Well done! Kimmel is squirming. Question is, is he squirming because of the possibility of being arrested? Or is he squirming because the Clinton's get rid of people before they get arrested? Hmmmm.
I don’t believe this post is fake because as you can see Kimmel is on stage w the Clinton’s for the Foundation.
This info has been around for years.
I believe the fake info going around was some text files made to look like he was mentioned in the files released yesterday.
So they shot back with this one, ok so you aren’t directly on the list? But you sure did work close w the Clinton’s who were all over that list!
It all comes down to mathematical odds. How many people do you know have “died” let alone suicides, murders, strange circumstance, untimely deaths.
How many elite pedophiles engaged in wide scale human trafficking and abuse do you personally know? None? Hmm strange, the Clintons seem to know hundreds!
Timing and how they are killed off is important. Those guys were trying to expose something people did not believe in; at that time.
Kimmel is being exposed. He is big because he was on MTV, a lot of us grew up watching him. We sort of saw him as an outsider because he was on MTV; who then made it BIG. Kimmel and his Clinton connections could wake more people up.
If you have any past mental illness or problems with alcohol or drugs, even if recovered you may be an easy “suicide” or “accidental overdose death” target no matter how big your status in life is.
I saw someone on Truth or Twitter comparing facial features of Robin Williams and Javier Milei in Argentina. Wish I would saved it but the similarities in expressions was remarkable.
Could be nothing. Could be something. We will have to wait until the credits roll.
Yeah, but nothing beats the guy who was decapitated by a train, and ruled he died of "natural causes". It's true though. It's completely natural to die when you have dirt on the Clintons.
If you hung yourself, and whilst you were dropping you placed a double barreled shot gun to your chest and pulled the trigger, would that count as "two to the chest"?
If the shot gun isn't sawed off, you should at least win a gymnastics award for reaching the trigger with your toes while in free-fall.
My wife talked to me on Jan 1st and told me that she had this feeling that this would be the year that things absolutely explode. We started ordering and packing up our GO bags with the essentials(life straws, crank radio, knives, fire starter kit, and more).
I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker . I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.
I can't confirm that things are going to go sideways. No one knows how it'll play out.
What I can confirm is that after weeks and weeks of literal thumb twiddling inactivity (I shit you not, we have been so bored we were doing puzzles), we received an AHOD call for the 'night job' on Jan 2nd, effectively indefinitely... 😐
And as of midnight last night we have full dockets.
It is fascinatingly evil. Those in the know, construction workers, maids who would cleanup afterwards, security, IT, and other supporting trades behind this—all complicit, no?
Then these victims who would see these people on the National/world news.
The power over the victims is pure sick.
Yet will it end in this decade? This era?
Many say it won’t, many say all these people are too old for justice now.
Very sad they think that way. Almost as if people are petrified in a state of stone.
In my opinion we need to see these victims both alive and gone; real justice regardless of the petrified Americans. Then all the victims families need to be shown too.
Those in the know, construction workers, maids who would cleanup afterwards, security, IT, and other supporting trades behind this—all complicit, no?
Interesting point. I would assume that the people who worked for Epstein were either in on it (higher level workers) or were forced to work there (lower levels). Imagine being dumped there (after being trafficked from Eastern Europe or something) and being told that the only way off the island is to swim for it. You could be a witness to everything that's going on but what choice do you have? If you try to tell anyone - you're dead. If you try to escape - you're dead. If you decide you're going to do a crappy job as a form of protest - same result, you are easily replaceable.
A few years back I saw an interesting interview with Adam Corolla. He was asked how he felt about Jimmy. He said he was sorry to see Jimmy go that direction and hoped he would come back.
Seriously. I can't think of someone else I'd rather see go down in liberal flames than Kimmel. Oh, well, Black Jesus, too. Oh, and Killery. Well, while we're at it...John "Legend" and his slack-mouthed cunt of a wife, too.
Chelsea must be so….proud of parents, Bill and Hillary. Oh but wait, she is one of them because she was involved in the Clinton Foundation. Tell me she didn’t know what was going on.
Well done! Kimmel is squirming. Question is, is he squirming because of the possibility of being arrested? Or is he squirming because the Clinton's get rid of people before they get arrested? Hmmmm.
Both are acceptable and applicable
Yup....and more dots being publicized for normie consumption.
I don’t believe this post is fake because as you can see Kimmel is on stage w the Clinton’s for the Foundation.
This info has been around for years.
I believe the fake info going around was some text files made to look like he was mentioned in the files released yesterday.
So they shot back with this one, ok so you aren’t directly on the list? But you sure did work close w the Clinton’s who were all over that list!
It all comes down to mathematical odds. How many people do you know have “died” let alone suicides, murders, strange circumstance, untimely deaths.
How many elite pedophiles engaged in wide scale human trafficking and abuse do you personally know? None? Hmm strange, the Clintons seem to know hundreds!
I don't think they would do this to Kimmel. Unless he talks. Kimmel could be too big for normies to see him tied off to a door knob.
Kimmel will probably get one of the known batches of Fauci Juice... then... suddenly. Normies would accept that story.
But Robin Williams, Chester Bennington, and Chris Cornel were not "big" enough?
Timing and how they are killed off is important. Those guys were trying to expose something people did not believe in; at that time.
Kimmel is being exposed. He is big because he was on MTV, a lot of us grew up watching him. We sort of saw him as an outsider because he was on MTV; who then made it BIG. Kimmel and his Clinton connections could wake more people up.
Anne Heche is another name for your list.
Robin Williams was trying to expose them? This is the first I have heard that. I always figured he was implicated some how. No?
If you have any past mental illness or problems with alcohol or drugs, even if recovered you may be an easy “suicide” or “accidental overdose death” target no matter how big your status in life is.
