I’m at a point where I don’t care about what she is saying or what General Flynn is saying. Neither one of them are operating inside President Trump’s inner circle. They both strike me as people trying hard to stay relevant in a Post Trump/Q reality.
That doesn’t make them necessarily good or bad, just irrelevant.
Has it not occurred to anyone that this could just be a manufactured spat to keep the heat off of Flynn and make it look like he is not in Trump's inner circle anymore? Trump supposedly isn't going to name his VP running mate until July. Maybe he needs people to think he and Flynn aren't getting along so Flynn can get stuff done before he is possibly named as the running mate.
I've trusted Flynn much longer, and really never trusted Halper. I never trusted or believed her. Of course she may also be one of those Trump needs to make into a boogie-man as it were.
Personally I think something will happen mid to late June that will make one of them look really good to MAGA (I think Flynn) to get the people excited. Then perhaps Halper will get back in the mix in August or September in time for her to be considered for an administration appointment.
For as much as everyone seems to want to repeat that we are watching a movie, a lot of people sure drop that with the slightest hint of a problem.
It always amazes me when people here and elsewhere don’t seem to get this.
Of course it’s also possible that they themselves are plants, or that they’re talking before thinking, or whatever else it could be. I’m 100% positive I’ve jumped the gun on judging people before, in spite of always having tried to avoid it (and don’t even ask about datefagging).
Exactly. I was lucky with this one in that I could just point the person to a post that I happened to read minutes earlier. It is hard sometimes to not just blast someone that we think should know something we've known, read, or been a part of for years - especially for those of us who aren't "social" people. The more I comment the better I get at not just lashing out or calling someone stupid. I'm actually grateful for that training.
Exactly. It is most definitely training. I’ve been trying to apply it to both America and Israel and elsewhere, trying to learn to name the criminal elements that need to be named and what they’re doing and why it’s wrong without condemning or falsely accusing the innocent, or putting myself on the wrong side of Genesis 12:3.
Just like was tasked to Adam. We needed the training, badly.
What is Flynn getting done? He is fighting law fare so maybe that's the deep state trying to taint him so he can't be V.P. but i don't assume either. I'll wait and see. But if trump.chooses him I'll have less confidence in the direction our country is taking based on things flynn himself has said. One of the biggest is that grotesque prayer he made publicly.
I think we all spend way too much time trying to figure out why these people say the things they do. And, we lose sight of the fact that outside the Anon community most people couldn’t care less about Halper-Hayes and Flynn.
I just think it’s a waste of precious time hanging on what every role player is saying. Watching President Trump plow through all this lawfare reassures me that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. I can wait for the final credits to roll to sort the role players out.
Trump is the signal, everyone else is just noise. By design. This is psychological warfare. Not only against us by the enemy but also by the Patriots against our enemies. Keep this in mind when you take in information from any source other than Trump. Take nothing at face value, it could be an op to misdirect and cause the enemy to use resources or focus in the wrong place.
I stay at 40k feet. I dont get lost in the weeds. I dont place faith in personalities. Thats the path to a blackpill.
I know a lot more about Flynn than I do Halper. If Halper was still employed by DOD, she'd have already been in breach of about 12 different NDAs and the terms of her clearance. She only holds SECRET and supposedly both US and UK clearances. She could be a Pied Piper OP, waiting to take people down the wrong path.
One of the replies on her tweet was exposing that her education credentials are not legit; she says she did her PhD at a university (now defunct) during years it didn't exist.
In 1994, Jan Halper graduated from Stanford University Mass Media Institute’s Broadcast News Program. She did her doctorate work under Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Warren Bennis at Fordham University and then graduated from Columbia Pacific University with Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. Her undergraduate degree is from the State University of New York with an emphasis in Marketing and Human Relations.
I am irked with Flynn, have been for a long time and can't shake it. It may be as simple as just very much an incompatible personality. As long as he never does anything to harm Trump.
I had a vision once in which I was in a gathering with many people upstairs on the second floor. Trump and Don Jr. were downstairs at that time. Mike Flynn stood in front of me and told me something was going to occur in a few days that people would misunderstand but that no harm would come to those I was worried about. But did not explain. The feeling of him not being fully forth-coming is an irritation that stayed with me, silly as that sounds.
I, unfortunately, am with you. I don't know about Halper, but there are times when I think she is on the mark and too many times I see Flynn truly off the mark.
I started moving away from him when he became part of Clay Clark's team. I cannot stand Clark; haven't since he started his grift using GOD as his base.
I also found it odd that he backed away from the 2020 fraud.
