The rationale you are presenting is the very moronic drivel I have to overhear on the college campus I visit almost every day that is used to support “the Palestinian freedom movement because Hamas is right.”
Doesn't matter if Hamas would do this or not. Either way those Palestinians died because of the US and Israel...doth of which created and funded Hamas from the beginning. Hamas, Isis, Hezbollah were all a creation of our CIA and Israel. It's always the same when it comes to terrorism...the CIA and Israel create it for the benefit of the Zionist State and keep the American public under the thumb of the Patriot Act which has led to how many hundreds of innocent Americans being thrown in prison with NO due process?
Pro-Israel people can’t believe the IDF would ever lie. Pro-Palestine people weirdly have been convinced Hamas isn’t bad/doesn’t lie/doesn’t commit atrocities.
I almost feel like this conflict is a step back for the awakening rather than a step forward.
Pro-Palestine people weirdly have been convinced Hamas isn’t bad/doesn’t lie/doesn’t commit atrocities.
But when you have to say things like "Because Hamas would never do this..." there is an implication that there is justification for it, which there is not.
Both sides are garbage, but if you say both sides are garbage you get called anti-semitic which is really weird too.
I take an old school approach: Don't take my money to wage war. If they want to kill each other off, that's their prerogative and the consequences should lie with surrounding territories. We are a world away from each other, and we really should start acting like it.
I am generally pro-Israel, or had been at the least. Before I can come to any conclusion, I want to know how the intelligence failure happened leading to 07 Oct. No way the most hardened and monitored border in the world just happened to let their guard down and didn't have any intel of an attack of that magnitude being planned.
Hamas and PA repeatedly rejected the two-state solution. Israel offered to give up a lot of land, including some strategic areas and all was rejected.
We know with almost 100% certainty that 9/11 occurred from a US/CIA created al-Qaeda with the assistance of domestic and foreign intelligence services with the goal to fund endless wars ($$$$$) and to implement IRTPA and PATRIOT. I can't see any reason why Israel wouldn't do the same thing.
I'd tell you, but you seem like the type that doesn't want the real answer.
Biden tells Netanyahu US won't join counter-strike against Iran: Reports | Just The News -- A Lone Star - They Will Fight A lone. Save the Best for Last. Time to meet JESUS
You're not telling me anything I don't want the answer to. That's all I want is answers. The Q delta by itself leaves me to strongly believe that it was planned by Israel/Hamas.
Why would you think he doesn't want the "real answer" when he just laid out a completely factual list of events and even identified skeptical information when appropriate?
Please watch this documentary video. It includes IDF whistleblowers giving firsthand testimony that the IDF was ordered to stand down on Oct 07. It wasn't an intelligence failure, it was intentional.
A lot of good information on how modern-day Israel was formed. I won't lump everyone in the same camp, but Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 are very much in play here.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agents" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."
I don't know how I feel about that line, but I also know that it makes me laugh that anyone thinks this because wow mainstream media has fallen far from their position.
Zionsim is as fanatical as Hamas. I supported Israel immediately after the attack and their right to defense. There's been growing evidence of war crimes from both sides, and that's why I rescinded that support. Two wrongs NEVER make a right, and I'm not a hypocrite.
I think it's about proportionate retaliation. Israel responded disproportionately and doesn't show any signs of stopping, and is using the U.S. to run interference as well as fund their campaign.
I think you can still support an initial response without retracting it, without supporting the greater assault without being hypocritical.
There is no such thing as proportionality in war. Defeat the enemy. Almost every problem today comes from us being too accommodating of our enemies, whether communist, nazi, or otherwise.
Then the solution to everything ends up being nuclear weaponry.
Come on, you can't be that insane, surely? We wouldn't have a world left if we just resorted to nuclear warfare because proportional response is thrown out the window.
The problem isn't the enemy being killed, but the innocent lives being lost with no regard.
When you can't ATTACK THE INFORMATION directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit knowing 'select' 'unaware' followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).
No it's just some here seem to be completely obsessed with Israel. Plus it's f****** Al Jazeera why are we using it as a source what is wrong with you.
And others seemed to be obsessed with defending their actions. It's almost like a group of people are employed by Israel to be some kind of internet defense force. Crazy, I know.
And considering what the leadership did to its own people with the vaxx during the COVID Plan-demic... I shudder to think what they might do to enemies.
Same reply I gave to another comment (in quotes). Please consider watching the linked documentary at the end of this reply ....
"Please watch this documentary video. It includes IDF whistleblowers giving firsthand testimony that the IDF was ordered to stand down on Oct 07. It wasn't an intelligence failure, it was intentional.
A lot of good information on how modern-day Israel was formed. I won't lump everyone in the same camp, but Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 are very much in play here.
