I've often wondered if that very last image ("THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY.) is a real image of what was in the envelope, or a fake that somebody threw together after the fact? If it IS a real image, how did it become public?
I don’t think that was the real image- For some reason I think the image they really seen was McStain hung - a traitors death- that was their promise to ‘counter’ . Jeb was shocked but Hillary didn’t blink.
One of the most publicly bad ass moves by military/Q. Another one would be the "stolen" plan with a Q on it that they flew via remote control as cover for an operation. I believe it was sometime after the missile launch caught on skunkbay weather cam.
I've often wondered if that very last image ("THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY.) is a real image of what was in the envelope, or a fake that somebody threw together after the fact?
So many things are fake these days
If it looks totally real, it could possibly be fake. If it's questionable whether it looks real or fake, then it's most likely fake.
Also "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY" doesn't fit well with Q's remark that the envelopes contained "Our offer to counter."
A photo, for example, of former President George "Poppy" Bush tied up, drenched in blood, and dangling from a rope with a dagger run through his throat and out the back of his skull, however, would fit quite well.
Could’ve been. the way Hillary looked closer to see who it was and the way Jeb looked as if “Is that what happened to dad?” Also, the way W said “Yep!” Like he knew, he would’ve known more than Jeb🤷🏼♂️
Maybe... but I'm sincerely hoping that one day in the not-too-distant future, the entire show will be revealed in a comprehensive way. A movie? A multi-volume set of books? TV specials? Whatever, We The People have a right to know all the details about how and why America was changed for the good.
Q 247 “watch the wives” posted Dec. 4, 2017. GHW Bush 4 day funeral ceremony Dec. 3-6th 2018. Envelops on Dec. 5, 2018 1 year delta+1 day. Only the wives received envelopes. I was on Reddit Great Awakening. Didn’t know about VOAT or GAW at that time. We were all speculating why Karen Pence would get an envelop. We thought they were patriots and not traitors like the others.
whatever was in the envelopes was short and sweet (sweet for us anyways). Killary didn't even pull it the whole way out of the envelope and everyone just glanced at theirs then got a sick look, even Renegade looked like he turned white.
“I’m sorry. They know everything”.
Laura was in on it, too.
I was at a conference a few years ago. She was the lunch speaker at a time when the Kenyan was pres. I told her to tell W that we sure miss him. The Kenyan was gone and that made me happy. She gave me the most evil glare. Now I know the Bushes are cabal and have been for decades. I understand her reaction now. They probably worship satan with Barry and Big Mike and probably helped write the D/cabal/Zionist/Marxist 16 year plan.
I think it had to have been a picture in the envelope, because Jeb reacts so quickly, I don't think he would have had time to read even a short message (like the one shown at the end of the video). He just glanced at it and his reaction happened instantly.
On another note, one of my favorite parts is at 1:09 in the video. The funeral has just begun, and everyone in the building - including Jimmy Carter at his very advanced age, is still wide awake and alert. All except one person. Who is that guy sitting behind Carter that is already catching Zzzz's? LOL!
Jr. just threw out the first pitch in the World Series the other day and Laura was with him. I wanted to root for the home state team but when I saw that, I don't give a shit who wins.
Women are always more inquisitive towards personal notes than men are. They wanted to see what was in the envelope and then showed it to their hubbies, who all stood there stoned faced. The women knew something was odd and the men all knew what it meant, even spineless Jeb. HRC was thinking "Pffffft, they don't know how much power around this town I wield!"
Has anyone asked any receiver of one of the envelopes what was in the envelope? Although they would not answer if asked, it would be interesting to see their reaction, which can often reveal a lot.
I asked the person posing as Hillaryous. When she said: she had no active recollection, after showing the video, I responded: yeah, I believe you, as you ( emphasis) weren't there. It was a different actor. [/s]
What was in those envelopes? Just letting the cabal know their days are numbered. Just like the cabal likes to inform us of what they plan to do to us. It's our promise to 'counter.' 🐸
As if these are Dick and Jane from up the street. This was a collection of the most powerful people in politics. Security would have been absurd. Whoever placed the envelopes did at behest of someone in control of the entire building. And then these people were filmed, specifically zoomed in to catch each one of them opening the letter.
They were only given to specific people. Carter didn’t get one. Traitorous pieces of shit got them. And whatever was in them, made Jeb Bush visibly terrified. Your whole cute spiel might carry a bit more weight, if we didn’t get the reaction from idiot Jeb. Hillary is a pro and knew she was being filmed. Jeb like the idiot he is damn near passed out.
It’s amazing what lengths people will go to denounce what they are seeing with their own eyes. As if pretending you can’t see what you are seeing makes you the smart guy in the room. As if any dipshit could somehow sneak a bunch of items into the specific envelopes placed at the seats of a bunch of ex-presidents. You know what security is right? All those dudes with earpieces you can see, in the video? Do you know that part of their job is to keep their people from getting blown up? Do you suppose there is some sort of control over who gets to place what where presidents are gonna sit?