Also found it odd that he was a part of Paul Ryan's construct against Trump.
And when he seemed to drift away away from Trump and Q - that was the end for me.
He is now at a point in time that he needs to prove to me and many others that he is 1000% MAGA and I do not see Trump even mentioning his name in any rally for over a year. And he has NOT BEEN WITH TRUMP AT ANY RALLY SINCE WHEN? You are correct - for years. That tells me that Trump knows the truth.
If I am wrong folks, I will be here on my knees begging for forgiveness; but at this point I would not trust him with my grandchildren.
I don’t have it handy, but I once ran across something that indicated that those two people were not Valarie Jarrett and what’s his face. There was a website with pictures like the one you’re referring to. Google image search may lead you to it.
I’m irked by Jan. I feel like she’s a plant with a limited relevance. She popped on the scene and was really interesting and accurate. I’ve only listened to her a few times more and I feel like she told us everything in that first interview. Pascal Najadi strikes me the same way. I view Flynn like an open field. I glance out and the grass is blowing to the East and tomorrow the West. A poetic way to say these people have a limited use.
This tweet is not the first time she has tried to throw dirt on Flynn, but there isn't much here but supposition on her part. She has no real evidence, and what she is accusing Flynn of doing was explained by Flynn when he said he backed out on running when it became apparent Trump was doing so well.
Who is the booger here? Well I have no idea, and I doubt we know before the final credits roll.
Looks to me like a civilian Flynn is just defending himself against all the psychopaths who won't stop attacking him for years on end. Very odd, since he's just a civilian and all. Did these people study the drops or not?
Frens, looking at some of the negative posts on here about General Flynn this morning shows the struggle with information right now. We are in the psywar tornado. Psychology can work nicely in reverse too.
Just remember what it says at the top of each page under Create Post --->
Guys, we've got to start putting links to the full tweets/conversations when we post things like this. Someone down the thread was gracious enough to find it and post it (thanks Oblakahn!): https://twitter.com/Biz_Shrink/status/1790022713685254404
Secondly, this seems like wildly irresponsible musing on the part of Halper-Hayes. Even her responses in the thread to being challenged by others have a tone of "Hey, I'm not saying it's true, I'm just putting this out there".
Not sure what was going through her head when she posted something so potentially damaging that had such poor sourcing. She's either trying to damage Flynn or she's an idiot.
He was a guest on Dave's show and Flynn started yelling at Dave when Dave asked about the 'military being the only way.'
It was less yelling than Flynn performing a strongly spoken statement - and it wasn't directed directly at Dave - it was directed at the topic and theory.
The interview continued on and the mood immediately was completely fine after.
Additionally, Flynn was just on again recently for another interview - so there definitely was no Butthurt fallout as a result of said "yelling".
Furthermore - to me, it felt that Flynn's statement was just a performance.
A person like Flynn, who is in the know - doesn't go on X22 not once, but twice, and have a conversation directly confronting the idea of "the military being the only way" - on a newscast that daily talks about exactly that - and internally be vehemently opposed to that daily newscast's central tenants.
There's simply too many conflicting actions to make ALL of them genuine.
5G Warfare. Moves and Countermoves. Spies, Masks and Shadows.
In the words of the great Tony Evans...
"If all you see is what you see - you do not see, all there is to be seen."
If someone can't be clear on who they are then I wont blindly trust them. Typically if trump steps up for someone I allow for his purpose in him doing it. But even with flynn I couldn't be enthused of trump picked him for V.P. I'm thinking way beyond trumps next term.
I think Flynn message is what he also has put in his books, if u sit around and wait for someone to save you then we are doomed, this whole thing only works when people get involved locally in elections and change things in their sphere of influence, waiting for military to swoop in and save everyone is a bad mind set, and a lot of the Q buzz sayings that a lot of people repeat are probably misunderstood and military is the only way is one of them, I still think Flynn is q team but not public about it because obvious reasons.
There are many more on here at GAW, just use Search.
Have always been behind Dr Jan since she came onto the scene, this ruffled my feathers a bit, I won't lie, maybe she isn't who I thought she was, maybe she is. ...this is war (5GW), and any publicity is good publicity and if it helps people ask questions about General Flynn's message it's all good, and it's another form of DECLAS to the sheeple. She is also pointing a finger at someone else.
I always think of this sparring more like Professional wrestling than a movie. Especially since Trump was involved with it and Vince McMahon at times. How many times does the bad guy turn into the good guy or vice versa in the WWF [which should tell anyone who still watches professional wrestling how long it has been since I watched it]. It's like they took the scripts and just rewrote them for politics. They use the spats as political cover sometimes and other times to get attention from a press that would not cover an issue otherwise. How many times has Trump picked a fight with someone, or said something that made him look like an idiot, only to have it turn to the positive 3 days later.
