I really can't believe anyone here on GAW thinks this is the original Biden we are seeing. The real question is who is in charge of this actor. (Who by all accounts is doing an amazing job, lol.)
I believe he is a whitehat asset myself. Why would the cabal run him as feeble, inept and stupid? To me devolution is in plan sight. Trump has given many hints to this fact for sure!
Just listen to Devotion Power Hour on rumble for starters. Many facts revealed there to wet your whistle. Listen to Derek Johnson also on rumble. Lastly, listen to DJT for more proof. It seems obvious to me, but you have to do the research first so you can connect the dots.
One thing we gotta remember is that the reason it "had to be this way" as Q says is because most people won't be able to "get it". They just aren't smart enough/don't have the time to really figure it out or even pay attention.
If you are the kind of person that goes to a show to see a magician do all their tricks and almost instantly know their methods then you aren't like 99 percent of people.
I agree. I don’t know how anyone can think it’s the real Biden. I get so tired of hearing people in daily life talking about how stupid he is, how he is running our country into the ground or how he has dementia. Wake up people, it’s NOT him. The guy playing him is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing to show how evil these people are and what their plans are for us peons.
Exactly what I think all the time! Sometimes I want to shout 'its not the real Biden! It's an actor!' lol....oh, well it'll become apparent soon enough I suppose.
It seems like one of the main things being attacked here, likely to our benefit, is our certainty that we know what’s going on because a medium told us something (even this forum is a medium), in order that we might eventually give up thinking we have knowledge and turn to God for our strength and deliverance.
I’ve said the exact same thing as OP, probably even within the week, and still think it, with high certainty, while also believing that we should probably stop doing that and try harder to look at things as they really are.
I understand that you are speaking in the generic, but I haven't had any certainty that I know what's going on since Jan 2020. And, all that did was help me to question and realize that I did not know with any certainly at all what was going on 2017-2020 (Q op).
while also believing that we should probably stop doing that and try harder to look at things as they really are.
What I think needs to happen more is people who are awake need to reflect and look at their own internal and mental processes, to question those and be open to seeing pitfalls and then working on them.
Before I answer that question, I'd like to hear what you think might be/are the reason(s) that you "Can't believe anyone here on GAW thinks this is the original Biden we are seeing"?
Hmmmm. I don't feel like this really answers the question.
It seems to me that you are so convinced of your conclusions that you cannot imagine any other. Do you think that is or might be true?
Or is it because you think the majority consensus here agrees with you and therefore, if the people here are leading edge, this agreement reinforces your conclusions?
I'm not sure that this is a good thing.
Aristotle: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"
Fwiw, I don't think GAW is quite as leading edge as we here tend to think. It is a unique community, with many virtues indeed. But as one mod recently estimated, [the mod thinks] we have some 5k active contributors and maybe 10 or a hundred times more lurkers with or without accounts.
But already in 2018, the global Q community present on reddit was in the hundreds of thousands. It has grown and multiplied and permeated many areas of the global net, with Q aware people actively numbering in the millions.
GAW is great, certainly, but we are but small frogs in a gigantic pond, making our contributions and efforts as best we can. The quality is decent, but I'm not sure I think the majority here are leading edge. We're very small, and our analysis and research dimension are far less robust than our information sharing aspect, imo.
But that's just me, I guess. Maybe I'm a bit wary of our GAW frogs over-estimating our significance in the greater scheme of things. Hmmmm...
Case in point: Look at how so many of our frogs completely gobble up and react to this disinformation clickbait post. Checking? No. Researching? No. falling for fake news? So many.....
What you say may be true, however there is a good core of folks here that listen to many of the leading and in-depth podcasts that inform us. Plus, many who have followed Q for years. That to me gives us a leg up. While I agree with what you say regarding certain clickbait issues but that doesn't seem to be the norm. We have a lot of reactionaries here for sure but that doesn't mean they're not informed. Some of that is frustration that this movie is taking so long and the masses have been programmed to knee jerk react to certain stimulus.
