That speech was what is known as a “limited hangout”. When you want to keep something secret from the public, but that becomes impossible, you make a partial admission of the truth while holding back key details, and often including falsehoods and misdirection to divert public attention away from the bigger secrets.
Brennan rebranded chemtrails as “stratospheric aerosol injections”, said we should start using them (implying we are not yet doing so), and said it was to fight climate change (which is fake).
theres entire forums dedicated to it, it would only clutter this site with things Q did not lead us to research into, and has zero power to wake up normies. If it's flat it's like the final boss of conspiracies.
Conveniently it has nothing to do at all with exposing the cabal's crimes. Flat or round, they've been committing atrocities on it for far too long, and have more, worse ones planned.
I remember seeing a scientific paper recently where they've been doing graphing under the ice sheet using satellites and it shows ancient rivers and valleys under the ice. Neat stuff.
The ice wall could be holding fabulous amounts of wealth, enough to tip the global order.
Could?? We have enough is to deal with already. We don't have room for every speculation possible. Q gave us crumbs and directions to pursue. Definitive ones. If you want to go down that particular path nobody is stopping you but that particular path is not to be gone down on this site, because it has nothing to do with Q and was even explicitly refuted.
I find it interesting of how much time NASA puts in to fake that they are in space! There are tons of there videos that are obviously fake. Why would they do that if they can go there?
There’s an actual government website ran by a department that oversees all of this. Every single flight, the chemical sprayed and how much of it that is sprayed is all documented and available as public information. It is made public through NOAA thanks to the Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972.
The only reason I haven’t shared it is because it’s not Q related and the mods have already stated that it’s not what this forum is for. Once they give the go ahead that’s it’s okay to share stuff regarding that topic on here, whether it’s myself or someone else, I’m sure it’ll get posted here.
If you personally want the site, just send me a message and I’ll give it to you.
Edit: Please don’t break the rules and post it until it’s greenlighted. I don’t want anyone getting in trouble because of me.
Texas has a weather modification that is part of the government. Shared it with normie friends, they freaked out for all of about 2 minutes and then promptly fell back asleep. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ Not sharing information anymore unless they specifically ask me. Link to Texas weather modification website.
Flat earth is silly as he'll, along with the firmament BS. One word brings that to a crash....meteors. How do meteors make it through the barrier but we can't? Come on man?!
I used to agree with you that this was the dumbest psyop possible. Until the left came up with the ridiculous notion that men could be women. Then I realized that flat earthers actually aren't the most idiotic people on the planet.
You know of any meteors made of flesh and blood? Just because I microwave yesterday's coffee doesn't mean I'm willing to stick my head in there while it's going.
You don't need to believe in it when you can literally send a balloon up to it and see that the earth is round. Because you don't believe in it. You know it.
Simpler options are targeted poison or building some sort of self-assembling strata to project blue beam onto as the world’s biggest projection screen - a fancy wide angle 3d projector, but who knows?
If all of this is real and the graphene oxide was used to map everything...and if the COVID vaxx has graphene oxide in it...are they now able to track all of those people who got the vaxx and their bodily functions remotely? 🤔 I know they can already track people with their phones.
At the beginning he makes fun of Q as some wild impossible conspiracy theory, then goes on to claim space is a lie, lol. The lack of discernment in some people is astounding.
Any pilots out there? My Uncle flew for 50 years before retirement, both military and civilian. I have asked him about 2 things, chem trails and ufo's. The answers I got almost seemed like he was told, specifically what to say. (Never seen a ufo and it's ice crystallization at altitude) He is no liberal pos either. Just curious if any pilots here have anything.
Yes, as a pilot they are instructed (coerced) to not speak of UFO's as it may damage their flying status; a.k.a. getting grounded and removed from flying. Same rules in civilian as military pilots.
Pilots know flying. They dont always know engines/thermodynamics. The whole ice crystalization is 100% BS. You cannot convince me that the exhaust from a jet, reaching temperatures over 1000 degrees Celsius forms ice. Logical fallacy. What it DOES do is superheat the colder altitude air and draws out the water exactly like steam from your breath on a cold morning. Both dissipate as it reaches ambient temps again. Chemtrails never dissipate, but spread out and make weird hazy-grey skies.
Source on both: 24 years Air Force, primary AFSC 2A61A/B (Aircraft engines, all types)
Edit: Not a pilot. Worked with them every day for 24yrs, flew with them, maintained solid engine operation, and (sometimes) fixed their fuckups to keep the plane flying.
