Never-Trump Neil Cavuto tries to bait Vivek Ramaswamy into flipping on Trump.
Instead, Vivek delivers a masterclass on how to quickly TURN the tables & DUNK on a dishonest interview.
When Vivek says he'll "pardon & unite with Trump to destroy the deep state"
Neil loses it.🤣
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I don't trust Vivek.
India is poised to become a MAJOR power in tech. They are allegedly spending GOBS of money on semiconductor manufacturing and packaging. As a tech nerd, that seems cool but Vivek seems like an Indian Obama. Articulate but no "soul". This video first seemed like a DeSantis funded hatchet job, but Viveks answers seemed prepared for interruption and rehearsed. Basically seems like a plant.
You are wise not to trust him. He's been groomed to be a Manchurian candidate his whole life. Never, ever been anything remotely close to MAGA. Totally manufactured personality. He is an insincere opportunist who knows the right thing to say. I went to high school with him and while he is certainly talented and intelligent, he is a complete fucking snake in the grass.
The moment he started in on this "I will destroy the deep state" thing I knew he was not trustworthy. I was on the fence about him before that but this sealed the deal with me. Trump or the party is over is where we are as a country. And if Trump doesn't get it done then we are well and truly fucked.
Yep he's an attempt at a Republican Obama, saying things that normie MAGA wants to hear while playing a more subtle form of the race card to try to draw in any white guilt votes.
I have found this to be generally true of Indians.
Not necessarily that they are all snakes, but that they have no foundational principles. They are empty suits, once you get past what they memorized so they could pass the test with a good grade.
"No soul" is a good description.
What did he do in high school to make you think of him as a snake?
His life was carefully managed and orchestrated to ensure maximum success within the system, and his personality reflected it. He was a hollow, empty suit as a teenager, willing to take whatever position or say whatever was needed to maximize his general appeal, but there was never an ounce of substance to any of it. He was a milquetoast progressive type, then went to Harvard and Yale and Silicon Valley yet he's presenting himself as a conservative Republican now. Completely manufactured and leveraging the opportunity to pull away less discerning MAGA types because he knows how to say what they want to hear.
I guess Trump is less discerning, since he keeps complimenting him.
I heard him speak live at PorcFest and he struck me as typical scripted politician with a better than usual script.
He sounds scripted just like Marco Rubio. Articulate but no authenticity.
V is in training to be a politician and uses the same old tactics. Jury is still out on him. My guess is he will bow out and support Trump. V has no chance and he knows it. Everyone knows it.
I think he is thinking differently. Yeah he will drop out and support Trump, but I think his motivation and goal is to try to get the VP pick. He is not battling with Trump because he wants to stay on his good side. Remember Trump won't say anything bad about people that aren't saying bad things about him. Once they do it is very hard to get back on his good side, and to shake whatever nickname he gives them.
That reminds me - maybe a good nickname for Vivek Ramaswamy would be VR - as in virtual reality. He is not real.
VR has said he won't take a cabinet position from Trump but has said nothing about VP. Interesting thought.
100% a plant. Will flip as soon as he is elected and the jeet flood will flow
Aerospace industry is exactly like that. Outsource work to India, get a shitty product. They don't give a fuck either. They don't care about safety of airplanes, they just want profits.
You work for GE?
I agree. He seems too tied to WEF (not just young global leaders but grants as well) and he doesnt seem sincere. It would be all to easy for the cabal to put forth a bunch of different “RINO” options then just go with the one polling the best with the MAGA crowd. Similar to how hedge funds offer products, create dozens of funds then only advertise the ones that get good returns.
Also, I absolutely hate the line “I would have done things differently” as if how Trump did things matters to the DOJ, they would indict him anyway.
So basically he is Indian Desantis
He'll be owned by lobbyist money.
I don't trust anti-Trump, pro-vaccine Cavuto either. Both of them are vestiges of the last century's "thinking" and paradigm. Neither of them know it, but America has moved on into a new paradigm of thinking, and it's embodied in Donald Trump.
I have not paid much attention to him, but I had to be in the car for awhile yesterday so I listened to a recent podcast where Patrick Bet David had him on in a town hall format. There is something about him that I can't quite put my finger on. Yes, he is bright, energetic and on many points we were on the same page.. Bur there were parts where he came off as naive. Other times where I felt he was full of it and feeding lines you wanted to hear. Also, he seems a little too scripted. There was a question about the intelligence agencies and he was all for getting rid of the FBI but evasive on the CIA, stating it was complicated and he was still looking into it. Uh huh. (I compare that to RFK Jr., who actually was able to explain what he felt was the problem and what he would do.) Plus he seems to have done waaaay too much for someone his age.
Maybe he just needs to be seasoned, but I agree - don't trust him at this point.
That vague feeling that something is off?
Yes, he's lying.
He comes out of no where, says all the right things that Pres Trumps core base wants to hear. I personally think he's controlled opposition. It wouldn't be the first time someone pops up, snuggles up to Trump and then starts trying to drag him back down.
They tried Desantis.
They tried Scott.
They tried Haley.
Now, they are trying him.
Same script, different day.
He can sure dish the bullshit.
But saying he wants to take America First policies to the next level is hardly going to win against Donald Trump, the AUTHOR of the America First policies.
Trump is the only candidate who inspires such hope and confidence in the electorate that he can call a rally for the next day and have 50,000 supporters show up every time if the venue can hold them.
HAHAHAAA! Fuck you Neil! Dude has a serous case of TDS.
Right? Fucking Cavuto: If the government has laid out 91 charges, CLEARLY Trump must have done something wrong, right? Right????
Yeah, Neil, because the DO fucking J would NEVER lie about anything, would they!!! To suggest otherwise is like having the gall to ever question an election: it's treasonous hate speech!!