Overall though it seems to me there are enough astute thinkers here that seed the threads and keep the rest on track that I thought I could confidently state that most of us are aware of the fact that the JB we are seeing is not the original Biden.
Well, most probably believe it is the "real" Biden-so why wouldn't they run him down as the things he is doing are very bad for our country? Nor really disagreeing with you just stating why they would run Biden down.
I think however they dispose of “Biden” will be very telling as to how things ended with the real Biden.
Meaning, did he cooperate? If so, will he get a fake “dignified” funeral, wrinkled flag and all, like McCain and Bush senior?
I truly hope not! I hate the idea of the bulk of the population believing he was just uncle Joe from Scranton who meant well and was so much better than literally hitler orange man bad. But dang it, the dementia caused him to make bad decisions.
He is a traitor and pedophile, and doesn’t deserve a dignified legacy.
Why can't it be both? The actor can leave office via "death" or be replaced and "die" a natural death, and then the real truth could come out after the funeral, after the pomp and circumstance, etc. Same with McCain. Or Bush Sr. Those events don't erase the eventual declass. Only difference here is that he was kept "alive" to fulfill a plan. Same applies if it was DS as the puppet masters. What are they going to say? He was snatched and Gitmo'd in 201X so we found a double to fool everyone for X years?
I've said it numerous times here before: Biden was done in the early Spring 2016 primaries, IA, NH, and I think NV. Then out of nowhere he won SC and the following states and eventually won nomination. That was NOT organic. That was planned. Only question is...by whom???
With all the court rulings and bank weakening and disaccredition being done under “him”, with us knowing that the enemy is attacking us through fraud and lawfare and fake news, it seems apparent.
It's talking about actions and control. It's not biden in control, it's not bidens actions. It's his masters actions, and his masters that are in control.
Deleted my previous comment because I don’t disagree with your point.
But I don’t think that’s the point of Brainstorm Joe’s post.
There’s a string of his recent tweets that strongly suggest that the globalists were never the ones controlling Biden (or “Biden”). However, I’ll concede that we don’t know whether they’ve been made aware of that fact all along, since the 2020 steal was allowed to take place.
To reiterate it, I'll quote something I wrote yesterday...
So frequently these sorts of conspiracy theory conspiracy theories (I repeat the phrase to function as an adjective to contrast what many of us know are called 'conspiracy theories' but which in fact, are real and reflect truth), hinge and get amplification due to really weird and sloppy interpretations of text, sentences, and announcements. From a linguistics point of view, I constantly see people twisting what are natural but easily resolvable ambiguities in language to posit some 'secret message' or comms.
Which bear, most of the time, extremely little resemblance to what Q taught us about actual comms.
Someone hears this very obvious and easily interpret-able comment by DJT which, while grammatically ambiguous (a lot of language is) is not ambiguous contextually, and they grab that as "evidence" for whatever theory they have.
Making 15 second clips that exclude the actual context is a favorite practice among the would-be 'true believers'.
I completely agree, I'm sure you get down votes a lot for pointing out the truth, even on here people don't like hearing things that go against theor bias.
Lol, the post is too old to garner many downvotes. But (between you and I) I actually wrote a whole post on the topic of 'true believers' but I shelved it for reflection. I hope to post it sometime soon.
Issues like "not the real Joe Biden" tend to elicit the 'true believer' behavior in our midst. For me, that's an indicator that the narrative itself might actually be less than productive.
Could you then, please explain how you can square "it's not biden" and "his masters tell him what to do?" if they aren't talking about actions, pointing to the fact that he is a puppet and are instead speaking literally that biden is not biden, who is the him and his and why does he have masters? And why point them out? Doesn't seem like you can say there is an actor and simultaneously say he is a puppet in the sentence.
Um, I don't know, maybe because actors who are playing a retard dementia cases really well don't have the same set of skills required to be a puppet master...come on people.
For those of us paying attention: I'm pretty sure basic logic would tell you that the "actor(s)" is/are a very good method actor who is male relatively the same size proportionally as the real Biden. The puppet masters are the deep state. Or the patriots. Or both working together in one way or another through some sort of deal or something along those lines. Pretty easy to figure that one out if you've been paying attention to the wold stage lately like Q suggested you do.
