I do not have any gay friends because I try to separate myself from all worldliness (not because I am holier-than-thou but because God said to do that).
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV
I do not judge gay people (or any people for that matter). Jesus Christ will be the Judge of all mankind on Judgement Day. I try to share the Good News of Jesus with all people.
His Word is very clear about what sin is and how sin is removed by salvation (changing your mind, believing in your heart, placing your trust in Jesus (not yourself) and confessing with you mouth that He is the living Son of God). Jesus can save anyone regardless of their sin background. I leave the "heavy lifting" to Him.
I think the best we can do is to let the world see the Love of Jesus in us and our "Jesus Pride" so they can decide for themselves about which master to serve. Jesus hated no one - but He did hate sin. I think we have to follow His example.
Well said and Amen. As you said, He doesn't hate the person He hates the sin. All we can do is present the Gospel to them and ultimately Christ will judge them and all sinners.
What does God hate more than anything else? Pride. The first sin was Pride by Lucifer. The Gay community embrace Pride and they use the Rainbow as a symbol of theirs. The rainbow was a symbol of God's covenant to the people promising not to flood the earth again. We live in Satan''s world so do not be surprised when people embrace sin.
I just don't see why men are so "proud" of licking other men's assholes and letting men masturbate inside their large intestines.
I wonder if they aren't actually proud of it. Maybe deep inside (!) they know it is disgusting and profoundly unnatural, and the shame is so intense that they learn to transform the shame into a sense of pride...that they're doing something frowned on by nearly everyone in nearly all societies since the beginning of time.
Biologically, homosexuality is literally an existential threat to the very survival of our species, if everyone were to go for it. Human beings would eventually cease to exist. Yet they're proud to teach it to children too.
Their narcissism makes Klaus Schwab look positively humble.
Gay pride is the continuing attempt to legitimize aberrant behavior by society. They use the rainbow to flip the middle finger to God and His followers and to entice children.
The more you relish sin, the more sin you will indulge in. God hates all sin---homosexuality, fornication, theft, lying and a host of others that lead to the second death in the Lake of Fire. Everybody sins but those that belong to Christ repent and ask forgivness.
I'm sure il get some hate for this but adding for perspective.
I'm a married lesbian. My wife and I do not celebrate pride, do not do any rainbow stuff either. We are 100% MAGA. We do not support LGBTQ BS either. We are both followers of Jesus Christ.
We are out here. I know there are a few on the right who hate us simply for our gayness but thankfully most people accept us and realize we need all the support we can get to put DJT back in the white house.
^ the same call has gone out to Hispanics and Black people, etc.
Everyone who has had a “marginalization” media campaign put out against them to convince them of oppression needs to stand up against it, because the “straight white males” are narratively prevented from doing so right now, and we’ll all get destroyed if this is lost.
We do need to eventually have discussions on what sort of behaviors should be allowed, where at, etc, but that can happen in peace and love once passions have subsided. They should end up looking largely like John Cleese vs the English Bishop regarding The Life of Brian. Respectful, with a few light hearted jabs, though neither side saw eye to eye - rooted in objective practicality and respect of humanity.
I have gay friends who have been sharing the same home for 13 years and are really decent people. Not all gay people are the flaming sluts which are described here. The only important information in this post is that they can be abused at a younger age, in which case, it is important to build trust with kids so if something of this kind is even about to happen, they will confide.
Same here. I have an uncle and have had many gay/lesbian friends who are classy wonderful people. What I believe the problem is, is the promotion of “your special because…”. They take any group of people and make them “special” and tell all white people they are evil. Unless, of course, they qualify to belong to one of the special groups. It’s just segregation of human beings. Every gay person I knew, growing up, just wanted to be left alone and live their life.
My friend I grew up with and his wife became friendly with the middle aged homos across the street who they call the gaybors. I met them. On a personal level, they’re nice, but are they doing society a favor?
Correct, I am not overly religious but I am pretty sure the residing message was love not hate. I have two lovely lady friends who have lived together for over 25 years. They have never harmed a fly.
Homosexuals do not reproduce. They recruit. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
Truth rings true (although I believe the number is around 5-7% of the population, as it has always been for some unknown reason)
I've never understood how any man can stand to let another man do this to them...unless it was done to them as a child. I still don't get how they can think a man's hairy sweaty ass is anything other than revolting. My unscientific theory is that homosexuals were molested as children and it affected them psychologically. So they are mainly victims more than perps....until they perpetrate grooming, child rape, Pride Month, gay porn in grade schools, transvestite pronouns, etc. Then they're perps.
