Looks like the cia shooter shot his first three methodical perfectly aimed shots and the patsy panic shot off the remaining rounds before being domed. I bet the patsy shooter thought he was being shot at and just pulled the trigger as fast as he could.
Let’s not forget that Trump was at a podium so he was speaking from a known position, the s is why so many leaders have been assassinated while giving speeches. A remotely controlled rifle could have been employed from a very small hole in the building just large enough for the barrel. A suppressed weapon does not quiet the sonic crack when using standard velocity ammunition, it just muffles the report of the gasses expanding from the barrel. Now imagine for a moment that an IR laser designator “not visible to the naked eye” was used to paint Trumps head and was fired remotely. What if the woman that was watching her phone “ the one they said was the FBI assistant director” was actually seeing that IR laser dot on the screen and had control of the trigger remotely? This would also support my suspicion that the bullet was fired from the building directly across from the shooter’s position across the pond. It is also roughly the same distance away as the patsy location. I know it’s in the weeds but it’s worth considering, given the government resources it’s not inconceivable.
I keep thinking about the counter sniper's reaction where he obviously jumped back from his scope in surprise and surveyed the situation without the scope. What would he have seen to make him jump back like that? He wouldn't have been surprised like that over a view of trees.
I think he saw that Crooks was already dead. That would have been a WTF moment that would have caused that reaction. Maybe he even saw Crooks killed... from an angle that wasn't one of the known counter sniper positions.... like the water tower.
I saw that, too. For the counter-sniper to be that startled, it tells me they were told nothing about a possible suspicious person wandering the grounds - never mind about people yelling that they saw somebody on the roof with a rifle.
Those two counter-snipers, and the USSS agents immediately around Trump, were all behaving like they were just at a normal level of readiness as the rally began and they allowed Trump to walk out onto the stage.
I cannot believe they knew about the threat. Somebody made the decision to keep that info off their radios.
That counter sniper’s reaction could be accounted for by this: he has eyes on the kid, hears a shot ring out but he saw that the kid didn’t shoot… he comes off the scope to try and ascertain where the shot came from since it wasn’t the kid.
One thing I found out earlier today. The official story is that the other counter sniper team took out Crooks, not this team. That other team was also wearing different gear so likely from a different outfit.
That’s a fuckin long lag time. They led us to believe the CAT immediately got him soon as he shot.
Was he busy scratching his balls, waiting to see Trump go down first? He did, but not because he was dead, but because he was taking cover. I wonder how soon after whoever was behind this thing realized they dropped the ball.
Ooh, his moment of triumph, standing up had to be burning their asses so bad.
This is my theory. There was an open window in the building that the kid was on the roof of. The actual trained and intended assassin was in the building and fired the first three shots, patsy followed with the remaining. One of the videos that was took by the people who were near the building calling out about the shooter on the roof had the first three shots sounding very muffled which would tell me the shooter was inside. No idea what the last shot was. Maybe the DEI SS girl accidently discharging her weapon when she unholstered? 🤪
Also consider, the military has let a few videos out where they are shooting through like 4inch holes in two separate walls. If the first 3 were suppressed and were fired from 15' inside the building, exiting through something like a dryer vent hole, that would really mitigate the audio forensics.
My Pleasure. Here is another reference. And the one I am trying to find is the 2010 Modern Sniper. I recall the discussion of a "formula" or calculation that is guarded.
At this point, I am not sure what further analysis can be done, without the casings, bullets, etc. So FBI knows . . . how many weapons, how many each fired, the sequence, in what direction, from where.
We already know there was more than one shooter. The analysis so far of the acoustics etc. seems reasonable and logical. Just not determinative . . . we don't have the physical evidence . . . to prove or disprove . . .
Theres also reports of an unnamed LEO that fired return fire which could be the second volley or third volley. Its difficult to tell anything because our corrrupt piece of shit government tells us nothing and 80% of what they say is always a lie.
Will the other two ever be identified or found alive? I really have pondered how big this web is and am convinced ther are way more than the CIA involved.
The woman sitting behind DJT with the cellphone appears suspect: tapping the side of her head, her nose and never flinching with shots fired, but instead filming with her camera. FBI, SS, police should have detained the crowd for questioning. Instead they tell them to leave. Doesn’t seem like standard protocol to me.
Take a look at JFK. Look atthe video in slowmo. The guy has a rolled up newspaper in the front passenger seat. Looks behind points the newspaper at jfk, turns back his head and leans over then fires. Jfks head the falls back and up.
