I only took it to mean that you were simply reiterating what the person above you posted, which is:
– LongTimeListener 6 hours ago +6 / -0
If they arent doing exactly what was outlawed why would they care? It would be a meaningless law.
And comparing the lefties and their opposition to a wall, etc.. as being the same as “let them all in, they aren’t dangerous. And then shit a brick when they’re dropped off in their neighborhoods ala Martha’s Vineyard.
I didn’t think you meant it in a racist way but even if you did I don’t give a shit about that either.
What in God's name made this racist thought pop out of your mind and into the comment section? I'm pretty hard to offend, but I am also of Spanish decent and, believe it or not, I have a backpack. I am as American as you are. My people came from Spain long ago and helped to settle Texas and New Mexico. If trouble ever shows up while you and I are in the same place, I'm going to try to defend you too, my friend. Don't fuel their beliefs on white people.
Maybe you don’t live in the same kind of area as Mary does. I do. I live in rural America. If a guy was walking down the road, out here, miles from any public area, it wound raise concerns. Wouldn’t matter what color he is. Does he need help? Is he training? Is he crazy? Nothing wrong with calling a loved one, home alone, to be aware of a situation. It’s common sense. It’s definitely not a racist thought. And like she said, this is the world we live in now. Its not fueling “racism” imo. It’s just being aware. Don’t be so offended because you have a backpack and like rural country roads to walk around in. Especially in Texas and NM.
Stop apologizing! That's how we got in this mess. Everyone going out of their way to not offend. There's much we don't know about this situation. Perhaps you're family saw strange behavior? Maybe you live in a community that has little diversity and his presence was odd. We have millions of illegal aliens in the country at present. Assuming it was racist is programmed behavior. I just assumed there was more to the story you didn't take the time to type out. It's not racist to observe out of the ordinary happenings. Going out of your way not to notice because they're a different color is idiocy. Now before I get labeled racist for saying this, I'm in a mixed relationship. So don't bother.
You are a woman and are home alone. Your people saw someone out of the ordinary and called to warn you so you could take precautions. There isn't anything racist about this. You have no reason to apologize. If someone is offended then it is their problem, don't let them make it yours.
Exactly, apologizing is why America is in this mess, hurt feelings, piss people off, who cares. In the end we should feel safe and be able to speak our minds. I could give not a single fuck if I offend anyone.
It read descriptive, not racist, to me. If I saw a suspicious looking person walking towards my mom’s house & knew she was alone, I would give her a descriptive heads up as well. Don’t feel bad, Mary!
Offended was a strong word. I am all but impossible to offend. Mostly, the comment just seemed extremely out if place. We are all in the same fight. Just know that this Spaniard likely has a gun in his backpack that is there for anyone I can help. I wouldn't carry if I thought everyone had good intentions. I was just hassling you.
Everyone is a liar, my friend. Often lying is the kindest of options. Now go tell your wife that you are very sorry for lying, but it is actually her butt that makes those pants look small.
I'm still pretty brown as I work in the sun. Honestly, I relate more to being white than anything else. Kind of the way I grew up. Don't get me wrong, I profile as much as tge next guy. I also prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, for better or for worse.
Devils advocate: Democrats are trying to preserve democray by preventing Republicans from embarrasing themselves, and making a mockery of the lawmaking process,
I never bought much into these things, but then I found this video from local news revealing that, at least in that particular case, they were spraying aluminum and barium.
I never uploaded it here because I feared the wrath of the mods. Should I do so anyway?
That's the conspiracy I heard. It also proclaims that they're spraying Barium either with the aluminum, or at other times, kind of either/or.
The chemical symbol for Barium is Ba. For aluminum, Al. Together, they spell "Baal", which was a pagan god.
I don't know if any of the chem trails conspiracies are true or not. I worked on airplanes for about 10 years, and never saw a commercial or military plane fitted with chemical spraying equipment, nor did I see any special chemical storage tanks hidden inside the wing fuel tanks. I'm not denying that chemtrails are real, I just never saw any proof. I hope it's not real, because there's really no way to hide from that.
Theory:. The US is limited to five refineries for petroleum products by law (IIRC). These are secure facilities, just like airport grounds. I don't think it's a reach that they could place the aluminium, barium and whatever else they want into the fuel itself and let the engines do the rest at altitude. Also a way to distribute who knows what else hazardous waste?
