of such as the sex trade and ritual sacrifice. They dont need 2 billion of us, just the 500 million the guidestones stated as the goal.
Have you ever wondered why some techs advance so rapidly and others that actually could aid humanity dont?
I doubt it will play out as planned, but this is along the same lines as much of what I expect them to try. A few things we don't know. What treatments could white hats have ready? Was this component in the military vax? What do ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (or other zinc helpers) do for this strain in those affected? Even better, who has these things ready to go to hand out to their neighbors as the ultimate red pill?
The first to go will be the older folks. They marched lock step into walmart for their free jabb based upon what the MSM was telling them to do. Health care workers were forced to take the jabb or loose their jobs. Old folks will have no health care workers to help them, so they will pass away. Younger folks have discernment and a vast number of them knew the government lies. Plus Fauci looks like a used car salesman. I hope the younger generations took the time to inquire from the older folks on how to survive without electricity. It will get rough and it looks like the winter time is when the dying times begin. Strap in boys and girls. Get right with God and learn RIGHT NOW how to live like our 1800's forefathers. If you don't you will be no better than those folks who took the jabb.
Not all of us. I'm older. Old enough and lucky enough to have been able to retire just weeks before the mandate kicked in for government workers. Even though I absolutely didn't want to and wasn't financially prepared for it. But my heart breaks because my two sons and daughters-in-law all got the vax, and boosters. One while nursing her infant. The bottoms of her feet looked black one day when I visited. Otherwise, she is OK for now. But her dad reported that he was sicker than sick after his first shot. The other son with an older toddler. But even I got rather severe spike sickness for a day after just visiting them shortly after their own shots. I am sure their daughter was affected to some extent as well. And her maternal and supposedly anti-vax grandpa has had continual shingles, as well as something that sounds like Morgellon's, since his one shot, which he stupidly took in order to take a trip to New Orleans. As far as I know, I am the only member of my extended family that did not get the shot. One even posted on FB that only vaxxed people were allowed into her home as guests. My immediate family was a bit more supportive of my decision, but nevertheless vehemently disagreed. Now, my heart breaks every day thinking what might happen to them. Thank God, they are all OK so far. Except for the aforementioned in-law, and my mom. Who suffered micro clotting in her lungs and septicemia that required days of hospitalization, and then subsequent tethering to an oxygen tank for a year or so. We can't really discuss this directly any more, but at least one son and his wife now seem more open, and are willing to take IVM tabs when offered and are open to the theories of the spike demolishing bifidobacteria in their guts and taking measures (see Sabine Hazan interviews, who has a very suspect "presence", although I believe that what she says is accurate). In the end, I am too old to live like our 1800's forefathers, or even like my deceased grandmother. I fully expect to be attacked and killed by a crazed mob at some point. But I hope it goes down different.
Edit: The ones who are waking up are doing so because they all got the "germ" at least once more than me, despite their "protection," and were all sicker for far longer than me. I caught the Omicron variant, two years and three months into this all. While wearing 100% breathable masks in the grocery store, but taking horsepaste prophylactically. Everyone else in my family caught it much earlier, both with the more serious early variants and with the subsequent variants, and were bed-ridden for three or more days, where I was recovered after 26 hours, and that's with several co-morbidities. And they continue to come down with literally every bug that goes around these days. Other than that, praise GOD, they are OK so far. Prayers for all the deceived. Jesus, please come quickly!
I did my best to caution them, with only the most science-backed information, such as anti-body dependent enhancement. Kept away from all the more remote possibilities that might force them to put me in with the "tin-foil hat" crowd. I find that my most powerful tool in getting them to listen at all is to preface it all with "Well, I'm having a really hard time telling the difference between the effects of Covid and the effects of the shot, but this is what I've heard..." That way, it places no blame on anyone, and doesn't come off like I think I'm the be-all and end-all of scientific knowledge. It works. Use it with your loved ones to keep them from boosters!
But if people stop short at the government, when OMG released that blackrock ceo guys buy our government.. they're stupid. Go for blackrock ceo guys first.
LARP... because there is no virus strain. They don't NEED strains, or bacteria, infections, etc..... all that is truly required is the -- IDEA -- of some "virus".
if the people retaliate against the scum that is behind all of this, it will not result in a "viral outbreak". it will result in these people being searched for & destroyed. that will only happen if the people want justice bad enough.... or if they'll sit around & wait for their corrupt "representatives" to do anything about it, which of whom were just as much part of this problem as big pharma & their "elite" slave masters.
This isn't the first time something like this has surfaced....
But we already know the long list of diseases and effects caused by getting just one of the death Jabs, and then the subsequent ""Boosters"" that follow....
