Due to the amazing reporting of Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray and, of course, Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit. This is the smoking gun, folks. It’s a smoking gun of widespread voter fraud in Michigan and also indicates widespread voter fraud across the country.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
they got the smoking gun?? wheres the bullet??....time to start using what they have
The problem is there is never any action because all government bureaus have been political. All they care about is staying in power by any means. None care about what the citizens want or vote for. We are just pesky slaves who supply them with taxpayer money to control us. ( We are taxed up front on our earnings, taxed again for buying a house, yearly for keeping that house via property taxes, on every service we buy, like non-edible groceries, gasoline, utilities, maintenance products for our house, etc. Federal, state, local taxes, sales tax, etc.). The FBI, DOJ, DHS, FEMA, IRS, State Dept., CIA, FDA, CDC, NIH, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy, etc. are all corrupt. Do you really think the Pentagon just “lost” money or had “accounting errors?” If they were truly that incompetent, and their claim was legit, heads would roll. But know it is just shrugged off by Congress and the Dept. heads. They think we are all stupid. We are powerless to the bureaucracy and the corruption. It runs very deep. Our government thinks nothing of eliminating the “pesky” insects who protest, whether by plane crashes, drownings, IRS taxation fraud charges, false arrests, confiscation of property (if you don’t operate within the government laws, like Amish farmers who dare to butcher their own meat outside of an FDA facility and share the meat with the coop owners.) Is it any wonder why people flip, like the Bundies and the WACO tragedy? We recently saw what local, state and federal government do when citizens refuse to sell their land to the mighty and powerful, i.e. Lahaina. We will never be free until all these government agencies are defunded, disbanded, and the crooked are arrested, tried, and prosecuted for treason, election interference, corruption and murder.
The amount of taxation we are under is almost as hilarious as it is sad. Taxation is theft.
Military only way. People dont seem to understand this 7 years on!
I'd even take this back to 9/11.
Not to mention railroading people into courts for fines and imprisonment (Just make the plea.). I've heard the amount skimmed by that process is actually more than taxes.
I am continually amazed by the depths of the ignorance displayed on this forum that is made up of purportedly enlightened individuals. If you dont or cant understand the nearly 5000 Q drops, the depths of the worldwide evil we face and the resources available to it, the sheer entrenchment of the evil and the timing and skill required to fully defeat such an enemy so that its ugly head may never arise again, then maybe you should sit back and follow for awhile rather than spewing stupidity onto these pages.
We want it and want it now simply isnt good enough.
Amen . 6000 years gives you ample time to corrupt everything. It is biblical and PDJT is being used by God to expose the evil. The choice to believe will be yours.
All updoots in eternity for that awesome username.
I get your point but if you tried to sound like a little bit less of a faggot you might convince more people. Just a thought
I picture Dr. Lexus from Idiocracy saying this kek
Faggotry rarely works with enlightened.
It’s helpful to think of draining the swamp like defusing a bomb.
Picture a bomb expert defusing a bomb, delicately snipping wires in a specific order, and someone standing over his shoulder yelling, “The timer is still ticking! Idiot! Why is it taking you so long?! Cut them all now! Now! NOW!!!”
I think people would be ok with that. Because there’s a timer. And end date. It should “happen” by the time it hits zero or we’re all dead.
So the question would still remain. When is it suppose to “happen”. That’s what’s driving people crazy. I already wrote about this last week. I think ZERO is the next election, in most people’s minds. Hopefully before, I doubt it. Hopefully that night….
I think many people are afraid this is just going to drag on and on and they will just die before there is any resolution.
Not trying to doom, just being honest.
Because I, personally, do worry that there will never be anything of significance that happens to resolve all this before I shuffle loose my mortal coil.
I know that everyone is all jazzed up for the next election and are convinced that Trump will be back in office soon. But I've been burned so many times that I'm trying to figure out what angle people will take for the next round of "It Had To Be This Way Because".
But I'm very worried that it's just going to be a repeat of the past. Which goes like this:
The majority of Anons are super confident that things will go how we want them to go, this time.
I see some glaring error of judgement or basic fundamental problem occurring that might prevent 1.
I try to alert other Anons to such issues in an attempt to avoid disaster or disappointment.
I get called a shill or doomer and banned a few times for it.
I give up trying to get others to see what I'm seeing, because of threats of being banned permanently. I note how everyone else seems to be absolutely convinced that things will go our way, this time.
Things DO NOT go our way.
People are angry and disillusioned. They lash out and voice their displeasure. And get banned for doing so.
Shit tons of Anons come out of the woodwork to tell people they shouldn't have gotten their hopes up in the first place because nothing is guaranteed, and it was always obvious there were reasons why things weren't going to go our way. (No idea where most of these people were hiding when I get put in time out for dooming, saying what they're saying. They certainly aren't vocal then.)
After a few days of people thinking things through (or just watching whatever online Q guru they prefer), we start hearing the first rounds of It Had To Be This Way Because.
Everyone seems to conveniently forget how convinced everyone was of number 1.
So, yeah.
Personally, I'm tempted to just get ahead of the curve and start working up my argument for when It Had To Be This Way Because begins.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what the Priestess Cassandra felt like. 🤷
This is the huge key, and this is what often turns communities into echo chambers.
The number of times I've seen people so certain about what they were saying only to be wrong and then backpedal and proclaim that they always believed otherwise is almost soul crushing on its own.
No single person here is an authority on literally anything. We are not in on the plan. Nothing is an unchallengeable fact. We only have what crumbs we are given, and what conclusions we reach -- but just like science, sometimes your methodology can be sound and you still come to the wrong conclusions.
Long time posters should absolutely be allowed to disagree with the narrative, because the great awakening can't even happen if we are all in lockstep with one single narrative anyway.