I'm not a chemistry major by any stretch, but it seems possible. I think there was also a method of taking any waste and using a laser to convert it down to graphene (Rice University professor?); maybe the process could be altered for the small particulate size for aluminum & barium needed.
I don’t know about the mods, but if it’s fact, I want to know about it. This stuff is being done by the same globalists attacking us in this information war.
At the very least they have openly admitted to the Barium and Aluminum “chaff” spraying for radar techniques and training….
The same peoples who released a virus and a deadly vaccine with OUR tax dollars…. Cmon man if they are openly telling you, Gates, Schwab, the guy from Harvard on Colbert TV show what they are “RESEARCHING” and experimenting with in the name of MUH CLIMATE CHANGE…… what do you think…..
There was a time if you shared anything in here about contrails or about Chemtrails you were suspended I know personally because it happened to me because it was a fringe conspiracy and it belonged on the conspiracy site are you kidding me
I’d be pissed and I was when he did the same to me…. This was right around the first wave of bans when Cats just came out and straight up said we were “chem tards” for simply believing it….
Not that it wasn’t Q related or too off topic but no we were just Chem Tarded and he would not allow it….
Funnily enough I believe it was not long after this first major controversy that GENERAL FLYNN dropped us THIS little gift which keeps on giving…. Almost as if he was purposefully giving his fellow keyboard warriors a bone….
I call it the Cats-Buster because it is unequivocal connection of
No longer can you claim chemtrails/nanotech/5G are not at all Q related. Because that would be like saying Flynn is not Q related and this is simply false, so that opens up his posts and theories and comms up to the anons.
I mean HECK I would have been happy with just a confirmation that these stripes blocking the sun and creating rain for days were even remotely intentionally….
The NANOTECH and then manipulation with 5G (another trigger topic here) was just the icing on the chemtrail laced CAKE!
I posted an RFK link about 2 months ago where he's interviewing someone about chemtrails and that got taken down. I don't think they've had a sudden change of heart.
This article is about actual passed legislation and isn’t theorizing much, so maybe that’s why it’s allowed? There are lots of great opinions and theories out there & I’m guessing they just want to keep things focused on GA news & wins. I have no idea though—I think this is a HUGE win and facts that the GA needs to spread to the normies to help us all wake up.
I think they gave up on it because chemtrails are officially Q related through Flynn, who has now gone on his social media record posting information claiming chemtrails are spraying nanotech which is then manipulated via 5G
Yes I’ve posted and reposted a lot, few times in this thread.
Unfortunately the video Flynn was linking to has been taken down by YouTube maybe others could help us track it down at sone point.
But I captioned what is said and screenshotted the part with the chemtrails.
Basically Flynn says “fair warning” links to the anon video.
Within first few secs of the video they show that chemtrail which I paused at on Flynn’s twitter…. The narrator or proclaims “the NANOTECH is in everything…. They SPRAY it in the sky….. manipulate with 5G….”
I literally watched two planes at nearly the same altitude the other day. One was spewing chemtrails, the other had NOTHING coming from the rear. Every time I look on flight tracker, the chem trail planes are not on the map. The non spewers are. You can literally watch the spewers turn off the chemical at some point. Visible evidence alone is damning, let alone the tests that have been done on the contents, videos of the insides of these planes, and governments own documents on its use. So lame that there’s even discussion about this as a conspiracy theory. Its conspiracy fact.
YES!! I live in Middle TN and am SO SICK of them turning our beautiful blue skies that nasty hazy white. You can sit out and watch the so-called “ordinary contrails” spreading out into a haze that blankets the entire sky. So depressing. Doesn’t happen every day but at least 3 times a week. NO MORE!!!!
Exactly, I think some legislators are getting paid to push the “discount this bc it’s previously been a conspiracy theory” garbage. Facts are facts regardless about what people think about them.
Will this conspiracy still be considered "too out there" for GAW? Are Tennessee lawmakers just passing laws against something that doesn't exist? Are Democrats afraid to ban a joke? Why isn't it that people waking up to getting poisoned a necessary part of a great awakening?
