I remember in elementary school, 4th grade, 1968, I took a piece of paper, and wrote the year 1968 a bunch of time, and said to myself, "Remember writing this year." I wrote in like 100 times and tried to instill it into my brain. Not sure why, it seems like I just wanted to lock it in because one day I imagined it would be something long past.
Other events that made history that year include the Vietnam War’s Tet Offensive, riots in Washington, DC, the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1968..... What started the riots in 1968? King’s assassination ...... Detroit riots? The immediate cause of the riot was a police raid at an illegal after-hours drinking club, the site of a welcome-home party for two returning Vietnam War veterans. The police arrested all patrons in attendance, including 82 African Americans.
Well it would be a little obvious with the actual twin towers on the coin. So it just happened to be positioned in a way which could appear to represent a plane flying into the twin towers.
I am not certain about that but in my gut and from what i researched, i believe Israel is behind 9/11, well more like the khazarians are, but they act through Israel.
Listen to the way Netanyahu talked about Americans back in 2001.
'Netanyahu: America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they do say something, so then they say something... so what? 80% of Americans support us! It's absurd! We have such support there, and here we're thinking 'what should we do if?'...'
Netanyahu caught on tape in 2001: 'America is a thing you can move very easily in the right direction'.
A shorter version of this video circulated a few years ago, in which Netanyahu could be heard boasting in 2001 that Israel 'controlled the U.S.'
In this apparently extended version, the Israeli PM can be heard describing Israel's true strategy vis a vis the Palestinians.
Netanyahu: Today everyone understands the slogan 'The Settlements are here'. They are everywhere. What's the difference? What do you think [Palestinian leader Yassir] Arafat wants? He wants one big settlement that is called Tel Aviv. As far as they are concerned, I think, the territorial waters are also theirs [Palestinians']. That they want us to be pushed into the sea is obvious, but only further away...
The main thing is, first of all, to strike them, not once but several times, so painfully that the price they pay will be unbearable. So far, the price-tag is not unbearable. [I mean] a large-scale attack on the Palestinian Authority, causing them to fear that everything is about to collapse. Fear is what brings them to...
Host: Hold on, then 'the world' will again say that we're aggressors.
Netanyahu: They can say whatever they want.
Host: Aren't you afraid of what they'll say?
Netanyahu: No.
Host: Especially today with the U.S. I know how they are...
Netanyahu: America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they do say something, so then they say something... so what? 80% of Americans support us! It's absurd! We have such support there, and here we're thinking 'what should we do if?'...
Look, I wasn't afraid to maneuver [the Clinton Administration]. I wasn't afraid to confront Clinton. I wasn't afraid to go against the U.N. What happened with the Oslo Accords? The Accords, which were ratified by Parliament. I was asked before the [1996] elections: "Will you fulfil them?"
I said: "Yes, subject to reciprocity, and minimizing pull-outs." But how can one minimize the [obliged] pull-outs? I gave my own interpretation to the agreements, in such a way that will allow me to stop the race back to the 1967 borders.
Host: How did we manage to do this?
Netanyahu: Nobody defined what "Military Facilities" are. So I also defined them as being 'security zones'. The entire Jordan Valley, for me, is a "military facility". Nobody has...
Host: Yes. Like the Beit She'an valley.
Netanyahu: You see, go figure. But then there was the question of who will define these "military facilities"? I received a letter from [Secretary of State, Warren] Christopher, sent to me and to Arafat at the same time, saying that Israel and Israel alone will define the "military facilities", their locations, and size.
For those who are unaware, the 2 column represented on the coin an possibly with the 2 world trade buildings where representations of Solomon's 2 sons boaz an jachin, this is ancient masonic symbolism at its finest.
Two pillars of the entry of the temple of Solomon, according to the description in the bible.
I found it interesting that a mason friend of mine often used to talk to me about this subject, in order to entice me to go with him to the lodge .... which, of course, I did not.
