I'm an older person who's been awake for decades, and have known few people like me IRW -- still, really -- but the internet and especially, in the past few years, THIS site has made me feel more part of a family in regards my "awake" view of the world than I'd experienced previously.
Also, GA and the clear increase in the number of normies who are waking up around the world makes me believe that a global sense of brotherhood is building -- and that's an important thing. In the background of all the obvious destruction and evil we see, the world is changing for the better.
I'm an older person who's been awake for decades, and have known few people like me IRW
Same. Ruby Ridge and Waco were enough to wake me out of my youthful slumber.
To my friends at university, I was the crazy conspiracy theorist who believed the government was pushing Y2K fear hoping to trigger some crazies so they'd have an excuse to take away our constitutional rights.
I'm probably one of the few Americans who read Joe Biden's Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 and sounded the alarm. This legislation narrowly failed but the Patriot Act is mostly a carbon copy.
With 9/11, they finally had the excuse to push it on an unsuspecting public.
Yes, and it seems to get worse as time goes on. I've lost touch with friends and acquaintances, and I moved to a new area where I don't know anyone and don't seem to click with anyone I've met. But it's forcing me to look inward and talk to God more, and also spend more time in nature and with my animals, so in that way, it's been a positive.
I have a girlfriend who is all about natural health and child development, met in an unvaxxed group, she supports my newfound Christian path, and even supports a lot of the more obvious conspiracy facts out there. Due to her child development and education background she seems to like my intent and beliefs on traditional family, and my intent on exposing and destroying the child trafficking syndicates in my small way.
But I find it hard to distill and disseminate a lot of info to her outside of the more public war of stories, and find it hard to relate things to her through the Q lens... Partially because it would take more explanation and linking than is necessary for her to grasp the general gist of the War of Stories, and also because while I love talking about this stuff with her and she is receptive, I also feel the need as her man to not mentally overburden her with too much of it.
I appreciate what she brings to the table in terms of being a calm to MY mental storm, since I've spent years "in the trenches of the info war" and it can certainly be overwhelming and taxing at times.
I definitely feel that loneliness sometimes, a year ago more so, but I'm mostly a solitary guy. Though she helps me reconnect with my humanity and human spirit rather than be lost in the fog of an info war... And thus paradoxically keeps me engaged in it since I feel I have something concrete and immediately tangible and human to fight for.
The burden of this info war is lessened when shared with you frens though. Even though opinions can differ and mental states can often fray, and not everyone is doing as well as others on certain days, I feel sure that the net effect is that we lift each other up, and that our combined consciousness has a net positive effect on the ultimate fate of humanity.
Re: the Q stuff...I was lucky...my husband was a longhauler on irc and 4chan for decades. So he caught on to q right at its birth and spoonfed it to myself and my daughters from day 1. A year ago he had several strokes and with it comes quite alot of amnesia/dementia. So now one of the kids and myself are spoonfeeding it back to him like it's brand new. Weird. Apart from a couple of the kids, though, it is quite like yelling into a canyon when it comes to ALL the vastness of info in thr awakening. I'm just glad we have what we have between us.
My deepest sympathies for what your husband is facing. He is blessed to have a wise family who loves him, just as I'm sure you are blessed by his presence in your life.
I appreciate what she brings to the table in terms of being a calm to MY mental storm, since I've spent years "in the trenches of the info war" and it can certainly be overwhelming and taxing at times.
I definitely feel that loneliness sometimes, a year ago more so, but I'm mostly a solitary guy. Though she helps me reconnect with my humanity and human spirit rather than be lost in the fog of an info war... And thus paradoxically keeps me engaged in it since I feel I have something concrete and immediately tangible and human to fight for.
I'm happy for you that you have a good woman in your life, who is helpful in this regard (and in many others, I am sure). It really IS true that a a connection like this completes us, makes us in some ways into a single organism, and lightens the load for both partners. That's one reason it takes so much malicious propaganda to sell the idea of non-heterosexuality: nature's way (God's way, if you prefer) is what we are made for, and when we get it right it's a serious blessing.
Same except I am fortunate to have a husband who is like minded. He's a great sounding board. We have each other but I think everyone else thinks we're cray-cray.