I still think the shooter was in a building on the opposite side. The water tower doesn’t make sense as all eyes would be pointing in that direction. Get everyone focused on the spectacle going on, then sneak a bullet in from the opposite direction from an expert sniper and if the weapon was suppressed and using subsonic ammunition the shooter could have been very close indeed. If not, my guess would be that the round used would have been something like a 6mm Dasher, 6mm Creedmoor or even a .22 creedmoor. I don’t believe a 5.56/.223 would have been used, it’s just not really a precision round. Yes it’s accurate to a point but not ideal.
I still think the shooter was in a building on the opposite side. The water tower doesn’t make sense as all eyes would be pointing in that direction.
I think so, too. I thought early-on that the real sharpshooter was in that same building right below the patsy - now it looks like it was in the building behind that one, where we are told USSS agents were staged "because the sloped roof was too hazardous" but that would work perfectly, too. That building had tall narrow windows in it, ideal for shooting from.
I also think that they let the patsy into their building, gave him the rifle, and somehow let him out to climb to the other roof. I saw that those buildings are connected in a couple of spots by something - ?air conditioning units? - and that would make it easy for that 120-pound kid to walk right over to the other rooftop.
Did anybody ever see the ladder that the kid supposedly used? Did they see how he got the rifle up to the roof?
I’ve seen people do crazy things under hypnosis too. I worked a hypnotist show one time and had to cover the exits so the people on stage wouldn’t leave and get run over exc.
Any US Marine can hit a man sized target at 500 yards using iron sights. 5.56 is plenty accurate at 150yd.
What’s more, if there was a shooter across the lake, any potential kill shot would obviously be from the opposite side, making it obvious there was more than one shooter.
I agree, but if this was an inside job there is no way it was up to that dipshit to do anything but create chaos, panic and a patsy. My point is given the probability of a second shooter .223 probably wasn’t a first choice for the second shooter. If you read accounts of the JFK autopsy from Jerome Corsi’s book they threatened the first doctors then brought in their own to damage JFK’s head so nothing could be gained from further examination. So realistically they could shoot him with anything within reason.
I still think the shooter was in a building on the opposite side.
What about the photo of the bullet in mid-air? The bullet is clearly travelling from Crooks' direction, and its trajectory is slanted slightly downward, exactly like one would expect if it came from the rooftop.
I know I am going to catch some flak here. But just hear me out for the sake of dialogue. Could it be that all the shots by Crooks, and he changed direction of his aim once he fucked up and the echo was free to travel based on the new aim? I don’t know just asking what do y’all think?
The stupid faggot government will tell us nothing so we have to entertain all possibilities. Everyone in government needs to be arrested and we can sort them out later. This is fucking ridiculous.
At the very beginning of this there was a picture of what appeared to have a hole in trumps suit. Right side chest area. My assumption for years is Trump wears a thicker armour and the media always mocks him for being fat—trying to get him from wearing armour.
I had the weird thoughts that the innocent death Amy have been an actual directed hit. That maybe one of the shooters was assigned to actually shoot him on purpose. I know he was a fireman but heard he may have been somehow connected to some other stuff.
Here is my thread covering it
Its nothing too different, but Ithe entire video that this 8 minute clip is from posted - its closer to 30 mins and I found the whole thing pretty captivating and convincing. Worth watching if you have the time! Doesn't hurt that Dr. Chris has a quirky and funny kind of style to him too.
There's also some links in the comments to the CNN article he references (Univ. Of Colorado's findings that corroborated this) and a pretty thorough article in Asia Times going over the entirety of the facts we know so far.
Hope this is a useful contribution.
Here are some of my personal thoughts:
It now seems as though all this rooftop action - out in the open air, where a gathered crowd numbering in the thousands could act as eyewitnesses, take photos and video records with their cell phones, etc. - was just a bit of misdirection theatre and likely a necessary part of the plan by the bad guys.
This newest information and analysis seems to say that the REAL ACTION might have been whatever was happening inside these buildings, not on top of them. So what better way to distract the GP then this current puppet show of the tabula rasa Lone Gunman™️, seemingly baffling choices and/or cartoonish ineptitude from the agencies and police on full display, resulting now in factional frictions and playing the blame game, peppered with disjointed releases of information at intervals along the way, most of which has had the utility of wet puzzle pieces so far, all very visible, out in plain sight which helps all the stories and media recorded by the crowd to further muddy the waters.
All of it served up by the legacy media, pearl clutching and feigning outrage, and chiefly wondering aloud why the audience seemed to play a bigger role in thwarting the apparent threat than law enforcement. (Hint: The MSM has not suddenly decided to champion you or your values, they just get to play good cop this time. And overweight PA guys with Guy Fieri haircuts and a coozy beer in one hand are not going to be the hero, or Sherlock Holmes, etc. in this sort of event)
Start by taking away any autonomy from Crooks. He is not making any choices or decisions; in fact, more and more it seems like he was primarily a distraction: weird ass kid, shambling around looking suss all day, om amd off the grounds, playing with binoculars, moving around a Play Skool ladder, scampering across rooftops, flying fuckin' kites. Its a wonder he wasn't burning a few sparklers while he was up there.
