Lieing, liers, that lie. They are so used to saying whatever they want and getting away with it. Your days of shit talking are coming to a close. Rename the show, The Idiots.
Even reading factual truth - not that anything happened or nothing happened (because how does one TRULY know) but simply that that he denied all allegations, what he said, and DOJ investigation was closed with no charges.
It makes her uncomfortable repeating facts.
That's so sad.
Make her say "there are only 2 genders" next. She'll implode.
i think it was very painful and that is probably why they needed to go to commercial as soon as she read it. she probably had a meltdown and needed her meds STAT.
Now that was fun to watch. The View isnβt having a good week. Whoopi is getting sued for trying to destroy a 145 year bakery business over her cupcake order!
This is a small picture (example) of the confession that is yet to come. "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER" (Philippians 2:10)
LOL. someone threatened a libel suit.
Lieing, liers, that lie. They are so used to saying whatever they want and getting away with it. Your days of shit talking are coming to a close. Rename the show, The Idiots.
Season 24: The View from Prison.
Top Kekkity KeK! Let's hope, can you imagine the rating sweep!
And these are the same people that fight against "misinformation" lmao
OK you got it
The Spew
The Unbreedable Show
Even reading factual truth - not that anything happened or nothing happened (because how does one TRULY know) but simply that that he denied all allegations, what he said, and DOJ investigation was closed with no charges.
It makes her uncomfortable repeating facts.
That's so sad.
Make her say "there are only 2 genders" next. She'll implode.
or 'The Talking Cunts".
That looked painful! I hope it was VERY painful.
She looked like she was about to cry!
i think it was very painful and that is probably why they needed to go to commercial as soon as she read it. she probably had a meltdown and needed her meds STAT.
Wish they were forced to do this for every lie they have told and be humiliated like this in full VIEW the entire hour every day.
Once a week would suffice, that way we would know what day to watch. We could call it "Sue the View Tuesdays". Why should tacos have all the fun?
Good point -
Now that was fun to watch. The View isnβt having a good week. Whoopi is getting sued for trying to destroy a 145 year bakery business over her cupcake order!
"Yes, I do have a legal note, thank you Whoopi."
Oh, she is seething in abject hate right there. Delicious!
This evil cunt deserves every slap she gets for her dangerous rhetoric.
She bled out of her ass with every word. Next she will be doing Hegspeth and admitting that lie. Their worn out old bullshit.
That needs to be reposted across all
THAT is the funniest thing I have seen lately!
Lol that seemed painful
Thats cuz they were really laying it on thick, and were crossing the defamation line over and over
Isn't she a lawyer? She ought to have known better than to slander him.
He needs to file suit against her nasty ass and the network
This is a small picture (example) of the confession that is yet to come. "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER" (Philippians 2:10)
I can't wait for woopi to make her statement soon
Gaetz should sue her a** for defamation.
He told them when he's AG he's coming for them.
'Tis glorious. The little pursed lip at 7 seconds in says more than anything. kek
She got spanked, nananana, kek.π