It should definitely be. This isn’t conspiracy theory anymore. It’s conspiracy fact that groups have been spraying chemicals, cloud-seeding & that the feds and globalist have mandated and pushed states to allow it—likely for a good profit. Another fact is that it’s poisoning us, our crops and our livestock.
Or how about arrest the pilots and anyone who hired them or is involved in any way as soon as they land instead? Follow the money back to the shot callers, uncover their logistics, sources of funding, etc.
I live in eternal hope for a fair, just world where good people flourish, bad people are put into cages and evil beings are exterminated. Call me idealistic, I suppose, but we should at least be working towards ideal outcomes.
As soon as I have time to get my s#@t together, I am taking this to Ken Paxton to try to make it happen here. If you live in a state that has any chance of getting this type of legislation on the board, you should too. It's one of the greatest infringements on our health and rights out there.
i am in North Texas and have seen what i believe to be chemtrails on two different occasions...one time directly south, about a dozen "stripes" in the sky that were the same distance apart...so well-defined, looked like stripes on a flag, wish i'd taken a pic...then they began to spread out to cover that part of the horizon...this was early just after dawn...the other one was directly west of me, the "stripes" already fanning out, in exact spacing, no mistaking it for clouds...probably happening more in rural areas than cities, my guess...our TX legislature meets every other yr, and 2025 is ours.
I too am in Texas. What used to be the sanctuary that was Austin. Keep an eye on the sky, you will probably find it to be almost, if not, on the daily. Many of the trails they lay are harder to see as they disperse quickly and leave a grayish hue in the sky. It often makes the sun feel much hotter than it would naturally. Rings around the sun are also a sure sign that they have been busy. Also, go out and look at the moon when it is full. For some reason, they almost always lay trails in front of it.
Thanks for the heads up on the timing of the legislature. I'm going to make a serious effort to fight it. It .makes me as angry as anything else they do not directly involving childrren.
Along with their federal reserve obligations, as state militia units the elements of the Tennessee ANG are subject to being activated by order of the Governor to provide protection of life and property, and preserve peace, order and public safety. State missions include disaster relief in times of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and forest fires, search and rescue, protection of vital public services, and support to civil defense.
Please God and Q make this happen in some regard…. Even if it’s not publicaly advertised give us a post or anything showing someone taking the heat for this shit….
I have watched, irl, with my own eyes, the spraying of a cross hatched grid over Nashville. Then I watched it coalesce into one solid mass of 'overcast'. It all took about 3 hours. It's not a theory.
For years, chemtrails have been a thing of Alex Jones, the King of Conspiracies. Now, States are taking them seriously? Tennessee is the latest state to ban them. Next, they will be banning hormones in water because it turns the frogs gay. 😂😂😂😂😂
Leftists are illogical. If it doesn't exist, voting for the bill causes no harm. The Leftist state of Washington outlawed the killing of Sasquatch decades ago.
I hope this spreads to other states for attention if nothing more.
Serious question though. If they don't stop spraying, who is going to stop it? You can't shoot down a plane in the upper atmosphere without military grade weapons. Would this law mean that military aircraft would immediately be scrambled to escort any chemtrail craft down to the nearest airport?
I guess I'm just wondering practically who would actually stop this, especially if you consider the influence of the military industrial complex over our entire system.
Great question. I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s up to us. We must elect based local officials, use the power to sue & notify the military of infractions like Miki Klann does. I recommend listening to her legal genius make waves across the country (on rumble).
What's the harm in legally preventing something they claim isn't happening? It's pretty simple, you either want them to be able to spray or you don't, no other position is relevant.
Also, this reminds me I read an article that stated the vast majority of people with an IQ less than 90 can't understand conditional hypotheticals, which seems relevant here.
Me: But what IF someone wanted to spray, should that be legal?
Moron Democrat voter: Nobody is spraying, that's a conspiracy theory!
Me: I hate low IQ people.
Unsubstantiated, Really??? Ok so when our own government says, we are doing this, the left are so stupid they will still follow the narrative. I just want to smack every dumbass that I can. REALLY!!!
hmmm my only hesitation is that a lot of regulations seem useless and harmful... many people however fail to understand that in a free market, individuals or groups are liable for the environmental damage of other properties, so they could be sued for damages at least, which would give some "regulation" or introduce some incentives in to the picture to prevent pollution.