As far as I am concerned, the temple is an abstract representation of the procreation of life.
So first we have these two pillars at the entrance. Then we have the holy chamber, then the holy of holies separated by the shroud which chamber was only accessible by the high priest once a year, who had the duty to make reconciliation for the sins of the nation. He would have to take: seed, water and blood. In other words, life would start.
It could be argued that those twin towers actually supported the financial system given the types of business conducted there. It represents the total hijacking of the life blood of an economy, which is meant to allow the full development of man. But instead, it is now in the service of the enslavement of man.
On a different level, it is about the destruction of procreation. Put the green agenda, gender agenda, abortion agenda, transhumanism agenda, housing agenda, .gov handout-agenda etc, in a row and you'll see what is going on here.
Truly the enemy of the people.
From an historic perspective, what I notice is that ideas which are in its nucleus ok, are taken, put upside down, inflated, gifted with a different meaning and thrust and thereby re-directed.
For instance, from the Critias by Plato, one could conclude that democracy, meaning, the self-government of virtuous man is a good thing. "Making the world safe for democracy", or "international rules based order", "oath". What these ideas have fueled are Endless wars for profit leading to the destruction of man. This is the ploy that has been going on for ages. Co-opt, inflate, re-direct. It means that the elevation of man, his full development, is hampered on the notion that man is by its very nature: parasitic.
But is he really? When we look into our own lives and the lives of those we hold dear, perhaps, yes, we can see the struggle to be correct. But we are far removed from the technocratic and criminal destruction of our planet by these so called elite (chosen ones).
These images mentioned above convey a different idea, that has been held sacred for millennia, but are now subject to total destruction. The spirituality is far removed and difficult to access by the incessant pressure put upon us to work of our livelihoods and the distractions that permeate into every crevice and minute of our lives. Under this pressure of economy, with its financial stress, environmental stress, it takes quite a lot to reconnect with our inner self and to begin to show virtue.
By this lack of virtue, the political systems are corrupted, the rule of law weaponized, and put into the service of evil.
There is a direct link between the attack on the Twin Towers of 9/11/2001, the election of Ariel Sharon of Israel as PM (now in deep coma for several years), and the invasion of Iraq.
On Sept. 28, 2000, Sharon stormed the Great Mosque in Jerusalem (Al Haram Sharif), guarded by police forces, in the intention of destabilizing the peace process initiated by Rabin and Yasser Arafat in Sept. 1993 for the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza.
Dick Cheney, Vice President of Bush Jr, and Ariel Sharon had masterminded both the Twin Towers attack and the invasion of Iraq as a complete package for two main complementary goals:
First, to effectively cancel out or postpone indefinitely the plans and programs for the establishment of a Palestinian State;
Second, to devastate and destabilize the State of Iraq with a GNP surpassing the combined GNP of all the States surrounding Israel (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon) and thus postponing indefinitely the emergence of a powerful regional State with high potentials in resources, educated people, and strong industrial and agricultural bases.
"Construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower began in August 1968..."
which means it would have been in the planning stages before that.
"The construction of the first World Trade Center complex in New York City was conceived as an urban renewal project to help revitalize Lower Manhattan spearheaded by David Rockefeller."
He attended Yale University from 1964 to 1968, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. During this time, he was a cheerleader and a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon, serving as the president of the fraternity during his senior year. Bush became a member of the Skull and Bones society as a senior.
For those who are unaware of the World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project.
GREAT resource. Thank you.
Your welcome. I was happy to share it here today
Crazy stuff
There's more to MLK Jr. then what we've been told...
Thanks my fren, this was also my post.
Oops... student learns from the master.. LOL
Sad part is the fact of how badly we all have been played with the smoke n mirrors of the information industry...
Just have to keep marching for Truth.
Exactly! And it was an honor to be referred to my own post. 😁 Keep marching for truth!