If I am a high level, worldwide power broker who wants to take out Trump, am I entrusting the entire success or failure of this bold chess move to someone who recently got their braces off? Come the fuck on. The lone gunman hypothesis is practically BEGGING to be debunked and we should assume they knew this already. So I assume there will be additional layers of deception to cut through even when this initial stuff resolves.
According to the info and audio so far, the counter sniper team fired just once to neutralize Crooks, a full 13 seconds after the first gunshot was recorded. Its almost the last sound in the sequence. Yet we were told (and saw in footage... sort of) that one of the counter sniper teams ALREADY had their sights trained on Crooks BEFORE the volley began.
Is there some reason for this delay? Was he supposed to be wounded and taken alive, and only eliminated upon mission compromised status fully confirmed? Just idle speculation but a dead patsy doesn't seem as useful. All he is now is a bunch of fill in the blanks, with shockingly little traces of having even existed. Why wouldn't he have been carrying his ID; why would that matter to him? Unless he expected to be captured maybe?
There was also this line fed to us that a police or SS unit was supposed to be on that rooftop and they "just didn't show up." Forget the ridiculous 50 foot distance between the two other counter sniper teams, and how that would make their coverage so redundant as to be almost useless; forget Pac-Man perimeters, forget all the gaps in logic. This was stated, a missing detail for this roof, and subsequently we were told there was a presence INSIDE the building. Its mystifying more than preposterous now.
Was the original plan to have units inside the building aiming out of the windows and then ANOTHER sniper unit, covering what we would assume to be the EXACT SAME AREA on the roof? Would any of them be covering areas NOT facing Trump for some reason?
So its clear we need eyes inside that building that Crooks was on top of. And after that, the buildings behind it along the same line of sight. I am wondering now if maybe that sniper detail DID show up, but maybe with a little spaghetti sauce stain on their ID badges, if you catch my drift. 🤐
The overwhelming likelihood I am thinking is possibly someone impersonating law enforcement, and the mystery shots came from inside a building, out of a window, at a safe remove from the fiasco fireworks named Thomas Crooks, and where the gunman would not be easily spotted, especially with the commotion in front of his line of sight acting as a smokescreen.
Final part, I believe he says the audio signatures suggest that the first shots were NOT Crooks, and his were buried in the later series of rapports heard. Meaning initial shots came from mystery location. If so, then why?
I am wondering if something got rushed.
My guess of the ideal method would be Crooks takes his best shot, while simultaneously or closely timed as possible, Shooter 2, a trained pro, takes a second shot. Maybe that helps cover audio signatures, and most importantly, prevents a miracle head turn like the one we saw from working and saving the target's life.
They haven't been forthcoming about that interval of time between the officer seeing him on the roof and armed and when the gunshots began. From the accounts given so far though I was partial to thinking it wasn't very long, maybe just seconds.
We do now know that there was NOT some sort of emergency or all-in channel that everyone was listening to. It was said the communication with Secret Service was being done with liaisons of some kind. Elsewhere I heard it said it was a complicated, nonsensical series of channels between agencies. This would check out as being a boon to the bad guys and likely they were listening in.
I replay this bizarre sequence in my mind's eye: the cop boosting up the other one, him hanging off the roof, pulls his head up and sees Crooks (was he prone by then?), Crooks points his rifle at him, possibly says something, and then the cop loses his grip and falls 8 feet, and we were told he injured himself.
Now suppose Shooter 2 from his vantage sees this crazy shit playing out, and depending on how everyone was turned and what was visible to him, mistakenly thought something else had happened.
Specifically, what if it looked like Crooks SHOT THE COP and then he fell off 🤣
Maybe he is seeing mostly the back of Crooks, can't see if there was any muzzle flash and he sees the cop slip off but not where he lands?
What if Shooter 2 was watching that, mistook it for something else, and then hurried to open his window and take a shot? Losing his cool and hurrying, maybe he took the shot at Trump early and off schedule, before he was supposed to?And maybe that's what puts the bullet along that path and then Trump turns his noggin just in the nick of time?
There's no way to ever know, but I just wanted to share it as a bizarre scenario I had considered. Thanks for reading along if you came this far!
This guy is reviewing John Cullen's work. John Cullen can demonstrate through sound analysis that there were shots fired from within a 75 yard Radius from Pres. Trump. He uses Ballistic calculations from the University of Colorado to demonstrate that there's no ammo available that can travel from 150 yards to the podium in .22 second thump/crack sound intervals. There was a second shooter much closer to Trump than the shooter on the roof.