I sure wouldn't be at all surprised if we see billions dying in the next couple years, or should I say, I Expect that to happen....
I didn't get the jab or even test, but I donated plasma 30 or so times 2020-2022 and my wife had 3 jabs... I'm avoiding medical as much as possible now. I broke my collarbone and face (minor fracture) in 2020 no needles. Broke my fingers this year and only local anesthesia was jabbed.
"fallout from the 3 billion deaths cause of 2 billon deathsas a result of 3 billion? Meaning, disease from dead bodies piling up, despair, suicide, or what? Starvation?
How about loss of skilled workers to repair infrastructure, manage sewage and garbage, repair gas lines, grow food, operate machinery....those are huge losses and civilization killers. Them comes the unsanitary cinditions and roving bands of thugs looting, pillaging etc...etc.
Yes this, we all take 24/7 indoor plumbing for granted but if I'm reading purkiss's posts right, it doesn't look like SA has 24/7 reliable power or water anymore - and once the infrastructure starts to get shaky there is generally no way back if you have disenfranchised all the repairmen and deferred the maintenance for too long.
There's going to be a lot of "we don't need no fucking men" feminists shitting in the garden soon and eating their words if the predicted level of die off happens.
I wonder what it's like in Ukraine now that most of the healthy men between ages 17 and 60 have been vaporised by Russian arty - wonder how Ukrainian women are managing they don't have anyo men to change the lightbulbs for them.
This plan ended the day the Lord struck down the Georgia guidestones.
Exactly. It reminds me of that Bible verse talking about men making plans and what God thinks of those plans.
Worth considering.
Revelation chapter 6 prophecy is that 1/4 of the inhabitants of the earth will be killed "with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth".....
So the cabal PLAN may be to kill 90%, but the Bible predicts FAILURE to kill that many.
Thanks for that thoughtful reply. Totally agree.
That may have been the original plan but where are we now? A lot of people got their first round of vaxx but the boosted subgroup doesn't even top 20% IIRC.
Operation Warp Speed
Let them.
It's their bed.
Sounds like a plan they would make. Thanks for the info.
IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an immune-mediated condition, meaning that it involves the occurrence of disease in organs as the result of an abnormally regulated immune system.
The human immune system is designed to identify, attack and clear any foreign substance as a pathogen. This would include anything it wasn't born with and anything it did not create. This is a very finely tuned and almost a perfect process.
As a result when your body encounters a pathogen it subsequently begins the process of clearing the pathogen by first gumming up the works in order to buy time for your body to attack, study and create antibodies so that if it ever encounters this pathogen in the future it can more efficiently clear it. Chicken pox for example may cause horrible symptoms the first time you encounter it but through the process of clearing, your body created antibodies and when or if you encounter it in the future, you body immediately identifies it and clears it so quickly you never even realize you were in contact with it.
But what happens when a foreign substance enters the body but the foreign substance is benign?
Your body still follows all the protocols as if it was harmful. As a result you get a snotty and runny nose, mucus in your chest, sneezing and all the other symptoms simply because your body is clearing, what it thinks, is a pathogen. Pollen is a perfect example of a substance the body identifies as harmful but in reality does no harm and is benign. The symptoms of the clearing process may be however depending on the person. Chest congestion if not watched can develop into something more harmful. Chest congestion is caused by the mucus and drainage produced by the clearing process.
Stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this
The immune system has a fail safe for a lot of those false identifications. This mechanism can work through the IgG4 antibody subclass. This subclass instructs the body NOT to react with an immune response to a pathogen it previously identified as harmful. In our example of pollen, it's a good thing. The human eventually develops a tolerance to pollen and may never be bothered by it in the future.
Remember pollen is NOT harmful to human biology.
The spike protein IS harmful.
As a result if the body CREATES the spike protein through the instructions provided by the MRNA shot than it can't possibly be harmful right? Hence IgG4 antigen is created instructing the body NOT to attack and clear it when it encounters it in the future.
At this point your likely realizing the problem.
More MRNA shots leads to a greater amount of IgG4 antigen content in the body leading to an ever increasing inability to clear the spike when a new variant is introduced. Not only will your body NOT clear it properly but also does not create the inflammatory reaction (usually when human realizes somethig is wrong) brought on by the immune response to a pathogen since no immune response took place since it was instructed not to bother the "false identification". Spike protein builds in the body over time destroying organs over time without the human ever being aware the permanent damage is occurring until it's much too late and leads to sudden death and or greatly reduced quality of life and vastly reduced life-span.
Not providing medical advise but it would seem prudent for anyone who has been vaccinated to place themselves on a regiment of known spike protein clearing supplemets.