The last part is correct and I should have been more specific; i.e. the higher you go the longer it takes the contrails to disappear...and they do disappear, it just depends on how long it takes but they do not persist, spread out, and form a gloomy haze. No matter anyone's claimed pedigree, whether true or not, I believe what I've seen/not seen during my own lifetime experience.
Yes, B52's will leave a longer contrail but when's the last time you saw Commercial airlines flying at 50k feet? They dont, and is quite a big difference, making it a non-contender for this instance as an "example" to use.
The problem is that the altitude in which the chemtrails are being deployed is no where near that high altitude. In fact, unless it is very cold out, even regular contrails dont even form at lower altitudes, where chemtrails ARE being deployed; i.e. typically 10-20k feet.
Lastly, why is it:
if "It's only a contrail", why is it that ONLY Commercial mid-sized aircraft seem to have this problem?
Why do the trails begin and end in certain parts of a flightpath?
Why arent these low-altitude "contrails (not)" going literally from horizon to horizon? they don't
Why arent the skies over various heavy flight paths just absolutely cluttered and choked with "contrails"? they aren't
Why is it, you can look up in the sky and see a plane at MUCH higher altitude leaving a contrail (that dissipates as it passes and does NOT persist) and see a much lower altitude airliner BELOW it, belching out a persistent (chem)trail? (yes I've used optics to verify this many times; i.e. same airframe model)
Why do we see these (chemtrails) no matter the time of year or temperature outside? It's always the same.
Nah, you need to wake up. You're relying too much on assumed bullshit like I used to do instead of observing what's actually going on. I used to be just like you, almost to a 'T', then so many were talking about it I said fine and really looked into it. It's happening whether you want to believe it or not....just like the COVID BS we tried warning everyone over and now regretting. Your choice: remain comfortable in your belief system, or let your gaurd down to look, really look, into the truth.
Edit:Here's a link to get you started if you wanna break out of that box. By all means, read all of it, it isn't long, but go to page 5 about mid-way. Now why would that be listed (among all those other things) as a covert weapon that Mr Dennis Kucinich, a former Representative in Congress, tried to get passed in a ban?
I was going to pick this apart, cuz there's some seriously retarded "If "chemtrails" exist and they are being deployed at 10k-20k feet, then they are simply not contrails and would be essentially invisible."
So I guess you've never seen a crop duster deploy chemicals on crops at 10 feet then.
There’s been plenty of evidence we have been doing this for decades … the conspiracy part is that a lot of low brainpower apes out there think every god damn contrail is a chemtrail, using their own made up baseless evidence points like “it lasted longer than 20min!” (Or an hour or two hours etc) or that it’s mind control or it’s a chemical they’re spraying on all of us etc
So some of it still is conspiracy theory babble.
But as with much of that world of insanity, there is some truth to it all, but the nut cases as with any extremes ruin it for the rest of us.
This is not anything new. The Carnicom Institute has got research on their website that goes back into the nineteen nineties and some before. The website you could spend years perusing solid research and observations. I have read a lot here and have hardly scratched the surface of what's been DONE to us.
There is many different types an reasons for them, lots of different contracts from different companies from cloud seeding to fertilizing. In australia our soil and water is so lacking of mineral content it makes sense they have to spray it in the sky. Problem is like all things the additives needed like emulsifiers Are usually made from something toxic. The sun is so hot here that blocking sun at certain times of year is probably for survival. No doubt so evil intentions are also being camoflaged by these good intentions
Just gonna leave this here:
CIA Director John Brennan discusses Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2mins)
TLDR they are spraying a bunch of bullshit in the sky to block the sunlight from reaching the planet.
That speech was what is known as a “limited hangout”. When you want to keep something secret from the public, but that becomes impossible, you make a partial admission of the truth while holding back key details, and often including falsehoods and misdirection to divert public attention away from the bigger secrets.
Brennan rebranded chemtrails as “stratospheric aerosol injections”, said we should start using them (implying we are not yet doing so), and said it was to fight climate change (which is fake).
Edit: stratospheric not strategic
Because it's a psyop
theres entire forums dedicated to it, it would only clutter this site with things Q did not lead us to research into, and has zero power to wake up normies. If it's flat it's like the final boss of conspiracies.
Conveniently it has nothing to do at all with exposing the cabal's crimes. Flat or round, they've been committing atrocities on it for far too long, and have more, worse ones planned.
Give a damn what shape it is.
'The ice wall' LOL. Sure buddy.
I remember seeing a scientific paper recently where they've been doing graphing under the ice sheet using satellites and it shows ancient rivers and valleys under the ice. Neat stuff.
Q led us here?