Damn, after I just wrote all that and NOW you tell me!? 🤣
If you have some kind of link to his analysis I would be interested to listen in. It's weird, but I was clued in to the news and started watching very early that day, probably less than 5 minutes after the actual attack had occured in real time.
And for whatever reason, I had one of those initial gut feelings that we all sometimes get, that the shots had come from in close. The first ones, anyway. Something to do with the speed or velocity of the shots as they whizzed by and glanced his ear in real time. Now, I know I'm bullshitting myself sort of when I say that, like how could anyone possibly tell, but something just seemed off about it.
Initially, and I mean RIGHT RIGHT after it happened, they were reporting on FAUX about a close range weapon of some sort, possibly a gun disguised as a cell phone or the like.
The rooftop didnt come up until a full 15 minutes later and it didn't feel exactly right to me, despite the vantage being relatively close still.
Also the wound itself, I just thought an AR round more likely would've tore part or all of the ear off rather than the bloody scratch it seemed to be. Spinning too fast, too many revolutions to leave a little dart stinger like that. Rittenhouse took a guy's arm almost clean off.... I mean.
Seemed like something slower smaller closer. I'm not a rifle guy at all but I do have some handgun and revolver experience thru my pops. Not expert at all. Just relaying my gut feelings at the time, I know it sounds fairly preposterous and ham fisted nonetheless. 🤣
Also, scarcely have ever seen a photo of a bullet mid-flight...
I see him on Patreon.com. He's linked to Jason Goodman on patreon.com/crowdsourcethetruth
He also has his own patreon and other subscription platforms. You can also find him on YT. Search "IAmJohnCullen." He did massive research on the Las Vegas shooting and has 200+ videos on that alone. The dude is familiar with firearms and says he loads his ammo. I Pay for a Crowdsource the Truth subscription for just a couple bucks per month. I think he posts most of his work where you can find it easily. I hope this helps.
You're right to listen to your gut instinct on this.
Bogus. If that second peak is the echo from the first shot then why is the second echo at a different position relative to the shot it's from? The echo would take the same time, every time. This guy is a quack.
The most important takeaway from this video comes a few minutes in when he takes audio #1 and audio #2 and lines them up. Some of the shots do not match. Since the two recordings were made from different locations, this suggests that certain gunshots came from a different location. Supposedly the SS sniper didn't fire until later and shouldn't factor in here.
If they can find a recording from a third known location we could pinpoint a location assuming we know the location of the other two. We have one, the mic on the stage.
Have a listen of the main video of the shooting. You can hear that the sounds of the guns are quite distinct. No echo on second set, sounds like a different weapon.
Wasn’t one of the shots one where the sniper took out Crooks?
I would think so... that's why they hosed the evidence away...
That’s how I’m understanding it. 2 assassins and the final shot from sniper.
So the patsy gets done, and the other guy gets to try again another time.
OR he knows too much, gets deleted and replaced.
Looks like the cia shooter shot his first three methodical perfectly aimed shots and the patsy panic shot off the remaining rounds before being domed. I bet the patsy shooter thought he was being shot at and just pulled the trigger as fast as he could.
Let’s not forget that Trump was at a podium so he was speaking from a known position, the s is why so many leaders have been assassinated while giving speeches. A remotely controlled rifle could have been employed from a very small hole in the building just large enough for the barrel. A suppressed weapon does not quiet the sonic crack when using standard velocity ammunition, it just muffles the report of the gasses expanding from the barrel. Now imagine for a moment that an IR laser designator “not visible to the naked eye” was used to paint Trumps head and was fired remotely. What if the woman that was watching her phone “ the one they said was the FBI assistant director” was actually seeing that IR laser dot on the screen and had control of the trigger remotely? This would also support my suspicion that the bullet was fired from the building directly across from the shooter’s position across the pond. It is also roughly the same distance away as the patsy location. I know it’s in the weeds but it’s worth considering, given the government resources it’s not inconceivable.
I keep thinking about the counter sniper's reaction where he obviously jumped back from his scope in surprise and surveyed the situation without the scope. What would he have seen to make him jump back like that? He wouldn't have been surprised like that over a view of trees.
I think he saw that Crooks was already dead. That would have been a WTF moment that would have caused that reaction. Maybe he even saw Crooks killed... from an angle that wasn't one of the known counter sniper positions.... like the water tower.
I saw that, too. For the counter-sniper to be that startled, it tells me they were told nothing about a possible suspicious person wandering the grounds - never mind about people yelling that they saw somebody on the roof with a rifle.
Those two counter-snipers, and the USSS agents immediately around Trump, were all behaving like they were just at a normal level of readiness as the rally began and they allowed Trump to walk out onto the stage.
I cannot believe they knew about the threat. Somebody made the decision to keep that info off their radios.