Don't claim to be a doctor but I did perform a deap dive on this subject as it relates to covid about 2 years ago.
I see what you did there.....
Yeah, remember Bill and Melinda talking about next virus and our attention?
Bill and Melinda Gates - Next Pandemic Will Get Our Attention:
Well, I can't speak to the veracity of these claims, but I did find this:
Serum IgG4 level predicts COVID-19 related mortality
Well that is pretty on point. IgG
What are the chances?
Nowhere near that many people got 4 boosters. That said, lower doses might still make it more deadly.
Are you sure? Do we have European vax numbers? Asia?
I agree, think about the insane 90+% numbers they were talking about for Israel, Greece. NZ was supposed to be getting up there for 3 shots. I think USA had a stronger level of resistance than most of the rest of ClownWorld.
I can sort of believe it, but then who will cook and clean for these elites? Who will repair the infrastructure they rely on?
If all governments are overturned, what will replace them? There needs to be a system for standards and to facilitate trade.
What might their plans be for the Purebloods who aren't elite?
The 2 billion that are left will be enslaved- pureblood or not. That is their plan, and has been in play for a while.
If you wanted to create an army of workers, who would you want? What kind of people would you keep? Couch potatoes, sheep, gimmedats? No you would want the people who can research, people who can think outside the box, people who can fix things, people who can handle the stress.
Supposing what you're thinking is accurate... I would think they would also orchestrate the global "recovery/reset" to get everything functioning again even playing the saviors and patriots of mankind... so as to get out infront of the masses as if they are organically rising up to lead them. Probably provide 15 min cities and a steady supply of bugs for us...
Yup, bugs and everything. Our saviours
We're already essentially enslaved, according to some.
What if it's no worse than it already is, except that the place is emptier?
What if they don't get their NWO and we reset their reset?
We get our sovereign nations back. We get gold-backed currency.
They get the rope.
What would life be like if it didn't go the exactly way they planned?
Ever seen a basketball game where the ball is at one end of the court and in the last few seconds it changes to the other end of the court and the underdog wins?
We have to reset the reset, there is no plan b except servitude.
And this is where the serious advances in robotics, AI, computer technologies, genetics and communications fits in. They plan to replace almost all of us with robotics running on AI programs. They can do almost all the jobs we do now. A few slaves will be left, grown in labs and baby farms, to do those things robots are incapable of such as the sex trade and ritual sacrifice. They dont need 2 billion of us, just the 500 million the guidestones stated as the goal.
Have you ever wondered why some techs advance so rapidly and others that actually could aid humanity dont?
Check out 'When Harley was One' by David Gerrald published in 1972.. for a AI story of note..
probably a larp but these days the larp-est things are real
Sounds plausible from the sick puppy's!
Im no expert, but I can say I have learned a lot of gold nuggets entertaining business associates and others who get a little toasty and over share!
I doubt it will play out as planned, but this is along the same lines as much of what I expect them to try. A few things we don't know. What treatments could white hats have ready? Was this component in the military vax? What do ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (or other zinc helpers) do for this strain in those affected? Even better, who has these things ready to go to hand out to their neighbors as the ultimate red pill?
The first to go will be the older folks. They marched lock step into walmart for their free jabb based upon what the MSM was telling them to do. Health care workers were forced to take the jabb or loose their jobs. Old folks will have no health care workers to help them, so they will pass away. Younger folks have discernment and a vast number of them knew the government lies. Plus Fauci looks like a used car salesman. I hope the younger generations took the time to inquire from the older folks on how to survive without electricity. It will get rough and it looks like the winter time is when the dying times begin. Strap in boys and girls. Get right with God and learn RIGHT NOW how to live like our 1800's forefathers. If you don't you will be no better than those folks who took the jabb.
Not all of us. I'm older. Old enough and lucky enough to have been able to retire just weeks before the mandate kicked in for government workers. Even though I absolutely didn't want to and wasn't financially prepared for it. But my heart breaks because my two sons and daughters-in-law all got the vax, and boosters. One while nursing her infant. The bottoms of her feet looked black one day when I visited. Otherwise, she is OK for now. But her dad reported that he was sicker than sick after his first shot. The other son with an older toddler. But even I got rather severe spike sickness for a day after just visiting them shortly after their own shots. I am sure their daughter was affected to some extent as well. And her maternal and supposedly anti-vax grandpa has had continual shingles, as well as something that sounds like Morgellon's, since his one shot, which he stupidly took in order to take a trip to New Orleans. As far as I know, I am the only member of my extended family that did not get the shot. One even posted on FB that only vaxxed people were allowed into her home as guests. My immediate family was a bit more supportive of my decision, but nevertheless vehemently disagreed. Now, my heart breaks every day thinking what might happen to them. Thank God, they are all OK so far. Except for the aforementioned in-law, and my mom. Who suffered micro clotting in her lungs and septicemia that required days of hospitalization, and then subsequent tethering to an oxygen tank for a year or so. We can't really discuss this directly any more, but at least one son and his wife now seem more open, and are willing to take IVM tabs when offered and are open to the theories of the spike demolishing bifidobacteria in their guts and taking measures (see Sabine Hazan interviews, who has a very suspect "presence", although I believe that what she says is accurate). In the end, I am too old to live like our 1800's forefathers, or even like my deceased grandmother. I fully expect to be attacked and killed by a crazed mob at some point. But I hope it goes down different.
