Fake polls are still fake polls, but they have little choice when the Overton Window shifts. Have to seed some semblance to reality... whatever that looks like.
In reference to the Overton window of public discourse don't you think that Elon single handedly has shifted the window in the last week quite a bit in Trumps favor?
Trump is up 10% with independents. Divide by 3 for a net of +3. Trump will get very close to 100% of the Republican votes. The democrats are hemorrhaging core voters. Trump is up 6-10%.
The black vote is swinging heavily to Trump. We're looking at a good 20%, on the LOW side. It's going to take some monumental cheating to get Biden elected. Will the cities allow the same level of cheating this time? I just don't see it. I could see them on fire if Biden wins. I hope that doesn't happen, but people aren't going to be happy if they see 100% turnout in the cities, and Biden getting 97%. They'll know full well their votes, and voices, were stolen. It'll get ugly.
I suspect cheating will be harder in '24. There's no element of surprise this time.
For example, if a "pipe bursts", how many plumbers do you think they'll find just happen to be hanging out around at the corner diner that day? If they start covering election windows with cardboard, how many molotov's will end up in their lap in response? Cardboard doesn't like water very much. Neither do election machines. Might have to re-do the election, for at least that precinct. With paper ballots.
elections have become "playgrounds" for democrats and they will just tell you you did not "see" what you "saw" and the media will "swing" into action and "slide" whatever narrative needed into "play"...why wouldnt they..it worked last time...nobody seems to care about the hocus pocus anymore..blatant in-your-face deception and bold outright lies seem to be the preferred trend in these times of the anti-heroes they create in their minds to justify "winning elections by any means neccessary"...until a cheater is made to care..they dont
It was 20% last time. The issue is black women vote dnc by 90+%. The dnc party lost black and Hispanic men. Their policies have put the woman as head of household. Potus got 20%+ black and Latino men last time.
I am not convinced black women are voting 90% D. I think a lot of them aren't voting at all, and are being voted for. That's why the cities come in late. They are voting for people who are no shows.
They've been lying to us for years. Yes, they vote mostly D, but I will never believe they show up in the numbers they are reported to show up in. it's why they have resorted to using dead voters, pets, etc. for years. People are not showing up to vote D.
I don't think so I think it hurts Biden, RFK is a liberal through and through. Gov. regulations, climate changer, transgender guy, the only two things RFK has right is the vaccine and no more wars, other than that he is a libtard.
Yeah, RFK Jr is popular amongst the hippie side of the liberal left. I haven't seen any Trumpers or conservatives backing RFK, but I've seen quite a few hippies/spiritualist types say they're voting for him.
We have to keep in mind that the only people who actually like Biden are boomer Dems who are out of touch with the reality of their own party. The left doesn't actually like Biden, he's just a useful idiot for their cause. Those on the left who aren't full-blown wingnuts may gravitate to a third party candidate.
The Republicans supporting other candidates in the primary will poll for RFKjr in ever decreasing numbers until they are all in for Trump at election time. He will get some democrat votes that would have gone to Trump in a two way race.
Big Mike will lose a lot of black voters because they don’t like trannies.
yes they're losing core voters but have gained potentially 5 million the last 3yrs,this has been there plan from the start ,that's why they want to allow illegals' to get drivers license so they can vote.
You are right. I could not come up with any method of cheating that the democrats/DS did not employ during 2020. Only one was unsuccessful: assassination.
I think the White Hats will be able to mostly take out the three key methods of cheating for the democrats. They will still have other methods where the impact will fall well short of their goal.
Well, I wouldn’t call a 2.2% margin average a “cheat-proof” lead. That’s likely within the margin of error (3% typically). Hell, Trump probably beat Biden (in real votes) by 30% and we know how 2020 turned out. Sigh.
I know what they are saying when they say its moving beyond fraud but with the machine flipping, double counting, ballot tossing etc... nothing will ever be cheat proof until we do transparent one day paper ballots only.... Trump could get 1000 votes and biden 0 but they can set it to make it 501-499 at will...
Trump was up 2 points over Biden when he "lost" GA in 2020, yet he was down 4 points when he beat Hillary in 2016 in GA. Biden supposedly got over 600K more votes than Hillary in GA. Where as Trump only got 200k more votes. There was 800k more votes in GA than in 2016. Something very strange and corrupt going on for there to be that many new votes and 75% of them going to Biden.