That counter sniper’s reaction could be accounted for by this: he has eyes on the kid, hears a shot ring out but he saw that the kid didn’t shoot… he comes off the scope to try and ascertain where the shot came from since it wasn’t the kid.
This is also good.
One thing I found out earlier today. The official story is that the other counter sniper team took out Crooks, not this team. That other team was also wearing different gear so likely from a different outfit.
so 3 the assassin, 5 the kid, 1 a counter-sniper??
Actually, counter sniper doesn't fire until 10 seconds after shot #9
That’s a fuckin long lag time. They led us to believe the CAT immediately got him soon as he shot.
Was he busy scratching his balls, waiting to see Trump go down first? He did, but not because he was dead, but because he was taking cover. I wonder how soon after whoever was behind this thing realized they dropped the ball.
Ooh, his moment of triumph, standing up had to be burning their asses so bad.
My guess is the kid fired too soon.
This is my theory. There was an open window in the building that the kid was on the roof of. The actual trained and intended assassin was in the building and fired the first three shots, patsy followed with the remaining. One of the videos that was took by the people who were near the building calling out about the shooter on the roof had the first three shots sounding very muffled which would tell me the shooter was inside. No idea what the last shot was. Maybe the DEI SS girl accidently discharging her weapon when she unholstered? 🤪
This is the video, that backs up your theory. The first 3 shots come from the open windows in the building behind and to the right of the kid.
Interesting video, and some things to think about.
Makes more sense now, the pac man perimeter was set up,by the deep state,i cant see them relying on the kid.
I've been thinking since day one, that their was another shooter.
Also consider, the military has let a few videos out where they are shooting through like 4inch holes in two separate walls. If the first 3 were suppressed and were fired from 15' inside the building, exiting through something like a dryer vent hole, that would really mitigate the audio forensics.
Could you make a post concerning this?u/FiveDogs
This is a start, watch beginning at 30 min 27 seconds. https://youtu.be/hxLSFLomRjc?feature=shared
Sniper: DEADLIEST Weapon on the Battlefield | Full Episode
Thanks FD!
My Pleasure. Here is another reference. And the one I am trying to find is the 2010 Modern Sniper. I recall the discussion of a "formula" or calculation that is guarded.
Great...thanks fren! Hope you can find it...I've never heard of this stuff..kek!
Yes first 3 are from the open window in the building behind the kid.
I'm still assessing this AL...
At this point, I am not sure what further analysis can be done, without the casings, bullets, etc. So FBI knows . . . how many weapons, how many each fired, the sequence, in what direction, from where.
We already know there was more than one shooter. The analysis so far of the acoustics etc. seems reasonable and logical. Just not determinative . . . we don't have the physical evidence . . . to prove or disprove . . .
I agree...still looking for more evidence.
Yes I agree. 25 years audio engineer
Theres also reports of an unnamed LEO that fired return fire which could be the second volley or third volley. Its difficult to tell anything because our corrrupt piece of shit government tells us nothing and 80% of what they say is always a lie.
Will the other two ever be identified or found alive? I really have pondered how big this web is and am convinced ther are way more than the CIA involved.
They were not sending their best.
Can't when God's hand is involved!
The woman sitting behind DJT with the cellphone appears suspect: tapping the side of her head, her nose and never flinching with shots fired, but instead filming with her camera. FBI, SS, police should have detained the crowd for questioning. Instead they tell them to leave. Doesn’t seem like standard protocol to me.
If the woman you’re referring to is the one I think you are, it’s suspected that woman is the assistant director of the FBI…
That has been debunked pretty thoroughly. Candace Owens found her social media pages and confirmed it wasnt her
Ah, didn’t know it had been debunked. Thanks
Sounds like a rifle 3 shots, then a pistol for the next five woth the final being a rifle.
Don’t they contend that a SS agent put a bullet into RFK from behind?
Take a look at JFK. Look atthe video in slowmo. The guy has a rolled up newspaper in the front passenger seat. Looks behind points the newspaper at jfk, turns back his head and leans over then fires. Jfks head the falls back and up.
InB4 someone else mentions that the ninth shot in this timeline sounds (to my musician's ear) different from the rest.
Referring to Peak Prosperity's video analysis:
1, 2 and 3. Same distance, same sound
4 and 5 Crooks
6 Different from Crooks
7 and 8 Crooks
9 Same as 6
10 Deeper sounding weapon
11 Delayed counter sniper
Thank you fren! I trust a musician's ears..
Now that you know where to look you may hear it as well.
It's the last shot in the second cluster of bullets.
I can't wait to listen to it again in a bit...at a luncheon now...thanks fren!