He was rough on Dave but I think Dave needed to understand something subtle here. This is about mobilizing people not making them complacent, that the military is going to help us. They can only help us if we help ourselves. Modern counterinsurgency tactics.
I've followed some of Jan's tweets. She doesn't really share info as much as post to it and measure our reactions.
I think her role is exactly what she said it was: to determine how far along different demographics are. Trump probably pointed the general population to her to get an idea of what scams they are still buying into, how frosty they are, what ops they react well to, etc.
Infighting kayfabe has become so common place that I'm surprised anyone even bothers mentioning it at this point. We can't know whether it's real so why bother becoming invested?
I’m at a point where I don’t care about what she is saying or what General Flynn is saying. Neither one of them are operating inside President Trump’s inner circle. They both strike me as people trying hard to stay relevant in a Post Trump/Q reality.
That doesn’t make them necessarily good or bad, just irrelevant.
Has it not occurred to anyone that this could just be a manufactured spat to keep the heat off of Flynn and make it look like he is not in Trump's inner circle anymore? Trump supposedly isn't going to name his VP running mate until July. Maybe he needs people to think he and Flynn aren't getting along so Flynn can get stuff done before he is possibly named as the running mate.
I've trusted Flynn much longer, and really never trusted Halper. I never trusted or believed her. Of course she may also be one of those Trump needs to make into a boogie-man as it were.
Personally I think something will happen mid to late June that will make one of them look really good to MAGA (I think Flynn) to get the people excited. Then perhaps Halper will get back in the mix in August or September in time for her to be considered for an administration appointment.
For as much as everyone seems to want to repeat that we are watching a movie, a lot of people sure drop that with the slightest hint of a problem.
Trump retruthed her
Game theory, war games, keep the enemy guessing, appear weak, etc...
Correct. Deception is key to winning in war.
It always amazes me when people here and elsewhere don’t seem to get this.
Of course it’s also possible that they themselves are plants, or that they’re talking before thinking, or whatever else it could be. I’m 100% positive I’ve jumped the gun on judging people before, in spite of always having tried to avoid it (and don’t even ask about datefagging).
We DO NOT KNOW when someone is kayfabeing a role.
Exactly. I was lucky with this one in that I could just point the person to a post that I happened to read minutes earlier. It is hard sometimes to not just blast someone that we think should know something we've known, read, or been a part of for years - especially for those of us who aren't "social" people. The more I comment the better I get at not just lashing out or calling someone stupid. I'm actually grateful for that training.
Exactly. It is most definitely training. I’ve been trying to apply it to both America and Israel and elsewhere, trying to learn to name the criminal elements that need to be named and what they’re doing and why it’s wrong without condemning or falsely accusing the innocent, or putting myself on the wrong side of Genesis 12:3.
Just like was tasked to Adam. We needed the training, badly.
Makes no sense. What kind of "stuff he needs to get done" would require him pretending to distance himself from Trump?
Try reading this post and then answer that yourself.
What is Flynn getting done? He is fighting law fare so maybe that's the deep state trying to taint him so he can't be V.P. but i don't assume either. I'll wait and see. But if trump.chooses him I'll have less confidence in the direction our country is taking based on things flynn himself has said. One of the biggest is that grotesque prayer he made publicly.
I think we all spend way too much time trying to figure out why these people say the things they do. And, we lose sight of the fact that outside the Anon community most people couldn’t care less about Halper-Hayes and Flynn.
I just think it’s a waste of precious time hanging on what every role player is saying. Watching President Trump plow through all this lawfare reassures me that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. I can wait for the final credits to roll to sort the role players out.
Some ppl spend faaar too much time on this crap. It's like a talk show argument for anons. We have better things to do. This is distraction defined.
Trump is the signal, everyone else is just noise. By design. This is psychological warfare. Not only against us by the enemy but also by the Patriots against our enemies. Keep this in mind when you take in information from any source other than Trump. Take nothing at face value, it could be an op to misdirect and cause the enemy to use resources or focus in the wrong place.
I stay at 40k feet. I dont get lost in the weeds. I dont place faith in personalities. Thats the path to a blackpill.
I know a lot more about Flynn than I do Halper. If Halper was still employed by DOD, she'd have already been in breach of about 12 different NDAs and the terms of her clearance. She only holds SECRET and supposedly both US and UK clearances. She could be a Pied Piper OP, waiting to take people down the wrong path.
