So.... I got the clot shot.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Did it for a job knowing it was going to do damage, come to learn about the clotting it causes with the spike proteins
Anyone know of anything that can help combat what's inevitably going to happen to me?
Your account is 3 years old. I'm curious what made you get it knowing the damage it could do
"Did it for a job knowing it would do damage"
Do you always see what you can dig up on a person's profile before responding? Reminds me of redditors.
Yes I often look at people's profiles to understand background of them a little. That doesn't form my whole thoughts it's just an add on.
I realize you are getting some negative responses from people so my words are probably getting lumped into that. I didn't mean my response in a negative way. Just trying to learn more about the situation and how it all played out:)
Love you fren ♥️💪🐸
Here is a very good place to start,their are lots of supplements than can help. Also the clot shot was in different formulas/ strengths and reactions very a lot.
We have discussed this here many time, you might try searching here.
That's a relief. I'm hoping I won't get the clotting but I do believe it messed up my lungs pretty bad. I've only gone through maybe 3 inhalers over a decade, but I've gone through ten since getting the jab. Completely destroyed my lungs. While my account may be 3 years old I am not very active so I'm ashamed to admit I didn't even bother putting in a search before asking the question.
NAC is very good for the lungs. I take one or two a day myself. Ivermectin is also good I take two aweek and it's lowered my blood pressure a lot.
For the lungs, please check my post about covid (no vax, just regular covid, whatever it is/ws) and the value of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. Saved me from the hospital, at the least. Lots of good comments. Also search the board for peroxide. Fast, tangible relief, curative, all OTC, all relatively cheap.
The website is also a wealth of information, very well sorted and very well sourced. They are a group of doctors who openly have rebelled against centralized control of their profession.
Strange as it sounds, I am also sold on the nicotine patch as the most effective detox protocol. I don't have it well sourced, but if you search the board for "Ardis" you'll find a few posts and clicking through you can find the studies for it. After doing a bunch of supplements for a long time to prevent symptoms from coming back, I felt much better after the patch.
Good luck!
Also, I think it's very likely the damage fear porn is oversold, meaning that you'll get over the damage eventually. I know some people damaged by the vax, but a great many with no damage symptoms at all. I suspect the body will clear everything out eventually just by cell replacement. With a good attitude and being aware of the issues, you should be fine.
Seeing way too many disrespectful replies to this post. If you dont have anything helpful to add, best not to comment.
Remember, in WWG1WGA "All" refers to ALL of us, not just those who did not take the vaccines.
Thanks. I've been on the internet long enough to know there's going to be responses like that, I expected it. Nice to see this place has moderators that give a damn.
Repent and pray genuinely as hard as you can every day
Actually, I've been on a path of rediscovering god these past few months. I'll stick to it.
people who walk with jesus get persecuted, but they also see miracles and the presence of god. its what keeps us going. most of western Christianity is on the soft side. here's an interesting video for you to include in your studies.
Best advice!
I suggest a few things:
Thank you, out of everyone you're the one person who was able to respond to the question properly.
You are welcome, somone replied to me an hour after you, they appear to have some tips too.
THIRD BULLET POINT is the best advice...unfortunately, once your lungs start having's a slow process doing downhill (sorry)...KEEP PRAYING and ask God for help...aka 'ask and ye shall receive"'
REGARDING HEART ISSUES... do not EVER let an MD give you BIG PRICED-BIG PHARMA heart meds... they will exacerbate problems...after all, Fauci & PHARMA make big $$$... WITH HIDDEN "TRIAL DATA".
You would do well to start a regime of TUMERIC (luquid form from's the best on the market FOR ANTI-INFLAMMATORY action)
A friend of mine got the JAB and within 1 month...ended up with a huge CLOT IN HER LEG....MD said to take a "new" Rx (Pfizer make it and it's $800/month).... so she took MY advice TO READ UP ON ALTHERNATIVE SUPPLEMENTS, etc.......did a TON OF RESEARCH ... and only uses BABY ASPIRIN now....and has had NO further incidents since...guess the aspirin in working.
this late in the game? Cool man. Personal freedom, God Be With You 🙏🏼
I never mentioned when I got it, just that I got it. It's been a couple years. I did it for a job that I didn't want to lose, only needed to get the first and they weren't expecting me to get the additional boosters so I just accepted it.