I remember in elementary school, 4th grade, 1968, I took a piece of paper, and wrote the year 1968 a bunch of time, and said to myself, "Remember writing this year." I wrote in like 100 times and tried to instill it into my brain. Not sure why, it seems like I just wanted to lock it in because one day I imagined it would be something long past.
1968, also the year of the Tet offensive in South Vietnam.
When newsreader Walter Cronkite told the American people that the Vietnam War was lost.
Popular support for the Vietnam War collapsed in America.
The actual fact was the Tet offensive was a Military disaster for the Communists.
General Giap had prematurely sacrificed the Viet Cong so the North Vietnamese would have greater control over the Communist Forces in South Vietnam.
The Free World Forces were on the point of stabilising the situation in South Vietnam despite the intentions of the CIA to continue to cause chaos.
But..but...Greatest Ally!
I'll say this: All of our allies and "allies" are in it for themselves (nothing wrong with that on its face).
For some reason only the U.S. seems to be in it for literally everyone but themselves.
Allies - All lies.
They ALWAYS tell us if we have eyes to see.
Nixon elected. Kissinger appointed SOS after inauguration the next year.
Chicago riots at DNC convention. Far left begins to infiltrate the D party.
Bill Clinton graduates from Georgetown. Hillary graduated Wellesley the next year.
GWHB in the House
Obama in Indonesia age 7
Biden received 5 draft deferments before failing his Army induction physical.
W graduated Yale and gets inducted into TX ANG.
Laugh In begins in January.
From handlebar-online dot com.
A plane flying into religious scrolls, how prophetic.
It's the Scrollcoin ---- Russia has left the scrollcoin
WW3 will be fought about the Scrollcoin with airplanes and tanks.
WTC wasn’t built until 1973. Not that they couldn’t have knownthe WTC were soon to be built.
I see no crash into the scroll.
True, the coin shows a torah scroll which can be rolled up from either side, it does not represent the twin towers.
Well it would be a little obvious with the actual twin towers on the coin. So it just happened to be positioned in a way which could appear to represent a plane flying into the twin towers.
I am not certain about that but in my gut and from what i researched, i believe Israel is behind 9/11, well more like the khazarians are, but they act through Israel.
Listen to the way Netanyahu talked about Americans back in 2001.
'Netanyahu: America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they do say something, so then they say something... so what? 80% of Americans support us! It's absurd! We have such support there, and here we're thinking 'what should we do if?'...'
Netanyahu caught on tape in 2001: 'America is a thing you can move very easily in the right direction'.
A shorter version of this video circulated a few years ago, in which Netanyahu could be heard boasting in 2001 that Israel 'controlled the U.S.'
In this apparently extended version, the Israeli PM can be heard describing Israel's true strategy vis a vis the Palestinians.
Netanyahu: Today everyone understands the slogan 'The Settlements are here'. They are everywhere. What's the difference? What do you think [Palestinian leader Yassir] Arafat wants? He wants one big settlement that is called Tel Aviv. As far as they are concerned, I think, the territorial waters are also theirs [Palestinians']. That they want us to be pushed into the sea is obvious, but only further away...
The main thing is, first of all, to strike them, not once but several times, so painfully that the price they pay will be unbearable. So far, the price-tag is not unbearable. [I mean] a large-scale attack on the Palestinian Authority, causing them to fear that everything is about to collapse. Fear is what brings them to...
Host: Hold on, then 'the world' will again say that we're aggressors.
Netanyahu: They can say whatever they want.
Host: Aren't you afraid of what they'll say?
Netanyahu: No.
Host: Especially today with the U.S. I know how they are...
Netanyahu: America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they do say something, so then they say something... so what? 80% of Americans support us! It's absurd! We have such support there, and here we're thinking 'what should we do if?'...
Look, I wasn't afraid to maneuver [the Clinton Administration]. I wasn't afraid to confront Clinton. I wasn't afraid to go against the U.N. What happened with the Oslo Accords? The Accords, which were ratified by Parliament. I was asked before the [1996] elections: "Will you fulfil them?"