Ok, i wasn't gonna go this deep because if you guys can't figure out that "Biden" is at least not Biden how are you gonna wrap your brain around the clone possibility. But...u/DrMcCoy seems to have the big guns on this one. Good job doc! People here need to wake up fast or they are gonna end up in the bewildered sheep group when declass happens.
There are so many that are replaced. I just saw a video clip from RCJ showing Bill and Hillary doubles getting on a commercial flight. No Secret Service and Bill is younger. He was with the plus, plus size Hillary. Spot the double has been a fun game.
That seems to ring a bell. There’s three of them that I know of. Apple cheeks, the plus size one and the too young one. It’s funny when they swap back and forth.
Husband argues that if it were a fake Biden they would have chosen a better smarter actor. White hats in control answers that argument. The pieces of the puzzle are clicking into place.
Him being an obvious puppet is the role. It's silly that people can't grasp it. There is white hat side = reveal that the president is a puppet (not just now), black hat side = demoralization/humiliation ritual to US patriots that they can install whomever they want. Wait and see, and watch the water.
I already wasn't concerned with being called a conspiracy theorist. I know who effectively invented the term, and I also know who conflated it with "conspiracy" to intentionally break and muddle the English language.
The only normie-adjacent scenario I see as realistically possible is that one of the multiples of Biden we've seen is in fact the real one from the 70s-2000s
I can accept that politicians might use body doubles for public appearances from a distance, but THE IDEA (to quote the real Joe Biden) that multiple people can give speeches and have close-up photos taken and still be identified as the same old man with no credible anomalies between the different "actors"?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Blurry screenshots side by side with different camera lenses, angles, lighting, and phases of known plastic surgery do not count as extraordinary proof.
Kim Clement said that the solution to save America was so simple, yet so ingenious, that only God himself could have come up with it. All this double/clone bullshit just doesn't fit the book in my view.
For me, one of the significant reasons I find the double/clone theory very unconvincing is that the 'evidence' of 4 grainy photos, (or the dozens of other photos that people cite as "proof") are never accompanied by something that might actually have the weight of evidence: for example, an analysis by a practiced and skilled physician specializing in anatomy, or in geriatric science, or in forensic biology, etc.
It's always "Duh! Look! Can't you SEE that they are not the same person!???"
I'm sure the mask tech is highly advanced, but last time I checked, masks don't give someone the ability to perfectly mimic the voice and speech patterns of another human.
Software already can take voice clips and generate new dialogue out of whole cloth. It's going to wreck the voice acting profession. It's already public on small level, so voice is no problem.
It literally does not matter whether that's the real Biden or not. If it's not him they'll stick someone else in that position, or maybe it was AI all along, who the hell knows.
You couldn't be more wrong. I have been seeking out esoteric information for a long time before the web was a thing. Inasmuch as noob has a connotation of being gullible I'd say you are the noob if anyone. This is baby stuff. It's just like 'Paul is dead.'
Ok, yeah, don't believe your lying eyes... So whats your argument then genius? If you're gonna use the whole "you can't prove it in a court of law angle" then you could say the exact same thing about anything Q says regardless of Q proofs because in a court of law they are all just coincidence unless you have eye witness testimony. Do better than that or you have zero argument.
Why would you imply I would use that approach? Both McCartney and Biden have the same features they always did. They are just older and Biden got a (bad) facelift which I have posted evidence for in the form of analysis by surgeons. Look at Bidens smile for instance. It's the exact same. Wrinkles in the same places, it goes on and on...
Who said anything about the Beatles? Biden likes blue eye contacts now too...? If you (paying attention as you obviously seem to be) really think those 4+ guys are all the same guy who just got plastic surgery (multiple times) that makes them look that different, then honestly i think you need contacts and a mental health check.
I compared the two because there is an obvious parallel. You act just like PIDers who are ridiculous. Biden's eyes have always been blue. Don't know what you mean about contacts. You are talking all this smack but you are way off. How is his smile for one thing exactly the same? You are the one with the lacking "argument" here.