Also, I won't apologize for being a Christian. Christianity is not a dirty word, God is real, and miracles exist. They are more numerous in my own life than I can begin to account for. May every man, woman, and child feel and understand the grace of God before this is over.
This reminds me. Last week there was a young security guard (25 year old young man awake) at a California grocery store. I told Him he must be pretty board since California allows thugs to steal anything without consequences. He then began to tell me about the pedos, how fake the jabs were. We talked about adrenachrome and lots of other stuff. He then said it sure was nice to talk to someone who knew what he knew. It put a big smile on my face because there seems to be more than we think awake.
Where We Go One We Go All, together frens. We frogs are never alone in our pond. Ever! Always here for each one of you. I’m always around and just a message away.
Sure - it feels fucking weird to seem like one of the only ones who "gets it" in my area... but, at the same time, one connection, one conversation, one text or call where a single person I attempted to red pill comes back to me on their own and asks more questions makes it all worth it.
My wife, kids, and family are largely on my side now. I've spent years red pilling them. I suppose I'm lucky that I was able to succeed here.
But in terms of my old friends, minus a select few critical thinkers, it does feel somewhat lonely considering they are so quick to buy back into the MSM hype each week. But at the same time I feel like this mental tractor beam is weakening with each attempt.
Hold the line friend.
We're here for you. There are more of us vs. them. We will win. I guarantee it.
Ya I totally agree. I feel sad too when I try to connect with frens on here. I try to invite people to virtual Bible Studies, Q/patriot discussion groups and even in-person meetups, but no one wants to seem to get past their anonymous lifestyle. I just don’t have any real friends who are at the same level of awake as I am and I just want to talk to someone sometimes about what is happening, but I only have a computer and digital comms to do it but it’s not enough. it isn’t what God wanted for us. He didn’t want us hanging out “online.” He wanting us in a true community with real human interaction not digital only. It sucks. So if anyone wants a real friendship with a based real person and have real conversations let me know. I’m not afraid to give someone my phone number or do a zoom call. But I think I’m in the minority.
Tomorrow I’m going to test out my hypothesis that no one wants to really connect. Hopefully I’m wrong. Tomorrow I am going to try once again to startup a regular zoom/phone call with a single, or hopefully, multiple frens who want to talk to a based human or see a based human on a zoom/phone call.
My guess is I will get zero interactions and no one will have the courage to connect with me/others. So if you read this, be on the lookout for my other post tomorrow. I want more than just internet “friends.” Maybe it’s just me tho.
I doubt she/anyone cares but here's an infowar tip: Don't dox allies, Don't connect their anon to their person.
Now text-scrubbing AI can register: anon A = father to anon B.
A million more connections like that and we'll get mapped out just as hard as ANTIFA was!
I guess I meant....well when you wander around in the world outside of the internetwebs... hard to talk to people, let alone relate to them anymore. Ya bring up one of our usual subjects, and they look at ya like there's an ear growing out of your elbow. Like talking into the void. And everyone(EVERYONE!!!) is oversensitive. To the dumbest things. My husband used to fantasize about a cabin 50 miles from civilization. Now, I think he was right. At least then I'd have an excuse to feel lonely.
Nah. How can it be lonely when in reality we are the majority?
The MSM would have you believe we are the minority, or the country is split 50/50 but that's a load of garbage.
I'd wager America's actual poll and popularity percentages towards 45 are similar to Russia's relating to Putin. The same MSM tells you Putin's popularity is "fake news, he doesn't have 80+% approval consistently." My frens, he totally does. If anyone has ever been to Russia, or hell... Just knows Russian normies they can dispel any doubts.
Trump has similar metrics considering opinion polls. Shizzz.... How many polls have we flipped at this point? We. Are. The. Majority.
Odd, for being the majority, we seem to be few and far between irl.
This isn't the first post like this I've ever seen. It's the norm. People get so excited over encountering an Anon irl, they run here and tell everyone all about it.
So where are all these hidden Anons? Because they sure as shit aren't anywhere to be found near me.
