I wonder if there was anything other than the territorial information he was talking about, in the folder. It was rather ceremoniously presented, don’t you think? Files on the election? Killary’ s e-mails?
Also, wouldn’t it be cool if this interview was actually one of two, and number two airs without fan fair, so the MSM/DS couldn’t retaliate?
Just thoughts.
Yes he did. He also gave Trump a soccer ball.
A la Brian Cates (sorry for the formatting but this site is aids when it comes to copypasta) Link- https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOnqmaX8/cates-may-be-on-to-something-re-/c/
Remember as we wait for the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin 2.0 to drop, Tucker still has that interview he did months ago with Julian Assange inside Belmarsh Prison in his back pocket. For some mysterious reason that isn't yet apparent, Tucker has held back that interview. Did Assange tell him something that led him to want to get the Russian President on the record first before he releases the Assange interview? 🤔 Think "Crowdstrike Report on the Russian Hackers Who Supposedly Hacked The DNC Server and Stole The DNC Emails". Roll it around in your brain. Ponder at depth the various angles. About the fake Crowdstrike report. And how utterly fake it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_National_Committee_cyber_attacks Think, ponder and reflect on these plot points: Russian hackers didn't take the DNC emails Crowdstrike was brought in to provide a COVER STORY for how the DNC emails were actually taken The person who took the DNC emails and gave them to Julian Assange was a whistleblower This person later ended up dead under strange circumstances The bad guys in this movie had a really REALLY [and I mean this, so pay attention] REALLY good reason to fake how these emails were 'stolen' by an evil foreign government, i.e. "Russia" when they weren't stolen by the Russians. Donald J. Trump asking a casual question of newly elected Ukrainian president Volodmyr Zelensky about the current location of the DNC server in Ukraine caused every single one of these people to instantly SHIT THEMSELVES and frantically and ham-handedly engineer Trump's first impeachment on trumped up [pun intended] fake whistleblower complaint by a CIA agent named Ciaramella. THEY CANNOT HAVE ANY OF THIS COME OUT. It MUST not come out. If it comes out, Washington DC will fall. So. Take the pieces of the puzzle, draw the picture and put the puzzle together. Assange + Putin are the two people who can take down the 'House of Cards' they oh-so-carefully constructed to hide the truth about the DNC emails and what they directly led investigators to. Get ready for your "Crowdstrike", "Eric Ciamerella", "Shawn Misko", "Michael Carpenter" "Server in Ukraine" and "Seth Rich" pop quiz that I've been telling you was coming for the past several months. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G.... Can stop what is coming. PANIC IN DC. Have a nice day.
Kek !
I see what you did
You can also leave two blank spaces at the end of a line before you hit return.
Like this.
I agree.
But people need to put lists together all the time, like
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
So I figured the double-space-at-the-end trick might help.
Here's my favorite guide. (Note, not all tricks work here.)
VERY GOOD write-up as to where we are in this movie...There is ALWAYS a "crescendo" moment in a movie or book that starts the pendulum to start the other way and what you have eluded too makes it more IMPERATIVE that EVERYTHING THE DEMOCRATS HAVE DONE (possibly the repubs) MUST COME OUT...NOTHING short of FULL disclosure!!!
Also when Trump was coming down the stairs and Helsinki in 2018 someone gave him what looked like a thumb drive which he put in his right suit jacket pocket
Excellent overview winn! 👏
I think Putin is testing Tucker. He called out Tucker as one who wanted to join the CIA right off the bat. He gives Tucker a folder loaded with the "history" of Russia so he said BUT if there is other information and PROOF in there, maybe Putin is seeing if Tucker will bury it or report on it. Time will tell, until then, Tucker will be suspect in my book. I am not claiming he is CIA but why would Putin put that out there? I don't know any more today than I did before the interview.
I think Tucker wanted to join the CIA but was deemed to not have the goods for the agency. I think Putin was letting Tucker know—“I know you.” In a KGB kind of way. Putin also said he was glad Tucker didn’t get a job with the CIA, and I took that to mean he recognized Carlson is doing good work at exposing the matrix.