I don’t believe any of these polls. No way could Biden have those many points, unless the people polled are brain dead or afraid of losing Democrat handouts/freebies.
“The media uses polls to create news stories. I think polls are just an extension of the editorial page, an excuse to get them on the front page. You can ask any question you want, get any answer you want, and then run around with that as a news story.”
-- Rush Limbaugh
Are you serious? They have systematically inflated every voter roll in every county across the U.S. I don’t have the video but they have been doing it, with proof, as far back as at least 2012 and most likely farther back than that. They looked at census and then just took a random number like 12% and added ghost voters so that they could add votes however they wanted. That analyst looked at hundreds of counties and said that it’s present in every one that he checked.
The single fact that they had more votes than eligible voters in the 2020 election flat out tells you they will do whatever they can to cheat and they have control of the media, politicians, legal system, and even most of the internet to back it up.
Polls don’t tell you anything one way or another. They are just imaginary because once they start going the wrong way, they inflate them to start backing up the narrative.
You really think that half the country really approves of this idiot in the White House and what Congress is doing? Food prices are up, something like 10-75% depending on the item.
The only way this gets fixed is if white hats expose the whole thing in the 2024 election and, if they don’t, the people step in. I’m not date-fagging but I actually am. There is no way we can bounce back after another year of this. Private businesses are being decimated while big corporations are taking over, gaining even more power and control. The country is literally at a breaking point and most on here are keyboard warriors guessing at what the next move is.
I pray and hope white hats are in control but it really does look like something happened to delay their forward momentum. Biden is just a puppet for Obama which was a puppet for the deep state, himself.
Try raising kids in this insanity. They have literally taken everything they learned from destroying and enslaving the black population through black culture (creating multiple violent generations) and they are applying it in our schools, education, and every facet of pop culture you can imagine. Oh, this cartoon seems amazingly devoid of pc wokeness… next season it is a dumpster fire.
YouGov's methodology is quite flawed. Their online system targets younger demographics by nature. Essentially, anyone can sign up for YouGov and it can be gamed.
Let’s face it, with our open borders and all of the Africans and Chinese and other fighting age males coming in there is only one logical answer. We won’t stop them from internal attack. And that may be precisely what is needed to get our asses off the couch and bring us together. Keep buying ammo, keep practicing, and stay vigilant.
Could it be they are faking Trump leading to get the voters out? But you know it is a sham, I don't think I know anybody who would vote for Biden, people who voted for him last time. If we have an HONEST election Trump wins in a landslide, I think a lot of people have woke up Covid was created to destroy Trump now that more people got wise to it, lost business's kids getting behind in school I think Covid will get him elected, although Trump did endorse the vaccine and I don't hold that against him he did what he thought was right for the country. Being president is no easy job.
Maybe this is to make the case that Dems need to replace biden because he can’t match President Trumps “crazy” followers. This smooths the way for michael or some other DS puppet.
Fake polls are still fake polls, but they have little choice when the Overton Window shifts. Have to seed some semblance to reality... whatever that looks like.
In reference to the Overton window of public discourse don't you think that Elon single handedly has shifted the window in the last week quite a bit in Trumps favor?
The past 4 years was an exercise in how information manipulation can steer society in the wrong direction.
The pendulum inevitably swings.
How the turn tables.
Classic :)
Hi Mike.
Trump is up 10% with independents. Divide by 3 for a net of +3. Trump will get very close to 100% of the Republican votes. The democrats are hemorrhaging core voters. Trump is up 6-10%.
The black vote is swinging heavily to Trump. We're looking at a good 20%, on the LOW side. It's going to take some monumental cheating to get Biden elected. Will the cities allow the same level of cheating this time? I just don't see it. I could see them on fire if Biden wins. I hope that doesn't happen, but people aren't going to be happy if they see 100% turnout in the cities, and Biden getting 97%. They'll know full well their votes, and voices, were stolen. It'll get ugly.
I suspect cheating will be harder in '24. There's no element of surprise this time.
