Yep. We were guilty without a trial. Just words makes us guilty. Not wearing a mask makes us guilty.
When we apply real law and order using the constitution and found guilty. They are guilty. Such a generational sickness humanity does over and over if we refuse to learn history.
That’s too funny. I just commented the same thing before I saw your comment. I’ll take it as confirmation 😎. Also, the Lord put it on my heart to read Esther yesterday. I don’t think that was just a coincidence either!
I also was reading through Ester. I'm reading the NKJV, and I noticed something highly interesting. The curtains were described in Ester 1:6 as White and Blue, while the floor was described as tiled with black and white. I immediately thought of Mystery schools, with the Blue and White stripes on Epstein's Island and the Black and White Tile of the Masonic Lodge.
Then in Ester 8:4, I took the mention of the scepter to be a reference to the promise of Judah in Gen 49:10 (The scepter will not depart from Judah). I then took Esther 8:15-17 as the conferring of earthly power (Garments of Blue and White) to the Judeans.
Esther 9:5 then taught me that it was God's will that allowed the Jews to act as they have. God is allowing His people to be stressed, so that He can set apart his Remnant. The Imago Dei will be restored.
The parallels aren't perfect, and I can't read Hebrew. But the lesson that I took from 9:5 is consistent with Ephesians 1:11.
Yeah, ya know I don't think we appreciate this fact enough.
Learning about it along with all the other stuff we've learned really sinks in when I allow myself quiet time to process and absorb what I've learned.
I have cried more times than I can image mowing my lawn, and I am by no means finished. And I don't do it often, it's brutal.
I cant explain it, it's different than knowing something, it's on a different level... idk. It like the info moves from a numb logical place in my head into my heart & soul where grief is.
But I wake up every morning and thank God for his protection and guidance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Among all the democide estimates appearing in this book, some have been revised upward. I have changed that for Mao's famine, 1958-1962, from zero to 38,000,000. And thus I have had to change the overall democide for the PRC (1928-1987) from 38,702,000 to 76,702,000. Details here.
I have changed my estimate for colonial democide from 870,000 to an additional 50,000,000. Details here.
Thus, the new world total: old total 1900-1999 = 174,000,000. New World total = 174,000,000 + 38,000,000 (new for China) + 50,000,000 (new for Colonies) = 262,000,000. [for just the 20th century]
Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century.
If it really need to be by guillotine then lay him facing up so he can see it coming. And do a couple test drops but stop it a few inches short….for good sport.
I remember seeing the order for purchase of guillotines- went looking for it on GA, but didn’t find it yet. I’ll be expanding my search to look elsewhere
Interesting how 8 years ago there was talk about Obama and his Fema army and camps and the refurbishing of old unoccupied walmart buildings as places with prison type facilities. And then videos of miles of walmart tunnels that connect regions. Is FEMA a product of the UN? You see mention of how there are UN occupied areas in various states especially Utah. Sounds related.
Did you see the video from Surfing Santa in NC at a fema base? There was a big red thing being delivered that had "Tornado Shelter" painted on it. I think that was a crematorium.
Remember way back when Rudy held a press conference right next to a crematorium?
Just remembering things, and wondering when the rest of the story will drop....
Believing such big preparations were made only to hinge on a rigged election seems like a bridge too far to me. Of course, commies tend to be stupidly blinded by their desire for power. So perhaps it’s possible. Something tells me if all those preps are real that they WILL get used, at some point. By who is still to be decided until camp operations actually start.
Take the guillotines and destroy them. They are Frances capital punishment machine.
WE GO "BANG-BANG"! Firing Squad
WE GO: "SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!" Electric chair
WE GO: "WHOOSH! SNAP & DANGLE" Manila necktie or noose
WE GO: "POKE-POKE" Lethal injections
Im a big believer in devolution, CoG, NCSWIC and at least in some limited form 'we are watching a movie'.
So while we wring our hands over this FEMA detention camps I cant help but think that this is a WH op to detain criminal migrants and house the hundreds of thousands that will be arrested for treason, sedition, crimes against humanity, crimes against children and RICO. Even with quick trial by tribunal and deportations there are too many caught up in the illegal activity to house at Gitmo. When the roundups begin this is where they will be placed.
Back in the mid 90s there were pics of a “camp” in Elk Grove Illinois (iirc). I have a copy I used to use when red pilling at the gun shows I worked. I’m in SE MI so maybe someone here and I have talked?
That has to suck. Their plan was to off 85% of us with bioweapons. Thanks to good people in our military and elsewhere, we get to say "You first. Thanks for building the camps and logistics...".
