Alexandros Marinos on X ~ Advice to Those Horrified by the Results of the Election.
I Agree Here...We DO Want a Happy, Peaceful Population. A Few Months/Years of Good Living will Bring Them Around

I don't think he realizes how totally insane liberals really are. I've known some for fifty years that despite all the proof in the world that their world view is irrational still won't give it up. What he fails to understand is that their ego is tied up in their identity as a liberal. They actually believe they are more intelligent (on any given subject) than conservatives.
I'll give you a classic example. My Dad fought in the Pacific theater during WW2. I have all his combat medals. Not only did he know how to use firearms -- but he also used the big guns on the battle cruiser. So I think it's fair to say he had some familiarity with weapons.
This liberal I knew for decades (and considered a friend up until that fateful day) referred to my dad as a "gun nut" when I casually mentioned he owned a handgun for self protection. This man proceeded to tell me my dad knew nothing about guns and shouldn't be allowed to own one. I responded, "Are you serious? Where do you think all his combat medals came from?"
And I kid you not -- he proceeded to tell me that my father who was a veteran knew less about guns than he did. You see -- he was a "reenactor" who drilled with a toy gun to participate in recreated fake battles. And to his mind that was a greater qualification than an actual combat veteran.
That was the LAST time I ever spoke to him because I was so highly offended that he put so little value on my dad's military service.
But this goes to show you how crazy they are. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're going to change their minds about anything. They think we are stupid. And it doesn't matter how many degrees we have, or whatever qualifactions we have that make us successful in our chosen fields. Their egos will not allow them to see anything but their own point of view even if that point of view is irrational.
"What he fails to understand is that their ego is tied up in their identity as a liberal. They actually believe they are more intelligent (on any given subject) than conservatives."
That's the problem right there, in a nutshell.
Yep and I'll give you an example of some libtards that I went to college with, studied the same degree program with, graduated with, and years later when I finally stopped interacting with them they were clearly quite bitter than a "dumb conservative" like me was being way more successful in life than them in the same amount of time and with essentially the same starting conditions. They were still living at home while in just five years after graduating with them I had paid off my student loans, paid off a "new" car (a lightly used Lexus that I still drive over a decade later), and had bought a house.
Wow. I have spoken with reenactors who all had deep respect for all men who fought. Your ex friend was truly non compos mentis.
Exactly. Why else would they pay tribute to them by re-creating their moments of glory?
I’m sure re-enactors don’t know more than regular actors, ie Alec Baldwin.
Actually, they're really well read.
You’re probably correct, a few bad apples in all walks of life.
I think this Tik Tok phenomenon is a marxist strategy to dog whistle even crazier people who would be willing to be assassins.
It's a Mass-Deployed version of MK Ultra, using tons of bot "followers" who egg these people on and trap them in personal echo chambers.
This is a fantastic way to become better, and improve yourself to be stronger.
My list from 2020 says:
Fear of:
Cost of gas
Cost of food
Cost housing
Housing not being affordable
Illegal immigrants increasing
Unlawful vaccine mandates
War breaking out throughout the world
lol, yeah well your fears were based, anon
Great advice.
This. It is my hope that during/ after 4 years the left will collective realize that Trump was always the good guy and that their (and ask of our lives) have improved with Trump.
What will be different this time around, when it didn't work during his first term in office?
This time, he's armed with knowledge he didn't have before, and he was nearly entirely alone in what needed doing back then. Now, he has around him a team of people who actually have integrity, who love this country, and who are absolutely willing to do what needs doing to set things right.
I thought that he was put in by Q and the White Hats. But now he was all alone, surrounded by horrible people?
The difference this time is that not only have the WHs caught them all but the DS has been revealing their true nature on a worldwide level and the majority of the world sees it and want to change for the better. Because of this, Trump has Moral Law on his side, see The Art of War. Once you have Moral Law and have laid your traps and used your spies’ information, then you attack because you’ve already won.
Just curious, in your opinion, how long do you think it will be until we see people held accountable for their crimes?
I mean, everything seems to be in place. Trump has been re-elected, looks like we'll have both houses of Congress. The White Hats have caught them all, and Trump had Moral Law on his side.
I'm just trying to make sure there isnt going to be a constant parade of "It Had To Be This Way Because..." excuses.
So we should be seeing some pretty significant positive changes once Trump is sworn in, right?
IMHO, I think the accountability has to be meted out before Trump takes office, otherwise it will make him look like he’s just getting revenge.
I’m afraid they’ll do what they did last time and say the good times during Trump were the result of the previous democrat administration. They’ll do mental gymnastics to avoid given Trump the credit.
Well, one of the main reasons Trump was meant to lose the last election (or have it stolen) was to avoid negative optics when the economy inevitably fell to shit after the world shutting down for over a year.
Our entire economy was supposed to go to shit, to the point where we went back on the gold standard. Everyone would see that the US needed a big change, and Trump would come in and save the day and be able to take things even further like get rid of the fed and all the useless government agencies.
