GovAnon thread on /pol/ -->someone might be feeding our enemies intel from the inside-- that makes sense. link below
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No way to verify but sometimes these anon drops are the best info..
agreed. we have someone feeding our enemies intel from the inside.. rope time--if true kek
If you've figured out who our enemies and allies are, then you're miles ahead of me fren. 🤣🤣
Scott Ritter predicted this would happen. If a well-informed public figure would be aware that Israel would not do well if it attempted to take that territory, why is it a given that intel is being fed?
I feel like Israel is being marched into this against their better judgement. Or the whole operation is a cover for something else entirely.
u/bubble_bursts/ made a great point.---when the admin refers to enemies in this context, it might actually be anti cabal forces.
So the GovAnon would be a DS shill?
im not saying that..just to try to look at it both ways.
Why would someone in the know post to 4chan instead of 8kun. I thought that why Q left 4chan, the 8chan, because they had gotten compromised, or something.
Could be a psyop. Could be a legit insider who has heard of 4chan but not 8. Could be a LARP. Too early to tell IMO.
More traffic on 4chan.There is good research on 8/QR (sometimes), but if a person is gonna LARP, 4chan gets ya the attention you're looking for. People play along there, QR calls the bullshit.
Many more eyes/traction on 4chan 8chan is mostly Q exiles
There are millions of cell phones in Israel - we would have more independent reporting on some of this if true
Not much of an intel drop, tho, not much meat in here to verify, really
Doesn't it seem fishy that Isreal would be losing using outdated weapons? Isn't that nation supposed to have a superior military/intelligence capability? This narrative seems disingenuous to me.
Yup Israel does have the best military in the world. Thats why the US was supporting Israel because all their money was going into the military. They also had the most fortified border in the world and there is no way terrorists could get the drop on them unless they let it happen.
I know right? I keep hearing how Israel has the fourth largest, most well equipped military in the world, and now after a couple week of 1/2 ass war they are supposedly running out of arms. What the F have they been doing with the billions we've sent them every year. Oh, I know, lining the pockets of the big boss Zionist on both side of the big drink.
All these years we have been feed the line on how fierce IDF forces are. And you think Israel would have huge stockpiles of everything that goes boom in anticipation for an event like this.
And I hear stories about how our trillion dollar + military has run out of artillery shells,,,, WTF.
Why not just use the same weapons used to kill American citizens on Maui. We seem pretty good at doing that.
Not only that, but judging from the commercials on my TV, they aren't using any of those billions to feed their concentration camp surviving elderly either!
Same narrative about NATO wunderwaffen. Turns out when we gave them to Ukrainians to take them for a spin on the battlefield, they weren't so 'wunderbar' after all. The MIC is a for-profit business and we've all been ripped off.
Ruskies did the same against Ukraine. Sent in the JV team with the Cold War leftovers 🤔 interesting
Unless they are losing on purpose in order to bring about some greater sympathy and subsequently a harsher response.
Btw, when the admin refers to enemies in this context, it might actually be anti cabal forces.
shit bb. i didnt think to look at it like that. thanks fren
Given how much the groups currently fighting love to brag. You’d think they’d be trumpeting from the rooftops that they have the IDF on the run.
Not to mention GOV anon makes no mention of the fact Yemen formally entered the conflict.
"Not to mention GOV anon makes no mention of the fact Yemen formally entered the conflict." ---- Houthi rockets are pounding Tel Aviv
"Given how much the groups currently fighting love to brag. You’d think they’d be trumpeting from the rooftops that they have the IDF on the run." j3ws cut phones and internet
Agreed. I don't like the Ayatollah of Iran either though, I hope for a mutually beneficial outcome.
I’m calling BS on this post. Not all of it. But there is no way they would be that blindsided and not even know where tunnels are.
I think it’s more likely that 3/4 of this war is psyops and almost nothing we think is happening actually is.
You don’t have accidental oversight of what your enemies capabilities are when you have been having skirmishes for 20+ years. Just my 2 cents.
Also ground penetrating radar is not a secret…
Detects tunnels 60 meters underground?
Your 2 cents are correct.
I think the false flag is something that will be designed to get US involved. Golf of tonkin style, it's gonna be different to others though and might be so horrible that all the West will come to Israel's aid.
Even my totally non awakened husband who knows only what msm feeds him said last night that there were Marines with boots on the ground in Israel. He must have seen this on the news, but he's a Marine. His reading is centered on military history books and his observation was "Something's wrong. Something's going on they are not telling us."
Seems to me, the average Israeli is in the same bubble of ignorance about mossad, hammas as we are about our deep state and the monster their gov created has to be dealt with. Don't know the tactics or strategy, but there's no doubt this is part of the storm and perhaps the precipice.
Thank God, there is a plan and He is in control.
What’s with all this “we” stuff? Who the fuck are “we”?
GovAnon has a mouse in his pocket.