Could?? We have enough is to deal with already. We don't have room for every speculation possible. Q gave us crumbs and directions to pursue. Definitive ones. If you want to go down that particular path nobody is stopping you but that particular path is not to be gone down on this site, because it has nothing to do with Q and was even explicitly refuted.
How come when the sun is up in the USA its down in china?
That'll be the sky mirror.
Very interesting! Where do i find the sky mirror and how do i get to it....and how exactly does it make it dark in china when its light in the USA?
You'll find it at the end of the LBGTQPEDO rainbow along with the pink unicorns, and questioning its power will break its magical spell. So don't.
I find it interesting of how much time NASA puts in to fake that they are in space! There are tons of there videos that are obviously fake. Why would they do that if they can go there?
How does that prove the earth is flat again? To any rational person It only suggests that they may be hiding some of the realitys of space.
There’s an actual government website ran by a department that oversees all of this. Every single flight, the chemical sprayed and how much of it that is sprayed is all documented and available as public information. It is made public through NOAA thanks to the Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972.
The only reason I haven’t shared it is because it’s not Q related and the mods have already stated that it’s not what this forum is for. Once they give the go ahead that’s it’s okay to share stuff regarding that topic on here, whether it’s myself or someone else, I’m sure it’ll get posted here.
If you personally want the site, just send me a message and I’ll give it to you.
Edit: Please don’t break the rules and post it until it’s greenlighted. I don’t want anyone getting in trouble because of me.
Texas has a weather modification that is part of the government. Shared it with normie friends, they freaked out for all of about 2 minutes and then promptly fell back asleep. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ Not sharing information anymore unless they specifically ask me. Link to Texas weather modification website.
Not sure how to DM. If you know how, please send me the link. Thc
send plz
Woo! Awesome!!! I have JUST the user here needs to see your stuff 😁
Yes please. Send link :)
If air modification methods were fake, then Tennessee passing legislation against it was a waste of time, lol. They went into effect June 1st.
Flat earth is silly as he'll, along with the firmament BS. One word brings that to a crash....meteors. How do meteors make it through the barrier but we can't? Come on man?!
The firmament is the ONLY argument they ever make too. "The Bible says firmament, so HAH!" It's so stupid.
Flat earth is the dumbest damn psyop ever! How can anyone with a functioning brain, entertain this nonsense for even one second? It's lunacy!
I used to agree with you that this was the dumbest psyop possible. Until the left came up with the ridiculous notion that men could be women. Then I realized that flat earthers actually aren't the most idiotic people on the planet.
You know of any meteors made of flesh and blood? Just because I microwave yesterday's coffee doesn't mean I'm willing to stick my head in there while it's going.
Your response is going yo make the whole group less smart.No part of your comment makes Amy sense.
You don't need to believe in it when you can literally send a balloon up to it and see that the earth is round. Because you don't believe in it. You know it.
This is NOT a human agenda.
This planet is being terraformed for something… or someone….
… ew. Not keen on that thought.
Paraphrasing Tucker Carlson from an interview a few weeks back. It’s a crazy thought.
Simpler options are targeted poison or building some sort of self-assembling strata to project blue beam onto as the world’s biggest projection screen - a fancy wide angle 3d projector, but who knows?
Theory? My family and I have been watching them for 15 years. Watching tic tac toe patterns cover my town 15 years ago.
SOAR... seeding operations & atmospheric research.. Weathermodification Inc.
MonkeyWerx talks about these bad entities quite a bit on his yewtoob channel.
Don't put chemtrails in the same sentence with the lunatic flat earth nonsense!
Here’s a person explaining what could be the reason for the chemtrails:
This is a first class pointing, anon. Thank you!
If all of this is real and the graphene oxide was used to map everything...and if the COVID vaxx has graphene oxide in it...are they now able to track all of those people who got the vaxx and their bodily functions remotely? 🤔 I know they can already track people with their phones.
At the beginning he makes fun of Q as some wild impossible conspiracy theory, then goes on to claim space is a lie, lol. The lack of discernment in some people is astounding.
Any pilots out there? My Uncle flew for 50 years before retirement, both military and civilian. I have asked him about 2 things, chem trails and ufo's. The answers I got almost seemed like he was told, specifically what to say. (Never seen a ufo and it's ice crystallization at altitude) He is no liberal pos either. Just curious if any pilots here have anything.
2 things:
Yes, as a pilot they are instructed (coerced) to not speak of UFO's as it may damage their flying status; a.k.a. getting grounded and removed from flying. Same rules in civilian as military pilots.