Maybe so but I don't see the importance of bringing it up if Putin thought he was a White Hat. Just casts doubts in my mind.
I think Putin brought it up as a subtle way of saying - I know a lot more than you'd think I know........ IE I know you were looking into CIA years ago.....
Did you see the movie Clear and Present Danger? When the president gets advice to give out the information about the dead man being his "life long friend", so it wouldn't give the press anywhere to go. Maybe this was their way of getting the info out there so the media couldn't use it against Tucker later. Just a theory, not saying this is why Putin mentioned it.
Who knows. One thing for sure, we will find out who the good and bad guys are by November!
If tucker was actually cia, pooty would have called him out, as we saw
He worked for CNN for years, which we now know was a CIA network. So I have questions. Father was CIA too.
I'm not sure he would. Did you see Tucker's expression when Putin said that? He may not be CIA but the Agency is well known for infiltration. I think Putin is testing Tucker with that folder he gave him just to see if Tucker would expose it. I mean, why would Putin give him a history of Russia? We all know from research that parts of Ukraine were Russia to begin with. Time will tell!
Good thoughts. Let's see what happens!
I had read a year or so ago that Tucker was considering or may have tried to join the CIA. I took it as possible but not sure. This seems to confirm it for me. I suppose now one wonders if he actually did join CIA.
It seems like there was a lot of information that wasn't talked about.
Softly, softly, catchee monkey.
Not enough time. Drip Drip Flood.
Brilliant! Yes, this is Putin! He made a big deal about handing Tucker that file—right up front in the interview where NO ONE would miss it. Every deep state player is shitting their pants right now wondering what’s in that file.
Great catch!!
Misledia response to the interview is notably quiet so far isn't it. Interestingly we have a 5 year 'Russia Russia Russia' Delta today (Q2678).
Misledia (great term) were trolled? And now waiting for the other shoe to drop? I'm looking forward to another Tucker chat with Putin.
I've been calling them the slimestream media but I think I like misledia even better.
I hadn't seen this post until after I posted something similar.
I would add to your thoughts that the occupiers would surely be comfortable taking said folder away from Tucker, wouldn't they?
Tucker the next raid? Up at his camp in ME?
I'm with you the whole exchange was odd. Will Tucker admit to keeping it?
If that folder has that information, this demonic regime, would not let Tucker back in, untill it was filtered,unfortunately.
that might explain why tucker was held up when trying to re-enter the country
I'm sure it was handed off to someone but then
What if the folder is just a decoy?
You're probably right, it's just crazy that a journalist or anybody for that matter can't re-enter the country without their freedoms being violated. All while the NG is allegedly ordered to not ask questions or slow down the pampered illegals pouring into the US everyday.l
Must be a way around that, though, I'd think.
I want to know what they discussed off camera.
The difference is Evan Gershkovich received information covertly.
The folder was ceremoniously given to Tucker overtly.
One is espionage the other is not.
Boy, you got me curious about the folder. Why give him a folder? Why not have an assistant send links?
It’s kind of like, “what’s in the envelopes” at the Bush funeral.
It reminded me of that too. Mysterious paper.
Putin explained that these were copies made of archived material related to the historical facts he was talking about.
This. Plus he said there were translations into Russian of those docs, which Tucker could then have translated into English.
Translations into Russian from Old Russian? Khasarian? I was unclear on this. Lots of translations going on here.
Nope. It is slavonic. See also: etymonline.com where references to old Slavonic are often cited together with the Proto-Indian-Europen language.
Read the description with the video. Khazar is Turkic.
He (Putin) didn't say.
Right. But the fact that he mentioned that they included Russian translations makes it clear that the originals were not in Russian (at least, modern Russian).
SauceFag Here.
Folder contained sauce, you say?
Either bechamel or hollandaise.