Interesting that many are by National Forests. Is this why the government likes to take over so much land to “preserve” it? However, these pics move to fast to read everything being said and to really look at the pictures. We know that there are tunnels on the military bases, so why not camps too? It amazes me that our military sees this and doesn’t say anything. These are not small areas. I would like to know the source, before I react to this. Scare tactic?
Military compartmentalizes information, so explanations not being given is perfectly normal for the majority. It's good to be skeptical, but also good to research. I remember, during Obama's terms, reading about the legal framework for this being established. This is right in line.
But at this point, I think these will eventually be open for guided tours as evidence for the general public.
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you took a ride out to the "middle of the Gulf of Mexico" and checked? You do realize they have floating oil rigs held in place with large motor systems, not legs, and are therefore moveable, correct?
At one time in my life I actually spent quite a bit of time on the Gulf. I've fished 3 miles out in the Gulf in a 14 ft fishing boat. I live right outside New Orleans, know MANY who work and play out in the Gulf. It's not the best place to put a camp. Even oil rigs close down and ship everyone home when a hurricane is brewing. I just don't see the feasibility
It's a bit of an investigative game of clues. Like in "Sound of Freedom", where they transport the kids in shipping containers. Shipping containers are all over the place, nobody thinks they would contain kids or missile systems (, but apparently they can be.
Nobody thinks the cabal needs submarines and tunnels to get around, but what's on the sea floor here off Roths child island? (,-76.2726006,152247m/data=!3m1!1e3)
Exactly what happened with Haman in the book of Esther. Isn’t this supposed to be biblical or something?
mmhm. Haman(ized)
So Alex Jones proven right again.
Call it new Governmental Efficiency. Why let them go to waste?
Not probably.
Nah. I was just cracking wise. :)
Yep. We were guilty without a trial. Just words makes us guilty. Not wearing a mask makes us guilty.
When we apply real law and order using the constitution and found guilty. They are guilty. Such a generational sickness humanity does over and over if we refuse to learn history.
It is very interesting that they prove money can not make one happy. They are still jealous.
Mary 911 - agree all the way!
The truth will eventually come out what they were planning. If history is any indicator, it was mass murder.
Remember Haman? He built a gallows to hang Mordecai, the faithful Jew. Then Haman was hung on the gallows that he built.
That’s too funny. I just commented the same thing before I saw your comment. I’ll take it as confirmation 😎. Also, the Lord put it on my heart to read Esther yesterday. I don’t think that was just a coincidence either!
I also was reading through Ester. I'm reading the NKJV, and I noticed something highly interesting. The curtains were described in Ester 1:6 as White and Blue, while the floor was described as tiled with black and white. I immediately thought of Mystery schools, with the Blue and White stripes on Epstein's Island and the Black and White Tile of the Masonic Lodge.
Then in Ester 8:4, I took the mention of the scepter to be a reference to the promise of Judah in Gen 49:10 (The scepter will not depart from Judah). I then took Esther 8:15-17 as the conferring of earthly power (Garments of Blue and White) to the Judeans.
Esther 9:5 then taught me that it was God's will that allowed the Jews to act as they have. God is allowing His people to be stressed, so that He can set apart his Remnant. The Imago Dei will be restored.
The parallels aren't perfect, and I can't read Hebrew. But the lesson that I took from 9:5 is consistent with Ephesians 1:11.
Thanks to Obama, we don't have to build camps to store the criminals. What the criminals thought they would use against us, we will use against them.
Trump has re-committed to withdrawing from the WHO and he's 'gone there' and has called out the Pandemic Treaty 🤗
Sounds ripe for a boomerang.
It truely is.
Yeah, ya know I don't think we appreciate this fact enough.
Learning about it along with all the other stuff we've learned really sinks in when I allow myself quiet time to process and absorb what I've learned.
I have cried more times than I can image mowing my lawn, and I am by no means finished. And I don't do it often, it's brutal.
I cant explain it, it's different than knowing something, it's on a different level... idk. It like the info moves from a numb logical place in my head into my heart & soul where grief is.
But I wake up every morning and thank God for his protection and guidance.
Yep. God Bless ya Doc, better days lay ahead :)
Thanks Bones for your excellent post! 👏
Chilling. But we saw how dangerous they can be during the lockdowns.
I feel the first guillotine should be tried out on Barak Obama to make sure their quality is sufficient.
But it’s too quick a process.
If it really need to be by guillotine then lay him facing up so he can see it coming. And do a couple test drops but stop it a few inches short….for good sport.
Ha! I read that way back and forgot about it. Will be interesting eh?
has ANY of this info been fully vetted/verified? any FEMA receipts? Guillotines? 800 FEMA prison camps? THX
My thoughts Exactly.
I remember seeing the order for purchase of guillotines- went looking for it on GA, but didn’t find it yet. I’ll be expanding my search to look elsewhere
Couldn’t we at least be murdered on a US made guillotine?