We're two inches away from prison time for exactly this.
Neil wants us to trust Kemp and Raffensberger just because they are Republicans (but bought and paid for)...GIVE ME A BREAK....good for VR...putting Neil in his place...what a disgrace...
Exactly why I don't watch Fox News...or TV for that matter...
BTW...good morning Penisse...
I’m in GA and I’ve been POed at Raffensberger since he and his cohorts talked down to the voters. He can cram it if he thinks he will EVER get a vote from me on anything.
But our votes have NEVER counted...he is a most disgusting piece of 💩...and I used to like Kemp...not anymore...but least Stacey didn't win...I guess it could be worse....perilous times...I wish we were still a red state...
You know our politicians have been getting worse every election cycle...especially since Georgia partnered with China so many years ago to improve business between the two countries...
My ears are bleeding after hearing these two.
Cavuto can go f*** himself. Nothing more to say about him.
The other swamp rat is Obama 2.0. Talking in platitudes. The same fundamentally transforming America crap. He says nothing but makes it sound good. Same dumb shit.
He also says Trump made mistakes in contacting Georgia and he would do things differently.
Then he has the nerve to say he would use Trump as an adviser. What an ass.
Here is the what he says that infuriates me. He would pardon Trump.
Pardon him from what? Fake made up crimes.
If he were a true individual he would have said these fake charges should be dropped and he would have put Cavuto in his place on why.
The most humorous statement he said repeatedly is he is running second in all polls behind Trump. A legend in his own mind. Sound familiar?
Both are fake as hell.
I am sorry I wasted 8 minutes.
Exactly what I was thinking. If he thinks the indictments are political persecution, why would he not say they need to be dropped instead of pardoning after the fact?
It's like a stamp of approval for his crimes, thanks Indian Desantis
And like Obama he came out of nowhere and is "too good to be true." The only thing he's not doing is playing the race card (yet).
vivek ramaswamy is a snake🐍
He will flip on Trump when his owners think it is most opportune to do so. They know that little moments like this make you want to trust him, and hope that will cause you to go along with him when things look tough for Trump later on.
Eff this guy. Trump made no mistakes in GA.
He set the trap. It was a PERFECT PHONE CALL!
Vivek Ramaswamy Touts Pacific Trade Deal, Urges More Migration; No wonder why he is "surging" in the polls. He must be avoided at all costs!!!!!!!
Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy Former pharma exec and newfound anti-ESG crusader has substantial ties to China, the Covid industrial complex, Pfizer, Soros inc, and a track record of business calamities.
Vivek Ramaswamy Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate
How Vivek Ramaswamy Made the Fortune Fueling His Presidential Run Mr. Ramaswamy calls himself a scientist from the biotech industry, but his vast fortune stems from two huge paydays that speak to hope and hype in the world of finance.
Look what he suggested in combating the Deep State:
He's a pinko commie masquerading as a conservative. Someone like him calling for violent revolution with that track record is a liar and manipulator against the people.
Thanks. All we need to know, since he isn't doing a Kari Lake and using his background as a weapon against his former corporate matrix.
I would love to debate that marshmallow poof Cavuto.
Remember when Cavuto YELLED at all of us "If you dont take the vax, youre gonna DIE. I shut him off way back then.
Neil is a Deep State shill. Always has been, always will be.
Neil Cavuto, "but, but, this is wrong, don't you see this is wrong". What a vagina.
Vivek RamaSWAMPY
So clever
Meaning how the hell did I not think of that!!!
I had to say it before Boss does, when he says it to put eyes on Vivek. ;)
Sounds like a plant to me
Nice. And remember President Trump could have gone after Hillary and didn’t.
Trump is the truth, he’s getting my vote way over this Indian pharma guy no one ever heard of until this year. Clinton isn’t pardoned either, it wouldn’t be smart to focus on her since she won’t have any spotlight on her at all during this campaign
Could he have, knowing what you now know about how corrupt the system is? Double jeopardy would protect her from future attempts.
Good point.
I wish he could have, but sending that cunt before a deepswamp judge would have been a joke with a really really bad punchline.
Cavuto could not stop putting his Orange Man Bad narrative over this.
Ya he didnt' want to hear anything about Vivek's policies (not that I care either).
Neil the cherubic, rosy-cheeked whore
Vivek is so fake
I feel like he would be very good at selling used cars. He’d make that used car seem amazing, then as you’re driving away you think, “Wait - why did I buy this thing?”
Make street shitting great again !
Neil says "there MUST be something there". What a dipshit. How about SAYING what it is. !!!
It’s the same thing as muh 97% of climate scientists agree. Ignore the claim, point to the number. That’s why they don’t like to describe any one individual charge, because separately they all sound absurd. But the number alone sounds dodgy.
We can look around the world and see what happens when you elect a person like Vivek to lead. It doesn’t end well. Will never vote for this guy
I don’t think he could have navigated the Mueller special council like Trump did. It’s easy to say you’re going to “take down” the Deep State, but to actually do it you need a fighter. I think Vivek still wants to play nice.
F#ck cavuto….who even watches that dude anymore
All Ramaswamy needed to say was, "Trump is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
Did you know Cavuto managed a fast food restaurant. That is his business experience.
You can tell that he is scripted by the way he talks..... just like Pence. There must be a political oration school (POS) that teaches this. One thing for sure, the graduates are POS.
I've got to give Vivek credit for being direct with his answers. Still holding back on where I believe he is going to fit in all of this, but I had a feeling when I posted a short while ago that he is someone to be watched, for good or for bad.
Here's some sauce on V. Ramaswam(p)y...
Ole #45 maybe shouldn't fawn over him so strongly after all, huh? Just sayin...
Trump seems to like him.