That's why they have those red supplement packages right next to the scanner in the photo. "6-in-1 immensity supplement" because ... well, whole foods has plenty of soyboys in need. 😁
I was at an airport a couple weeks ago.. you have to scan your credit card to get into the store, and then you just get whatever you want and the camera automatically charges you as you walk out..... creepy. But the sad truth is that Americans are slaves to convenience. And I believe that’s how they will push their new digital economy, by selling the convenience side of it. And I hate to say..... those that aren’t awake will fall in line to sell their soul in exchange for a little bit of convenience
Yep. Some tool stands there to groom you on how to use it. If you want a receipt, no paper available... they harvest your cell number or email.
Total bastards. I remember walking right onto a commercial jet, unencumbered and lighting up a smoke. As much as I don't care about the smoking part anymore, hold that experience up against what you think your current level of liberty is at the moment.
We have to do as people in France did. All bring cash to one place where they do not accept cash and get the carts full of Groceries and they will change the system again. But we need a lot of patriots in every supermarket only with cash.
What ever happened to “this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”? But then again, laws haven’t meant a damn thing these past three years! I try to only pay cash wherever I go. If a merchant doesn’t accept cash, I go somewhere else where they do accept cash.
We go to places like that too. For example though, say you were making rice and beans. Do you have a source of those locally or any number of ingredients?
That's good. I can buy canned organic black beans from within probably fifty miles from here but have never seen them at a farmers market. Never seen rice either.
Same. If you have a "Natural Grocers" store in your area, check 'em out. Small stores, but high quality goods. Unlike Amazon/WFs, I have ran into some based workers there, too.
So in your understanding of logic when there is a specific complaint found to have merit then it automatically transfers to everything else in a store.
There are many more lawsuits on Whole Foods for lying about their products. But that should surprise no one, WaPo lies constantly too and Bezos also owns them. He can get by with it since he gets $600 million annually from the CIA.
Personally I don't care about WF. I raise enough beef and eggs for my whole family (mother, kids and grandkids). We supplement that with plenty of wild game and fish from our ponds. We also eat straight from our gardens either fresh frozen or canned. I was just making a suggestion that you should question whole foods.
You'd be much better to use local farms and farmers markets. No one growing enough food to market at chain stores is doing it without pesticides, no matter what they say. It would be way too labor intensive and they couldn't break even much less make a profit. They would go broke in the first season.
I already mentioned I shop at farmer's markets during the season. I have owned shares of cattle before. Every week I get raw milk at a local mobile co-operative.
At markets it is rare to find organic produce. It might be 'no spray' or it might not. There are only so many ingredients they have. I cook a lot and there is a ton of things I need that they don't sell at local markets around here.
The USDA Organic label, despite its shortcomings has high standards. Are you saying a US grown green pepper labeled organic is not because a store is supposed to have lied about some of its products?
OK "SunShine" ! Here we go . . . More "Big Govt" / more control / more intrusion into our lives / more manipulation of the monetary system / more corruption / more theft / more inflation / more MORON glowie's such as yourself. Obvious troll right here.
Anything biometric is worse than an inanimate object like a piece of plastic! Biometric is an invasion of a person’s individuality! But like I said, if you have no problem with it, be my guest!
That's the thing fren, I do have a problem with it. I share the same gut reaction to this palm scanner that you do. I just can't articulate exactly why. So I am asking these questions to flesh out the reasoning.
A website can ban you and force you to use other methods of payment. A bank can cancel your account and force you to find an alternative bank. When you become the method of payment and they deem you an enemy of "society" they don't have to worry about all that. They can actually cancel you so that your palm,or face, or retina is deleted from the system. Think how compliant people will become when they realise they can't purchase any goods or services
I think some of it is because of the 'mark of the beast' that's mentioned in the book of Revelation. In my opinion this isn't it, but will be seen as another step in that direction.
For me though, no business needs to uniquely identify me or scan the inside of my body in order to sell me their crap, and they have no business asking.
If I can pay by letting them scan and map what's inside of my body, maybe they'd let me shop there by scanning and mapping the inside of their corporate offices?
I don't believe a palm vein scan matches any of the passages in scripture which describe the mark of the beast.
And what power would a corporation gain over you by scanning your palm? More tracking data, sure. But we are already HEAVILY tracked through our cell phones, credit card purchases, ubiquitous CCTV cameras, etc. And those things all seem far more intrusive upon our privacy than a palm scan at the grocery store.
Biometrics are part of the digital identity necessary for the great reset. But we don't need to worry about using them to vote, because they don't plan to hold any elections.
shouldn't be any different than paying by facial recognition, except facial data can be recognized by a human whereas fingerprints and vein patterns are a little more 'encrypted', like you don't just see a fingerprint and say hey look its jim.
basically this means amazon is building a database of what your veins look like for identification
How is this any worse than the fingerprint scanner I use to unlock my cell phone?
Btw, a perfectly acceptable answer would be "they are both bad, and you shouldn't be giving away any of your biometric data so easily." But can you articulate why?
its about who you trust with your data, i guess. its perfectly possible for a fingerprint scanner to only store data locally and not share it with anyone. I think that's probably the case by default with most phones, although i'm guessing backdoors exist so they can retrieve your print if they needed to.