But none of that ever happened. We never even went into a recession.
So now what are the chances that people are going to stop working behind the scenes artificially propping up the economy, just to see the economy go to shit under Trump? To prove that he doesn't know what he's doing. From what I've seen, I think it's pretty damn likely.
I'd bet that Team Trump is even more aware of that possibility than you are. And that they are working hard on countermeasures.
Well, here's hoping that Team Trump isn't a useless sack of shit, this time around. 🤞
LOL, that's giving these people way too much credit.
You really expect these retards to have such a common sense approach to a problem? the same people that STILL see DJT as the boogeyman, which is the sole reason why they hate him, the same people who are all for killing unborn babies, the same people who see no issue with dudes beating ladies in a boxing ring....
Say what you want but I really hope this is what the suicide weekend is about, and most of these deviants rid us of their worthless presence by their own hands, I have no more empathy or mercy.... I ran out...
My wife told me that a friend of hers texted her asking how they're going to survive Trump and said that she had replied "By being able to afford groceries again? You already lived through 4 years of him without a problem, what are you even scared of?"
If only I had done that when obama was elected. He exceeded my worst fears, which were numerous, by both the speed of the destruction and the ruthlessness with which it was done and the lack of awareness of those around me. And I didn't even know the worst of it.
Sadly, the last 4 years of death and destruction have failed to demonstrate how very bad the evil was to 10's of millions. And even to some very good people. I wish this suggestion would work, but I think the only things that will are total declas and total disclosure with incontrovertable evidence.
Very good post
Wise words.
My wife read me that tweet today. One of the responses to it was to also write down who told you to fear.
Not long after he had gotten out of jail for J6 Brandon Straka had posted all the things he was told to fear from the Trump administration and how not only did none of that happen then but much of those things happened to him under Biden.
Good advice that requires actual thinking. Thays asking alot from people who haven't developed the habit.
Had I don't that with biden I'd be checking off the validation of my fears every day. Only works well for trump.
A very good red pill strategy.
However, this still requires that they avoid corporate media.
The media is great at manufacturing problems and the normies then think those problems are real. The key here is, people need to follow raw sources only — What bills just passed. What does the raw language of the bill say. When Trump holds a news conference, watch it only on C-Span or some stream without any commentary before, during, or after.
Without a willingness to do that, people are just going to end up writing down whatever the media says is happening, not what’s actually happening.
Seriously. I bet these people won't even remember why they were upset after 4 moar years. Fake news truly is enemy of the people
Unless you're here illegally.
Then, yes... it's ok to fear.
Some are easily and emotionally manipulated by Propaganda.
Oh FFS! FJB and the Ho took over in 2021 and no one was babying us. keep on babying these motherf'ers and we'll never get them to grow up.
someone has got to tell these adult retards NO at sometime in their lives.
I remember when I didn’t KNOW… Though shocking, i had to know. These libs are a scared products of propaganda… They can get violently emotional (MK?) and express irrational behavior. Group think is not what they’re doing; it’s how they were programmed. Love and trust bring them home.
It’s missing 1 line:
”... and if you choose to sell your TV (as a result of this exercise) - here is the list of some shops where you can sell it: … “
I agree with this, but I think it is only applicable to TDS sufferers. If I put the shoe on the other foot, had Kamala won and I listed my fears on a piece of paper and checked it in four months, I think many of those fears would be realized.
What if you had done that exercise when Biden was elected?
What were the worst fears you had that came to be under his time in office?
My biggest concern was that they were going to get away with cheating.
Edit: but if they hadn't gotten away with it, we wouldn't be here with Trump in 2024, so it worked out in the end. I just want to see people who committed treason subject to the rule of law.
Did they? In your opinion?
Any other significant concerns? Like banning guns, or making church illegal, or complying with Sharia Law in the US? Completely opening boarders to anyone who wanted in? Nothing like that?
Those seem to be some of the biggest fear porn concerning liberals in office, so it's surprising that none of them made your list.
No, wasn't worried about that. I think it was election fraud and mass illegal immigration -- and the push for extreme LGBTQ+ shit.
I saw the caskets and the camps. I knew what they are capable of and i think it still has do get worse before the left lays down their hate. As long as it exists we all must be fearful of their evil.
If that did work it would have during his first term, life was so good for me that I wasn't even paying attention to all the drama that the left was creating (seriously, I had been tuned out of the MSM for so long that when 2020 got crazy I found that I had a LOT of catching up to do.) Maybe Twitter no longer being under their control will make it a lot easier this time, even more so if Smith-Mundt is struck down.
Harvard and several others cancelled classes everyone is so distraught.
Unless you’re an illegal alien criminal, in which case your fears might just be realized
I mean, I agree with this, but it seems like these people got themselves into this situation by listening to random people on the internet. I guess you have no discernment to begin with, this is just as fine a spot to start from as any.