For example, if a "pipe bursts", how many plumbers do you think they'll find just happen to be hanging out around at the corner diner that day? If they start covering election windows with cardboard, how many molotov's will end up in their lap in response? Cardboard doesn't like water very much. Neither do election machines. Might have to re-do the election, for at least that precinct. With paper ballots.
elections have become "playgrounds" for democrats and they will just tell you you did not "see" what you "saw" and the media will "swing" into action and "slide" whatever narrative needed into "play"...why wouldnt they..it worked last time...nobody seems to care about the hocus pocus anymore..blatant in-your-face deception and bold outright lies seem to be the preferred trend in these times of the anti-heroes they create in their minds to justify "winning elections by any means neccessary"...until a cheater is made to care..they dont
It was 20% last time. The issue is black women vote dnc by 90+%. The dnc party lost black and Hispanic men. Their policies have put the woman as head of household. Potus got 20%+ black and Latino men last time.
I am not convinced black women are voting 90% D. I think a lot of them aren't voting at all, and are being voted for. That's why the cities come in late. They are voting for people who are no shows.
A lot of fraud yes. But I’m just using the number reported. Other outlets have the number as high as 92%
They've been lying to us for years. Yes, they vote mostly D, but I will never believe they show up in the numbers they are reported to show up in. it's why they have resorted to using dead voters, pets, etc. for years. People are not showing up to vote D.
I believe you.
We always think the black vote will wake up but they never do. The chains on the D plantation are mighty strong.
Tucker and Alex Jones claim “experts” say RFK jr will take votes away from Trump…
I don't think so I think it hurts Biden, RFK is a liberal through and through. Gov. regulations, climate changer, transgender guy, the only two things RFK has right is the vaccine and no more wars, other than that he is a libtard.
Thank you Stormy for being a voice of reason.
Yeah, RFK Jr is popular amongst the hippie side of the liberal left. I haven't seen any Trumpers or conservatives backing RFK, but I've seen quite a few hippies/spiritualist types say they're voting for him.
We have to keep in mind that the only people who actually like Biden are boomer Dems who are out of touch with the reality of their own party. The left doesn't actually like Biden, he's just a useful idiot for their cause. Those on the left who aren't full-blown wingnuts may gravitate to a third party candidate.
I’ve seen some AnCaps taking a look at RFK. They seem more interested in just voting 3rd party because they hate the uniparty though.
The Republicans supporting other candidates in the primary will poll for RFKjr in ever decreasing numbers until they are all in for Trump at election time. He will get some democrat votes that would have gone to Trump in a two way race.
Big Mike will lose a lot of black voters because they don’t like trannies.
Disinformation is necessary. Trump voters will only vote Trump, period.
Biden voters however, many of them angry, will vote RFKJ.
I don't believe that for one second.
RFK will take at least a quarter of the Biden votes and maybe even several states. Trump will glide to the victory.
yes they're losing core voters but have gained potentially 5 million the last 3yrs,this has been there plan from the start ,that's why they want to allow illegals' to get drivers license so they can vote.
Soon we will see the amnesty push with full citizenship. Just in time for the election. They didn’t let them in for no reason.
You are right. I could not come up with any method of cheating that the democrats/DS did not employ during 2020. Only one was unsuccessful: assassination.
I think the White Hats will be able to mostly take out the three key methods of cheating for the democrats. They will still have other methods where the impact will fall well short of their goal.
Well, I wouldn’t call a 2.2% margin average a “cheat-proof” lead. That’s likely within the margin of error (3% typically). Hell, Trump probably beat Biden (in real votes) by 30% and we know how 2020 turned out. Sigh.
They can easily cheat 5%, so until it's at least 60% Trump, I don't think it's a lock.
The economy collapsing on Briben-Bidens head will finish off the DNC.
I'm actually FAR from a "handshake"! I lost my password this past week and had to re-join with a new username (formerly PhDinNY).
Mods should get the handshake removed ASAP.
I'm going to try to use all the old passwords I used to use before I decided it was best to use secure ones :)
Sorry then.
I deleted the comment.
This site is becoming inundated with trolls.
Or maybe we should only attack others based off their comments and not their account.
Actually his comment was made me look how long he was here.
It didn't sound like someone here any length of time.
So the there is that.
Thank you for the lesson on how hard it is to always make the right call when you have mod powers.
It shouldn’t considering there’s several other replies like this one - that you’re not pressing.
Like the one right above by u/RedPillQ17
So there’s that…
I know what they are saying when they say its moving beyond fraud but with the machine flipping, double counting, ballot tossing etc... nothing will ever be cheat proof until we do transparent one day paper ballots only.... Trump could get 1000 votes and biden 0 but they can set it to make it 501-499 at will...