Unfortunately such planes may simply continue to pollute, just in more hidden ways? Not that we have proven much about what pollution is done currently, or have we proven some of that has been happening?
I agree - I tend to have open market libertarian views about most, but the public doesn’t know about this since it’s heavily hidden, censored when it does come out or discounted as conspiracy theory if anything is published. Therefore, they don’t have enough info to sue or know enough about how unhealthy & infuriating this is to those who know.
I can see it now: "Washington bans hunting of sasquatches"...therefore, they must exist. "Scotland bans capture of Nessie"...therefore it must exist. "Arkansas passes law to require 2 + 2 = 5" ...therefore it must be so. "Texas passes law to ban maps depicting a spherical Earth, and outlaws conventional geographic coordinates based on sphericity"...need I say more?
The general principle is that if mainstream politicians finally become convinced that a fictitious wrongdoing is taking place, and pass legislation against it, then it is no longer fiction. By what stretch of the imagination can that be possible? Has any testimony for the law established any facts to support it?
But they can have their fun and walk around contented. Now watch what happens when contrails continue to cross the sky and no one can be charged with a crime. Nothing. Not only a crime without victims, but a crime without evidence---a crime without a crime. A big public relations win... (Kind of like a gun-free zone.)
"Oh, they're sharp ones in Tennessee---all their heads come to a point!"
The point is you SHOULD be able to post your beliefs on the subject and I SHOULD be able to write this comment below it because this is a Q RESEARCH board and Flynn and laws like this make it 100% “Q discussable” even up to cats and the other mods standards…..
What's the problem? I'm discussing it. I gather you don't what to hear or consider what I have to say. It is curious to me that whether a point is substantial (or not) is not as important to you as whether fools have justified talking about it more.
I repeat: the logic is bogus. Just because someone decides to put teeth into a fabulous claim does not make the claim true. Just because an honorable person doesn't know anything about the subject doesn't make his remarks true. Flynn knows nothing about contrails, but at least I have been to Fort Huachuca.
And you will shortly find that the legislation is equivalent to a ban on magic. There will be no indictments, no charges, no findings of guilt, and contrails will continue to cross the sky. Wake me up if this ever goes to court.
Yeah, they get really upset when things that aren't real get prevented from becoming real.
Kind of like CRT...
Stealing "when things that aren't real get prevented from getting real."
Yeah and don't believe your lying eyes! I think they don't realize that "conspiracy theory" isn't the slur they need it to be anymore.
Yes. Their play book is getting a little worn out.
It is encouraging that they don't seem able to develop new strategies as the old ones start to falter.
If they arent doing exactly what was outlawed why would they care? It would be a meaningless law.
I only took it to mean that you were simply reiterating what the person above you posted, which is:
– LongTimeListener 6 hours ago +6 / -0 If they arent doing exactly what was outlawed why would they care? It would be a meaningless law.
And comparing the lefties and their opposition to a wall, etc.. as being the same as “let them all in, they aren’t dangerous. And then shit a brick when they’re dropped off in their neighborhoods ala Martha’s Vineyard.
I didn’t think you meant it in a racist way but even if you did I don’t give a shit about that either.
What in God's name made this racist thought pop out of your mind and into the comment section? I'm pretty hard to offend, but I am also of Spanish decent and, believe it or not, I have a backpack. I am as American as you are. My people came from Spain long ago and helped to settle Texas and New Mexico. If trouble ever shows up while you and I are in the same place, I'm going to try to defend you too, my friend. Don't fuel their beliefs on white people.
I don't think that you have ANYTHING to apologize for.
Maybe you don’t live in the same kind of area as Mary does. I do. I live in rural America. If a guy was walking down the road, out here, miles from any public area, it wound raise concerns. Wouldn’t matter what color he is. Does he need help? Is he training? Is he crazy? Nothing wrong with calling a loved one, home alone, to be aware of a situation. It’s common sense. It’s definitely not a racist thought. And like she said, this is the world we live in now. Its not fueling “racism” imo. It’s just being aware. Don’t be so offended because you have a backpack and like rural country roads to walk around in. Especially in Texas and NM.