Not possible she is stupid enough to write this on a whim.
Providing a little cover for each other for ????
One of the replies on her tweet was exposing that her education credentials are not legit; she says she did her PhD at a university (now defunct) during years it didn't exist.
In 1994, Jan Halper graduated from Stanford University Mass Media Institute’s Broadcast News Program. She did her doctorate work under Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Warren Bennis at Fordham University and then graduated from Columbia Pacific University with Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. Her undergraduate degree is from the State University of New York with an emphasis in Marketing and Human Relations.
CPU went belly up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Pacific_University
I am irked with Flynn, have been for a long time and can't shake it. It may be as simple as just very much an incompatible personality. As long as he never does anything to harm Trump.
I had a vision once in which I was in a gathering with many people upstairs on the second floor. Trump and Don Jr. were downstairs at that time. Mike Flynn stood in front of me and told me something was going to occur in a few days that people would misunderstand but that no harm would come to those I was worried about. But did not explain. The feeling of him not being fully forth-coming is an irritation that stayed with me, silly as that sounds.
I, unfortunately, am with you. I don't know about Halper, but there are times when I think she is on the mark and too many times I see Flynn truly off the mark.
I started moving away from him when he became part of Clay Clark's team. I cannot stand Clark; haven't since he started his grift using GOD as his base.
I also found it odd that he backed away from the 2020 fraud.
Also found it odd that he was a part of Paul Ryan's construct against Trump.
And when he seemed to drift away away from Trump and Q - that was the end for me.
He is now at a point in time that he needs to prove to me and many others that he is 1000% MAGA and I do not see Trump even mentioning his name in any rally for over a year. And he has NOT BEEN WITH TRUMP AT ANY RALLY SINCE WHEN? You are correct - for years. That tells me that Trump knows the truth.
If I am wrong folks, I will be here on my knees begging for forgiveness; but at this point I would not trust him with my grandchildren.
You’re not wrong !
I posted something similar to this on Telegram and some unbelievable person came down on me like a jackhammer.
He called me every horrific word in the English language.
Why do people do this? You can disagree with me without trying to destroy me.
He uses the handle rattletrap 1776 which I know is NOT Derek.
I blocked him and deleted his post - it was so vile and disgusting.
At any rate...thank you.
He is iffy with me too. Find the weird pic with the Obama officials naked and covered in paint, I'm 99.9% sure I recognize him there.
Flynn Q posts: https://qalerts.app/?q=Flynn
u/#q260 u/#q2218 u/#q4610
I don’t have it handy, but I once ran across something that indicated that those two people were not Valarie Jarrett and what’s his face. There was a website with pictures like the one you’re referring to. Google image search may lead you to it.
Edit and Update: I may be wrong.
I'm taking some time this morning to dig around and given what I found and what Q has told is this is not looking debunked.
https://www.50parties.com/party-49-party-naked/party-naked-snapshots.html (gone now, but there is a capture)
https://www.standardhotels.com/culture/50-Parties-Ryan-McGinness-Standard-Press-Book (look at all of the pictures)
Note the name of the hotel above.
I’m not a fan… I got jumped on for saying he wouldn’t be a good VP cause he isn’t MAGA…
I’m irked by Jan. I feel like she’s a plant with a limited relevance. She popped on the scene and was really interesting and accurate. I’ve only listened to her a few times more and I feel like she told us everything in that first interview. Pascal Najadi strikes me the same way. I view Flynn like an open field. I glance out and the grass is blowing to the East and tomorrow the West. A poetic way to say these people have a limited use.
PERFECT. My opinion is not important, and he strikes me as a phony tough guy. I could be very wrong. That would be nice.
This tweet is not the first time she has tried to throw dirt on Flynn, but there isn't much here but supposition on her part. She has no real evidence, and what she is accusing Flynn of doing was explained by Flynn when he said he backed out on running when it became apparent Trump was doing so well.
Who is the booger here? Well I have no idea, and I doubt we know before the final credits roll.
Here is the whole thing.
Halpers dinner guests: Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Guano Slobberin, and Ariel.
kek This is BS. Jim Carey doesn't play the President. He just finger paints. So they wouldn't have discussed this.
Simon Parkes is a total loser with zero inside information. It's all pure, made up, nonsense from his own head.
Looks to me like a civilian Flynn is just defending himself against all the psychopaths who won't stop attacking him for years on end. Very odd, since he's just a civilian and all. Did these people study the drops or not?
Thank you, very helpful.
Kek, I couldn't find it earlier. ThankQ.