And Q says that is exactly what's going to happen. We're going back to a stone age, mid-last century election
UN or WHO takeover suspending the elections.
Trump was up 2 points over Biden when he "lost" GA in 2020, yet he was down 4 points when he beat Hillary in 2016 in GA. Biden supposedly got over 600K more votes than Hillary in GA. Where as Trump only got 200k more votes. There was 800k more votes in GA than in 2016. Something very strange and corrupt going on for there to be that many new votes and 75% of them going to Biden.
Trump is ahead of Biden just because Biden is a goof. Bring in candidate, let’s say um “Mike” and all of a sudden we got a race.
That is their ploy.
Yes this is what Trump wants.
Then he drops the hammer on Obama and his crimes.
I don’t believe any of these polls. No way could Biden have those many points, unless the people polled are brain dead or afraid of losing Democrat handouts/freebies.
“The media uses polls to create news stories. I think polls are just an extension of the editorial page, an excuse to get them on the front page. You can ask any question you want, get any answer you want, and then run around with that as a news story.” -- Rush Limbaugh
So he’s up 30+ points nationally
This is exactly why (they) will try something to cancel the vote, let's just hope the white hats are on top of it.
Are you serious? They have systematically inflated every voter roll in every county across the U.S. I don’t have the video but they have been doing it, with proof, as far back as at least 2012 and most likely farther back than that. They looked at census and then just took a random number like 12% and added ghost voters so that they could add votes however they wanted. That analyst looked at hundreds of counties and said that it’s present in every one that he checked.
The single fact that they had more votes than eligible voters in the 2020 election flat out tells you they will do whatever they can to cheat and they have control of the media, politicians, legal system, and even most of the internet to back it up.
Polls don’t tell you anything one way or another. They are just imaginary because once they start going the wrong way, they inflate them to start backing up the narrative.
You really think that half the country really approves of this idiot in the White House and what Congress is doing? Food prices are up, something like 10-75% depending on the item.
The only way this gets fixed is if white hats expose the whole thing in the 2024 election and, if they don’t, the people step in. I’m not date-fagging but I actually am. There is no way we can bounce back after another year of this. Private businesses are being decimated while big corporations are taking over, gaining even more power and control. The country is literally at a breaking point and most on here are keyboard warriors guessing at what the next move is.
I pray and hope white hats are in control but it really does look like something happened to delay their forward momentum. Biden is just a puppet for Obama which was a puppet for the deep state, himself.
Try raising kids in this insanity. They have literally taken everything they learned from destroying and enslaving the black population through black culture (creating multiple violent generations) and they are applying it in our schools, education, and every facet of pop culture you can imagine. Oh, this cartoon seems amazingly devoid of pc wokeness… next season it is a dumpster fire.
78% day the country is headed in the wrong direction.
Old Joe has barely 30% of delusional people saying he is doing a good job.
Yet 46% Say in polls they will vote for him?
Yeah, I don’t think so.
Welcome to 2020!
Well, isn't this very interesting.
They have been sold since centuries ago. They are lying to their teeth.
LoL, it was beyond in 2020 and look what happened 0/
YouGov's methodology is quite flawed. Their online system targets younger demographics by nature. Essentially, anyone can sign up for YouGov and it can be gamed.
Let’s face it, with our open borders and all of the Africans and Chinese and other fighting age males coming in there is only one logical answer. We won’t stop them from internal attack. And that may be precisely what is needed to get our asses off the couch and bring us together. Keep buying ammo, keep practicing, and stay vigilant.
No way those pills are even close to right
Hunter, is that you? kek
Kek, I mean we know Trump has a commanding lead
They are running the printers now.
They got Saudi levels of ink printing on reserves right now.
Could it be they are faking Trump leading to get the voters out? But you know it is a sham, I don't think I know anybody who would vote for Biden, people who voted for him last time. If we have an HONEST election Trump wins in a landslide, I think a lot of people have woke up Covid was created to destroy Trump now that more people got wise to it, lost business's kids getting behind in school I think Covid will get him elected, although Trump did endorse the vaccine and I don't hold that against him he did what he thought was right for the country. Being president is no easy job.
Maybe this is to make the case that Dems need to replace biden because he can’t match President Trumps “crazy” followers. This smooths the way for michael or some other DS puppet.
Yes this is what Trump wants.
Then he drops the hammer on Obama and his crimes.
6 points can easily be made up. Take 3.1 from one candidate and give them to the other.