I still think the shooter was in a building on the opposite side. The water tower doesn’t make sense as all eyes would be pointing in that direction. Get everyone focused on the spectacle going on, then sneak a bullet in from the opposite direction from an expert sniper and if the weapon was suppressed and using subsonic ammunition the shooter could have been very close indeed. If not, my guess would be that the round used would have been something like a 6mm Dasher, 6mm Creedmoor or even a .22 creedmoor. I don’t believe a 5.56/.223 would have been used, it’s just not really a precision round. Yes it’s accurate to a point but not ideal.
I think so, too. I thought early-on that the real sharpshooter was in that same building right below the patsy - now it looks like it was in the building behind that one, where we are told USSS agents were staged "because the sloped roof was too hazardous" but that would work perfectly, too. That building had tall narrow windows in it, ideal for shooting from.
I also think that they let the patsy into their building, gave him the rifle, and somehow let him out to climb to the other roof. I saw that those buildings are connected in a couple of spots by something - ?air conditioning units? - and that would make it easy for that 120-pound kid to walk right over to the other rooftop.
Did anybody ever see the ladder that the kid supposedly used? Did they see how he got the rifle up to the roof?
I’ve seen people do crazy things under hypnosis too. I worked a hypnotist show one time and had to cover the exits so the people on stage wouldn’t leave and get run over exc.
Any US Marine can hit a man sized target at 500 yards using iron sights. 5.56 is plenty accurate at 150yd.
What’s more, if there was a shooter across the lake, any potential kill shot would obviously be from the opposite side, making it obvious there was more than one shooter.
I think the real assassin was behind Crooks. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNmd7Noe
I agree, but if this was an inside job there is no way it was up to that dipshit to do anything but create chaos, panic and a patsy. My point is given the probability of a second shooter .223 probably wasn’t a first choice for the second shooter. If you read accounts of the JFK autopsy from Jerome Corsi’s book they threatened the first doctors then brought in their own to damage JFK’s head so nothing could be gained from further examination. So realistically they could shoot him with anything within reason.
What about the photo of the bullet in mid-air? The bullet is clearly travelling from Crooks' direction, and its trajectory is slanted slightly downward, exactly like one would expect if it came from the rooftop.
I don’t really believe the vapor trail photo, I think it more likely that’s misdirection.
Do you mean this photo or a different one?
I know I am going to catch some flak here. But just hear me out for the sake of dialogue. Could it be that all the shots by Crooks, and he changed direction of his aim once he fucked up and the echo was free to travel based on the new aim? I don’t know just asking what do y’all think?
I appreciate you thinking out side the box but I think we have too much evidence now that indicates otherwise...
Check this out: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21233082.html#21233607
4 or 5 potential guns
Wow... please make a post of this winn!
done https://greatawakening.win/p/17teSYq3qD/4-or-5-potential-guns--8kun-post/
Local LEO also shot so this is correct.
Did local or state police shoot at Crooks before the sniper took him out? I'm certainly no expert but that possibility should be considered.
The stupid faggot government will tell us nothing so we have to entertain all possibilities. Everyone in government needs to be arrested and we can sort them out later. This is fucking ridiculous.
I'm thinking maybe some of that was return fire. I know they said the one sniper took only one shot to end Crooks, but maybe the others were missing.
Thought this was well...
At the very beginning of this there was a picture of what appeared to have a hole in trumps suit. Right side chest area. My assumption for years is Trump wears a thicker armour and the media always mocks him for being fat—trying to get him from wearing armour.
Has that picture been debunked or forgot about?
pretty sure that was debunked as being just a shadow or fold on the female agent's suit sleeve.
Thank you.
How does a fold look like a circle?
I haven't seen the photo debunked yet...
Here's my theories:
a drop of blood
POTUS may have taken a hit to his vest. The force may have knocked him down and out of his shoes.
we need to hotly demand that this be fully investigated by an independent panel.
No investigation, no vote.
This CBS article debooooonked the second shooter theory kek. Interesting to read because it doesn't say anything to DEbonk. image people we are seeing in the video, of the water tower is a logo and the vent. That doesn't make sense. https://web.archive.org/web/20240720051200/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-rally-shooting-conspiracy-falsely-claims-there-was-second-shooter/
Of course they did...have to stick to their mockingbird talking points..
Thanks for the links!
I had the weird thoughts that the innocent death Amy have been an actual directed hit. That maybe one of the shooters was assigned to actually shoot him on purpose. I know he was a fireman but heard he may have been somehow connected to some other stuff.
Forensics of this nature should be performed on the bullet. Not acoustics
There is no reason why the bullets could not be collected and analyzed. I doubt the assassin had a handful of barrels on hand
So, Crooks, the guy on the water tank, and the SS guy who killed Crooks?
sounds about right to me
Glad this is making the rounds.