Stop apologizing! That's how we got in this mess. Everyone going out of their way to not offend. There's much we don't know about this situation. Perhaps you're family saw strange behavior? Maybe you live in a community that has little diversity and his presence was odd. We have millions of illegal aliens in the country at present. Assuming it was racist is programmed behavior. I just assumed there was more to the story you didn't take the time to type out. It's not racist to observe out of the ordinary happenings. Going out of your way not to notice because they're a different color is idiocy. Now before I get labeled racist for saying this, I'm in a mixed relationship. So don't bother.
You are a woman and are home alone. Your people saw someone out of the ordinary and called to warn you so you could take precautions. There isn't anything racist about this. You have no reason to apologize. If someone is offended then it is their problem, don't let them make it yours.
Exactly, apologizing is why America is in this mess, hurt feelings, piss people off, who cares. In the end we should feel safe and be able to speak our minds. I could give not a single fuck if I offend anyone.
It read descriptive, not racist, to me. If I saw a suspicious looking person walking towards my mom’s house & knew she was alone, I would give her a descriptive heads up as well. Don’t feel bad, Mary!
Offended was a strong word. I am all but impossible to offend. Mostly, the comment just seemed extremely out if place. We are all in the same fight. Just know that this Spaniard likely has a gun in his backpack that is there for anyone I can help. I wouldn't carry if I thought everyone had good intentions. I was just hassling you.
Now you are a liar, thanks for the proof.
But aren't all fake victims liars by definition?
Everyone is a liar, my friend. Often lying is the kindest of options. Now go tell your wife that you are very sorry for lying, but it is actually her butt that makes those pants look small.
Spain? You're European.
I'm still pretty brown as I work in the sun. Honestly, I relate more to being white than anything else. Kind of the way I grew up. Don't get me wrong, I profile as much as tge next guy. I also prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, for better or for worse.
Backpack eh? So were you planning something or not? 😂
Devils advocate: Democrats are trying to preserve democray by preventing Republicans from embarrasing themselves, and making a mockery of the lawmaking process,
Well, they failed. Lol
This is organized gaslighting by a political party. It’s as if they get talking points at 4am… oh wait.
Cats5 was probably right there with them!
I never bought much into these things, but then I found this video from local news revealing that, at least in that particular case, they were spraying aluminum and barium.
I never uploaded it here because I feared the wrath of the mods. Should I do so anyway?
That's the conspiracy I heard. It also proclaims that they're spraying Barium either with the aluminum, or at other times, kind of either/or.
The chemical symbol for Barium is Ba. For aluminum, Al. Together, they spell "Baal", which was a pagan god.
I don't know if any of the chem trails conspiracies are true or not. I worked on airplanes for about 10 years, and never saw a commercial or military plane fitted with chemical spraying equipment, nor did I see any special chemical storage tanks hidden inside the wing fuel tanks. I'm not denying that chemtrails are real, I just never saw any proof. I hope it's not real, because there's really no way to hide from that.
They’re flown from at least two CIA owned airports. You wouldn’t see them as a civilian commercial pilot or airport worker.
Clowns take offense to this statement. /s
Theory:. The US is limited to five refineries for petroleum products by law (IIRC). These are secure facilities, just like airport grounds. I don't think it's a reach that they could place the aluminium, barium and whatever else they want into the fuel itself and let the engines do the rest at altitude. Also a way to distribute who knows what else hazardous waste? I'm not a chemistry major by any stretch, but it seems possible. I think there was also a method of taking any waste and using a laser to convert it down to graphene (Rice University professor?); maybe the process could be altered for the small particulate size for aluminum & barium needed.
It doesn't take a half a day of research to know that it is real. Texas even has it's own weather modification board.
I don’t know about the mods, but if it’s fact, I want to know about it. This stuff is being done by the same globalists attacking us in this information war.
Look up the god BAAL.
In chemistry term Ba is barium Al is aluminum
At the very least they have openly admitted to the Barium and Aluminum “chaff” spraying for radar techniques and training….
The same peoples who released a virus and a deadly vaccine with OUR tax dollars…. Cmon man if they are openly telling you, Gates, Schwab, the guy from Harvard on Colbert TV show what they are “RESEARCHING” and experimenting with in the name of MUH CLIMATE CHANGE…… what do you think…..