In your quest to sound smart, you made yourself sound like the biggest idiot in the room
Oh yes, you are absolutely correct in your observations. It is unbelievable what lengths they are willing to go to. These people are literally attached to puppet strings in the hands of Satan.
You are willing to go to incredible lengths to avoid the obvious reality of a situation that you can literally see with your own eyes.
When this is all over, you are going to tell people you knew the whole time. No one is going to want to admit they missed the obvious signs constantly being thrust in the public’s face.
There was a time when even CNN discussed the Q group. That was before it became politically inconvenient to admit such a thing existed.
There is going to come a day when CNN is forced to admit that the NSA was behind the current Q leaks and oddities. And when that day comes, you are going to tell anyone who will listen that you knew the whole time.
I've often wondered if that very last image ("THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY.) is a real image of what was in the envelope, or a fake that somebody threw together after the fact? If it IS a real image, how did it become public?
Q post 2608
What were in the envelopes?
Our promise to 'counter'. Q
Yes I know that, but we still don't know if that image is real or fake.
I don’t think that was the real image- For some reason I think the image they really seen was McStain hung - a traitors death- that was their promise to ‘counter’ . Jeb was shocked but Hillary didn’t blink.
One of the most publicly bad ass moves by military/Q. Another one would be the "stolen" plan with a Q on it that they flew via remote control as cover for an operation. I believe it was sometime after the missile launch caught on skunkbay weather cam.
So many things are fake these days
If it looks totally real, it could possibly be fake. If it's questionable whether it looks real or fake, then it's most likely fake.
Also "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY" doesn't fit well with Q's remark that the envelopes contained "Our offer to counter."
A photo, for example, of former President George "Poppy" Bush tied up, drenched in blood, and dangling from a rope with a dagger run through his throat and out the back of his skull, however, would fit quite well.
A patriot can dream, can't he
Could’ve been. the way Hillary looked closer to see who it was and the way Jeb looked as if “Is that what happened to dad?” Also, the way W said “Yep!” Like he knew, he would’ve known more than Jeb🤷🏼♂️
I agree with you all the way No counter, a puc I'd his sad, sorry, executed body.
I think it's a real image and Steven Mnuchin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin) has a hand in "Movie" production.
We may never know what is in the envelopes.
Maybe... but I'm sincerely hoping that one day in the not-too-distant future, the entire show will be revealed in a comprehensive way. A movie? A multi-volume set of books? TV specials? Whatever, We The People have a right to know all the details about how and why America was changed for the good.
Would be the 2nd greatest story ever told.
Amen to that!
I agree.
That would so awesome to get a book detailing everything that went down.
True dat, but the looks on their faces tell us it certainly wasn't "Be My Valentine."
Not real
Q 247 “watch the wives” posted Dec. 4, 2017. GHW Bush 4 day funeral ceremony Dec. 3-6th 2018. Envelops on Dec. 5, 2018 1 year delta+1 day. Only the wives received envelopes. I was on Reddit Great Awakening. Didn’t know about VOAT or GAW at that time. We were all speculating why Karen Pence would get an envelop. We thought they were patriots and not traitors like the others.
Actually Karen Pence showed she was the best trained operator of all. She saw the envelope and concealed it. The others had very public reactions.
My curiosity is who was filming this?
I have often wondered about this. It has always seemed to me that the person taken the video knew exactly who, when and what to film.
And you KNOW there were cameras everywhere in that building... yet only front views were ever released.
Steven Mnuchin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin) is a trusted Trump friend and Movie Producer
Hmmm who was filming good catch, Carter did not get one, he seemed like WTF where’s mine
CAPTURED. In that short moment they ALL knew that the GOOD GUYS had something on them so dark and nefarious that they KNEW they were CAPTURED
whatever was in the envelopes was short and sweet (sweet for us anyways). Killary didn't even pull it the whole way out of the envelope and everyone just glanced at theirs then got a sick look, even Renegade looked like he turned white.
"turned white" KEK
Being halfrican and all...
looked like Jeb was crapping his panties. hahaha
Maybe the message just said, "you'll have the same fate as George, unless you work with us."
“I’m sorry. They know everything”. Laura was in on it, too. I was at a conference a few years ago. She was the lunch speaker at a time when the Kenyan was pres. I told her to tell W that we sure miss him. The Kenyan was gone and that made me happy. She gave me the most evil glare. Now I know the Bushes are cabal and have been for decades. I understand her reaction now. They probably worship satan with Barry and Big Mike and probably helped write the D/cabal/Zionist/Marxist 16 year plan.
George Bush was tight with M. Obama. The “wives” are the key.
could be comm to other bad guys
Laura Bush looks angry and evil for a minute before she remembers that there are cameras around.
Agree, she looked EVIL through her tears.
You nailed how she looked! That was the very moment I knew she was truly EVIL!
Take a look at Hillary ...I never noticed before she was gritting her teeth when she saw hers
This is one of my top 5 rabbit holes easily. I’ve often wondered how we will know when the information about what was on the cards begins to come out.