I said: "Yes, subject to reciprocity, and minimizing pull-outs." But how can one minimize the [obliged] pull-outs? I gave my own interpretation to the agreements, in such a way that will allow me to stop the race back to the 1967 borders.
Host: How did we manage to do this?
Netanyahu: Nobody defined what "Military Facilities" are. So I also defined them as being 'security zones'. The entire Jordan Valley, for me, is a "military facility". Nobody has...
Host: Yes. Like the Beit She'an valley.
Netanyahu: You see, go figure. But then there was the question of who will define these "military facilities"? I received a letter from [Secretary of State, Warren] Christopher, sent to me and to Arafat at the same time, saying that Israel and Israel alone will define the "military facilities", their locations, and size.
Continued in link.
Go back to reddit, glowie.
For those who are unaware, the 2 column represented on the coin an possibly with the 2 world trade buildings where representations of Solomon's 2 sons boaz an jachin, this is ancient masonic symbolism at its finest.
Two pillars of the entry of the temple of Solomon, according to the description in the bible.
I found it interesting that a mason friend of mine often used to talk to me about this subject, in order to entice me to go with him to the lodge .... which, of course, I did not.
As far as I am concerned, the temple is an abstract representation of the procreation of life.
So first we have these two pillars at the entrance. Then we have the holy chamber, then the holy of holies separated by the shroud which chamber was only accessible by the high priest once a year, who had the duty to make reconciliation for the sins of the nation. He would have to take: seed, water and blood. In other words, life would start.
Compare this: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/E5k6NoH45d84QiyzFpjwiZ-650-80.jpg.webp https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scheme_female_reproductive_system-nb.svg
It could be argued that those twin towers actually supported the financial system given the types of business conducted there. It represents the total hijacking of the life blood of an economy, which is meant to allow the full development of man. But instead, it is now in the service of the enslavement of man.
On a different level, it is about the destruction of procreation. Put the green agenda, gender agenda, abortion agenda, transhumanism agenda, housing agenda, .gov handout-agenda etc, in a row and you'll see what is going on here.
Truly the enemy of the people.
From an historic perspective, what I notice is that ideas which are in its nucleus ok, are taken, put upside down, inflated, gifted with a different meaning and thrust and thereby re-directed.
For instance, from the Critias by Plato, one could conclude that democracy, meaning, the self-government of virtuous man is a good thing. "Making the world safe for democracy", or "international rules based order", "oath". What these ideas have fueled are Endless wars for profit leading to the destruction of man. This is the ploy that has been going on for ages. Co-opt, inflate, re-direct. It means that the elevation of man, his full development, is hampered on the notion that man is by its very nature: parasitic.
But is he really? When we look into our own lives and the lives of those we hold dear, perhaps, yes, we can see the struggle to be correct. But we are far removed from the technocratic and criminal destruction of our planet by these so called elite (chosen ones).
These images mentioned above convey a different idea, that has been held sacred for millennia, but are now subject to total destruction. The spirituality is far removed and difficult to access by the incessant pressure put upon us to work of our livelihoods and the distractions that permeate into every crevice and minute of our lives. Under this pressure of economy, with its financial stress, environmental stress, it takes quite a lot to reconnect with our inner self and to begin to show virtue.
By this lack of virtue, the political systems are corrupted, the rule of law weaponized, and put into the service of evil.
Chaos & Order
There is a direct link between the attack on the Twin Towers of 9/11/2001, the election of Ariel Sharon of Israel as PM (now in deep coma for several years), and the invasion of Iraq.
On Sept. 28, 2000, Sharon stormed the Great Mosque in Jerusalem (Al Haram Sharif), guarded by police forces, in the intention of destabilizing the peace process initiated by Rabin and Yasser Arafat in Sept. 1993 for the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza.
