“If things don’t get straightened up in this fucking world asap… When I’m seeing motherfuckers in New York City… rip down American flags on Veterans Day. When the economy is the way the economy is… The interest rates?… Go check what it’s like to buy a car, buy a house. The money.
The fucking chaos in this country. The chaos around the world…
If it comes down to (Trump) and Smokin’ Joe Biden… voting for (Trump) is on the table.”
I can’t emphasize how much this warms my heart to see liberals waking up. Especially someone like Rapaport who has spewed the most vile hatred toward President Trump for the past 7 years.
I still Cant stand the fucking sight of him, but Seriously...After all he's said about President Trump ill take this as a win for the Great Awakening...
This asshole is a world class fuckstick. I would never trust a single word from him. I agree it's fun to see him say he might vote for Trump, but this guy can NOT be trusted.
Absolutely not....You could see it was almost causing him pain and discomfort to even say it...😆
It's not about trusting him, but recognizing the potential impact someone like him turncoating can have.
Sure, he said some vile things. We all have. But ultimately he's a victim of the programming like 99% of the rest of humanity. Him changing his mind should give you all hope for other normie friends and family. Don't get sucked in by speculation and remember, Trump is a man. I'm done calling him "god emperor" because way to many people took it literally and were willing to accept Trump as supreme dictator. No. I took an oath to the Constitution and THAT is what I will continue to stand up for and defend. And that's all any of us should swear loyalty to.
The founding fathers knew man cannot be trusted with power, so they appointed a piece of paper to be the supreme ruler. It's long passed time we get back to that.
The paper isn't the supreme ruler.
The paper declares that the supreme ruler is We The People (as a singular entity).
I think he just wanted attention and more engagement on twitter.
Besides, who cares? The guy isn't even much of a celeb.
Most likely explanation. How long before he changes his tune or starts backpedaling?
No doubt. His NY lemming cohorts will have him slandering the boss again in 3,2,1…
We know he can't be trusted. The thing is, enough liberal dipshits listen to him and trust him. Some will say, "You know, I noticed things have sucked lately." This will also open them up to 2020 being stolen. They want Biden gone, yesterday.
Me either. Communists are so full of themselves. Something really must have hit home to get him to capitulate. Yet he did not do so with grace. He spoke & behaved like the low class individual he has always been.
It was killing him to say that....
Was going to say about the same of this dick stain. Vote accepted. Moving on.
Has Trump promised him a cure for cold sores?
I bet he has been secretly rubbing some Ivermectin on his Monkey Pox.
prob fenben and ivermectin...maybe regeneron
What’s he gonna do? Bring his 12 fans over to our side? Fuck that whiney lil bitch
Not that I trust his words at all but I could not have been more surprised to hear this than if I woke up with my face sewn to the carpet. What an astonishing time to be alive
I'm always amazed at how these liberals fail to recognize the reason everything has turned to shit is b/c of the policies/ideology they support. They can't seem to put it together. I guess at least Rappy is admitting he is unhappy with how things currently are. He's ahead of many liberals that have convinced themselves that everything is fine despite evidence to the contrary.
Giuliani cleaned up NYC, then Dems took it back over and turned it back into a shithole. It's either too many brainwashed people or outright election rigging.
Dude’s a decently good and funny actor. I always enjoyed his films (Beautiful Girls recommended if u can stand Rosie ODonnel before she was what she now is). Pissed me off so much to hear him spewing his venom on twatter for years. This is the kind of turnaround I can support though. This and his “updated” views on the jabs (he ain’t happy with the lies). Makes me seriously wonder if he’s been a plant from the drop or if he’s just legitimately starting to process reality in a saner manner. Either way, welcome!
That's a sweet movie
lol this fag jew is scared seeing all his fanboys now rooting for palestine to the sea
"I'll still call him "Pig Dick Donald Trump". Rappaport is still a piece of shit loudmouth know-it-all. He shoots off at the mouth, obsessed with his following. He does his thnking and backtracking afterwards.
i can't believe Trump would have one conversation with this nutty POS, but this says conversation(s). i highly doubt it. this fucker is so off the rails i can't imagine POTUS putting up with his shit for one second.
What does a good movie need, good actors. When I saw this my first thought was that all of it was an act. His TDS was eleven on a scale of ten, so funny. I really like him as an actor so this warms my heart.
makes me wonder if he was an " actor " in this movie from the start
We’re watching a movie right? What if this fuckstick said what said to play his part to pull the sheep go his pen then decided to switch Shepard’s and awaken the followers? Programming can be used for good on those who show no capacity to think for themselves
i don't think he's popular enough to tip any libtard scale. i had to look his name up to see who he even is.
😆😆🤣 Yeah, that was funny...
hehe kek
Wow…. You telling me we ‘might’ have to like this faggot???
I have a hard time believing Trump would give him the time of day, but you never know I guess.
From what it seems Trump gives everyone the chance to make amends. His work ethic, especially for his age, is incredible, just non-stop.
This should give you hope for your normie friends and family.
Rapaport needs a good tune up.
That's what this part of the movie is all about, it's a message to the democrat voters who might be saved: "Here's a full dose of what you're advocating. Either recognize the consequences of your actions and vote America First, or continue voting for your own demise." They'll either join us as Patriots or perish with the ones that have been pulling their strings.
This is truly amazing. To be as outspoken publicly as this guy has been, it must be incredibly tough to eat the amount of crow he had to eat to make a video like this. IMO, it just goes to show that he has awakened to the fact that the people on his side are guilty of the very things he was accusing President Trump of doing and being. This is an incredible "about face" by someone who has put so much hatred and venom out there so far. He strikes me as the type whose case of TDS was so advanced that it had to have been very embarrassing to admit that he may have been wrong all along. How many other normies out there without a public podium are out there going through the same process? There has to be a lot of them. Score one for the good guys!
It matters. Sad but true.
I don’t really give a fuck how he’s voting. He’s still a worthless scrotum wrinkle.
Fuck that gay ass wigger. No deals
I wonder what Trump has on him? “We caught em all”
I'm not all that familiar with him but I sure am enjoying this post and the comments!
Strings Cut?
Maybe it’s not just politicians who get their strings cut?
Fuck michael rappaport he’s basically the version of any average person from Brooklyn
Don’t trust him just yet.
Red pill straight up his fucking dumb liberal asshole!
I had to look up what movies/shows this guy has been in. Do not recognize a single one.