Speaking of,whatever happened to the Israelis' bombing the shit out of Iran,could it be a Quid Pro Quo that we just witnessed in Da 'House' ,They got there money and POOF ,De-escalation.
Because Hamas would never do this...
Hamas is literally a creation of Israel
Correct. Here's an upvote to counter the Khazarian mafia shill who downvoted you.
And another.
By “hamas” you mean “mossad”?
Pretty sure we all know how proxies work now.
"It's Ok to commit genocide when we do it!" - Israeli's circa 2024
"Remember the 6 gorillion" - Israeli's 1945-2023
If you read this post you are antisemitic.
Since when are Hamas the good guys…?
Not mutually exclusive acts of violence.
Every so-called islamic terror group is nothing but a mossad proxy.
Playbook is known
They're not, and neither is the Israeli government, who's funded and armed them for decades.
Since when did anyone aside from the poster trying to use a "whataboutism" mention HAMAS.
This is the exact opposite of critical thinking.
The rationale you are presenting is the very moronic drivel I have to overhear on the college campus I visit almost every day that is used to support “the Palestinian freedom movement because Hamas is right.”
Cool story, bro.
Look up literally anything covering events at Columbia University, Yale, Cornell, and Washington University in St. Louis.
Read more than the headlines.
And then form a coherent, non-strawman thought.
Doesn't matter if Hamas would do this or not. Either way those Palestinians died because of the US and Israel...doth of which created and funded Hamas from the beginning. Hamas, Isis, Hezbollah were all a creation of our CIA and Israel. It's always the same when it comes to terrorism...the CIA and Israel create it for the benefit of the Zionist State and keep the American public under the thumb of the Patriot Act which has led to how many hundreds of innocent Americans being thrown in prison with NO due process?
Yeah, that’s my issue with both sides of this.
Pro-Israel people can’t believe the IDF would ever lie. Pro-Palestine people weirdly have been convinced Hamas isn’t bad/doesn’t lie/doesn’t commit atrocities.
I almost feel like this conflict is a step back for the awakening rather than a step forward.
Both governments are evil as hell.
Wars for dummies. How to stop the wars in Israel, Iran and Ukraine, STOP SENDING STOLEN U.S.A. TAX MONEY TO THEM
Correct. Both are headed by deep state entities. Ordinary people are just cannon fodder. On both sides.
But when you have to say things like "Because Hamas would never do this..." there is an implication that there is justification for it, which there is not.
Both sides are garbage, but if you say both sides are garbage you get called anti-semitic which is really weird too.
I take an old school approach: Don't take my money to wage war. If they want to kill each other off, that's their prerogative and the consequences should lie with surrounding territories. We are a world away from each other, and we really should start acting like it.
I am not saying it’s justified.
The only implication is that Hamas has been known to use people as human shields and would not be above killing innocent Palestinians. That’s it.
I don’t disagree we shouldn’t be funding any of this, especially since we fund both sides.
But it’s naive at best to think either side would never stoop as low as killing people and blaming the other side for it.
I am generally pro-Israel, or had been at the least. Before I can come to any conclusion, I want to know how the intelligence failure happened leading to 07 Oct. No way the most hardened and monitored border in the world just happened to let their guard down and didn't have any intel of an attack of that magnitude being planned.
Hamas and PA repeatedly rejected the two-state solution. Israel offered to give up a lot of land, including some strategic areas and all was rejected.
We know with almost 100% certainty that 9/11 occurred from a US/CIA created al-Qaeda with the assistance of domestic and foreign intelligence services with the goal to fund endless wars ($$$$$) and to implement IRTPA and PATRIOT. I can't see any reason why Israel wouldn't do the same thing.
Mossad and the cia created hamas.
If you start there most questions answer themselves.
I'd tell you, but you seem like the type that doesn't want the real answer.
Biden tells Netanyahu US won't join counter-strike against Iran: Reports | Just The News -- A Lone Star - They Will Fight A lone. Save the Best for Last. Time to meet JESUS
May 19th Communist Org - Color Revolution in Israel - NowC@mesTHEP@in1082023!!! - Iran
12 Letter News Agencies - 12 Tribes - Obama IRS Scandal - [MOS]/[AJ] Backed Media - Edited Graphic to conform with rules
You're not telling me anything I don't want the answer to. That's all I want is answers. The Q delta by itself leaves me to strongly believe that it was planned by Israel/Hamas.
Why would you think he doesn't want the "real answer" when he just laid out a completely factual list of events and even identified skeptical information when appropriate?
Are you trying out for A Few Good Men part II ?
Because his first inclination to pull a "but do you denounce HAMAS" card out of his pocket.