Not so much lonely but exhausted with the meaningless small talk drivel of those still stuck in the goo, when there is so much real shit to engage. I kinda feel sorry for the matrix dwellers, just hope I will be able to help a few cope after they have their oh shit moment of clarity and begin awakening.
This is a great thread with so many great comments and experiences. I don't know who to respond to b/c there are so many ways I relate. But it is lonely and I wish I had more people IRL to talk to.
This site helps, but it often feels outside it I am alone in a crowded room. That heaven for God almighty and my faith in him, and bless this site, else I'd probably be insane by now
All of you Christians can save it. Seriously. I respect your beliefs. Try to respect mine. Not one word. It’s my turn. For the most part, I’m on your side, but can you please refrain from proselytizing for one minute? (Many Christians have tried over the years and it always comes across as disingenuous.)
As an avowed atheist, I already lived in a crazy world. I lived in a world of “miracles” without any proof.
Now that I am awake, and especially since my wife is asleep, things are much harder.
Big Pharma and Big Med are dead to me. My previous career was in medicine.
I’m fully awake to the Uniparty and the Deep State. I’m fully awake to the globohomos.
I live in a world where most people failed the greatest IQ test in 100 years; they got vaccinated for COVID.
I live in a world that believes the propaganda of the MSM.
I feel alone for the most part. I just want to shake people to wake them up. Every time I see another “droid” in the grocery store with a mask on, I just give them the stink eye and shake my head.
At least my brother is on the same page as me; though he is a Christian to a limited degree.
Yes, I feel alone. But that’s their point. I have news for them though. My “FUCK YOU” is greater than any of their propaganda and sickness. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! Trump said it right.
I was half way around the world (on a diving drip on a boat) that put in to a small island for supplies. A few of us went on to the beach to chill.
The Sun was starting to set, I was sitting cross legged looking out to sea at the edge of the surf on beach of pristine white sand, not even a tide line. There were no stones or any objects on this beach. Pristine.
As I sat there I was filled with an immense calm and sense of peace, and I wished that I had some way of remembering that moment forever.
The very next second, and unusually large wave moves over me, coming up to my chest and slightly rocks me backwards, but not violently. When it receded I realise I am holding something in my right hand, which had been resting, palms up, on my knee.
In my hand was a small piece of smoothly worn blue and white coral, about 3cm across. Remember, this beach was pristine.
The odds of a piece of coral, small enough to fit in my palm and totally smooth, that could drop into my palm (a very small area when compared to the entire beach) is astronomically small.
When you couple that with it being delivered at a height of 1ft above the sand by a wave that was about a foot above any other wave I had felt before or after that point in time (I had been sitting there for about 1/2 hour) it makes it even less likely.
Then factor in that this all happened immediately after having the thought that I would like some way to remember such a special moment.
That piece of coral is my most treasured posession, and every time I hold it it calms my mind and reminds me immediately of that immense inner peace I found in that moment,mhalf way around the world.
Now try and convince me that wasn't a gift from God :)
My favorite proselytizing story was when one day, sitting on campus, minding my own business, a guy approached me and said he was doing a survey. Then he asked me about my childhood and Easter. So I talked about Easter egg hunts, etc. Finally I realized he wanted to know about my church experience, not the Easter bunny stuff. I burst out laughing because I thought it was a dishonest and stupid evangelism technique. So he then thought I was high on dope because it appeared to him that I was laughing about nothing . . .
So he lost his opportunity to explain the gospel to me. And he DID have opportunity because I was more or less his captive audience, and would have listened to his spiel, just because I knew I didn't know the gospel and was open to hearing an explanation.
Well, several years later, God somehow personally showed me the gospel, by revealing Biblical truth to me in a spontaneous spiritual event totally apart from the preaching of man. The preaching aspect took place when I re-started church a few weeks later, voluntarily. By that time, I really had had no desire to become a Christian.
You just never know, fren . . .
For my awakening schedule, first I understood about Christ, later I understood there are false churches, and last of all, I understood about political fakery.
If you mean dogmatic religion, I agree with you to an extent. Whilst I feel the Bible had many useful teaches I am reminded of the line delivered by Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon.