There was a time if you shared anything in here about contrails or about Chemtrails you were suspended I know personally because it happened to me because it was a fringe conspiracy and it belonged on the conspiracy site are you kidding me
You too, eh? C5 put me on the sidelines for weeks.
He’s honestly the worse and he’s Canadian 😂 how the fuck is a Canadian allowed to even be a mod with any power lmao.
He was probably one of the Dems railing against it.
You think Flynn would be banned over in these parts if he posted his FAIR WARNING tweet here?
“ 59 post(s) found containing "Flynn".”
I’d be pissed and I was when he did the same to me…. This was right around the first wave of bans when Cats just came out and straight up said we were “chem tards” for simply believing it….
Not that it wasn’t Q related or too off topic but no we were just Chem Tarded and he would not allow it….
Funnily enough I believe it was not long after this first major controversy that GENERAL FLYNN dropped us THIS little gift which keeps on giving…. Almost as if he was purposefully giving his fellow keyboard warriors a bone….
I call it the Cats-Buster because it is unequivocal connection of
No longer can you claim chemtrails/nanotech/5G are not at all Q related. Because that would be like saying Flynn is not Q related and this is simply false, so that opens up his posts and theories and comms up to the anons.
I mean HECK I would have been happy with just a confirmation that these stripes blocking the sun and creating rain for days were even remotely intentionally….
The NANOTECH and then manipulation with 5G (another trigger topic here) was just the icing on the chemtrail laced CAKE!
I posted an RFK link about 2 months ago where he's interviewing someone about chemtrails and that got taken down. I don't think they've had a sudden change of heart.
Nothing about RFK and Chemtrails in the Q posts…..
But wait…. What’s this….
59 post(s) found containing "Flynn".
Smart dust. Little nano particles that get embedded into your body and could exert control over behavior.
This article is about actual passed legislation and isn’t theorizing much, so maybe that’s why it’s allowed? There are lots of great opinions and theories out there & I’m guessing they just want to keep things focused on GA news & wins. I have no idea though—I think this is a HUGE win and facts that the GA needs to spread to the normies to help us all wake up.
I think they gave up on it because chemtrails are officially Q related through Flynn, who has now gone on his social media record posting information claiming chemtrails are spraying nanotech which is then manipulated via 5G
Interesting, do you have a link to a Flynn post about that you could post here? I’d love to read.
Yes I’ve posted and reposted a lot, few times in this thread.
Unfortunately the video Flynn was linking to has been taken down by YouTube maybe others could help us track it down at sone point.
But I captioned what is said and screenshotted the part with the chemtrails.
Basically Flynn says “fair warning” links to the anon video.
Within first few secs of the video they show that chemtrail which I paused at on Flynn’s twitter…. The narrator or proclaims “the NANOTECH is in everything…. They SPRAY it in the sky….. manipulate with 5G….”
I literally watched two planes at nearly the same altitude the other day. One was spewing chemtrails, the other had NOTHING coming from the rear. Every time I look on flight tracker, the chem trail planes are not on the map. The non spewers are. You can literally watch the spewers turn off the chemical at some point. Visible evidence alone is damning, let alone the tests that have been done on the contents, videos of the insides of these planes, and governments own documents on its use. So lame that there’s even discussion about this as a conspiracy theory. Its conspiracy fact.
The government disclosed it. That’s incredible. Thanks for sharing. Here’s the sauce:
White House geoengineering mandate report page proving weather modification, blocking our sun & chemical spraying, mandated June of 2023: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/06/30/congressionally-mandated-report-on-solar-radiation-modification/ Document: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Congressionally-Mandated-Report-on-Solar-Radiation-Modification.pdf UN’s One atmosphere Report article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sunlight-dimming-climate-schemes-need-worldwide-oversight/
Lots of patents too
Ugh, absolutely sick.
YES!! I live in Middle TN and am SO SICK of them turning our beautiful blue skies that nasty hazy white. You can sit out and watch the so-called “ordinary contrails” spreading out into a haze that blankets the entire sky. So depressing. Doesn’t happen every day but at least 3 times a week. NO MORE!!!!
Amen, this legislation needs to spread over the whole union 👏
How was that storm yesterday.
If it’s not real then the voting for it won’t cost or hurt anything
Exactly, I think some legislators are getting paid to push the “discount this bc it’s previously been a conspiracy theory” garbage. Facts are facts regardless about what people think about them.