Here is my thread covering it Its nothing too different, but Ithe entire video that this 8 minute clip is from posted - its closer to 30 mins and I found the whole thing pretty captivating and convincing. Worth watching if you have the time! Doesn't hurt that Dr. Chris has a quirky and funny kind of style to him too.
There's also some links in the comments to the CNN article he references (Univ. Of Colorado's findings that corroborated this) and a pretty thorough article in Asia Times going over the entirety of the facts we know so far.
Hope this is a useful contribution.
Here are some of my personal thoughts:
It now seems as though all this rooftop action - out in the open air, where a gathered crowd numbering in the thousands could act as eyewitnesses, take photos and video records with their cell phones, etc. - was just a bit of misdirection theatre and likely a necessary part of the plan by the bad guys.
This newest information and analysis seems to say that the REAL ACTION might have been whatever was happening inside these buildings, not on top of them. So what better way to distract the GP then this current puppet show of the tabula rasa Lone Gunman™️, seemingly baffling choices and/or cartoonish ineptitude from the agencies and police on full display, resulting now in factional frictions and playing the blame game, peppered with disjointed releases of information at intervals along the way, most of which has had the utility of wet puzzle pieces so far, all very visible, out in plain sight which helps all the stories and media recorded by the crowd to further muddy the waters.
All of it served up by the legacy media, pearl clutching and feigning outrage, and chiefly wondering aloud why the audience seemed to play a bigger role in thwarting the apparent threat than law enforcement. (Hint: The MSM has not suddenly decided to champion you or your values, they just get to play good cop this time. And overweight PA guys with Guy Fieri haircuts and a coozy beer in one hand are not going to be the hero, or Sherlock Holmes, etc. in this sort of event)
Start by taking away any autonomy from Crooks. He is not making any choices or decisions; in fact, more and more it seems like he was primarily a distraction: weird ass kid, shambling around looking suss all day, om amd off the grounds, playing with binoculars, moving around a Play Skool ladder, scampering across rooftops, flying fuckin' kites. Its a wonder he wasn't burning a few sparklers while he was up there.
If I am a high level, worldwide power broker who wants to take out Trump, am I entrusting the entire success or failure of this bold chess move to someone who recently got their braces off? Come the fuck on. The lone gunman hypothesis is practically BEGGING to be debunked and we should assume they knew this already. So I assume there will be additional layers of deception to cut through even when this initial stuff resolves.
According to the info and audio so far, the counter sniper team fired just once to neutralize Crooks, a full 13 seconds after the first gunshot was recorded. Its almost the last sound in the sequence. Yet we were told (and saw in footage... sort of) that one of the counter sniper teams ALREADY had their sights trained on Crooks BEFORE the volley began.
Is there some reason for this delay? Was he supposed to be wounded and taken alive, and only eliminated upon mission compromised status fully confirmed? Just idle speculation but a dead patsy doesn't seem as useful. All he is now is a bunch of fill in the blanks, with shockingly little traces of having even existed. Why wouldn't he have been carrying his ID; why would that matter to him? Unless he expected to be captured maybe?
There was also this line fed to us that a police or SS unit was supposed to be on that rooftop and they "just didn't show up." Forget the ridiculous 50 foot distance between the two other counter sniper teams, and how that would make their coverage so redundant as to be almost useless; forget Pac-Man perimeters, forget all the gaps in logic. This was stated, a missing detail for this roof, and subsequently we were told there was a presence INSIDE the building. Its mystifying more than preposterous now.
Was the original plan to have units inside the building aiming out of the windows and then ANOTHER sniper unit, covering what we would assume to be the EXACT SAME AREA on the roof? Would any of them be covering areas NOT facing Trump for some reason?
So its clear we need eyes inside that building that Crooks was on top of. And after that, the buildings behind it along the same line of sight. I am wondering now if maybe that sniper detail DID show up, but maybe with a little spaghetti sauce stain on their ID badges, if you catch my drift. 🤐
The overwhelming likelihood I am thinking is possibly someone impersonating law enforcement, and the mystery shots came from inside a building, out of a window, at a safe remove from the fiasco fireworks named Thomas Crooks, and where the gunman would not be easily spotted, especially with the commotion in front of his line of sight acting as a smokescreen.
Final part, I believe he says the audio signatures suggest that the first shots were NOT Crooks, and his were buried in the later series of rapports heard. Meaning initial shots came from mystery location. If so, then why? I am wondering if something got rushed.
My guess of the ideal method would be Crooks takes his best shot, while simultaneously or closely timed as possible, Shooter 2, a trained pro, takes a second shot. Maybe that helps cover audio signatures, and most importantly, prevents a miracle head turn like the one we saw from working and saving the target's life.
They haven't been forthcoming about that interval of time between the officer seeing him on the roof and armed and when the gunshots began. From the accounts given so far though I was partial to thinking it wasn't very long, maybe just seconds.