"It is like a finger pointing to the Moon. Don't focus on the ringer, or you will miss all that heavenly glory."
i.e. Religious texts are supposed to be signposts, not the be-all and end-all.
Was George Washington lonely when his army was all but defeated at the Alamo?
Nothing is over or 'lonely" until we decide its over or we are lonely (were not).
Were we lonely when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
If you are Feeling lonely, then Decide that it's GO TIME!
(In other words, screw your feelings, you are NOT alone. You listen to the paid mockingbirds too much. The MAJORITY is on your side.)
I will add, that “movement” isn’t something, in relation to this community as something I fully subscribe to. But I will express this, loneliness and joy are both different things that are one, as two sides of the coin. Without light, there is no darkness.
Since my “great awakening”, or what I would call “death without dying”, I have not only been the most joyous with life and all of its gifts, I also accept and acknowledge the loneliness that at times, visits me. And quite frankly, that is one part of living.
I tell people we're existing in the same world but on a totally different level. I feel we have total clarity while the normies are floating around in a bubble of propaganda and lies. We are Nada in They live.
Have not felt lonely since I found this site, with so many frens of like mind. Not sure where I would be otherwise.
I concur, Cap'n. Also, this site has helped to further wake up several people I know.
Not a bot, no.
I'm an older person who's been awake for decades, and have known few people like me IRW -- still, really -- but the internet and especially, in the past few years, THIS site has made me feel more part of a family in regards my "awake" view of the world than I'd experienced previously.
Also, GA and the clear increase in the number of normies who are waking up around the world makes me believe that a global sense of brotherhood is building -- and that's an important thing. In the background of all the obvious destruction and evil we see, the world is changing for the better.
You bet brother 💯
Same. Ruby Ridge and Waco were enough to wake me out of my youthful slumber.
To my friends at university, I was the crazy conspiracy theorist who believed the government was pushing Y2K fear hoping to trigger some crazies so they'd have an excuse to take away our constitutional rights.
I'm probably one of the few Americans who read Joe Biden's Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 and sounded the alarm. This legislation narrowly failed but the Patriot Act is mostly a carbon copy.
With 9/11, they finally had the excuse to push it on an unsuspecting public.
Isn't that what a bot would say? 🤔🤣
Me not bot, you not bot too?
Yes, and it seems to get worse as time goes on. I've lost touch with friends and acquaintances, and I moved to a new area where I don't know anyone and don't seem to click with anyone I've met. But it's forcing me to look inward and talk to God more, and also spend more time in nature and with my animals, so in that way, it's been a positive.
I agree w/u about God and nature.
I have a girlfriend who is all about natural health and child development, met in an unvaxxed group, she supports my newfound Christian path, and even supports a lot of the more obvious conspiracy facts out there. Due to her child development and education background she seems to like my intent and beliefs on traditional family, and my intent on exposing and destroying the child trafficking syndicates in my small way.
But I find it hard to distill and disseminate a lot of info to her outside of the more public war of stories, and find it hard to relate things to her through the Q lens... Partially because it would take more explanation and linking than is necessary for her to grasp the general gist of the War of Stories, and also because while I love talking about this stuff with her and she is receptive, I also feel the need as her man to not mentally overburden her with too much of it.
I appreciate what she brings to the table in terms of being a calm to MY mental storm, since I've spent years "in the trenches of the info war" and it can certainly be overwhelming and taxing at times.
I definitely feel that loneliness sometimes, a year ago more so, but I'm mostly a solitary guy. Though she helps me reconnect with my humanity and human spirit rather than be lost in the fog of an info war... And thus paradoxically keeps me engaged in it since I feel I have something concrete and immediately tangible and human to fight for.
The burden of this info war is lessened when shared with you frens though. Even though opinions can differ and mental states can often fray, and not everyone is doing as well as others on certain days, I feel sure that the net effect is that we lift each other up, and that our combined consciousness has a net positive effect on the ultimate fate of humanity.
WWG1WGA, God bless you frens in Jesus's name.