However, when you use amazon's, there is no presumption of privacy. you are just donating your biometrics to an international database.
I work for a company that makes these scanners. The first question in demos is always "what if they cut my hand off." The machine has to see flowing blood which is tricky with a chopped-off hand.
You can buy infra-red (IR) flashlights (torches) quite cheaply. Try in a dark room illuminating your body with the flashlight. You won't be able to see much but switch on your phone video camera. It's truly weird seeing your veins really stand out.
It has to see a pattern which it will assume is flowing blood. A pulsing light behind the dead hand might be enough. Until the attacks become valuable enough, we won't know how good that "detector" actually is.
or.. am I to believe they've gone to a morgue to test this?
In a word, yes. They had to test with dead hands as well as live. I know it's hard to believe they would go that far for some stupid shopping application, but historically we've only ever sold them into super high-security access projects. It's only recently people have started to use palm scanners for more mundane stuff.
Vein scanner you say? Flops MAGA penis onto scanner.
Made me choke on my coffee, LoL!!!
Thanks for the laugh!
We're gonna need a bigger scanner
That's why they have those red supplement packages right next to the scanner in the photo. "6-in-1 immensity supplement" because ... well, whole foods has plenty of soyboys in need. 😁
Hahaha you beat me to it *no pun intended
Tippy top kek fren...
It’s crazy.... I travel all over the country for work, and it’s amazing how many places already don’t except cash. The threat is real
Shit makes me crazy!
I was at an airport a couple weeks ago.. you have to scan your credit card to get into the store, and then you just get whatever you want and the camera automatically charges you as you walk out..... creepy. But the sad truth is that Americans are slaves to convenience. And I believe that’s how they will push their new digital economy, by selling the convenience side of it. And I hate to say..... those that aren’t awake will fall in line to sell their soul in exchange for a little bit of convenience
Yep. Some tool stands there to groom you on how to use it. If you want a receipt, no paper available... they harvest your cell number or email.
Total bastards. I remember walking right onto a commercial jet, unencumbered and lighting up a smoke. As much as I don't care about the smoking part anymore, hold that experience up against what you think your current level of liberty is at the moment.
We have to do as people in France did. All bring cash to one place where they do not accept cash and get the carts full of Groceries and they will change the system again. But we need a lot of patriots in every supermarket only with cash.
What ever happened to “this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”? But then again, laws haven’t meant a damn thing these past three years! I try to only pay cash wherever I go. If a merchant doesn’t accept cash, I go somewhere else where they do accept cash.
Does anyone on this board actually shop at Bezos' Whole Paycheck?
We've got plenty of farmers around in my area. Lots of farm markets and butchers. No need.
We go to places like that too. For example though, say you were making rice and beans. Do you have a source of those locally or any number of ingredients?
Sure do. I live in combination wine/beans/corn/(put any veg here) country. I always buy rice from a local farm market that sells it in 10 lb bags.
That's good. I can buy canned organic black beans from within probably fifty miles from here but have never seen them at a farmers market. Never seen rice either.
Not eating pesticides and artificial ingredients is a high priority at our house.
Same. If you have a "Natural Grocers" store in your area, check 'em out. Small stores, but high quality goods. Unlike Amazon/WFs, I have ran into some based workers there, too.
You won't find that at Whole Foods. You need to do some research on food labeling before you depend on the advertised 'organic" labels.
You won't find organic food there? Come on now.
This is just two. I could go one for a while. Like I said, do your research.
‘No Antibiotics, Ever’: Whole Foods Sued For Alleged False Advertising
Truth In Advertising Class Action Lawsuits: Whole Foods Products
So in your understanding of logic when there is a specific complaint found to have merit then it automatically transfers to everything else in a store.
There are many more lawsuits on Whole Foods for lying about their products. But that should surprise no one, WaPo lies constantly too and Bezos also owns them. He can get by with it since he gets $600 million annually from the CIA.
Personally I don't care about WF. I raise enough beef and eggs for my whole family (mother, kids and grandkids). We supplement that with plenty of wild game and fish from our ponds. We also eat straight from our gardens either fresh frozen or canned. I was just making a suggestion that you should question whole foods.
You'd be much better to use local farms and farmers markets. No one growing enough food to market at chain stores is doing it without pesticides, no matter what they say. It would be way too labor intensive and they couldn't break even much less make a profit. They would go broke in the first season.
I already mentioned I shop at farmer's markets during the season. I have owned shares of cattle before. Every week I get raw milk at a local mobile co-operative.
At markets it is rare to find organic produce. It might be 'no spray' or it might not. There are only so many ingredients they have. I cook a lot and there is a ton of things I need that they don't sell at local markets around here.
The USDA Organic label, despite its shortcomings has high standards. Are you saying a US grown green pepper labeled organic is not because a store is supposed to have lied about some of its products?
Zactly. Mark of the beast put there by God.
They’ve had this for a while now and while I rarely shopped there before I’m definitely not shopping there since they started this.
Isn't this the thing Bob Lazar talked about?