Pilots know flying. They dont always know engines/thermodynamics. The whole ice crystalization is 100% BS. You cannot convince me that the exhaust from a jet, reaching temperatures over 1000 degrees Celsius forms ice. Logical fallacy. What it DOES do is superheat the colder altitude air and draws out the water exactly like steam from your breath on a cold morning. Both dissipate as it reaches ambient temps again. Chemtrails never dissipate, but spread out and make weird hazy-grey skies.
Source on both: 24 years Air Force, primary AFSC 2A61A/B (Aircraft engines, all types)
Edit: Not a pilot. Worked with them every day for 24yrs, flew with them, maintained solid engine operation, and (sometimes) fixed their fuckups to keep the plane flying.
Thanks for sharing. He's retired now. I should ask those questions again.
I’ve yet to see contrails at ground level in 35 below weather in the Midwest.
The last part is correct and I should have been more specific; i.e. the higher you go the longer it takes the contrails to disappear...and they do disappear, it just depends on how long it takes but they do not persist, spread out, and form a gloomy haze. No matter anyone's claimed pedigree, whether true or not, I believe what I've seen/not seen during my own lifetime experience.
Yes, B52's will leave a longer contrail but when's the last time you saw Commercial airlines flying at 50k feet? They dont, and is quite a big difference, making it a non-contender for this instance as an "example" to use.
The problem is that the altitude in which the chemtrails are being deployed is no where near that high altitude. In fact, unless it is very cold out, even regular contrails dont even form at lower altitudes, where chemtrails ARE being deployed; i.e. typically 10-20k feet.
Lastly, why is it:
Nah, you need to wake up. You're relying too much on assumed bullshit like I used to do instead of observing what's actually going on. I used to be just like you, almost to a 'T', then so many were talking about it I said fine and really looked into it. It's happening whether you want to believe it or not....just like the COVID BS we tried warning everyone over and now regretting. Your choice: remain comfortable in your belief system, or let your gaurd down to look, really look, into the truth.
Edit: Here's a link to get you started if you wanna break out of that box. By all means, read all of it, it isn't long, but go to page 5 about mid-way. Now why would that be listed (among all those other things) as a covert weapon that Mr Dennis Kucinich, a former Representative in Congress, tried to get passed in a ban?
I was going to pick this apart, cuz there's some seriously retarded "If "chemtrails" exist and they are being deployed at 10k-20k feet, then they are simply not contrails and would be essentially invisible."
So I guess you've never seen a crop duster deploy chemicals on crops at 10 feet then.
Comfortably numb/clueless it is then. Be well.
Blah blah, you sound vaxxed...
..also never let go of the indoctrination, that's why fox News still exists... the cant change ans see the flaws
And I bet you didn't believe in lizard people either. But there is sauce:
I want to see the actual spray equipment as it's installed on the aircraft before I believe in chemtrails.
If you can't find this, then you are not very competent. The pics are all over the place.
Yes lots of pictures of crop dusters dusting crops. The burden of proof should fall on the OP which is you.
LOL what makes you think I care what you think?
You are easy to spot once you know the drill.
There’s been plenty of evidence we have been doing this for decades … the conspiracy part is that a lot of low brainpower apes out there think every god damn contrail is a chemtrail, using their own made up baseless evidence points like “it lasted longer than 20min!” (Or an hour or two hours etc) or that it’s mind control or it’s a chemical they’re spraying on all of us etc
So some of it still is conspiracy theory babble. But as with much of that world of insanity, there is some truth to it all, but the nut cases as with any extremes ruin it for the rest of us.
She's a hero for this.
This is not anything new. The Carnicom Institute has got research on their website that goes back into the nineteen nineties and some before. The website you could spend years perusing solid research and observations. I have read a lot here and have hardly scratched the surface of what's been DONE to us.
Pretty sure that gets you banned around here. The mods are almost fully awake but not quite
Told them so…so many conspiracy truths coming to the forefront.
There is many different types an reasons for them, lots of different contracts from different companies from cloud seeding to fertilizing. In australia our soil and water is so lacking of mineral content it makes sense they have to spray it in the sky. Problem is like all things the additives needed like emulsifiers Are usually made from something toxic. The sun is so hot here that blocking sun at certain times of year is probably for survival. No doubt so evil intentions are also being camoflaged by these good intentions
I remember reading this back around 2000...
Weather as a Force Multiplier - Published 1996
Listened to an interview once on the Croww777 podcast once, apparently boiling a gallon or so white vinegar on your bbq gets rid of them.
I’m waiting for a time to try it, I.e. alone at home in case it stinks…
Sheesh. You can look and see them. Claiming they're contrails is idiotic.