Edit: The ones who are waking up are doing so because they all got the "germ" at least once more than me, despite their "protection," and were all sicker for far longer than me. I caught the Omicron variant, two years and three months into this all. While wearing 100% breathable masks in the grocery store, but taking horsepaste prophylactically. Everyone else in my family caught it much earlier, both with the more serious early variants and with the subsequent variants, and were bed-ridden for three or more days, where I was recovered after 26 hours, and that's with several co-morbidities. And they continue to come down with literally every bug that goes around these days. Other than that, praise GOD, they are OK so far. Prayers for all the deceived. Jesus, please come quickly!
I did my best to caution them, with only the most science-backed information, such as anti-body dependent enhancement. Kept away from all the more remote possibilities that might force them to put me in with the "tin-foil hat" crowd. I find that my most powerful tool in getting them to listen at all is to preface it all with "Well, I'm having a really hard time telling the difference between the effects of Covid and the effects of the shot, but this is what I've heard..." That way, it places no blame on anyone, and doesn't come off like I think I'm the be-all and end-all of scientific knowledge. It works. Use it with your loved ones to keep them from boosters!
TLDR: Read the last paragraph, if you actually love your loved ones.
Some of us lived thru Fauci's HIV bullshit and saw the evil lying snake for what he is-
Very worried if this IGG3 -> IGG4 response will cause increase mortality, and even more worried that it seems plausible
I don't know
But if people stop short at the government, when OMG released that blackrock ceo guys buy our government.. they're stupid. Go for blackrock ceo guys first.
LARP... because there is no virus strain. They don't NEED strains, or bacteria, infections, etc..... all that is truly required is the -- IDEA -- of some "virus".
if the people retaliate against the scum that is behind all of this, it will not result in a "viral outbreak". it will result in these people being searched for & destroyed. that will only happen if the people want justice bad enough.... or if they'll sit around & wait for their corrupt "representatives" to do anything about it, which of whom were just as much part of this problem as big pharma & their "elite" slave masters.
This isn't the first time something like this has surfaced....
But we already know the long list of diseases and effects caused by getting just one of the death Jabs, and then the subsequent ""Boosters"" that follow....
I sure wouldn't be at all surprised if we see billions dying in the next couple years, or should I say, I Expect that to happen....
Sooz, nothing about this is surprising. Evil bastards.
At this point who knows? Q would not tell us if this was the case... We are almost 6 months in and late 2023 will be RSN.
I didn't get the jab or even test, but I donated plasma 30 or so times 2020-2022 and my wife had 3 jabs... I'm avoiding medical as much as possible now. I broke my collarbone and face (minor fracture) in 2020 no needles. Broke my fingers this year and only local anesthesia was jabbed.
If one of those got me I'm screwed... Kek,
Probably well worth reading this.........
Yes I know it's Wiki, but also well worth the read imho.
cool story bro
"fallout from the 3 billion deaths cause of 2 billon deathsas a result of 3 billion? Meaning, disease from dead bodies piling up, despair, suicide, or what? Starvation?
How about loss of skilled workers to repair infrastructure, manage sewage and garbage, repair gas lines, grow food, operate machinery....those are huge losses and civilization killers. Them comes the unsanitary cinditions and roving bands of thugs looting, pillaging etc...etc.
Yes this, we all take 24/7 indoor plumbing for granted but if I'm reading purkiss's posts right, it doesn't look like SA has 24/7 reliable power or water anymore - and once the infrastructure starts to get shaky there is generally no way back if you have disenfranchised all the repairmen and deferred the maintenance for too long.
There's going to be a lot of "we don't need no fucking men" feminists shitting in the garden soon and eating their words if the predicted level of die off happens.
I wonder what it's like in Ukraine now that most of the healthy men between ages 17 and 60 have been vaporised by Russian arty - wonder how Ukrainian women are managing they don't have anyo men to change the lightbulbs for them.