Israel has nukes
I am reminded of the WW3 opening Salvo from Alas Babylon. Pat Frank contended that the "Med" is the linchpin of European control. While I don't see a Sci-Fi novelist is the best person for Geopolitical Analysis, he may have been on to something. Let's look at the changes that have occurred in the last few decades regarding Mediterranean political structure. Libya, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Italy, Spain, France, and others have had significant political, social, and economic changes in recent decades. These changes have either weakened US interests and ability to project power via economic or political change, or have strengthened unfriendly relationships with those nations which were insignificant brokers in the region in the past. What are your impressions on this hypothesis given the significant changes that have occurred in the Mediterranean nations?
One thing is for certain, the actions of more current administrations reads like an enemy state's prescription if the goal was to eliminate US influence in the Med.
I never thought I'd see someone reference Alas, Babylon. I haven't read that book since I was a teenager. I think I'll give it another read.
Good post.
I call this type of post a Schrodinger's Drop. It is just as credible as it is incredible.
It can just as easily be true as untrue.
There are just as many compelling strategic reasons why this might be suppressed truth leaking out as this could be false propaganda. Or it might even be a LARP.
We have heard enough lies in situations of war to know the first casualty is truth. We know both sides of this conflict are dirty. We know WWW3 started long ago: the Information War.
Therefore, in my mind, it is simultaneously true and untrue until something opens the situation up and the lie collapses.
Equal chance to be real and fake? How many bored LARPers are there in the world compared to people with actual Intel that would be willing to risk everything to post it anonymously on 4chan?
It's not so much about how many bored LARPers there are as how many could produce a high enough quality LARP to get this type of traction. I don't know whether it's equal chance to be true or false, but I do know that things that were once very hard to believe are not that hard to believe anymore because of all the unbelievable things that have actually happened and the unbelievable things that have been exposed in the past decade or so. I have reasons to be believe the post might be legit. I have reasons to disbelieve. All I'm saying is I'm not able to rule out one or the other just out-of-hand.
BS. All of it.
I don't want to be that guy, but so many of these "INSIDE SCOOP" and "I have a very high level of clearance", and "this is my kills witch" posts are about such general and vague topics that it's kind of got better than 50/50 odds of being correct.
Like, think about it... This post basically says "The bad guys are doing bad guy things!". It can be assumed there are guys in the inside siphoning intel to our enemies, because we already know there are guys on the inside who STOLE OUR ELECTION
I call larp. Do governors actually talk like this? It'd have to be a governor who has lurked 4chan as well
At the very least we were overdue for a high profile anon post. I learned during Ukraine is that the best way to see for yourself is to look at snapchat publicly shared stories from those locales, like Tel Aviv. The Ukraine farse was BTFO when snap stories showed a normal day TOP KEK. Snapchat ended up disabling public stories across that region.
Thank you Obama and Joe Bidens diaper changers handlers for the billions and billions you both sent to the killing machine Iran, as The US collapses.
Dasting. Commenting to find later.
Check the Jerusalem Times or Haaretz. They're covering the evacuation orders of the northern settlements. That's a major development. Indicates that the IDF can't ensure their safety.
thanks u/Moose_Antlers/ ! i guess Hezbollah is more than they can Ritter says
I'm wondering if the DS is wanting this Israel to off itself by provoking its defeat... perhaps to burn the evidence or punish them for failing to defeat Q?
Multiple Delta operators kia? Seems like something we would know and would he used to garner support for more war. Looks like disinfo mixed in with slivers of truth.
It's not making MSM coverage for obvious reasons. They're not supposed to be on the ground, but reports are that early into this thing, they sent in Delta boys with IDF SF to do recon on sites looking for hostages. They walked into an ambush and got cut to pieces.
Both Israel and the US prefer to operate surgically. Killing civilians is a PR nightmare, so if you can pull off high-risk, high-reward missions, we try that. We've trained specifically to be the best at the world doing that for the last 20 years. It's one of the few things we're still good at.
Now, look at the headlines. Israel's just carpet bombing the area. Why would they do that knowing that Hamas surrounds themselves with women and children specifically for the PR when they get killed? They're doing it because they can't get the targets any other way. It's too dangerous to send special forces. Otherwise, news coverage would look like the post-Bin Laden raid coverage hailing the operators as heroes for rescuing the hostages. Hamas is far better trained and equipped than we gave them credit for and now IDF is trying like hell to figure out what to do about it.
Bruh. The Gaza Concentration Camp is the densest place on earth. There are/were women and children everywhere.
we already know our s.f. were there and took a hit.
Said it from the beginning. If the U.S. is considering sending boots, the boots are already there.
Haven’t seen anything about dead delta force operators in Israel.
And you probably wouldn’t.
"All intel going to the enemies"
"we are watching a movie"
This is probably a low level pleb anon who has no idea about the plan
I don't believe anything I read or see about that whole mess. There are liars everywhere.
I have difficulty feeling bad for Israel as a country, if this false-flag "Hamas" psy-op has backfired on them by ACTUALLY provoking the muslim nations into attacking them instead of just pretending to be a victim. I feel sorry for the citizens on both sides being killed and displaced for these stupid wars either way.