BREAKING: John Fetterman and Wife Injured in Car Crash, Hospitalized After Fetterman Slams Into Chevy Impala | The Gateway Pundi...
Democrat Senator John Fetterman (PA) and his wife Gisele Fetterman, were injured in a car crash Sunday morning in Maryland and transported to a nearby hospital.
Isn't that a weird title?....naming car brand he hit?
That is odd.
Finest car known to man (specifically 9th gen)
Correct; it's deceptively fast. A grannie car you can hold a burnout with.
The above photo of the Fettermans is over a year old. I ran it through and the earliest date I found for publication was Mar 10, 2023.
That’s because the current Fetterman they are trotting out is not him. We in PA know.
When will this clown show be over? Not wishing Fetterman ill but one side of American politics is dirty as hell.
Which fetterneck got hurt?
Hope he kept his speak and spell
Clone glitch? Wetwork? Careless driving? Fetterman is a mess.
This had to be a targeted kill by the Deep state.
He's not dead. However, I do think the DS did it, though. I bet they were thinking of all those old sitcoms where there's always one episode where a character would get bonked on the head and get amnesia or turn into a genius, but then in the 3rd act they get another bump on the old noggin and they're back to normal again, group hug and cue the credits.
I think you are thinking of the episode where someone accidentally cuts the break line of another person's car and forgets to tell them.
FETTERMAN: "Eight years ago I was a progressive, but the situation has changed."
Bet he recently had his brakes serviced.
Guess they're going to replace the Fetterman actor again
That would be my guess as well. I like Fetterman II, a lot better. Sure 3 will tow the line this time..
they tried to pennsylvanianianside his ass.....
wait I thought his wife was divorcing him
That was the old fetterman. This one is more of a keeper.
Nearly any car made after 2016 can be robotically controlled. Sudden acceleration? No brakes? Suddenly swerving into a guard rail?
The smartest thing anyone could install on their dash is a manual kill switch to disconnect the battery or shut off fuel at the flip of a toggle switch.
How do we do that?
Apache Impala...
Chevrolet Apache?
Which fetterman? The one who "won" the election or his replacement?
I think there are multiple replacements. But I don't have enough hard drive space in my brain to keep track of this.
Surely he wasn't driving?
No hits for the word "impala," but here's what comes up for "traverse."
Here's the part some have already noticed: John Federman has been replaced with a white hat look alike…
Just search pictures of him. Not the same guy. It's, undeniably a different person.
So, I'm not the least bit surprised "John Fetterman is changing his politics." He's a white hat plant 💯
I ran into the back of a guy once on the highway because he swerved into my lane and slammed on the brakes. I stopped before hitting him but the car behind me hit me and pushed me into him. 7 more cars hit after that. He jumped out yelling “we all have neck injuries”
Maybe fettermans car was hacked or they paid someone to take a hit like the douchebag I hit.
Sounds like a warning shot.
I honestly can't tell if he's evil. Seems like a giant oaf; a complete & total sock puppet. Whatever.....
This probably didn't happen at all. The psyop is either to create an impression of a targetted hit or to stop the use of his character red pilling the chattle for a while.
Will "Fetterman" be changing "his" tune now?
He did the hitting and is fine.
Cankles: "Business is booming."