Frens, looking at some of the negative posts on here about General Flynn this morning shows the struggle with information right now. We are in the psywar tornado. Psychology can work nicely in reverse too.
Just remember what it says at the top of each page under Create Post --->
General Flynn.
"If Trump could not otherwise run, would you run for President?"
"Yes, I would."
Flynn is a sure win.
Neither of them are relevant to me.
Guys, we've got to start putting links to the full tweets/conversations when we post things like this. Someone down the thread was gracious enough to find it and post it (thanks Oblakahn!): https://twitter.com/Biz_Shrink/status/1790022713685254404
Secondly, this seems like wildly irresponsible musing on the part of Halper-Hayes. Even her responses in the thread to being challenged by others have a tone of "Hey, I'm not saying it's true, I'm just putting this out there".
Not sure what was going through her head when she posted something so potentially damaging that had such poor sourcing. She's either trying to damage Flynn or she's an idiot.
Helper and Flynn info....
When did he do this with Dave X22?
He was a guest on Dave's show and Flynn started yelling at Dave when Dave asked about the 'military being the only way.'
I was like 😱
I was listening to that.
It was less yelling than Flynn performing a strongly spoken statement - and it wasn't directed directly at Dave - it was directed at the topic and theory.
The interview continued on and the mood immediately was completely fine after.
Additionally, Flynn was just on again recently for another interview - so there definitely was no Butthurt fallout as a result of said "yelling".
Furthermore - to me, it felt that Flynn's statement was just a performance.
A person like Flynn, who is in the know - doesn't go on X22 not once, but twice, and have a conversation directly confronting the idea of "the military being the only way" - on a newscast that daily talks about exactly that - and internally be vehemently opposed to that daily newscast's central tenants.
There's simply too many conflicting actions to make ALL of them genuine.
5G Warfare. Moves and Countermoves. Spies, Masks and Shadows.
In the words of the great Tony Evans...
"If all you see is what you see - you do not see, all there is to be seen."
If someone can't be clear on who they are then I wont blindly trust them. Typically if trump steps up for someone I allow for his purpose in him doing it. But even with flynn I couldn't be enthused of trump picked him for V.P. I'm thinking way beyond trumps next term.
I think Flynn message is what he also has put in his books, if u sit around and wait for someone to save you then we are doomed, this whole thing only works when people get involved locally in elections and change things in their sphere of influence, waiting for military to swoop in and save everyone is a bad mind set, and a lot of the Q buzz sayings that a lot of people repeat are probably misunderstood and military is the only way is one of them, I still think Flynn is q team but not public about it because obvious reasons.
the infighting is so immature
old pro wrestling style drama. enjoy the show frens.
We are seeing more and more truthers attacking each other. We need to stop this because it aids the left who want us divided.
Or - it will catch them off guard because they think everything is going their way.
The infighting is due to much infiltration, be very careful who you trust.
ThankQ for posting this fren. I saw Dr Jan's post earlier but missed General Flynn's reply.
For any doubters out there about him, here are a few vids for you to get your head around...
There are many more on here at GAW, just use Search.
Have always been behind Dr Jan since she came onto the scene, this ruffled my feathers a bit, I won't lie, maybe she isn't who I thought she was, maybe she is. ...this is war (5GW), and any publicity is good publicity and if it helps people ask questions about General Flynn's message it's all good, and it's another form of DECLAS to the sheeple. She is also pointing a finger at someone else.
The dead Twitter link was archived here.
I take it back, just seen this vid clip from 2016. Disappointed..
I always think of this sparring more like Professional wrestling than a movie. Especially since Trump was involved with it and Vince McMahon at times. How many times does the bad guy turn into the good guy or vice versa in the WWF [which should tell anyone who still watches professional wrestling how long it has been since I watched it]. It's like they took the scripts and just rewrote them for politics. They use the spats as political cover sometimes and other times to get attention from a press that would not cover an issue otherwise. How many times has Trump picked a fight with someone, or said something that made him look like an idiot, only to have it turn to the positive 3 days later.
He was rough on Dave but I think Dave needed to understand something subtle here. This is about mobilizing people not making them complacent, that the military is going to help us. They can only help us if we help ourselves. Modern counterinsurgency tactics.
I've followed some of Jan's tweets. She doesn't really share info as much as post to it and measure our reactions.
I think her role is exactly what she said it was: to determine how far along different demographics are. Trump probably pointed the general population to her to get an idea of what scams they are still buying into, how frosty they are, what ops they react well to, etc.
Infighting kayfabe has become so common place that I'm surprised anyone even bothers mentioning it at this point. We can't know whether it's real so why bother becoming invested?