Joe indeed seems to be in a lot of trouble...
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"Biden" will be removed for "health reasons" before anything can happen to him. Then he will have some sort of reported medical episode, he will be in a comma i.e. RBG, never be seen again until his closed casket funeral. The actor playing him will take off the mask and walk away a very rich man.
Upvoted for quote marks around "Biden"
Anybody thinking that's the real Joe Biden is really not qualified even as a casual observer
That’s right
That's a ridiculous level of confidence about that opinion. I could understand if you were like "I think that's not him." That's fine, that's how you see it. From my perspective he looks identical, just older with some obvious plastic surgery. I'm not like "Anyone who thinks that's not Joe Biden is not qualified to have an opinion" though. Furthermore to my ears his voice is identical. I have never heard a mimic who is that good.
Even the size of the head? Compare it with the old one.
Exactly. It doesn’t look like it is a real head. Common man.
I don't know if you think it has grown or shrunk.
Thinner but looks like square
Maybe go back and look at older video of him from his half century in the Senate. The earlobes, eyes, nose, chin, forehead, voice, teeth, also handedness, signature...all different.
It's almost like he's vain and had a shitload of plastic surgery or something.
Omg, you're right! the old Joe had turned up mouth corners but the new Joe's corners turn down. I see it now!!!
I have heard exactly the same thing from 'Paul is dead' people and found it to be complete bullshit. Why is what you are saying no different?
You heard from 'Paul is dead' people that teevee Biden is not the real Biden...OK dude.
Maybe step away from the computer for a while and get some sunshine
Durr, the exact same thing about Paul McFartney or whatever they call him.
I agree with you. It’s the same Biden, imo. The voice is the same , as well as the idiotic personality. For people talking about earlobes.. I’m not an expert. But I do know that ears lengthen as one ages, perhaps earlobes do as well.
Plastic surgery can do it. This doctor even uses a pic of Joe as an example of 'pixie ears' after a bad facelift!
Wow.. ok so none should look at earlobes again ! Lol
I may be just that simple.
I'll bet I'm simpler.
No me
They need him gone before the shit hits the fan on him.
And ultimately his puppet masters, Barry and Canckles and their puppet masters…
Yup, bath house Barry in the basement is absolutely running the Biden puppet. I would hope the plan includes taking out the puppet master of Barry puppet as well.
I'm pretty sure ALL the top level strings have been cut and the white hats are now instructing those that committed treason to follow orders to aid in the collapse of the cabal matrix.
Obama stole Hillary's presidency. They are not friends.
They gotta have someone for the primaries..and to put on ballots so they can cheat
Don't you think the script writer will want to keep him around to lose to Trump?
You would think because "Biden" winning would really cause a mass awakening, but I'm thinking there's more to getting rid of the puppet. Like, will Harris be jettisoned at the same time? If that happens, the speaker becomes the interim president, which I think would be nuts. The plan has a lot of twists and turns from what I see.
They have two bigger mass awakening cards at play here. One is the full on Epstein Pizzagate stuff reveal, and two is Covid being created by the DS and released on us purposefully for a myriad of reasons as well as the election. Which would have everyone ready for pitchforks and guilotines. Those are so much more giant than "Oh, he really did cheat, wow."
Americans are pretty jaded by this point. Democrats have such low moral standards that they would probably applause how clever the Covid maneuver was and continue to blindly vote D.
There are a lot of things going on behind scenes we don’t know about. Even Netanyahu is different. He is not the same man.
We're not supposed to know, and I'm totally OK with that. I do agree that something is lets just say off with Netanyahu, kinda looks...different. ;)
DS/WHs will have to remove biden soon. Primaries are right around the corner. This should be interesting. 🐸
I don't think the puppet will be around much longer. I think a change will be happening soon as well.
Yessss yes, yes,
There is a reason we have all seen Joe Biden (or his actor) boasting on the talk show about how he withheld the billion dollar IMF funds until Shokin was fired for investigating Biden.
I remember showing that video to my wife when Biden was a candidate and telling her that he should never be president.
Didn't Trump always say that the 25th amendment would trouble Biden?
This could be it.
Yes, he said it would never be a problem for him but that Biden should worry about it 🙂
Feels big, man!
