BREAKING: Elon Musk likes General Flynn’s post about DIGITAL SOLDIERS. Will X be the battle field for us during the storm? And we’ll be paid for posting?
The Musketeer

This soldier opted out of uploading their credentials to Israeli company...
Not paying to be a product, nor paying to give them data.
Comfy right here ... in the rear... with the gear.
You bring up a solid point.
Queue StarCraft: Brood War Terran Theme
Haven't heard that in a long long long time. Somebody has to stay in the rear with the gear... Always had to be up front in the mix, but now, at my age, I couldn't keep up with the front line troops. I wouldnt want to slow them down so i would keep the beans and bullets going to the frontlines.
I hear ya...
"Overwatch" didn't rhyme 😂😂😂
Decentralized news is the future.
As well as Decentralized Banking
No more middlemen or people controlling us.
"This is not another 4 year election..."
"We are transferring power back to you, the American people"
Apparently not this Digital Soldier...
To hell with X/Twitter.
Didn't work for me, got banned on both, Twatter and Fuckbook. Ok, could have been a post about traitors to the people hanging from nooses in a not so far future on Twatter, on FB I don't even know what got me banned.
The other thing is: Twatter/X-tra gay makes me angry. I have a very low tolerance threshold when it comes to stupidity. And X is filled up to the brim with stupid people. I don't need that, it makes me produce negativity in doses I can't tolerate anymore. For me, X is not a battlefield, it's an asylum for high-grade lunatics. Pepes excluded, but man. These people are completely out of their minds.
Maybe I give it another try, maybe I learned a bit from the gospel of Jesus and I can now keep calm even when in the pool with stupid fishes bubbling about climate change, not burning wood anymore, 305,456,330 genders, idiots sticking theirselves to the pavement, calling everything out of their scope extreme rightwing (or, better, as I'm from Germany: Nazi), and what not. I'm done with that. I'm not sure you can reach these people with memes. I don't even want to interact with these idiots.
They have to learn the hard truth on their own. The time will come. I have a hard time living my daily life with triple vaxxed co-workers, vaxed family members, teaching my children useful skills and trying to let them not be brainwashed in school. I don't need a digital battlefield, I have a real one here, every day.
Respect to each and every digital soldier out there who is fighting this war, you're doing a crazy good job. We all have our duties, mine is my family.
And in the end, WWG1WGA.
Dude, I literally got banned for telling someone to stick his head in the toilet and flush. Got to word things carefully, or the algorithms will grab you, lol!
Being banned means your over the target. We are reaching a lot of those so called stupid people every day, we Anons were taught so we could reach and save as many as possible. Voluntarily giving ground is a win for them.
Being banned doesn't always mean you are over the target. If you are brash and abrasive / throwing your pearls before swine , it is not effective and can backfire. Doesn't matter if you are technically right. It is better to sew seeds sometimes.
Being an effective digital soldier requires tact.
Yup, learn to word right. LOL.
Agreed fren, X is full of muppets and midwits, dimlos and know it-alls.
I have learnt not to let idiots upset me, a phlegmatic attitude is whats needed. That and prayer with bible reading. Its still a rocky road for us, we have enough to do without these muppets. God bless.
If they let my normal account back (permanently banned currently), I would post memes. But I'm going to zero effort to establish a new account. Fuck 'em.
I understand and respect that decision, but the mission Q laid out appears to include using multiple accounts and not allowing a ban to take you off of the battlefield.
Not to conflate Flynn’s “Digital Soldiers” with Trump’s “Keyboard Warriors”…those two groups are increasingly finding themselves at odds because their leaders are not aligned, to put it mildly. Flynn now attacks Q openly and regularly.
Link: https://x.com/genflynn/status/1709609558308782519?s=46&t=1hqd7L7npP6dgj7VPr1JfA
All Is Fair In Love and War. The Truth Will Set Us Free
We don't need paid we need a protected platform
Uhhh, I guess I died on the battlefield.
Insert coin
We Are The News Now
That did not mean this website, it meant Anons. Look at all the Q friendly news outlets that have come out. Q even encouraged some like Jordan Sather that got attacked. Q meant go out and spread the truth, in any way we can.
God is king
Sure, and yet we are still actively censored when we post the truth.
Actions speak louder than words, Musk.
FYI musk didn’t like it. Flynn quoted musks post.
Updoot this
No, go to Elons likes. If it’s still there. He liked it.
Fuck Elon musk. I got banned for posting proof that covid vaccines were gene therapy. Yet to be unbanned. He’s a NWO cuck faggot.