We do now know that there was NOT some sort of emergency or all-in channel that everyone was listening to. It was said the communication with Secret Service was being done with liaisons of some kind. Elsewhere I heard it said it was a complicated, nonsensical series of channels between agencies. This would check out as being a boon to the bad guys and likely they were listening in.
I replay this bizarre sequence in my mind's eye: the cop boosting up the other one, him hanging off the roof, pulls his head up and sees Crooks (was he prone by then?), Crooks points his rifle at him, possibly says something, and then the cop loses his grip and falls 8 feet, and we were told he injured himself.
Now suppose Shooter 2 from his vantage sees this crazy shit playing out, and depending on how everyone was turned and what was visible to him, mistakenly thought something else had happened.
Specifically, what if it looked like Crooks SHOT THE COP and then he fell off 🤣
Maybe he is seeing mostly the back of Crooks, can't see if there was any muzzle flash and he sees the cop slip off but not where he lands?
What if Shooter 2 was watching that, mistook it for something else, and then hurried to open his window and take a shot? Losing his cool and hurrying, maybe he took the shot at Trump early and off schedule, before he was supposed to?And maybe that's what puts the bullet along that path and then Trump turns his noggin just in the nick of time?
There's no way to ever know, but I just wanted to share it as a bizarre scenario I had considered. Thanks for reading along if you came this far!
This guy is reviewing John Cullen's work. John Cullen can demonstrate through sound analysis that there were shots fired from within a 75 yard Radius from Pres. Trump. He uses Ballistic calculations from the University of Colorado to demonstrate that there's no ammo available that can travel from 150 yards to the podium in .22 second thump/crack sound intervals. There was a second shooter much closer to Trump than the shooter on the roof.
Damn, after I just wrote all that and NOW you tell me!? 🤣
If you have some kind of link to his analysis I would be interested to listen in. It's weird, but I was clued in to the news and started watching very early that day, probably less than 5 minutes after the actual attack had occured in real time.
And for whatever reason, I had one of those initial gut feelings that we all sometimes get, that the shots had come from in close. The first ones, anyway. Something to do with the speed or velocity of the shots as they whizzed by and glanced his ear in real time. Now, I know I'm bullshitting myself sort of when I say that, like how could anyone possibly tell, but something just seemed off about it.
Initially, and I mean RIGHT RIGHT after it happened, they were reporting on FAUX about a close range weapon of some sort, possibly a gun disguised as a cell phone or the like. The rooftop didnt come up until a full 15 minutes later and it didn't feel exactly right to me, despite the vantage being relatively close still.
Also the wound itself, I just thought an AR round more likely would've tore part or all of the ear off rather than the bloody scratch it seemed to be. Spinning too fast, too many revolutions to leave a little dart stinger like that. Rittenhouse took a guy's arm almost clean off.... I mean.
Seemed like something slower smaller closer. I'm not a rifle guy at all but I do have some handgun and revolver experience thru my pops. Not expert at all. Just relaying my gut feelings at the time, I know it sounds fairly preposterous and ham fisted nonetheless. 🤣
Also, scarcely have ever seen a photo of a bullet mid-flight...
Ok think I have embarrassed myself enough.
I see him on Patreon.com. He's linked to Jason Goodman on patreon.com/crowdsourcethetruth He also has his own patreon and other subscription platforms. You can also find him on YT. Search "IAmJohnCullen." He did massive research on the Las Vegas shooting and has 200+ videos on that alone. The dude is familiar with firearms and says he loads his ammo. I Pay for a Crowdsource the Truth subscription for just a couple bucks per month. I think he posts most of his work where you can find it easily. I hope this helps. You're right to listen to your gut instinct on this.
I’m not sure I buy the vapor trail photo.
Bogus. If that second peak is the echo from the first shot then why is the second echo at a different position relative to the shot it's from? The echo would take the same time, every time. This guy is a quack.
Dude know his shit though!
This guy does indeed until proven otherwise...
The most important takeaway from this video comes a few minutes in when he takes audio #1 and audio #2 and lines them up. Some of the shots do not match. Since the two recordings were made from different locations, this suggests that certain gunshots came from a different location. Supposedly the SS sniper didn't fire until later and shouldn't factor in here.
If they can find a recording from a third known location we could pinpoint a location assuming we know the location of the other two. We have one, the mic on the stage.
And from what I heard, the SS sniper only fired 1 time, and it was the last shot fired, which he doesn't really include with his analysis.
This is new to me... interesting!
Wait and see on every aspect, meanwhile dig, dig, dig...
Have a listen of the main video of the shooting. You can hear that the sounds of the guns are quite distinct. No echo on second set, sounds like a different weapon.
Don't need special algorithms.