Theory: It's Beau. Beau Biden's death was faked as the real Biden's health deteriorated and they were unsure how long he'd be useful. Then Hunter shot Joe(Trump knows this) in a drug fuelled rage over being used and manipulated for the Biden crime family. But Beau also had a brain injury for real and this is him now getting worse.
Ok, forget the fact that his face and features have altered significantly since his time as VP with Obama (and surely you’ve been exposed to those comparison photos online - and if not, u/PandaMoon17 has graciously shared one such example).
Forget all that…
How many people do you know whose skin is so malleable that their chin randomly takes on different shapes, and then snaps back into place the next day?
Same issue I have with God to be honest. He doesn't step in when Genghis Khan wiped out 50% of Europe and Asia. He doesn't step in WW1, WW2, JFK hit job, Cold War, Iraq 1, 9/11, Iraq 2 Afghanistan, human trafficking...when should he step in then? With great power comes...
Yep, because God helps those who help themselves. Anything that happens on the other side is up for debate. There isn't any evidence of how one person or another is judged because we can't really know their hearts. Only God can. It even says in the bible
Romans 9:19-26
19You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” 20But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— 24even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? 25As indeed he says in Hosea,
“Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’
and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’”
26“And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
Sure but my point still stands. Of the 50% Genghis Khan wiped out im sure there's a considerable portion that genuinely believed and did all the right things and had a good heart. They're equally dead.
It's not as though they didn't try to help themselves. You have a gun held to your head and you get executed, what other help could you have given yourself?
To specifically answer your question though, I would have to say when you're the creator of everything you have a reason for everything that happens. Luckily you sir are created in the image of God so you have a God given mind to figure out a pretty good idea of what that reason might be. Be prepared to go on the longest rabbit trail in the universe.
Yeah, hypothetical situation for you but because I've had a guns held to my head. I can tell you that what I did to make sure the bullet didn't go into it didn't compromise my moral values or my duty to my country but I've got scars from the pistol whipping that happened in the aftermath.
The vaccine killed more people that Genghis Khan could dream of. You would be dead or in a prison camp if it weren't for the patriots that know a lot more than you are anyone on this board.
Literal eternal life. The small injustices of this age are little more than moral training for the next. You are outraged over the Mongols deeds. Have you done anything about the evils of now? Justice is the disposition towards wrong doing. If no wrongdoing happens, it is impossible for Justice to be learnt by humans. So too for all the Virtues.
That's just one random pic i could find in my desktop folders. At least 3 of those guys aren't Biden and we are told by the clown show that they're all Biden. I've personally seen at least two more people who are supposed to be Biden on MSM
I really can't believe anyone here on GAW thinks this is the original Biden we are seeing. The real question is who is in charge of this actor. (Who by all accounts is doing an amazing job, lol.)
I believe he is a whitehat asset myself. Why would the cabal run him as feeble, inept and stupid? To me devolution is in plan sight. Trump has given many hints to this fact for sure!
"To me devolution is in plan sight"
Just listen to Devotion Power Hour on rumble for starters. Many facts revealed there to wet your whistle. Listen to Derek Johnson also on rumble. Lastly, listen to DJT for more proof. It seems obvious to me, but you have to do the research first so you can connect the dots.
Listen to both, and keep in mind that they don’t agree with each other.
Biden is fake.
Trump’s mouth in this video doesn’t match up to what’s being said. Is it desynchronization, audio lag, or fake like everything else?
Do some research yourself if you haven’t been keeping up.
Don't leave out the fun part. Hunter and Jill are fulfilling their part of a plea deal to avoid the death penalty.
And in the end they go, Just kidding!!!! Disinformation was necessary. No deals for treason. Step up against this wall.
Lol... exactly!! Love the reminder.
The people downvoting your comment, and this post, probably think it’s the OG Biden.
One thing we gotta remember is that the reason it "had to be this way" as Q says is because most people won't be able to "get it". They just aren't smart enough/don't have the time to really figure it out or even pay attention.