Not unless they unsuspend everyone wrongfully suspended and fire the WEF CEO
nothing like being paid for what you do for free to stop doing it once we stopped being paid
I personally would love to see more, non STATE run Media from all around the world, citizens on the ground style reporting though, understand that is some Countries that is a death sentence to report something that just happened to you if your government does not want you to speak about it, sad as it is. Kinda of like how anyone was injured by the Shot, got silenced on most media platforms, how horrible is that, A PERSON's life was ruined by taking a shot they were told was safe and then they are NOT allowed to talk to people about it.
Check out Disease X, and then search COVID.
Seems as if the media is angling for a federal respon$e. 2020 was a trial run, this time it’s for real. But no matter what, it’s a psyop. It’s all a media psyop. They want to get this done before the elections, best thing is for Potus to be speaker….. at least jam up the feds or give the anons some wins.
They are pushing for scamdemic 2 and it would be devastating if a RINO was leading the house.
Look at the cases being seen at the Cases being seen up top at the moment.
Chevron v. NRDC. In 1984, that case established that courts must defer to an agency's reasonable readings of a statute when its reviewing regulations rather than override its expert judgment because Congress tapped the agency, not courts, to fill in blanks left by legislation. If the Supreme Court overrules Chevron, it would put thousands of regulations in legal jeopardy, simultaneously thrusting the industries they regulate in economic uncertainty. It would also enhance the Court's power, as judges would become the deciders of regulatory policy.
I could do with less unelected bureaucrats making up laws to suit their highest bidder, even if that bidder is another country or global organization. IMO.
I love citizen journalists for almost a decade at least.
See. Anyone who is live streaming or posting a video is a journalist in the USA. It is strange how even the republicans do not understand this and they do not seem to j deter and the 1st Amendment.
YouTube. Facebook. Twitter all censor them, including Elon. They claim they are not a source, when they are a source.
In public we have no expectation of privacy. Period. If anyone is in the public forum they can record and be journalists. Period.
It is the most amazing thing I have of late on both republicans and democrats who call the police, attack, and all sort of stuff to these members of the press under the assumption they are the authority.
If I see people recording I just wave or ignore them. It makes me wonder what all these people have done to believe they are that important. If you never watched these you may not understand.
Now, 100 percent, some of the perception is rude as heck. Yet it is not against the law to be rude.
If all Americans recorded everything they did as they walked around and also carried (open carried) — I would think it was an awesome thing.
A Christian/American could consider the devil is never rude. He will always beguile and use logic to push one more into slavery.
A Christian/American should consider being rude is being a Christian. To ask questions and demand answers is very rude to those who beguile.
At one time in the USA this was a very well known thing. Of late whoever sings about their WAP is the ruler of thought and ethics.
Cue up the Elon is Evil comments please!
My right arm raised, I say......Flynn.
He openly and frequently denigrates Q.
I am aware. Nearly everyone does.
The difference with Flynn is that people think he's somehow anons' leader and is read in on the plan.
paid for posting, what? no, truth journalists don't work for ActBlue.
you guys aren't getting your pay from russia?!
did someone say post happenings?
Most of that army has been banned from Twitter.
Battle is here. I’ve been getting followed by antifa dressed as trump supporters on x. Then they sabotage your pro trump threads and you can’t block them anymore.
First time ever this week got followed by a Chinese communist with anti capitalist anti trump memes that rival the Q movie poster memes.
The battle has begun. These are not liberal normies.
If the Russian government keeps talking about removing Nazis from Ukraine. I wonder how many Nazi antifa type there are world wide. This seems to be a world wide movement. I’ve seen the graffiti even in South America. It’s a cult. They worship Obama.
Interesting that if you look at it from a Q perspective. If Q was not a real part of what Flynn is part of, he would not have said "We" have a digital army, it would have been more a realization that Q has a digital army, or which I am a part.
Unfortunately, Flynn regularly denigrates Q and those who read the drops. He is not who he has painted himself to be, and the mentions of him in the drops can be read VERY differently than the positive reading people hallucinate into them.
The old "people see what they wan to see" scenario huh?
There’s no substitute for research.
Notable: https://x.com/GenFlynn/status/1709681864720413156?s=20
Especially notable - the response at the bottom... Those who know, know.
Nope, but you might have to pay to have an account on X. Elons talking about extending the subscription to all users, not just the verified ones.
Nope, the place would become a ghost town if he did that.
... Theta -enters the discussion
He is also paying contributors to post if they get a lot of traffic.