Can anyone lay out specifically why they are apprehensive about this? I agree that this is unsettling, but I can't articulate exactly why.
OK "SunShine" ! Here we go . . . More "Big Govt" / more control / more intrusion into our lives / more manipulation of the monetary system / more corruption / more theft / more inflation / more MORON glowie's such as yourself. Obvious troll right here.
Thanks for the uncalled for insult without any specific answers as to HOW biometric purchasing increases any of those bad things. Stop trolling.
Lighten up, Francis.
It's another ID capture device. And morons will willingly step up to use it because "it's so COOL!!!".
You want to be tracked and have every single purchase you make recorded in some gubment database? Be my guest.
They already track my purchases through my credit card.
Then don’t use a credit card dumbass! Use cash!
Of course, that's always an option. (Unless they go full cashless, that would be a serious problem.)
But you could say the same thing about this palm scanner. Don't use it dumbass, just use cash!
So what makes the palm scanner worse than a credit card?
Anything biometric is worse than an inanimate object like a piece of plastic! Biometric is an invasion of a person’s individuality! But like I said, if you have no problem with it, be my guest!
That's the thing fren, I do have a problem with it. I share the same gut reaction to this palm scanner that you do. I just can't articulate exactly why. So I am asking these questions to flesh out the reasoning.
A website can ban you and force you to use other methods of payment. A bank can cancel your account and force you to find an alternative bank. When you become the method of payment and they deem you an enemy of "society" they don't have to worry about all that. They can actually cancel you so that your palm,or face, or retina is deleted from the system. Think how compliant people will become when they realise they can't purchase any goods or services
I think some of it is because of the 'mark of the beast' that's mentioned in the book of Revelation. In my opinion this isn't it, but will be seen as another step in that direction.
For me though, no business needs to uniquely identify me or scan the inside of my body in order to sell me their crap, and they have no business asking.
If I can pay by letting them scan and map what's inside of my body, maybe they'd let me shop there by scanning and mapping the inside of their corporate offices?
I don't believe a palm vein scan matches any of the passages in scripture which describe the mark of the beast.
And what power would a corporation gain over you by scanning your palm? More tracking data, sure. But we are already HEAVILY tracked through our cell phones, credit card purchases, ubiquitous CCTV cameras, etc. And those things all seem far more intrusive upon our privacy than a palm scan at the grocery store.
Well then step right up and get yours. It's just a mask, right?
Biometrics are part of the digital identity necessary for the great reset. But we don't need to worry about using them to vote, because they don't plan to hold any elections.
shouldn't be any different than paying by facial recognition, except facial data can be recognized by a human whereas fingerprints and vein patterns are a little more 'encrypted', like you don't just see a fingerprint and say hey look its jim.
basically this means amazon is building a database of what your veins look like for identification
How is this any worse than the fingerprint scanner I use to unlock my cell phone?
Btw, a perfectly acceptable answer would be "they are both bad, and you shouldn't be giving away any of your biometric data so easily." But can you articulate why?
its about who you trust with your data, i guess. its perfectly possible for a fingerprint scanner to only store data locally and not share it with anyone. I think that's probably the case by default with most phones, although i'm guessing backdoors exist so they can retrieve your print if they needed to.
However, when you use amazon's, there is no presumption of privacy. you are just donating your biometrics to an international database.
I assume none of the data I enter into any digital internet connected device is private.
Ultimately, they will sell you convenience to get you reliant on it so that their next scam seems less intrusive than it is.
So if you are kidnapped you can be forced to put your palm onto anything.
No need to force, the kidnappers will just cut your hand off.
I work for a company that makes these scanners. The first question in demos is always "what if they cut my hand off." The machine has to see flowing blood which is tricky with a chopped-off hand.
You can buy infra-red (IR) flashlights (torches) quite cheaply. Try in a dark room illuminating your body with the flashlight. You won't be able to see much but switch on your phone video camera. It's truly weird seeing your veins really stand out.
It has to see a pattern which it will assume is flowing blood. A pulsing light behind the dead hand might be enough. Until the attacks become valuable enough, we won't know how good that "detector" actually is.
or.. am I to believe they've gone to a morgue to test this?
In a word, yes. They had to test with dead hands as well as live. I know it's hard to believe they would go that far for some stupid shopping application, but historically we've only ever sold them into super high-security access projects. It's only recently people have started to use palm scanners for more mundane stuff.
LOL there have been stories about cutting off the finger needed to open a secure site!
Some sensors supposedly know if the body part is still alive, but the perps know that too, and keep the appendage in the proper storage environment.
How does the thing get your money from you?
It says "Get started", so you probably put your palm and payment method on file the first time, after that you only need your palm.
ngl, pretty cool tech.
maybe i'll try it after bezos dies
My driver ID required facial measurements...another step closer to the marl of the beast
Really? No one's going to say it?
"And they will not be able to buy or sell, without the mark of the beast in their right hand or their forehead..."
Such an oxymoron.
They claim they want you eating healthy food, but they’re OK with subjugating you while you’re paying for it
Aside from germs, that's actually pretty cool.
If I need a scanner to buy goods, they will lose my business.