I saw someone on Truth or Twitter comparing facial features of Robin Williams and Javier Milei in Argentina. Wish I would saved it but the similarities in expressions was remarkable.
Could be nothing. Could be something. We will have to wait until the credits roll.
Wouldn't that be wild.
No way, not even close. Jimmy is on people’s TV NIGHTLY, giving up to the minute mockingbird programming.
Anthony Bourdain
Exactly! Tony worked for CNN, said all races should blend; there should be no whites only brown.
He was 100% one of them. He then tried to back out and got knobbed.
"Tony" Bourdain said that about races???
Oh, but there is no plan; no agenda; no racism against whites..it's all c0n$piRaCy theories! 🤷♂️🤦♂️😑
Anthony Bourdain promoted White Genocide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s12DsKxK3M
Weird his dinner guest has a black eye. Wow.
They have a heart attack weapon they can use right now, I'm sure he's taken the jab so it's already a story the normies would easily swallow..
There are many kinds of suicide when the Clintons are involved.
Remember though. You can hang yourself while using a shotgun to unload 2 to the chest. Best suicide EVER! (Oprah hand waving!)
Yeah, but nothing beats the guy who was decapitated by a train, and ruled he died of "natural causes". It's true though. It's completely natural to die when you have dirt on the Clintons.
If you hung yourself, and whilst you were dropping you placed a double barreled shot gun to your chest and pulled the trigger, would that count as "two to the chest"?
If the shot gun isn't sawed off, you should at least win a gymnastics award for reaching the trigger with your toes while in free-fall.
I guess it was only one shot. I recall someone being shot twice... hmmm.
Could anyone kindly share some links of where I can watch him squirm?
I've always gotten awful vibes from kimmel and fallon (also a "jimmy", right?) so this is marvelous. :-)
Yes; I relish watching my enemies suffer. Sue me.
It would appear that the Clinton motto is, " Two people can keep a secret when one of them is dead!"
"the best way to keep a secret is by suiciding yourself with two gunshots to the back of your head."
That's one of Hillary's favourite observations!
She is very concerned about unfortunate people suffering misadventure!
My wife talked to me on Jan 1st and told me that she had this feeling that this would be the year that things absolutely explode. We started ordering and packing up our GO bags with the essentials(life straws, crank radio, knives, fire starter kit, and more).
Many people are having this feeling. Something's gotta give.
Whether Trump wins or not, even if his win/loss is proven to be entirely legitimate, chaos will ensue.
I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker . I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.
I hear ya. Restarted adding to my canned food collection.
This year when wishing others a Happy New Year, I've added, "buckle up, it's going to be a wild one. Everyone, including leftys I know, agree 💯
I can't confirm that things are going to go sideways. No one knows how it'll play out.
What I can confirm is that after weeks and weeks of literal thumb twiddling inactivity (I shit you not, we have been so bored we were doing puzzles), we received an AHOD call for the 'night job' on Jan 2nd, effectively indefinitely... 😐
And as of midnight last night we have full dockets.
Gonna get busy.
It is fascinatingly evil. Those in the know, construction workers, maids who would cleanup afterwards, security, IT, and other supporting trades behind this—all complicit, no?
Then these victims who would see these people on the National/world news.
The power over the victims is pure sick.
Yet will it end in this decade? This era?
Many say it won’t, many say all these people are too old for justice now.
Very sad they think that way. Almost as if people are petrified in a state of stone.
In my opinion we need to see these victims both alive and gone; real justice regardless of the petrified Americans. Then all the victims families need to be shown too.
Interesting point. I would assume that the people who worked for Epstein were either in on it (higher level workers) or were forced to work there (lower levels). Imagine being dumped there (after being trafficked from Eastern Europe or something) and being told that the only way off the island is to swim for it. You could be a witness to everything that's going on but what choice do you have? If you try to tell anyone - you're dead. If you try to escape - you're dead. If you decide you're going to do a crappy job as a form of protest - same result, you are easily replaceable.
And who would believe you if you could tell someone? You're just jealous and trying to get your 15 mins of fame
Many horror movies are potentially based on actual events with their names changed to protect their privacy.
weekend news: "Jimmy Kimmel has an "accident" in a bathtub"!. news at 9:00.
I never could stand him - ever
A few years back I saw an interesting interview with Adam Corolla. He was asked how he felt about Jimmy. He said he was sorry to see Jimmy go that direction and hoped he would come back.
I don't think he was in the current stash of documents. He was pretty stupid to start yelling. Maybe he THOUGHT he was, huh?
Is there a link to the post?
What page is he on in what was unsealed?
Wounder what big celebrity will come clean to the public first ?
Lmao what a great way to start the year
Seriously. I can't think of someone else I'd rather see go down in liberal flames than Kimmel. Oh, well, Black Jesus, too. Oh, and Killery. Well, while we're at it...John "Legend" and his slack-mouthed cunt of a wife, too.
Can't this logic be applied to anyone who was friends with the Clintons? Why focus on Jimmy Kimmel?
Edit: I just saw the tweet juxtaposed with the court docs, muchhh more damning than this.
We're gonna need more rope.
Chelsea must be so….proud of parents, Bill and Hillary. Oh but wait, she is one of them because she was involved in the Clinton Foundation. Tell me she didn’t know what was going on.
Jimmy is singing like a canary trying to save himself.
I just got my GAW Suicide Weekend Bingo cards in the mail today! Thanks Cats!
They're gonna Pee Wee him!
Better make a deal Jimmy, The music is about to stop.
Kimmel cries like a little girl!
So jimmy wasn't on the list that was released? If so he probably hurt children somewhere else.
There was no "list" released. The names unredacted are associates and victims of this specific court case. NOT a client list.