Piers Morgan would be proud.
I see. They both suck.
Please watch this documentary video. It includes IDF whistleblowers giving firsthand testimony that the IDF was ordered to stand down on Oct 07. It wasn't an intelligence failure, it was intentional.
A lot of good information on how modern-day Israel was formed. I won't lump everyone in the same camp, but Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 are very much in play here.
BTW I didn't upvote or downvote your comment.
I am not pro-Israel because it was created via the UN.
The Jews that were slaughtered to create Israel were innocent. The reasons to create the state of Israel were not.
The deep state funds both sides or every war and of every conflict. It’s a win win for them
Wars for dummies. How to stop the wars in Israel, Iran and Ukraine, STOP SENDING STOLEN U.S.A. TAX MONEY TO THEM
Seems like this might be the most effective way to stop all wars in the world from where I'm standing.
Amen! Huzzah!
ZAP The State and End The Wars!
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agents" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."
Albert Pike
All going according to plan
I would never trust aljazeera as a source.
Aljazerra is one of the few real news sources left.
I don't know how I feel about that line, but I also know that it makes me laugh that anyone thinks this because wow mainstream media has fallen far from their position.
Zionsim is as fanatical as Hamas. I supported Israel immediately after the attack and their right to defense. There's been growing evidence of war crimes from both sides, and that's why I rescinded that support. Two wrongs NEVER make a right, and I'm not a hypocrite.
I think it's about proportionate retaliation. Israel responded disproportionately and doesn't show any signs of stopping, and is using the U.S. to run interference as well as fund their campaign.
I think you can still support an initial response without retracting it, without supporting the greater assault without being hypocritical.
There is no such thing as proportionality in war. Defeat the enemy. Almost every problem today comes from us being too accommodating of our enemies, whether communist, nazi, or otherwise.
Then the solution to everything ends up being nuclear weaponry.
Come on, you can't be that insane, surely? We wouldn't have a world left if we just resorted to nuclear warfare because proportional response is thrown out the window.
The problem isn't the enemy being killed, but the innocent lives being lost with no regard.
And you can always count on Al Jazeera to report on anything related to Israel completely truthfully.
Whoever is responsible - there will be a reckoning, in this world or the next.
Unfortunately, American taxpayers are responsible. I cannot believe the depravity of my government.
Didn't the Supreme Court rule recently for a taxpayer who wrote letters to Congress protesting its actions?
Al fucking jazeera. Okay retard.
No it's just some here seem to be completely obsessed with Israel. Plus it's f****** Al Jazeera why are we using it as a source what is wrong with you.
And others seemed to be obsessed with defending their actions. It's almost like a group of people are employed by Israel to be some kind of internet defense force. Crazy, I know.
I will preface this to say, I am not one of the ones to downvote you so I am not saying this to be hostile:
Israel is a direct mention in Q posts, and therefore it is not simple baseless obsession. Israel itself is a thread of discussion and digging.
And considering what the leadership did to its own people with the vaxx during the COVID Plan-demic... I shudder to think what they might do to enemies.
Agreed. But it's not the only thing. it seems like a lot of people are obsessed with bashing Israel. Regardless of who the fuck they are.
That's fair, and I don't think you're wrong that some people take it too far. But there are reasons for that I suppose.
Same reply I gave to another comment (in quotes). Please consider watching the linked documentary at the end of this reply .... "Please watch this documentary video. It includes IDF whistleblowers giving firsthand testimony that the IDF was ordered to stand down on Oct 07. It wasn't an intelligence failure, it was intentional.
A lot of good information on how modern-day Israel was formed. I won't lump everyone in the same camp, but Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 are very much in play here.
BTW I didn't upvote or downvote your comment."
Torture is an abomination, no matter who does it, and I'm sure they both are.
That said, this isn't our war and the USA has no reason to be involved in it. The only "side" I support is the American side.
I don't think the vidence proves anything except someone did it. Both suspects have the same master.
Speaking of,whatever happened to the Israelis' bombing the shit out of Iran,could it be a Quid Pro Quo that we just witnessed in Da 'House' ,They got there money and POOF ,De-escalation.
Or are the graves those of the hostages?
Hamas vs. Mossad = Popcorn time.
Al Jazeera 🤔🙄
I know, right? How dare we read a source not owned by Israel and then discern for ourselves.
The fact thar you take an Islamic source seriously is concerning. It is a religion which views lying to non believers as moral.
Trust neither to be completely accurate - take neither side:
God loves Israel, and so do I!
love sometimes involves warning about behavior that loses the moral high ground.
Of the 133 still captive, less than 40 are expected to be alive. Nice folks!
I got 2 down votes for this! Hatred runs deep in some people!