The company is literally called Weather Modification Inc.
Weather Modification Inc.
WOW. Thanks for the sauce, fren.
All of the aircraft listed on that site are small.
Will this conspiracy still be considered "too out there" for GAW? Are Tennessee lawmakers just passing laws against something that doesn't exist? Are Democrats afraid to ban a joke? Why isn't it that people waking up to getting poisoned a necessary part of a great awakening?
It should definitely be. This isn’t conspiracy theory anymore. It’s conspiracy fact that groups have been spraying chemicals, cloud-seeding & that the feds and globalist have mandated and pushed states to allow it—likely for a good profit. Another fact is that it’s poisoning us, our crops and our livestock.
The night is young.
Ask Cats if he would also ban General Flynn along with these threads?
Me too, but like my other fren said: chemtrails are now Q related since Flynn posts about them dropping nano tech that can be controlled via 5G.
Next: legalize the shooting down of chemtrail planes.
Or how about arrest the pilots and anyone who hired them or is involved in any way as soon as they land instead? Follow the money back to the shot callers, uncover their logistics, sources of funding, etc.
Oh god please don’t make me salivate like that….
I live in eternal hope for a fair, just world where good people flourish, bad people are put into cages and evil beings are exterminated. Call me idealistic, I suppose, but we should at least be working towards ideal outcomes.
As soon as I have time to get my s#@t together, I am taking this to Ken Paxton to try to make it happen here. If you live in a state that has any chance of getting this type of legislation on the board, you should too. It's one of the greatest infringements on our health and rights out there.
Yes, fren, LETS GOOOOOOO!!!
i am in North Texas and have seen what i believe to be chemtrails on two different occasions...one time directly south, about a dozen "stripes" in the sky that were the same distance apart...so well-defined, looked like stripes on a flag, wish i'd taken a pic...then they began to spread out to cover that part of the horizon...this was early just after dawn...the other one was directly west of me, the "stripes" already fanning out, in exact spacing, no mistaking it for clouds...probably happening more in rural areas than cities, my guess...our TX legislature meets every other yr, and 2025 is ours.
I’ve seen YEARS of perfectly lined grids that cause an overcast over a clear blue sky. Happens nearly every week where I am.
Every week? Must be nice, here on the east coast aka the geo engineering Guinea pigs of the world this is a daily occurrence sadly….
5am clean blue skies 12noon cloudy by the evening it’s dark as day….
Ugh, that’s awful. Yeah, it’s a few times a week here. I guess they take a few days off.
I too am in Texas. What used to be the sanctuary that was Austin. Keep an eye on the sky, you will probably find it to be almost, if not, on the daily. Many of the trails they lay are harder to see as they disperse quickly and leave a grayish hue in the sky. It often makes the sun feel much hotter than it would naturally. Rings around the sun are also a sure sign that they have been busy. Also, go out and look at the moon when it is full. For some reason, they almost always lay trails in front of it.
Thanks for the heads up on the timing of the legislature. I'm going to make a serious effort to fight it. It .makes me as angry as anything else they do not directly involving childrren.
My fantasy would be an F-16 scrambled to intercept, and escort them to an airfield, where they are arrested. Just a fantasy though.
TN Air National Guard is out of Knoxville. I don't know the protocol though. Who would command this unit? Is it state or federal?
EDIT: From the wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_Air_National_Guard
Please God and Q make this happen in some regard…. Even if it’s not publicaly advertised give us a post or anything showing someone taking the heat for this shit….
Rednecks could figure out a way, if the law allowed it.
Great point, will ask around.
I have watched, irl, with my own eyes, the spraying of a cross hatched grid over Nashville. Then I watched it coalesce into one solid mass of 'overcast'. It all took about 3 hours. It's not a theory.
I have seen this happen over my home town as well.
Agreed, I’ve seen that grid over my skies as well. It’s infuriating.
For years, chemtrails have been a thing of Alex Jones, the King of Conspiracies. Now, States are taking them seriously? Tennessee is the latest state to ban them. Next, they will be banning hormones in water because it turns the frogs gay. 😂😂😂😂😂
Haha, they better. Atrozine is the DEVIL!
Alex Jones? Heck even Flynn has confirmed.