Alternatively, he implied that the folder contained archived material that showed the dates, the communications and agreements made between the various parties in the periods he was talking about, i.e. 1600's, after, earlier, etc. Which showed the relations between Poland, "Ukraine", Russia, etc.
Duplicate of a comment I left in the Putin interview Summary thread, but was buried at the bottom:
I had a thought come to me this morning after being sleep deprived and waking up from a wild dream. I remembered Hillary calling Tucker a puppy dog and useful idiot. Then I remembered dog comms. Then I thought more about the disappointment I had last night watching how Tucker handled the most important interview potentially of his life. Like a dog on command. Like he was working for Fox News (controlled opposition). Maybe he is just a bone head, like I theorized hours ago.
Maybe not. Maybe he really is a controlled agent, leading us all down a rainbow road that leads to a stale pile of horse shit. If the DS was losing control, what better way to gain back a lot of control than use one of the most popular right wing pundits to do their bidding? He needs more credibility. Let's act like Fox News couldn't control him anymore. He gets fired for sharing too much truth and speaking his mind. Yes. Then give him a few zingers that will rally the awakened and make them think he possibly was just an oblivious bone head that is just now waking up and learning the things they learned these past few years. Yes. Then we will all pretend to freak out while anons are jizzing in their pants because he's interviewing Putin. And then Tucker conducted himself like he did last night. No different than a CNN employee. Cut him (Putin) off every time he gets close to saying something interesting, try to mock him while not outright mocking him, and try to get a good sound bite we can use to air on CNN and MSNBC to get the sheep fuel to fight back against the red-pilled (Do you see God's work when you....?). It was almost like he was trying to get him to say something violent or silly to make Putin look like a jackass.
Maybe I'm off by a country mile, but I was so taken back by what I saw that I can't find another way to interpret what I saw and where my thoughts led. Therefore, I personally can't discount the possibility that he is working for [them] and trying to get some of us to lose faith or just knock us off a trail we were too hot on. He recently went on Russell Brand (huge platform for awakened), he knows what truthers talk about and want to know about. He is a diligent man, yet didn't ask about biolabs, didn't ask about the Steele Dossier, DNC servers, purposely avoided bringing up Obama and Hillary, etc. He smells bad to me, very bad. I won't be clicking on his website until he drops the Assange interview, which I will watch with everything I fear in mind.
I agree that Tucker (who was called out by Putin for being a supposed “history” scholar) looked absolutely idiotic in the interview. Overall I sense Tucker wanted very specific answers to will Russia assert more aggressively especially to neighboring territories. I have to say I thought Tuckers cutting him off was quite unprofessional. However I do believe Russia has a clear message in the history. And it ties completely together at the end when Putin has admittance that they are in essentially a civil war. But his message which may not be understood for years is the United States is also on this current trajectory… our culture is constantly being changed, our history erased and rewritten and look at us now, on the verge of what no one wants to see… a civil war. His message was clear to me, and the history lesson as Russia sees it important as most American educated children no nothing about the history of the Russians
The "football" from Putin that ended up with Melania is as intriguing to me as this folder, though it seems to be forgotten.
They are all dots, and Almighty God knows them all, and everything about them, unlimited by time and space. He even knows when we will know the Truth.
I will stick with God. I look forward to that day when "completeness comes." Then what is "in part will disappear."
Just thoughts expressed.
Ended up with Melania? I thought Barron got the ball. He’s really good with computers- like hacker status.
Barron wasn’t there. Melania had it and President Trump said maybe ´ Îll give it to Barron.’
Oh, okay.
I remember it like it was yesterday. NCSWIC
he said he prefers soccer to basketball.
Folder has address and contents of every seized biolab. Wonder if Covid 19 is in there? Maybe new Disease X?
Think about this: Fanfare.
I hope Tucker made digital copies and shared them to several storage sites. He can’t just carry that home. I’m sure he did.
Who had carlson's fbi raid for documents in Feb?
Will the CIA be raiding Tucker for the folder?