Re: the Q stuff...I was lucky...my husband was a longhauler on irc and 4chan for decades. So he caught on to q right at its birth and spoonfed it to myself and my daughters from day 1. A year ago he had several strokes and with it comes quite alot of amnesia/dementia. So now one of the kids and myself are spoonfeeding it back to him like it's brand new. Weird. Apart from a couple of the kids, though, it is quite like yelling into a canyon when it comes to ALL the vastness of info in thr awakening. I'm just glad we have what we have between us.
Praying for his complete recovery! 🙏
Thanks so much. God bless.
You, too fren. ☝️🙌
My deepest sympathies for what your husband is facing. He is blessed to have a wise family who loves him, just as I'm sure you are blessed by his presence in your life.
Sending you all love and prayers.
Bless you.
Sounds like stroke to me. I found out the hard way that if you get ct or mri top soon after the stroke, it comes back neg.
May you both find true happiness! 💞
Thank you so much!
Absolutely. 100%.
I'm happy for you that you have a good woman in your life, who is helpful in this regard (and in many others, I am sure). It really IS true that a a connection like this completes us, makes us in some ways into a single organism, and lightens the load for both partners. That's one reason it takes so much malicious propaganda to sell the idea of non-heterosexuality: nature's way (God's way, if you prefer) is what we are made for, and when we get it right it's a serious blessing.
Check out my other comment in here captain. Lmk if you want to talk for real sometimes. I feel u.
Everyone in my family including my wife think I'm crackers.
Same except I am fortunate to have a husband who is like minded. He's a great sounding board. We have each other but I think everyone else thinks we're cray-cray.
Similar. My mom went down the rabbit hole a while before I did and since I did, it's been nice having something in common.
Also, I won't apologize for being a Christian. Christianity is not a dirty word, God is real, and miracles exist. They are more numerous in my own life than I can begin to account for. May every man, woman, and child feel and understand the grace of God before this is over.
This reminds me. Last week there was a young security guard (25 year old young man awake) at a California grocery store. I told Him he must be pretty board since California allows thugs to steal anything without consequences. He then began to tell me about the pedos, how fake the jabs were. We talked about adrenachrome and lots of other stuff. He then said it sure was nice to talk to someone who knew what he knew. It put a big smile on my face because there seems to be more than we think awake.
It's nice also when they're in their 20s. Thinking about the future.
Lonely? is surrounded by a vocal majority of like-minded autistic frog enthusiasts
Where We Go One We Go All, together frens. We frogs are never alone in our pond. Ever! Always here for each one of you. I’m always around and just a message away.
Yes! Who knows who is real here.
All the AI bots in da house shout 'Aii'
I aint never alone with all thse frens
Yes, and no...
Sure - it feels fucking weird to seem like one of the only ones who "gets it" in my area... but, at the same time, one connection, one conversation, one text or call where a single person I attempted to red pill comes back to me on their own and asks more questions makes it all worth it.
My wife, kids, and family are largely on my side now. I've spent years red pilling them. I suppose I'm lucky that I was able to succeed here.
But in terms of my old friends, minus a select few critical thinkers, it does feel somewhat lonely considering they are so quick to buy back into the MSM hype each week. But at the same time I feel like this mental tractor beam is weakening with each attempt.
Hold the line friend.
We're here for you. There are more of us vs. them. We will win. I guarantee it.
In real life I'm a conspiracy theorist and just plain crazy.
I found Q and y'all in January of 2018 and it made me feel much less alone since then.
Still crazy in real life though.
I dig this. Husband and I met on irc before 911. Two crazies. Two conspiracy theorists. All the kids are same. Wouldn't have it any other way.
So many frogs...
I might be alone, but I'm not lonely.
Jesus has my back, and God gives me strength.
I work Night Shift security, its as lonely as it gets. Good time to catch up on a small portion of all the information flooding the information war.
Sounds peaceful :)
Ya I totally agree. I feel sad too when I try to connect with frens on here. I try to invite people to virtual Bible Studies, Q/patriot discussion groups and even in-person meetups, but no one wants to seem to get past their anonymous lifestyle. I just don’t have any real friends who are at the same level of awake as I am and I just want to talk to someone sometimes about what is happening, but I only have a computer and digital comms to do it but it’s not enough. it isn’t what God wanted for us. He didn’t want us hanging out “online.” He wanting us in a true community with real human interaction not digital only. It sucks. So if anyone wants a real friendship with a based real person and have real conversations let me know. I’m not afraid to give someone my phone number or do a zoom call. But I think I’m in the minority.