Dick Cheney, Vice President of Bush Jr, and Ariel Sharon had masterminded both the Twin Towers attack and the invasion of Iraq as a complete package for two main complementary goals:
First, to effectively cancel out or postpone indefinitely the plans and programs for the establishment of a Palestinian State;
Second, to devastate and destabilize the State of Iraq with a GNP surpassing the combined GNP of all the States surrounding Israel (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon) and thus postponing indefinitely the emergence of a powerful regional State with high potentials in resources, educated people, and strong industrial and agricultural bases.
Continued in link
Democrat convention in chicago
You must be a Hamas supporter. (sarcasm)
😆 I have been called worse.
also Hong Kong flu pandemic, first Big Mac sold for 49c, and first successful heart transplant
crazy year
That “shekel” is a commemorative medal from 1967. It’s no. 16 on this list…. http://www.israelidecorations.net/Other/SixDayWarCommemorativeMedals.htm
Yeah it is
....and most people would've been using them in 1968.
Thats what predictive programming is all about. Its really no different than a 2020 car being actually/technically made in Oct 2019.
Thanks- I wasn't able to find anything but a fact checking site showing it was 1967... This is great sauce.
Wow. That iconography….damn.
1968 - Also the year 911 became the emergency phone number.
I put 9-1-1 became a dialing code. But yes a very key component.
My bad, how did i miss that. Great info meme, saving it to my 9/11 folder.
Those "towers" are clearly a scroll.
That scroll with a plane flying towards it is clearly a representation of the twin towers on 9/11
Mike pence did his thing for 30 sheckles.
33rd degree
That is a Torah, not two buildings.
Roughly translated, it reads "This coin entitles you to 10% off at the Dollar General."
*No cash value.
This is supposedly translates to. I tried to translate through lense and i could only get the world.
"With G-d's Will Was Saved the Peace of the World"
But it doesnt sound fluent. 🤷♀️
With G-d's Will the Peace of the World Was Saved
Your welcome. I was interested in what it said as well. If i come across anything more certain, ill be sure to share it with you
Funny, the CDCs logo seems to refer to the Kabbalist notion of 36 righteous men who will save the world.
Sorry “frens”, till the sky cracks open, you’re not being saved by men.
Nice scroll
Missing trillion dollars by the pentagon
That was 2001, and 1968 but yes it was a huge red flag when the money disappeared right before the towers came down
Its not a shekel but it's significant nevertheless. It was done commemorative coin.
One of these days i hope to make a meme without any mistakes Lol. I researched all the dates in reference to these events to ensure they were correct.
All good fren. Its just that the shekel thing always get caught in the fact check cross fire
Thanks for pointing this out anyways. I totally agree, especially in a time when its so important to be consistent with facts
Wow, absolutely wow!! Great dig Fren!!!
RFK assassination: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy
MLK assassination: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr.
Construction started on the North Tower (building 1): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_(1973–2001)
George W Bush graduation from Harvard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_life_of_George_W._Bush
2001 A Space Odyssey release: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey
9-1-1 made the emergency dial code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9-1-1
Shekel issued depicting 9/11? Not a shekel, not issued in 1968: https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2022/07/18/israel-did-not-mint-a-shekel-coin-about-the-911-attacks-in-1968
I don't trust fact-check sites... But I was unable to find anything else.
"Construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower began in August 1968..."
which means it would have been in the planning stages before that.
"The construction of the first World Trade Center complex in New York City was conceived as an urban renewal project to help revitalize Lower Manhattan spearheaded by David Rockefeller."
David Rockefeller? Hmmmm......
He attended Yale University from 1964 to 1968, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. During this time, he was a cheerleader and a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon, serving as the president of the fraternity during his senior year. Bush became a member of the Skull and Bones society as a senior.
A coin for Israel that has an airplane a tank and a Torah? How could they? Really this is a conspiracy thing? Try harder.
Ok Moshe