If you are the kind of person that goes to a show to see a magician do all their tricks and almost instantly know their methods then you aren't like 99 percent of people.
I agree. I don’t know how anyone can think it’s the real Biden. I get so tired of hearing people in daily life talking about how stupid he is, how he is running our country into the ground or how he has dementia. Wake up people, it’s NOT him. The guy playing him is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing to show how evil these people are and what their plans are for us peons.
Exactly what I think all the time! Sometimes I want to shout 'its not the real Biden! It's an actor!' lol....oh, well it'll become apparent soon enough I suppose.
Why do you think it is that you "don’t know how anyone can think it’s the real Biden"?
It seems like one of the main things being attacked here, likely to our benefit, is our certainty that we know what’s going on because a medium told us something (even this forum is a medium), in order that we might eventually give up thinking we have knowledge and turn to God for our strength and deliverance.
I’ve said the exact same thing as OP, probably even within the week, and still think it, with high certainty, while also believing that we should probably stop doing that and try harder to look at things as they really are.
I understand that you are speaking in the generic, but I haven't had any certainty that I know what's going on since Jan 2020. And, all that did was help me to question and realize that I did not know with any certainly at all what was going on 2017-2020 (Q op).
What I think needs to happen more is people who are awake need to reflect and look at their own internal and mental processes, to question those and be open to seeing pitfalls and then working on them.
Do you think we are seeing the original Biden as POTUS?
Before I answer that question, I'd like to hear what you think might be/are the reason(s) that you "Can't believe anyone here on GAW thinks this is the original Biden we are seeing"?
I'm curious.
It seems most people who come to this platform are on the leading edge of the lastest information in the greatest psyop in our history.
Hmmmm. I don't feel like this really answers the question.
It seems to me that you are so convinced of your conclusions that you cannot imagine any other. Do you think that is or might be true?
Or is it because you think the majority consensus here agrees with you and therefore, if the people here are leading edge, this agreement reinforces your conclusions?
I'm not sure that this is a good thing.
Aristotle: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"
Fwiw, I don't think GAW is quite as leading edge as we here tend to think. It is a unique community, with many virtues indeed. But as one mod recently estimated, [the mod thinks] we have some 5k active contributors and maybe 10 or a hundred times more lurkers with or without accounts.
But already in 2018, the global Q community present on reddit was in the hundreds of thousands. It has grown and multiplied and permeated many areas of the global net, with Q aware people actively numbering in the millions.
GAW is great, certainly, but we are but small frogs in a gigantic pond, making our contributions and efforts as best we can. The quality is decent, but I'm not sure I think the majority here are leading edge. We're very small, and our analysis and research dimension are far less robust than our information sharing aspect, imo.
But that's just me, I guess. Maybe I'm a bit wary of our GAW frogs over-estimating our significance in the greater scheme of things. Hmmmm...
Case in point: Look at how so many of our frogs completely gobble up and react to this disinformation clickbait post. Checking? No. Researching? No. falling for fake news? So many.....
Sadly, such instances are not infrequent. Far too many and too low grade for my liking.
What you say may be true, however there is a good core of folks here that listen to many of the leading and in-depth podcasts that inform us. Plus, many who have followed Q for years. That to me gives us a leg up. While I agree with what you say regarding certain clickbait issues but that doesn't seem to be the norm. We have a lot of reactionaries here for sure but that doesn't mean they're not informed. Some of that is frustration that this movie is taking so long and the masses have been programmed to knee jerk react to certain stimulus.
Overall though it seems to me there are enough astute thinkers here that seed the threads and keep the rest on track that I thought I could confidently state that most of us are aware of the fact that the JB we are seeing is not the original Biden.
Well, most probably believe it is the "real" Biden-so why wouldn't they run him down as the things he is doing are very bad for our country? Nor really disagreeing with you just stating why they would run Biden down.
Why do you think you "can't believe anyone here on GAW thinks.... [X]"?
Wouldn’t we all like to know!
I think however they dispose of “Biden” will be very telling as to how things ended with the real Biden.