Tomorrow I’m going to test out my hypothesis that no one wants to really connect. Hopefully I’m wrong. Tomorrow I am going to try once again to startup a regular zoom/phone call with a single, or hopefully, multiple frens who want to talk to a based human or see a based human on a zoom/phone call.
My guess is I will get zero interactions and no one will have the courage to connect with me/others. So if you read this, be on the lookout for my other post tomorrow. I want more than just internet “friends.” Maybe it’s just me tho.
No, not lonely at all. So many like-minded people here.
I doubt she/anyone cares but here's an infowar tip: Don't dox allies, Don't connect their anon to their person.
Now text-scrubbing AI can register: anon A = father to anon B. A million more connections like that and we'll get mapped out just as hard as ANTIFA was!
I'll get pissed at my dad if he did that with me.
Thanks for that...didn't realize...although she has admitted to me before. Will keep it in mind.
I guess I meant....well when you wander around in the world outside of the internetwebs... hard to talk to people, let alone relate to them anymore. Ya bring up one of our usual subjects, and they look at ya like there's an ear growing out of your elbow. Like talking into the void. And everyone(EVERYONE!!!) is oversensitive. To the dumbest things. My husband used to fantasize about a cabin 50 miles from civilization. Now, I think he was right. At least then I'd have an excuse to feel lonely.
Nah. How can it be lonely when in reality we are the majority?
The MSM would have you believe we are the minority, or the country is split 50/50 but that's a load of garbage.
I'd wager America's actual poll and popularity percentages towards 45 are similar to Russia's relating to Putin. The same MSM tells you Putin's popularity is "fake news, he doesn't have 80+% approval consistently." My frens, he totally does. If anyone has ever been to Russia, or hell... Just knows Russian normies they can dispel any doubts.
Trump has similar metrics considering opinion polls. Shizzz.... How many polls have we flipped at this point? We. Are. The. Majority.
Odd, for being the majority, we seem to be few and far between irl.
This isn't the first post like this I've ever seen. It's the norm. People get so excited over encountering an Anon irl, they run here and tell everyone all about it.
So where are all these hidden Anons? Because they sure as shit aren't anywhere to be found near me.
Not necessarily anons, but conservatives/moderates yes.
Not so much lonely but exhausted with the meaningless small talk drivel of those still stuck in the goo, when there is so much real shit to engage. I kinda feel sorry for the matrix dwellers, just hope I will be able to help a few cope after they have their oh shit moment of clarity and begin awakening.
I’m definitely considered the mildly racist conspiracy tard by some members of my family
When it comes to racism, I'm with Chappelle on that one. There are black people, and then there are uppity black people by another name.
To many kids at home to be lonely, or get much peace.
This is a great thread with so many great comments and experiences. I don't know who to respond to b/c there are so many ways I relate. But it is lonely and I wish I had more people IRL to talk to.
Not really - all except two people in my family are awake and we only see those 2 once or twice a year.
Very much so......
This site helps, but it often feels outside it I am alone in a crowded room. That heaven for God almighty and my faith in him, and bless this site, else I'd probably be insane by now
All of you Christians can save it. Seriously. I respect your beliefs. Try to respect mine. Not one word. It’s my turn. For the most part, I’m on your side, but can you please refrain from proselytizing for one minute? (Many Christians have tried over the years and it always comes across as disingenuous.)
As an avowed atheist, I already lived in a crazy world. I lived in a world of “miracles” without any proof.
Now that I am awake, and especially since my wife is asleep, things are much harder.
Big Pharma and Big Med are dead to me. My previous career was in medicine.
I’m fully awake to the Uniparty and the Deep State. I’m fully awake to the globohomos.
I live in a world where most people failed the greatest IQ test in 100 years; they got vaccinated for COVID.
I live in a world that believes the propaganda of the MSM.
I feel alone for the most part. I just want to shake people to wake them up. Every time I see another “droid” in the grocery store with a mask on, I just give them the stink eye and shake my head.