Another one is the execution of No Name.
When I get low and think nothing is happening, I think back to the funeral and execution.
Follow the wives.....
I hope and pray someday we know the full truth
I think it had to have been a picture in the envelope, because Jeb reacts so quickly, I don't think he would have had time to read even a short message (like the one shown at the end of the video). He just glanced at it and his reaction happened instantly.
On another note, one of my favorite parts is at 1:09 in the video. The funeral has just begun, and everyone in the building - including Jimmy Carter at his very advanced age, is still wide awake and alert. All except one person. Who is that guy sitting behind Carter that is already catching Zzzz's? LOL!
He seems sad he didn't get anything.
Since then, at least Joe and HRC have been replaced with doubles. Maybe they all are
Agree. Obama has and haven't seen George Jr in a while...seems like Schiff is new also...
Jr. just threw out the first pitch in the World Series the other day and Laura was with him. I wanted to root for the home state team but when I saw that, I don't give a shit who wins.
bread and circuses
As a Texan, it's a damn shame they're Texan lol
Wow, I haven't heard anything about Hussein having been replaced.
HRC was just on video getting bitch slapped onstage by a rando progresso in the audence. The face and voice are unmistakable.
what if there were others and no camera captured them. previous post noted how Interesting the envelopes were given to the wives!
Women are always more inquisitive towards personal notes than men are. They wanted to see what was in the envelope and then showed it to their hubbies, who all stood there stoned faced. The women knew something was odd and the men all knew what it meant, even spineless Jeb. HRC was thinking "Pffffft, they don't know how much power around this town I wield!"
Gitmo will be busy stretching necks.
It already is.....
??? Pray, tell....you have inside info?
I mean his daughter and kasich said McCain was executed and that was a longgg time ago so I can only think they have started executions.
I saw that interview of Kaisich! “It’s only been 2 days since John McCain was killed.”
More precisely: "Put to death"
I've had woke tards listen to that & they still refuse to admit it means other than die of natural causes!!!
I believe the exact word used was killed. I listened to it. NBC I think.
Just think...as we sit in front of the fire and read an actual history book to out great grand kids...
Except history may 'white wash' this unless we (America) takes control of education system and Patriots take control of published materials.
We will never know what was in those envelopes, all we know is Jeb and Hillary were not happy.
Maybe, it was the actual results of the Election as seen on the Servers in Frankfort, Germany!
I've always wondered who the small man seated behind "w" is? Looks familiar.
Has anyone asked any receiver of one of the envelopes what was in the envelope? Although they would not answer if asked, it would be interesting to see their reaction, which can often reveal a lot.
I asked the person posing as Hillaryous. When she said: she had no active recollection, after showing the video, I responded: yeah, I believe you, as you ( emphasis) weren't there. It was a different actor. [/s]
I hope we will one day get our answer.
The envelopes were in with the bulletins. The message that George Bush showed his wife was different from the envelopes.
What was in those envelopes? Just letting the cabal know their days are numbered. Just like the cabal likes to inform us of what they plan to do to us. It's our promise to 'counter.' 🐸
“People are given an envelope”.
As if these are Dick and Jane from up the street. This was a collection of the most powerful people in politics. Security would have been absurd. Whoever placed the envelopes did at behest of someone in control of the entire building. And then these people were filmed, specifically zoomed in to catch each one of them opening the letter.
They were only given to specific people. Carter didn’t get one. Traitorous pieces of shit got them. And whatever was in them, made Jeb Bush visibly terrified. Your whole cute spiel might carry a bit more weight, if we didn’t get the reaction from idiot Jeb. Hillary is a pro and knew she was being filmed. Jeb like the idiot he is damn near passed out.
It’s amazing what lengths people will go to denounce what they are seeing with their own eyes. As if pretending you can’t see what you are seeing makes you the smart guy in the room. As if any dipshit could somehow sneak a bunch of items into the specific envelopes placed at the seats of a bunch of ex-presidents. You know what security is right? All those dudes with earpieces you can see, in the video? Do you know that part of their job is to keep their people from getting blown up? Do you suppose there is some sort of control over who gets to place what where presidents are gonna sit?
In your quest to sound smart, you made yourself sound like the biggest idiot in the room
Oh yes, you are absolutely correct in your observations. It is unbelievable what lengths they are willing to go to. These people are literally attached to puppet strings in the hands of Satan.
I did some digging and it actually turns out all of the security at this event was hired and payed for by George Soros. That scheming son of a bitch.
You are willing to go to incredible lengths to avoid the obvious reality of a situation that you can literally see with your own eyes.
When this is all over, you are going to tell people you knew the whole time. No one is going to want to admit they missed the obvious signs constantly being thrust in the public’s face.
There was a time when even CNN discussed the Q group. That was before it became politically inconvenient to admit such a thing existed.
There is going to come a day when CNN is forced to admit that the NSA was behind the current Q leaks and oddities. And when that day comes, you are going to tell anyone who will listen that you knew the whole time.