Meaning, did he cooperate? If so, will he get a fake “dignified” funeral, wrinkled flag and all, like McCain and Bush senior?
I truly hope not! I hate the idea of the bulk of the population believing he was just uncle Joe from Scranton who meant well and was so much better than literally hitler orange man bad. But dang it, the dementia caused him to make bad decisions.
He is a traitor and pedophile, and doesn’t deserve a dignified legacy.
Why can't it be both? The actor can leave office via "death" or be replaced and "die" a natural death, and then the real truth could come out after the funeral, after the pomp and circumstance, etc. Same with McCain. Or Bush Sr. Those events don't erase the eventual declass. Only difference here is that he was kept "alive" to fulfill a plan. Same applies if it was DS as the puppet masters. What are they going to say? He was snatched and Gitmo'd in 201X so we found a double to fool everyone for X years?
I've said it numerous times here before: Biden was done in the early Spring 2016 primaries, IA, NH, and I think NV. Then out of nowhere he won SC and the following states and eventually won nomination. That was NOT organic. That was planned. Only question is...by whom???
With all the court rulings and bank weakening and disaccredition being done under “him”, with us knowing that the enemy is attacking us through fraud and lawfare and fake news, it seems apparent.
Agree .. pisses me off too .. if the truth isn’t told I’ll be beyond pissed !
It ends when this phase of the plan is done. No one except a few know that exact date because it's highly classified.
Classified??? Everyone knows It's 2 weeks.
We have to laugh … thank you !
Your welcome.
sigh, save your old fag quotes for patriots.alwaysbeingprovedwrongbyus
Lighten up Francis
you're speaking with Frank today
It's talking about actions and control. It's not biden in control, it's not bidens actions. It's his masters actions, and his masters that are in control.
Deleted my previous comment because I don’t disagree with your point.
But I don’t think that’s the point of Brainstorm Joe’s post.
There’s a string of his recent tweets that strongly suggest that the globalists were never the ones controlling Biden (or “Biden”). However, I’ll concede that we don’t know whether they’ve been made aware of that fact all along, since the 2020 steal was allowed to take place.
Thank for making this point.
To reiterate it, I'll quote something I wrote yesterday...
Someone hears this very obvious and easily interpret-able comment by DJT which, while grammatically ambiguous (a lot of language is) is not ambiguous contextually, and they grab that as "evidence" for whatever theory they have.
Making 15 second clips that exclude the actual context is a favorite practice among the would-be 'true believers'.
I completely agree, I'm sure you get down votes a lot for pointing out the truth, even on here people don't like hearing things that go against theor bias.
Lol, the post is too old to garner many downvotes. But (between you and I) I actually wrote a whole post on the topic of 'true believers' but I shelved it for reflection. I hope to post it sometime soon.
Issues like "not the real Joe Biden" tend to elicit the 'true believer' behavior in our midst. For me, that's an indicator that the narrative itself might actually be less than productive.
Could you then, please explain how you can square "it's not biden" and "his masters tell him what to do?" if they aren't talking about actions, pointing to the fact that he is a puppet and are instead speaking literally that biden is not biden, who is the him and his and why does he have masters? And why point them out? Doesn't seem like you can say there is an actor and simultaneously say he is a puppet in the sentence.
Um, I don't know, maybe because actors who are playing a retard dementia cases really well don't have the same set of skills required to be a puppet master...come on people.
For those of us paying attention: I'm pretty sure basic logic would tell you that the "actor(s)" is/are a very good method actor who is male relatively the same size proportionally as the real Biden. The puppet masters are the deep state. Or the patriots. Or both working together in one way or another through some sort of deal or something along those lines. Pretty easy to figure that one out if you've been paying attention to the wold stage lately like Q suggested you do.
Regarding dictionaries, in the 1960 Websters, the definition of “Holocaust” in it is, and only is, “complete destruction by fire”.
The 1955 New World Family Encyclopedia doesn’t even have it at all.
What year did this change?
What other things should we look up?