It was known in the 1980s that a specific lump of brain tissue is larger in homosexual men and heterosexual women than the reverse, suggesting an inborn tendency to homosexuality in some...which I think has to be awakened and reinforced by homoerotic behavior to take hold in the sexually mature teen/adult.
females that are fat homely can't get a male get a female
The only trouble with that theory is it's wrong. :)
No woman ever actually HAS to go without sex. Many, many men will insert themselves into any female who notifies them she is willing. Fat, homely women get lots of action from men who expect they'll be a wildcat in bed.
Personally I don’t care what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. But I do not condone the gay lifestyle. I believe it to be a sin according to my bible.
I hate that this movement is meant to push their lifestyle down our throats. And really they need to leave our kids alone!
Look, I don't care if you're into hamsters and duct tape as an adult. Just STFU about it... don't parade it around for everyone, especially children to see and emulate - in fact stay completely free and clear from any child. Unfortunately, kind hearted "hormonally challenged" gays have to take the brunt of this stigma because the statistics don't lie. Sorry... not sorry.
Keep your activities in the closet where they belong. You don't need, and you're not going to get, nor should you expect, hetero people to "celebrate", validate and confirm your preferences or pronouns. In reality, I think most gays would agree with what I'm saying.
"Why do they talk like that?" So they can easily identify one another... and there's a whole bandana code thing as well from what I've heard. I stopped wearing bandanas 20 years ago, except for covering my head while welding...
Gay Pride Day it originated with the celebration of the Stonewall Riots in NYC. Nothing else. It has been twisted into a generic month-long tragedy funded by big corps that just want our money. Many LGBers do not agree with what it has turned into.
God bless.
Well said and Amen. As you said, He doesn't hate the person He hates the sin. All we can do is present the Gospel to them and ultimately Christ will judge them and all sinners.
We ""Judge"" the flavor of Food, the looks of our clothing, and everything else....
The TERM you soo heavily say we are not allowed to do, ""JUDGE"", is how we live life, and to ""Not Judge"", leads to some very bad decisions....
It's only by our Judgement, that we have survived as a species....
But you were probably never told that Jesus did not say ""Don't Judge"", instead he said ""Do Not Condemn"", for that power is only Gods Power....
We may Judge, but we do not have the Power to Condemn....
So they did the murder/kill thing again eh?
Do you have any tattoos?
Yeah and you were right, I follow this belief…
What does God hate more than anything else? Pride. The first sin was Pride by Lucifer. The Gay community embrace Pride and they use the Rainbow as a symbol of theirs. The rainbow was a symbol of God's covenant to the people promising not to flood the earth again. We live in Satan''s world so do not be surprised when people embrace sin.
I just don't see why men are so "proud" of licking other men's assholes and letting men masturbate inside their large intestines.
I wonder if they aren't actually proud of it. Maybe deep inside (!) they know it is disgusting and profoundly unnatural, and the shame is so intense that they learn to transform the shame into a sense of pride...that they're doing something frowned on by nearly everyone in nearly all societies since the beginning of time.
Biologically, homosexuality is literally an existential threat to the very survival of our species, if everyone were to go for it. Human beings would eventually cease to exist. Yet they're proud to teach it to children too.
Their narcissism makes Klaus Schwab look positively humble.
Gay pride is the continuing attempt to legitimize aberrant behavior by society. They use the rainbow to flip the middle finger to God and His followers and to entice children.
The more you relish sin, the more sin you will indulge in. God hates all sin---homosexuality, fornication, theft, lying and a host of others that lead to the second death in the Lake of Fire. Everybody sins but those that belong to Christ repent and ask forgivness.
Top post. I’ve said similar things, but wording is everything and this is perfect.
The children of pride belong to Satan
I'm sure il get some hate for this but adding for perspective.
I'm a married lesbian. My wife and I do not celebrate pride, do not do any rainbow stuff either. We are 100% MAGA. We do not support LGBTQ BS either. We are both followers of Jesus Christ.
We are out here. I know there are a few on the right who hate us simply for our gayness but thankfully most people accept us and realize we need all the support we can get to put DJT back in the white house.
One of the best things you can do is call your fellow gays out on these actions.
"Why is this so common among us?! We're better than this! We fought so long to be accepted as normal, and now you're doing THIS?!"
That sort of thing.
I agree 100% and I do just that. Have lost some far left old friends because of it.
They really think Teump is evil and I don't get it. In my opinion, Trump is trying to save our country for all of us.
^ the same call has gone out to Hispanics and Black people, etc.
Everyone who has had a “marginalization” media campaign put out against them to convince them of oppression needs to stand up against it, because the “straight white males” are narratively prevented from doing so right now, and we’ll all get destroyed if this is lost.