At least my brother is on the same page as me; though he is a Christian to a limited degree.
Yes, I feel alone. But that’s their point. I have news for them though. My “FUCK YOU” is greater than any of their propaganda and sickness. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! Trump said it right.
Here's a non-Christian story for you :)
I was half way around the world (on a diving drip on a boat) that put in to a small island for supplies. A few of us went on to the beach to chill.
The Sun was starting to set, I was sitting cross legged looking out to sea at the edge of the surf on beach of pristine white sand, not even a tide line. There were no stones or any objects on this beach. Pristine.
As I sat there I was filled with an immense calm and sense of peace, and I wished that I had some way of remembering that moment forever.
The very next second, and unusually large wave moves over me, coming up to my chest and slightly rocks me backwards, but not violently. When it receded I realise I am holding something in my right hand, which had been resting, palms up, on my knee.
In my hand was a small piece of smoothly worn blue and white coral, about 3cm across. Remember, this beach was pristine.
The odds of a piece of coral, small enough to fit in my palm and totally smooth, that could drop into my palm (a very small area when compared to the entire beach) is astronomically small.
When you couple that with it being delivered at a height of 1ft above the sand by a wave that was about a foot above any other wave I had felt before or after that point in time (I had been sitting there for about 1/2 hour) it makes it even less likely.
Then factor in that this all happened immediately after having the thought that I would like some way to remember such a special moment.
That piece of coral is my most treasured posession, and every time I hold it it calms my mind and reminds me immediately of that immense inner peace I found in that moment,mhalf way around the world.
Now try and convince me that wasn't a gift from God :)
My favorite proselytizing story was when one day, sitting on campus, minding my own business, a guy approached me and said he was doing a survey. Then he asked me about my childhood and Easter. So I talked about Easter egg hunts, etc. Finally I realized he wanted to know about my church experience, not the Easter bunny stuff. I burst out laughing because I thought it was a dishonest and stupid evangelism technique. So he then thought I was high on dope because it appeared to him that I was laughing about nothing . . .
So he lost his opportunity to explain the gospel to me. And he DID have opportunity because I was more or less his captive audience, and would have listened to his spiel, just because I knew I didn't know the gospel and was open to hearing an explanation.
Well, several years later, God somehow personally showed me the gospel, by revealing Biblical truth to me in a spontaneous spiritual event totally apart from the preaching of man. The preaching aspect took place when I re-started church a few weeks later, voluntarily. By that time, I really had had no desire to become a Christian.
You just never know, fren . . .
For my awakening schedule, first I understood about Christ, later I understood there are false churches, and last of all, I understood about political fakery.
Well fren, I like your story. Cheers!
Yep, don't have to be religous to be awake.
Personally I don't understand how people can be awake , BUT then also religious.
I think it depends on what you mean by religious.
If you mean dogmatic religion, I agree with you to an extent. Whilst I feel the Bible had many useful teaches I am reminded of the line delivered by Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon.
"It is like a finger pointing to the Moon. Don't focus on the ringer, or you will miss all that heavenly glory."
i.e. Religious texts are supposed to be signposts, not the be-all and end-all.
Was George Washington lonely when his army was all but defeated at the Alamo? Nothing is over or 'lonely" until we decide its over or we are lonely (were not). Were we lonely when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? If you are Feeling lonely, then Decide that it's GO TIME! Let's GOOOOOOOO...!
(In other words, screw your feelings, you are NOT alone. You listen to the paid mockingbirds too much. The MAJORITY is on your side.)
I will add, that “movement” isn’t something, in relation to this community as something I fully subscribe to. But I will express this, loneliness and joy are both different things that are one, as two sides of the coin. Without light, there is no darkness.
Since my “great awakening”, or what I would call “death without dying”, I have not only been the most joyous with life and all of its gifts, I also accept and acknowledge the loneliness that at times, visits me. And quite frankly, that is one part of living.
I tell people we're existing in the same world but on a totally different level. I feel we have total clarity while the normies are floating around in a bubble of propaganda and lies. We are Nada in They live.
No, because one can connect at any moment of any day. Loneliness means lack of human connectivity.