Ok, i wasn't gonna go this deep because if you guys can't figure out that "Biden" is at least not Biden how are you gonna wrap your brain around the clone possibility. But...u/DrMcCoy seems to have the big guns on this one. Good job doc! People here need to wake up fast or they are gonna end up in the bewildered sheep group when declass happens.
I’m with Panda ,, good job !
Agree !
Patriots are in control.
Patriots are the actor portraying Joe Biden's masters...
There are so many that are replaced. I just saw a video clip from RCJ showing Bill and Hillary doubles getting on a commercial flight. No Secret Service and Bill is younger. He was with the plus, plus size Hillary. Spot the double has been a fun game.
That seems to ring a bell. There’s three of them that I know of. Apple cheeks, the plus size one and the too young one. It’s funny when they swap back and forth.
Theresa Barnwell
Teresa is the fatty one ! Or the apple cheeks one , in fact I think Teresa is out of the loop now
Husband argues that if it were a fake Biden they would have chosen a better smarter actor. White hats in control answers that argument. The pieces of the puzzle are clicking into place.
Him being an obvious puppet is the role. It's silly that people can't grasp it. There is white hat side = reveal that the president is a puppet (not just now), black hat side = demoralization/humiliation ritual to US patriots that they can install whomever they want. Wait and see, and watch the water.
the craziest part about the fake bidens conspiracy is that they sometimes for whatever reason decide to use the bad one
The real Biden got a funeral salute after they ⚰️ his ass
I already wasn't concerned with being called a conspiracy theorist. I know who effectively invented the term, and I also know who conflated it with "conspiracy" to intentionally break and muddle the English language.
The only normie-adjacent scenario I see as realistically possible is that one of the multiples of Biden we've seen is in fact the real one from the 70s-2000s
I can accept that politicians might use body doubles for public appearances from a distance, but THE IDEA (to quote the real Joe Biden) that multiple people can give speeches and have close-up photos taken and still be identified as the same old man with no credible anomalies between the different "actors"?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Blurry screenshots side by side with different camera lenses, angles, lighting, and phases of known plastic surgery do not count as extraordinary proof.
Kim Clement said that the solution to save America was so simple, yet so ingenious, that only God himself could have come up with it. All this double/clone bullshit just doesn't fit the book in my view.
For me, one of the significant reasons I find the double/clone theory very unconvincing is that the 'evidence' of 4 grainy photos, (or the dozens of other photos that people cite as "proof") are never accompanied by something that might actually have the weight of evidence: for example, an analysis by a practiced and skilled physician specializing in anatomy, or in geriatric science, or in forensic biology, etc.
It's always "Duh! Look! Can't you SEE that they are not the same person!???"
Have you seen all the videos of how advanced and convincing masks have become that have floating around on social?
Have you seen the video of Biden scratching the back of his neck, and it leaving an indentation?
I'm sure the mask tech is highly advanced, but last time I checked, masks don't give someone the ability to perfectly mimic the voice and speech patterns of another human.
Of course not. Actors do that. They also wear masks
No they don't. Actors do the best that they can, but even the best celebrity impersonators are far from perfect.
Software already can take voice clips and generate new dialogue out of whole cloth. It's going to wreck the voice acting profession. It's already public on small level, so voice is no problem.
In order for this sort of tech to be used during the debate, Trump would have to be in on it and ok with it. Even then I find it hard to believe.
The "pause" Q drop has always perplexed me, but here we have it in the second video.
actors go brrrrrrr
It literally does not matter whether that's the real Biden or not. If it's not him they'll stick someone else in that position, or maybe it was AI all along, who the hell knows.
How many times has Trump said " I don't even think that's Biden "?
You know for a fact many people here don't think this is a replacement. I consider it disinfo.
You couldn't be more wrong. I have been seeking out esoteric information for a long time before the web was a thing. Inasmuch as noob has a connotation of being gullible I'd say you are the noob if anyone. This is baby stuff. It's just like 'Paul is dead.'
Ok, yeah, don't believe your lying eyes... So whats your argument then genius? If you're gonna use the whole "you can't prove it in a court of law angle" then you could say the exact same thing about anything Q says regardless of Q proofs because in a court of law they are all just coincidence unless you have eye witness testimony. Do better than that or you have zero argument.