That's what Obama said on the first date.
Joe, master demonstrator of the stupidly absurd.
That was this actors job. To make the news of his corruption.
What real use would wieners laptop have for a corrupt FBI? The deep state extortioners reside there and in the DOJ. All done under the color of law. Wow. maybe Hillary didnt control the fbi or DOJ, they controlled her. Who controls the FBI? DOJ?
5th generation psyops on the table to see.
There is not enough evidence to proceed with impeachment! Uhhhhhh, okay said the sheep!
Impeachment validates the 2020 steal.
He has been there for 3 years, totally destroyed the economy and our borders. Put us in one war after another, cost the lives of countless soldiers and Congress won't get rid of him because THEY ARE COMPLICIT! The 2020 election was stolen just like every other election/selection over the last 60+ years. The 2020 election means nothing anymore. The damage is done. The asleep had to be awakened at the cost of almost losing the nation.
As Bongino asks, is it bad enough for you yet?
Does it really? And how does that validation stand up in light of the volume of election theft now hitting the public? I understand the sentiment but removal for treason sort of pales that fight just a bit. I mean treason in the hand... use what you got. Truth will rise to the top. the present time.
More is coming out. Why stop building the case when the worst is not yet known?
They have more than enough to prosecute him. They just don't want to!
Yes, but we haven’t even reached the precipice.
It’s got to be so bad that the House passes it and the Senate Dems have to sweat their long history of Biden support and fear their re-election chances. Congress is getting marched into a trap where many of them lose either way.
We haven’t even had Hunter and James Biden testify yet. The best testimony is yet to come. Hunter hasn’t gotten his DOJ coverup either.
If you impeach Biden now I don’t think you get enough votes in the house. Further, the senate won’t convict. And if Biden senses the end is near he will pardon his son and his brother. We need them on the record caught in more lies.
I also dare say that we are too far from the election. People have very short attention spans and we haven’t even started with primaries yet. No way are they going to carry around 12 mos of anger at the corrupt ex president. Dems will rebrand themselves by then.
Speaker of the House. We still don't have enough info to move forward for impeachment.
The Dems want Joe removed because then Gavin Newsom or Mooschelle can slip in there. I think he is being strategic by not persuing it.
Let’s have a Trump vs FJB election they must really work at to steal. Gavin or Moochelle will actually get more retards to vote for them.
Good view point
^^^ This.
Don't untie him from the tail of the Ds - no matter how hard they wag. They own this, lock, stock and barrel.
careful he knows we will get stuck with heels up Harris...thats worse
Is she even eligible when you look closely?
I don’t think she is, but when it comes to her, I avoid looking closely.
i dont think so but they wont give a shit......since when do they follow the constitution??
Obama was eligible?
He was NOT a Natural Born US Citizen because both his parents were NOT US citizens when he was born.
Nancy altered the document that previously required the wording "Natural Born".
She is NOT a Natural Born US Citizen because both her parents were NOT US citizens when she was born.
Could mean he can't get the votes yet, another flushing of rinos may be in order. The ones who have announced retirement are now submitted.
This. The RINOs wouldn't even join the Republicans to move the Mayorkas impeachment forward. Worse yet - 25 members didn't even vote, and some of those members were supposed republicans including eye-patch mccain.
Some things you cant just take at face value….
I wrote a blistering comment about the inability to impeach Mayorkas. If the man who has implemented the biggest invasion of our country cannot be impeached, then who can?? @GOPhouserepublicans @GOPChairwoman #FireRonna!
I think this is old news- at least at GAW
Everybody, all together now: 🎶All I want for Christmas are Military Tribunals 🎶
Who is going to arrest him? Certainly not the "justice" department. I don't believe that can happen until we own the DOJ with a Trump presidency - assuming he gets real AG.
I’ve been banging that drum since august, Refusing to let This get memory 🕳️ holding NewsMax accountable
Mika-whipped Joe Scarborough is frantically propping Biden up. The stupid twosome keep telling us how smart and effective Joe Biden is ad nauseum! How can he lose (even with his disgraceful wreath laying) with such blithely flattering supportive MSM?
Can’t spread it without a link
OP provided it already, above (a twitter link). Here’s the link to the catbox copy…
Just FYI…
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