And give it a US type of name. Ronco-dun-o-matic!
Interesting how 8 years ago there was talk about Obama and his Fema army and camps and the refurbishing of old unoccupied walmart buildings as places with prison type facilities. And then videos of miles of walmart tunnels that connect regions. Is FEMA a product of the UN? You see mention of how there are UN occupied areas in various states especially Utah. Sounds related.
Did you see the video from Surfing Santa in NC at a fema base? There was a big red thing being delivered that had "Tornado Shelter" painted on it. I think that was a crematorium.
Remember way back when Rudy held a press conference right next to a crematorium?
Just remembering things, and wondering when the rest of the story will drop....
It's awful... that last video of the cremation vans makes me think that the FEMA "Tornado Shelter" is exactly what I suspected, only bigger.
Come on right over and try to take me to one of these. I Dare Ya
Back when they started talking about guillotines being ordered, I dug into this. As it turns out, this is a guillotine:
I see your guillotine and raise you my woodchipper.
The camps & caskets will come in handy for us as we eliminate the deepstate.
Believing such big preparations were made only to hinge on a rigged election seems like a bridge too far to me. Of course, commies tend to be stupidly blinded by their desire for power. So perhaps it’s possible. Something tells me if all those preps are real that they WILL get used, at some point. By who is still to be decided until camp operations actually start.
I'm thinking our border crisis is a Federal Emergency. As long as they are up and running, why not use them for the organized mass deportation.
Take the guillotines and destroy them. They are Frances capital punishment machine.
WE GO "BANG-BANG"! Firing Squad WE GO: "SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!" Electric chair WE GO: "WHOOSH! SNAP & DANGLE" Manila necktie or noose WE GO: "POKE-POKE" Lethal injections
Did I miss any?
I concur with that thought, however we're 'Merica... we do things OUR way....LOL
Im a big believer in devolution, CoG, NCSWIC and at least in some limited form 'we are watching a movie'.
So while we wring our hands over this FEMA detention camps I cant help but think that this is a WH op to detain criminal migrants and house the hundreds of thousands that will be arrested for treason, sedition, crimes against humanity, crimes against children and RICO. Even with quick trial by tribunal and deportations there are too many caught up in the illegal activity to house at Gitmo. When the roundups begin this is where they will be placed.
Back in the mid 90s there were pics of a “camp” in Elk Grove Illinois (iirc). I have a copy I used to use when red pilling at the gun shows I worked. I’m in SE MI so maybe someone here and I have talked?
These sadistic camps existence can now be used for good and facilitate the exodus/deportation of illegals.
ICD9? Haven't used those in 10 years.
That has to suck. Their plan was to off 85% of us with bioweapons. Thanks to good people in our military and elsewhere, we get to say "You first. Thanks for building the camps and logistics...".
The missed the mark on the 70 or 80k no head route but got 15 million Biden voters.
Hey, Man! Nice Shot!
Interesting that many are by National Forests. Is this why the government likes to take over so much land to “preserve” it? However, these pics move to fast to read everything being said and to really look at the pictures. We know that there are tunnels on the military bases, so why not camps too? It amazes me that our military sees this and doesn’t say anything. These are not small areas. I would like to know the source, before I react to this. Scare tactic?
Military compartmentalizes information, so explanations not being given is perfectly normal for the majority. It's good to be skeptical, but also good to research. I remember, during Obama's terms, reading about the legal framework for this being established. This is right in line.
But at this point, I think these will eventually be open for guided tours as evidence for the general public.
Q says it will be Biblical! Boomerang!
Love this picture ❤️thank you
It's crazy this stuff can be easily found, but it's "conspiracy theory".
There's a FEMA camp in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico? I'd think boaters, oil rig workers, someone would notice a floating camp
And WE'RE PAYING for these to be FULLY staffed?
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you took a ride out to the "middle of the Gulf of Mexico" and checked? You do realize they have floating oil rigs held in place with large motor systems, not legs, and are therefore moveable, correct?
At one time in my life I actually spent quite a bit of time on the Gulf. I've fished 3 miles out in the Gulf in a 14 ft fishing boat. I live right outside New Orleans, know MANY who work and play out in the Gulf. It's not the best place to put a camp. Even oil rigs close down and ship everyone home when a hurricane is brewing. I just don't see the feasibility
It's a bit of an investigative game of clues. Like in "Sound of Freedom", where they transport the kids in shipping containers. Shipping containers are all over the place, nobody thinks they would contain kids or missile systems (, but apparently they can be. Nobody thinks the cabal needs submarines and tunnels to get around, but what's on the sea floor here off Roths child island? (,-76.2726006,152247m/data=!3m1!1e3)