Why would you imply I would use that approach? Both McCartney and Biden have the same features they always did. They are just older and Biden got a (bad) facelift which I have posted evidence for in the form of analysis by surgeons. Look at Bidens smile for instance. It's the exact same. Wrinkles in the same places, it goes on and on...
Who said anything about the Beatles? Biden likes blue eye contacts now too...? If you (paying attention as you obviously seem to be) really think those 4+ guys are all the same guy who just got plastic surgery (multiple times) that makes them look that different, then honestly i think you need contacts and a mental health check.
I compared the two because there is an obvious parallel. You act just like PIDers who are ridiculous. Biden's eyes have always been blue. Don't know what you mean about contacts. You are talking all this smack but you are way off. How is his smile for one thing exactly the same? You are the one with the lacking "argument" here.
Theory: It's Beau. Beau Biden's death was faked as the real Biden's health deteriorated and they were unsure how long he'd be useful. Then Hunter shot Joe(Trump knows this) in a drug fuelled rage over being used and manipulated for the Biden crime family. But Beau also had a brain injury for real and this is him now getting worse.
My TV isn't trying to convince me Fauxbama is the one in "Joe's" ear
Which one do you think is the real Biden? Just curious.
Ok, forget the fact that his face and features have altered significantly since his time as VP with Obama (and surely you’ve been exposed to those comparison photos online - and if not, u/PandaMoon17 has graciously shared one such example).
Forget all that…
How many people do you know whose skin is so malleable that their chin randomly takes on different shapes, and then snaps back into place the next day?
C’mon man! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyo2c5MuTlX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Same issue I have with God to be honest. He doesn't step in when Genghis Khan wiped out 50% of Europe and Asia. He doesn't step in WW1, WW2, JFK hit job, Cold War, Iraq 1, 9/11, Iraq 2 Afghanistan, human trafficking...when should he step in then? With great power comes...
Yep, because God helps those who help themselves. Anything that happens on the other side is up for debate. There isn't any evidence of how one person or another is judged because we can't really know their hearts. Only God can. It even says in the bible
Romans 9:19-26
19You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” 20But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— 24even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? 25As indeed he says in Hosea,
“Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’” 26“And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
Sure but my point still stands. Of the 50% Genghis Khan wiped out im sure there's a considerable portion that genuinely believed and did all the right things and had a good heart. They're equally dead.
It's not as though they didn't try to help themselves. You have a gun held to your head and you get executed, what other help could you have given yourself?
To specifically answer your question though, I would have to say when you're the creator of everything you have a reason for everything that happens. Luckily you sir are created in the image of God so you have a God given mind to figure out a pretty good idea of what that reason might be. Be prepared to go on the longest rabbit trail in the universe.
Yeah, hypothetical situation for you but because I've had a guns held to my head. I can tell you that what I did to make sure the bullet didn't go into it didn't compromise my moral values or my duty to my country but I've got scars from the pistol whipping that happened in the aftermath.
The vaccine killed more people that Genghis Khan could dream of. You would be dead or in a prison camp if it weren't for the patriots that know a lot more than you are anyone on this board.
Literal eternal life. The small injustices of this age are little more than moral training for the next. You are outraged over the Mongols deeds. Have you done anything about the evils of now? Justice is the disposition towards wrong doing. If no wrongdoing happens, it is impossible for Justice to be learnt by humans. So too for all the Virtues.
Do what exactly? Get mowed down by armed feds and become more cannon fodder?
When is he SUPPOSED to step in? Or do we do all the work on his behalf in his name and he takes all the credit?!
Or is it all just cope
Uh, use your brain more. https://files.catbox.moe/dngbfx.jpg
That's just one random pic i could find in my desktop folders. At least 3 of those guys aren't Biden and we are told by the clown show that they're all Biden. I've personally seen at least two more people who are supposed to be Biden on MSM
Top left is the real Joe.
What is the "Panda" referring to in your username?
Believe it or not....the original creator of this account actually was a panda.