Leftists are illogical. If it doesn't exist, voting for the bill causes no harm. The Leftist state of Washington outlawed the killing of Sasquatch decades ago.
I hope this spreads to other states for attention if nothing more.
Serious question though. If they don't stop spraying, who is going to stop it? You can't shoot down a plane in the upper atmosphere without military grade weapons. Would this law mean that military aircraft would immediately be scrambled to escort any chemtrail craft down to the nearest airport?
I guess I'm just wondering practically who would actually stop this, especially if you consider the influence of the military industrial complex over our entire system.
Great question. I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s up to us. We must elect based local officials, use the power to sue & notify the military of infractions like Miki Klann does. I recommend listening to her legal genius make waves across the country (on rumble).
What's the harm in legally preventing something they claim isn't happening? It's pretty simple, you either want them to be able to spray or you don't, no other position is relevant.
Also, this reminds me I read an article that stated the vast majority of people with an IQ less than 90 can't understand conditional hypotheticals, which seems relevant here. Me: But what IF someone wanted to spray, should that be legal?
Moron Democrat voter: Nobody is spraying, that's a conspiracy theory!
Me: I hate low IQ people.
Unsubstantiated, Really??? Ok so when our own government says, we are doing this, the left are so stupid they will still follow the narrative. I just want to smack every dumbass that I can. REALLY!!!
I feel ya!!!
Llol, unsubstantiated. I don’t think anyone is debating you now! This legislation proves that they live in Lala land.
Nice sauce, thank you.
hmmm my only hesitation is that a lot of regulations seem useless and harmful... many people however fail to understand that in a free market, individuals or groups are liable for the environmental damage of other properties, so they could be sued for damages at least, which would give some "regulation" or introduce some incentives in to the picture to prevent pollution.
Unfortunately such planes may simply continue to pollute, just in more hidden ways? Not that we have proven much about what pollution is done currently, or have we proven some of that has been happening?
I agree - I tend to have open market libertarian views about most, but the public doesn’t know about this since it’s heavily hidden, censored when it does come out or discounted as conspiracy theory if anything is published. Therefore, they don’t have enough info to sue or know enough about how unhealthy & infuriating this is to those who know.
So the Dems didn't want to ban the thing they claim isn't happening....interesting.
So if it's not true and they aren't doing it, than why are Dems worried if it passes?
My thoughts exactly. That proves they know the truth!
I can see it now: "Washington bans hunting of sasquatches"...therefore, they must exist. "Scotland bans capture of Nessie"...therefore it must exist. "Arkansas passes law to require 2 + 2 = 5" ...therefore it must be so. "Texas passes law to ban maps depicting a spherical Earth, and outlaws conventional geographic coordinates based on sphericity"...need I say more?
The general principle is that if mainstream politicians finally become convinced that a fictitious wrongdoing is taking place, and pass legislation against it, then it is no longer fiction. By what stretch of the imagination can that be possible? Has any testimony for the law established any facts to support it?
But they can have their fun and walk around contented. Now watch what happens when contrails continue to cross the sky and no one can be charged with a crime. Nothing. Not only a crime without victims, but a crime without evidence---a crime without a crime. A big public relations win... (Kind of like a gun-free zone.)
"Oh, they're sharp ones in Tennessee---all their heads come to a point!"
This is a Q discussion board, wether or not you are correct chemtrails are now officially Q related by means of Flynn tweeting out THIS!
The point is you SHOULD be able to post your beliefs on the subject and I SHOULD be able to write this comment below it because this is a Q RESEARCH board and Flynn and laws like this make it 100% “Q discussable” even up to cats and the other mods standards…..
What's the problem? I'm discussing it. I gather you don't what to hear or consider what I have to say. It is curious to me that whether a point is substantial (or not) is not as important to you as whether fools have justified talking about it more.
I repeat: the logic is bogus. Just because someone decides to put teeth into a fabulous claim does not make the claim true. Just because an honorable person doesn't know anything about the subject doesn't make his remarks true. Flynn knows nothing about contrails, but at least I have been to Fort Huachuca.
And you will shortly find that the legislation is equivalent to a ban on magic. There will be no indictments, no charges, no findings of guilt, and contrails will continue to cross the sky. Wake me up if this ever goes to court.