Ask your doctor to give you a D-Dimer test to determine if you have endothelial inflammation and microthrombosis (inflamed blood vessel linings and small tiny blood clots in your bloodstream too small to see via other means).
If your numbers are NOT ELEVATED, then there is a good chance you were one of the 40% that only got the saline placebo and you are as good as non-vaccinated.
If your numbers are elevated, the time is NOW to start doing the post-vax protocol ASAP.
Best way to search for this on search engines is typing (works both on Google and Yandex):
Oh hell yeah this is awesome thank you. I'll keep the search method in mind
Don't let it worry you too much. Just listen to Dr. Peter McCullough and do his protocol. It's the best thing you can do that you can actually control yourself. You should of course continue to pray as always, but the protocol is easy and should work.
Check out nattokinaise. It's a Japanese Fermented soy bean. There are studies being done showing it helps destroy the spike proteins.
I'm speechless, if you are meaning you JUST got the vaxx. Is that what you are saying? If so, at least do not get any more.
Dr. McCullough’s protocols. I think it includes Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin/Tumeric. Dosages and info on his sites. I think the time frame of dosages corresponds to how many shots were received. Good luck.
I'll try to respond to your post with something a little more positive. Have you noted any side effects? If not, depending upon when and where you received your dose, and whether you were a "one and done" or got boosters as well, can all change the probabilities for you.
When they were first rolled out for the general public early in 2021, there were a large number of saline doses. I have it on pretty good authority that quite a few of these saline doses, in the beginning, were sent to Walgreens. (The inventory was low, the logistics were just getting up to speed, and Walgreens didn't want to appear like they were behind the curve for potential customers.) Also, the Jannsen doses were quite a bit different from Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, and Moderna. If you received a Jannsen dose, even if it was "potent," you didn't receive mRNA.
Unfortunately, for those who opted to receive boosters after the initial dose, that places those patients on the probability wheel for a harmful dose.
If you don't already know about this site, you can research whether the dose you received was part of a bad batch:
True faith in Jesus will be your salvation whether the clot shot was saline or otherwise.
Try Z-Detox from Zelenko Labs (
Keep blood thinners readily available and pray you just got saline. Also, why did you agree to that? No job is worth risking your life
Jobs are Temporary, your life is too. No sense speeding that process up.
TWC health. Watch KED on rumble in the morning. Ed Henry. Spike support is supposed to help.
I take spike support everyday.😁
There are the Wellness Doctors online and you need a product called spike support .
The very least take vit D C Zinc daily.
Do your own research. Can you imagine anyone here giving you advice and being prosecuted for it.
Just wondering why you would respond like that? Who were you responding too in such a manner?
Would someone that got the poison jab a long time ago come here now asking for advice? I don't think so. Therefore this must be a recent poke.
Does any conservative still take the poke knowing all that has been put out about the jab? I don't think so.
In my opinion this OP is some shill idiot using an old burner account just trying to stir up some shit. Do you understand now who I am talking to, or do I need to spell it out any clearer?
Someone needs me? - Hillary Clinton
Don't be to hard on him. Their were about 10 of us standing against it at work. All but 2 of us caved when they gave us a deadline. One guy was concerned about taking care of his family if he lost his job. Another man's wife threatened to divorce him if he lost his job. A couple more had built up good side jobs with the national guard and didn't want to lose that.
It was easier for me as I had some savings and little debt,and I've been poor before it doesn't scare me. I also just qualified for early retirement and could have done that......
My point is we didn't all face the same pressure.
Thanks. To be honest I just wanted to be able to stay in my field and hoped the statistics would be in my favor. I never once thought it was necessary, or the right thing to do. I figured, we're all be poisoned one way or the other and we're all going to die eventually. The regret over the decision runs deep though.
If I hadn't been here everyday, I probably would have taken it myself.
Thanks frens.
Because this is what this forum needs, pricks. Every crowd has them. Be proud of yourself. How's your wife/girlfriend? Since we're making it about our chances of reproducing.
Good morning Say, I'm sorry i was a meanie but you weren't here so I could cuff you up the side of your head like my mom used to do to me when I did something less than well thought out.