Well said.
I think if 2024 is also rigged against Trump, many people will doom and assume there is no plan. I don’t think that immediately triggers a civil war though. One possibility I could imagine is the 2024 Election is an even bigger shitshow than 2020 and it forces the military to somehow step in. Another possibility is they actually put Trump in jail and that triggers them to step in.
But based on how Trump talks, it seems to me that he somehow already knows 2024 will be “unrigged” like 2016 was, and that the Democrats/Uniparty also know this, which is why they are trying their lawfare strategy, which would be unnecessary if they had total control of elections anyway.
Maybe the scare event is “muhh hawt war wit russia” and elections will be “postponed”.
And it's more like the guy yelling to hurry up can't see the timer...
I understand what you're saying but it would be nice if 'declass' of already-passed events would be released to help chip away at certain agencies' reputations. I have trouble trying to discuss/redpill normies because they are still of the mindset that 'govt won't hurt us, here to help us' and 'Cnn said....'. I still get the eyerolls when I show them CDC flipping positions and Fauci's financial incentives while heading NIH.
One example, if incontrovertible evidence about the Las Vegas shooting would be released, it would help in my discussions with a couple of family members. I understand that currently litigated evidence/ issues cannot be 'dumped' on the public, such as vote fraud, etc. But I don't see civil war erupting from releasing the 'real' info on Vegas, Uvalde, Sandy H, and other 'already in the can' events. Everybody lost in those events, normies, awake, woke, Dems, Reps, etc.
Their lives are as short as yours or mine.
It's a big club -- but not so big that everyone in it even realizes what they're in.
It's the big power players that are the issue. The grunts can be dealt with over time, but if you cut off the heads then the destruction will trickle down to the feet.
The WH military has it all! Why not submit the evidence? The WH military has the Epstein organization targeted and staged for arrests but nothing happens! Time to red pill with real evidence! Give those asleep a chance to wake up! Great that Jan Halper Hayes came forward but once again only with words! You can’t complain about not enough people being awake when you are the one hugging the evidence! I listen to D. Johnston say WH military is in control then in my mind they are responsible for crimes of omission, for example, Hawaii! Time to produce hard evidence!
I am with you on this. It feels far too slow to make a difference. We need something hard hitting to wake people up, not a slow drip. There is an OCEAN of evidence we know about, and all normies see is a small puddle on the floor that they explain away. Probably just a leaky pipe. It's time for a biblical flood, not a slow drip. Slow drips get ignored, flooding does not. It is time.
However, perhaps waking up people isn't the best idea during a sting operation. I think a rude awakening will be in order very, very soon.
The flood is needed to cleanse the planet of evil. THAT is how it is biblical. Bring it on, because I'm feeling like Noah right about now.
It's my hope that the evidence will be presented in court, and when the "jury" ignores it, or the judge over-rules it, or tosses it but the American people see it... when GEOTUS goes to jail and over half the country knows it's injustice while the rest all cry tears of joy: that's the time for the WH military to show up at the jail and take charge. That's when the military trials can take place. Where more evidence can be shown. The real Cabal dark evidence and America can wake up en masse. Q created rumors. Jan is leaving bread crumbs for those asleep to follow, but God knows when the real evidence will be presented.
At least that's the movie I would right.
Guys this is why trumps trial will be televised for the world to see all the bs and cheating. The coverup after as well. We have it all and it will be dripped to the normies right when they think they have trump by the nuts instead of proof of "crimes."
Amazing reporting two years after the fact. Drip drip forget!
I live in Michigan, I just emailed both Nessel and Benson with several links and many questions. We need to spread this everywhere. Send it out on every platform you are on. Make it viral.
Well I say this evidence is up there, but I still think the statefarm arena video is still the greatest evidence of fraud in 2020.
And it only took 3 years to come to this!
Question though - When do they get the rope?
Fuzzy answer - some time between now and 2025, according to Q drops.
Sticky again as this will quickly become every State relevant.
I’m immediately suspicious of dudes in Fred Perry’s now. Unless this guy is an old school mod who rides a Lambretta. Too easy for glowies to appropriate.
Mr. Reagan? He’s had a YouTube channel for years. I’ve probably watched a dozen or more of his videos and he never seemed sketchy. He never seemed to fit the controlled opposition mold of being irritating to moderates (Shapiro) or going way over the top in his presentation (Jones) or slyly bashing Trump (Crowder).
now get it on a non-eye cancer website.
So I don't put the book of Revelation in time. I take it out of time. Babylon falls in every generation.
The problem with time is that people want things now.........this then that rush this, rush that.
If you take Revelation out of time, every bit is happening now in someone's spiritual reality.
The seals are being broken, the trumpets are sounding, Babylon is falling, the new Jerusalem has and is coming down from heaven................time is for earth dwellers
John the Apostle defined the "time" in Revelation. John writing to real 7 churches in Asia said "things which shortly come to pass"; "the time is at hand" ; "behold I come quickly", etc. The Lord did "come" in the lifetimes of John original audience - in judgement. Mystery Babylon did fall - the city of Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed. God used the pagan Roman Army to do the job. And you are correct about the "New Jerusalem" - Revelation 21:2-3 (KJV) - And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
Yes I am a preterist!
Nice, I've studied all that.
I don't put Revelation in a particular time.
The physical churches are symbolic for all ages, this is why it is still relevant,
We right now have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches............not said, says, the spiritual word to the churches transcends time.
Check out this link on thrones, it's my latest thing I'm working on the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
The reason I share it is because of the prevalence of the physical Interpretations, futurist, historic, Interpretations of the book. For 40 years it's the only interpretation I was exposed to.
You might find this interesting.