Klaus Schwab Calls for Governments to ‘Merge’ with Unelected Corporate Elite
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Can't wait for this guy's execution.
Pay per view and I want early access. Lotto draw to take part.
lmao pay-per-view? This shit had better be live streamed around the world for free. That goes for all of them. Public executions. We deserve this.
Fair point in hindsight. I‘ll do you one better, let‘s make it required viewing.
He is suggesting the exact thing that Mussolini did in Italy, he forced the Businesses to merge with Govt, and it doubled the strength of the Mafias....
It placed the Mafias in charge of the Govt....
Then they lost when they couldn't figure out HOW to mark Hand Grenades with different colors to be able to tell which were Smoke from Explosive....
And when the Americans attacked....
"Pop le smoke!" -last words of most Italian infantry.
At this point I really hope it is just to wake the masses up. If this is really happening, God help us all (and he will.)
Thanks for the context btw!
Damn! I'm in!
Love, love, love this idea!
I’ll bring my own rope...or Ammo. Or both just to be sure.
Then men with small hats and pee pees.
That's why they rape kids.
all they have to do is accidentally drop something on Davos when they meet and the world's problem's are all finished over night. It's very simple
Small neutron device. Save the buildings.
Accidental drone strike
747 accidently dump the lavatory from30kft
MOAS - mother of all shit
Frozen Shit
Mother of all fucking shits?
Lol. Noice
Such a nice visual. A good daydream.
Why doesn't he just say outright, that governments should embrace fascism?
All of Europe has except Hungary. So has NZ, Canada, Australia, Japan, S Korea and land of the not so free.
He did.
Libtards are just clueless to what he said.
Even if they heard it.
Gee, that that sorta, somewhat sounds a little bit like Fascism. This moron must have been mis-quoted.
It sounds exactly like Fascism. Mussolini's goal of the "Corporate State" was based upon the merger of government and industry.
Fuck you, Schlob.
Except Mussolini didn't hate the human race.
Is that the same capitalist system that enabled you to make millions of dollars?
Oh, yeah. The same system you and your handlers swindled in the city of London? Now you want to expose that system you used and shut it down? It's greedy, corrupt chumps like this that have ruined the system he so dislikes now.
"He continued by asserting that, with the fusion of corporation and state, we would see a shift from “the era of capitalism to the era of talentism.”
Been waiting to see what they were going to call it. And there it is, "talentism". Boy oh boy they sure thought long and hard about that one... must've taken a think tank months and millions.
I thought they already had - a long time ago.
And ineffective. I always find out everything on sites like this one.
Corporate parasites. We need to stop giving them the “elite” title
No, I think that term is still appropriate. Elite comes from two words, "el" meaning "god," and "ite," meaning "like." We know for a fact that these "el'ites" believe themselves to be "god-like" in [their] power and control over the human race. Just start writing it like this: "el'ite" and you'll get the point across that these people view themselves as gods.
Can't we just crowdfund for a pro sniper for this cunt
Probably a dozen who will do it for phrie
Look at those lips and tell me he ain't sucked a dick or two.
I'm thinking today about how these globalists are without compassion or mercy for humanity because they feel so fucking superior (emotions are a weakness) and realize that, hmmm. what other beings are known throughout the universe for being exactly like that... we were, are, less than ants, plus, edible...... those notorious reptile Draco ETs and and Tall Greys (the ones who boss around the FBI CIA and Pentagon). And it is probably going to turn out that Schwab and all the rest of the "elite" families are human/ET hybrids who really and truly do want to eliminate almost all humans down to a more easily controlled number. Far-fetched today; fact in six months.
This guy continues to be so cartoonishly evil you have to wonder if he's actually in charge...
Second that.
I call for my fist to "merge" with that bald faced piece of shit, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon.
I'd worry about what you might get too - don't let none of that polluted blood touch you
What do you think has been happening over the years? Many decisions are being made at the behest of Corporate Elite and mega rich Oligarchs, over the needs and wants of the citizens. We call it "sold out to" But, really it is not as simple as that, that is and has been the plan for a very long time now. Biden takes orders from unelected entities as well and pushes them onto the populace unconstitutionally, they HATE our constitution and try to get around it in any way they can. Crony Capitalism needs to gtf out of our country.
Think from their point of view though. They would normally wait until the govts had no other choice. The fact that he's pushing this already shows that he knows his plan is in peril & so he throws down his trump cards now while he still can & hope for the best. Meanwhile, Gitmo is wetting it's jaws...
Uh huh.
No thank you, I will NOT COMPLY to this bull crap, nor will the majority of America.
Is that not the definition of fascism?
"called on governments around the world to begin..." I thought they were already in cahoots with each other, am I missing something?
What Schwab is promoting is the poly-sci definition of state corporatism, which is the economic system of fascism. They put this right in our faces because most people don't know history.
When's this movie coming out? 👇
A bunch of people who got turbo cancer from the vaccine band together as vigilantes and start taking out everyone responsible, because they have nothing left to lose. Their lives and dreams were cut short and they want to go out knowing they did their part to make the world a better place, in spite of dying early.
God, we call this guy to judgement. His ideas are wicked
I call for Klaus to merge with himself and pack his own head up his back side
R.I.P asshole. I’m a firm believer in Romans 12:19-21 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. I’m also fickle, I believe in two other thoughts 1) “ Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20 2) God Will but I Won't, God Does but I Don't - Lyle Lovett **** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlIG98Qh-Y0*** Rot in Hell Klaus
They think they will actually pull it off, too. All I see in their future is all they've amassed literally being burned to the ground with them inside, just like they did to Maui. They have no idea how quickly this can all come to an end for THEM. Such hubris! Unrest, towards them, is growing around the world as people wake up. Their doomsday bunkers won't save them.
I'm a hard no
Every cyberpunk anime from the 70-90’s is becoming reality….
It's time to merge Mr. Schwab with a millstone and an ocean trench.
"How about no, you crazy Dutch bastard"
Spoken like a true Fascist.
In his wedding picture he looks like a basement dork.
A wedding picture? He's straight? Not.
How to delegitimize your government in one simple trick.