We do need to eventually have discussions on what sort of behaviors should be allowed, where at, etc, but that can happen in peace and love once passions have subsided. They should end up looking largely like John Cleese vs the English Bishop regarding The Life of Brian. Respectful, with a few light hearted jabs, though neither side saw eye to eye - rooted in objective practicality and respect of humanity.
I have gay friends who have been sharing the same home for 13 years and are really decent people. Not all gay people are the flaming sluts which are described here. The only important information in this post is that they can be abused at a younger age, in which case, it is important to build trust with kids so if something of this kind is even about to happen, they will confide.
Don’t point fingers, point your heart.❤️
How old are they? Maybe they lack the energy and options to be promiscuous anymore, but what were they like when younger?
They are fifty, I have known them for almost 20 years and they are really classy guys.
Same here. I have an uncle and have had many gay/lesbian friends who are classy wonderful people. What I believe the problem is, is the promotion of “your special because…”. They take any group of people and make them “special” and tell all white people they are evil. Unless, of course, they qualify to belong to one of the special groups. It’s just segregation of human beings. Every gay person I knew, growing up, just wanted to be left alone and live their life.
My friend I grew up with and his wife became friendly with the middle aged homos across the street who they call the gaybors. I met them. On a personal level, they’re nice, but are they doing society a favor?
Are your gay friends white?
Yes, white.
Correct, I am not overly religious but I am pretty sure the residing message was love not hate. I have two lovely lady friends who have lived together for over 25 years. They have never harmed a fly.
Homosexuals do not reproduce. They recruit. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
This is one of the key issues that has to be addressed.
Truth rings true (although I believe the number is around 5-7% of the population, as it has always been for some unknown reason)
I've never understood how any man can stand to let another man do this to them...unless it was done to them as a child. I still don't get how they can think a man's hairy sweaty ass is anything other than revolting. My unscientific theory is that homosexuals were molested as children and it affected them psychologically. So they are mainly victims more than perps....until they perpetrate grooming, child rape, Pride Month, gay porn in grade schools, transvestite pronouns, etc. Then they're perps.
It was known in the 1980s that a specific lump of brain tissue is larger in homosexual men and heterosexual women than the reverse, suggesting an inborn tendency to homosexuality in some...which I think has to be awakened and reinforced by homoerotic behavior to take hold in the sexually mature teen/adult.
Read "Parasite Pill 2.0" online. Page 53.
It’s very plausibly a parasitic infection.
My theory is similar for males...females that are fat homely can't get a male get a female
I think sadly almost all lesbians were raped as children and learned to view men as beastly predators, women as soft and cuddly fellow victims
There must be some who just recognize that women are more beautiful and sexy than men too
This rape claim has been true for every lesbian I’ve ever known.
The only trouble with that theory is it's wrong. :)
No woman ever actually HAS to go without sex. Many, many men will insert themselves into any female who notifies them she is willing. Fat, homely women get lots of action from men who expect they'll be a wildcat in bed.
I just posted this on Facebook. Let's see how many minutes it takes them to fact check it.
I don’t get it either, it’s like saying I’m a failure in life and being proud of it
Let adults do as they please with their anus... also this has no sources, probably made up
I’m proud of my heroin addiction. Accept me
I feel a parade coming on.
Pride comes before the fall every time.
Personally I don’t care what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. But I do not condone the gay lifestyle. I believe it to be a sin according to my bible.
I hate that this movement is meant to push their lifestyle down our throats. And really they need to leave our kids alone!
Look, I don't care if you're into hamsters and duct tape as an adult. Just STFU about it... don't parade it around for everyone, especially children to see and emulate - in fact stay completely free and clear from any child. Unfortunately, kind hearted "hormonally challenged" gays have to take the brunt of this stigma because the statistics don't lie. Sorry... not sorry.
Keep your activities in the closet where they belong. You don't need, and you're not going to get, nor should you expect, hetero people to "celebrate", validate and confirm your preferences or pronouns. In reality, I think most gays would agree with what I'm saying.
"Why do they talk like that?" So they can easily identify one another... and there's a whole bandana code thing as well from what I've heard. I stopped wearing bandanas 20 years ago, except for covering my head while welding...
Gay Pride Day it originated with the celebration of the Stonewall Riots in NYC. Nothing else. It has been twisted into a generic month-long tragedy funded by big corps that just want our money. Many LGBers do not agree with what it has turned into.
Did anyone save this image? OPs account was suspended 😂
Their sin.
Pride goeth before the fall.