Perfect move, now how are leftist retards going to shit on Elon and Trump interview now? They can't! He invited the whore herself on, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say her camp won't even respond to the offer. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, so try and haul this whore out into the light every chance you get!!
~1 Billion views. That's kind of an indicator of the unbalance of the polls.
The interview started ~45 minutes late, because of a large and coordinated DDOS attack upon the X servers. There was a coordinated attack, that feared what Elon and Trump may talk about, an Leftist idea that is so fragile and weak, that not having control of an opponent's conversation, was a threat.
The ~1 Billion views thing from Elon was a weird bit of math. The Space recording after the fact says "26.4M tuned in". That's about what I saw around half-way through before I had to help put the kids to bed. Elon then muddied the waters a bit commingling the stats posted by the @X account:
"Between 7:47 PM and 10:47 PM ET, President Donald Trump's Space post received 73 million views. During the same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump's conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views."
So, the 4 million posts that simply mentioned Elon or PDJT during that time span had a collective total of 998 million views
Many of those millions were then relaying the live stream. I watched The Benny Show and they used the feed and rebroadcast it. They had 1.2 Million alone
Sure, I had a rumble link going at one point when Spaces wasn't working, but Elon and X can't track those views. His boast just made the whole thing ridiculous. 1/8th of the world did not tune in listen to the Space.
"Combined views of the conversation with @realDonaldTrump and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion," Musk posted on his social media platform X early Tuesday morning following the interview.
The message followed a previous post outlining that, "Between 7:47 PM and 10:47 PM ET, President Donald Trump's Space post received 73 million views. During the same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump's conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views."
A view may be 1 person, or a family watching, or a bar full of people. If I comment on it, after having watched it - that's 2 views. If my wife replies to 6 people commenting on the interview - that's 7 interactions, or views. If we access the interview, and skip through it for key parts - that's yet another view. It's not the same as 1/8th of the world population. It's a metric as to how many times the same content was addressed.
There were not ~1 billion views.
Musk was combining views with mentions and people discussing it, however the XTwitter algo computes. Much of that could have been detractors / folks talking down on it as well. It may have been a speculative figure. Musk is known to pull numbers out of a hat. 20 hours ago he said there were probably 200M views. Elsewhere I saw < 100M views. Sure there are more since then, but it isn't going to come close to 1B. 1 out of every 9 people on the PLANET cared enough to listen?
Just saying, facts matter, numbers matter.
That's not going to crash nobody's going to watch it just like her crowds there will only be a thousand people listening to that and they'll only be there to hear Elon Musk
I think a lot of people woukd watxh. Not because she is sucha great leader but in a Jerry Springer, pure entertainment kinda way. Just to see how bad it is and hiw long she can make it before she loses her shit live.
Perfect move, now how are leftist retards going to shit on Elon and Trump interview now? They can't! He invited the whore herself on, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say her camp won't even respond to the offer. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, so try and haul this whore out into the light every chance you get!!
Or they'll complain if Elon gives her "tough questions".
Love it! But are you trying to say the sun is bleach? The same kind Trump told people to inject? 🤪🤣
Sunlight, specifically UV-C kills many viruses and bacteria.
it also bleaches things.
Whore Haul.
I like the sound of that.
Came here to say exactly this 😂 I put my money on this interview will never come to pass (after a vague and tedious excuse of some sort from the ho)!
~1 Billion views. That's kind of an indicator of the unbalance of the polls.
The interview started ~45 minutes late, because of a large and coordinated DDOS attack upon the X servers. There was a coordinated attack, that feared what Elon and Trump may talk about, an Leftist idea that is so fragile and weak, that not having control of an opponent's conversation, was a threat.
The ~1 Billion views thing from Elon was a weird bit of math. The Space recording after the fact says "26.4M tuned in". That's about what I saw around half-way through before I had to help put the kids to bed. Elon then muddied the waters a bit commingling the stats posted by the @X account:
So, the 4 million posts that simply mentioned Elon or PDJT during that time span had a collective total of 998 million views
Many of those millions were then relaying the live stream. I watched The Benny Show and they used the feed and rebroadcast it. They had 1.2 Million alone
Sure, I had a rumble link going at one point when Spaces wasn't working, but Elon and X can't track those views. His boast just made the whole thing ridiculous. 1/8th of the world did not tune in listen to the Space.
Context is everything.
A view may be 1 person, or a family watching, or a bar full of people. If I comment on it, after having watched it - that's 2 views. If my wife replies to 6 people commenting on the interview - that's 7 interactions, or views. If we access the interview, and skip through it for key parts - that's yet another view. It's not the same as 1/8th of the world population. It's a metric as to how many times the same content was addressed.
There were not ~1 billion views. Musk was combining views with mentions and people discussing it, however the XTwitter algo computes. Much of that could have been detractors / folks talking down on it as well. It may have been a speculative figure. Musk is known to pull numbers out of a hat. 20 hours ago he said there were probably 200M views. Elsewhere I saw < 100M views. Sure there are more since then, but it isn't going to come close to 1B. 1 out of every 9 people on the PLANET cared enough to listen?
Just saying, facts matter, numbers matter.
If she does, most of the views will still be Patriots. Not Harris supporters
We could all agree to not watch it live, and just wait for the Nitter 😁
Lol, double edge sword there. We wanna hear her ramblings while the left will say she is super duper popular
If I want to hear her ramblings (I don't) I would wait until it was recorded. No way in hell I would give them one more viewer
I mean yeah, they were cheering on about the Biden debate and then they regretted it after
Didn't she already decline?
I thought she did too.
She's smart enough to know she's incredibly stupid.
Hahahaha brilliant. If she takes Elon up on this she’ll have to pay people to connect and listen
Please Lord, let Kambala accept the invitation! It will get more views than Presiden Trump! Keke
Are you kidding? Of course not! Staying away from the press is her version of campaigning from her basement.
He even suggested Mark Cuban could play his role.
That's not going to crash nobody's going to watch it just like her crowds there will only be a thousand people listening to that and they'll only be there to hear Elon Musk
No because he's a bigot
You can't give in to these radicals!
Why don't they just run a random word generator in her voice. It would be more intelligent.
Kambama doesn't do honest interviews.
get radio'd idiot
Most likely not. Who knows for sure? Only time will tell.
I think a lot of people woukd watxh. Not because she is sucha great leader but in a Jerry Springer, pure entertainment kinda way. Just to see how bad it is and hiw long she can make it before she loses her shit live.
even biden is thinking that he sounds like a genius compared to the kamel!
I am still not buying the lisp. What gives?
Come on Caballa. Tell us about..things that have been significant, and the significance of the passage of time
Kamala is stupid enough to accept Elon’s invitation, yet smart enough to know better.
Nope. She ain't smart enough to know better.