Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
I agree. I went keto then carnivore. Lost weight pretty quick. I got abs now. Doubled my testosterone. It cures type 2 diabetes and most intestinal issues pretty quick. I eat until full. No starving. I think part of the reason it works so well is because the cow filters out all the crap. Plants are contaminated with glyphosate and the soils have no fertility.
Quick question; have always wanted to give it a whirl. Know you can't provide full breakdown but do you do any vegetables, fruits or just strictly meat. Also, does it matter what types (chicken, turkey or pork, seafood etc.)
I've been on the bubble of giving it a try for a while now and looking to take that leap of faith.
I'm not familiar with the Energy Wellness podcast, but I came here to say this:
We don't have amylase in our saliva as some sort of cruel joke. Fruit, potatoes, organic blue corn, honey and organic sourdough etc. are delicious, meant to be eaten and enjoyed. Carbs are not evil.
The key to handling glucose is healthy gut flora, NO PUFA, B vitamins, proper exercise, sunshine, getting LOTS of minerals like magnesium and potassium from WHOLE FOOD, good sleep and leading a low stress lifestyle. And once again NO PUFA. None, like an intake of less than 4 grams per day.
Also, mainstream media doing what it always does, shoves extreme stressful diets in our faces such as carnivore, keto and fasting. They do it for a reason. To make us weak, scatter brained and stressed.
I’m going to try. We don’t eat any fake sugar after the husband started peeing glass-like shards. Fifty-two days with a Foley catheter. There were several secondary things that occurred during this time. We went back to natural sugar, trying to avoid high fructose or glucose, eating lemons regularly, cherries when available and only drinking filtered water. He hasn’t had another incident in 5 1/2 years. Thank You, God! Cutting sugar altogether is hard. I’m running out of things in life that aren’t work😂.
I have cut the seed oils. Not the wheat. My daughter is having an issue with her palms cracking. The other night they were coming back from my grandson’s all-star game and she ate something without wheat. I believe it was a chicken and rice bowl. She’s on steroids so her hands haven’t been acting up as much. Later on, she finished my granddaughter’s burger and sure enough, her palms started itching. She’s now thinking it’s a gluten allergy. I’m thinking it’s the glyphosate that’s getting sprayed all over it. Either way, I think you’re onto something with the wheat. That’s what I should try next. I’m not a rice fan but my hubby sure is so we have that at least once per week. I imagine that’s going to increase along with the potatoes. I’ll be looking like a potato in no time. I’m already a little stocky 😊.
Add some salt, preferably sea salt, to the water she drinks. Some salt is needed for the water to be absorbed and hydrate the cells. I used to have eczema issues on hands and feet, but no more. I heal much faster, too. Salt will also help with fatigue.
Its easy to find reasons why salt is necessary in the animal kingdom, and testimonials from pet and livestock owners about the benefits. But us humans get doctored advice.
Thank you. I do eat Himalayan salt. I’ll tell my daughter about this. It’s worth a shot. She was saying that when she eats too much salt, it seems to set it off. I imagine she’s referring to salt that’s in food. She’s always been sensitive to salt. The sea salt, though. That may be the key.
If she's sensitive to salt, it's because the salt triggers self-cleansing, which causes uncomfortable symptoms.
Salt is a key component in body chemistry, essential for transfer of nutrients from the blood to the cells AND transfer of waste from the cell to the blood. When the body doesn't have salt the waste accumulates in the cells instead of being removed. When the body receives salt, especially after not having it for awhile, the cells release a lot of accumulated waste, making you feel sick. So if she ups her salt intake she'll feel sick. But if she avoids salt, the waste will continue to accumulate instead of cleanse and symptoms will progress. This function of salt is why hospital IVs are saline solution, not water, because the body needs it for the blood to do its job.
It's not a perfect analogy, but it's kind of like changing the oil in a car. If you do it regularly the oil always looks clean, but if you wait a long time, the oil eventually turns to sludge. And if you still wait, something in the car is guaranteed to break.
At some point she'll have to power through it, and accept some symptoms. Over time the symptoms will clear up and the salt will not bother her anymore; instead it will help her stay healthy. And unless her skin is cracking from harsh chemicals she touches, it will clear up her dry skin too. It did that for me.
I ask about the wheat because it affects me. We cut it out of our diet, hubby is celiac, and now I can’t tolerate wheat because I’m not used to eating it anymore. I’m working on cutting out seed oils, soooo difficult if you like condiments.
Actually, it works the other way for most people, including me. I.e. the longer I go without eating wheat, the better I tolerate it if I do eat it. But I try to eat only Spelt bread or Dinkelbrot.
I went many years with no wheat. I was obsessively strict about it. Then I added back only organic wheat and things were just fine. I started with Ezekiel 4:9 bread and my digestion completely normalized. I can make buttermilk pancakes with organic flour with no issues whatsoever. I think the problem is the Round Up sprayed on wheat crops as a desiccant. Organic pasta from Italy seems fine too, they don't use Round Up in Europe.
Omg I have the same issue with my hands cracking and itching. I react to foods that are high histamines. Hers could be something else like gluten but I think you could be right to about glyphosate, its something I recently became aware off and now trying to find a way to avoid.
I think you are right about the glyphosate. I eat fairly clean however I love bread and bake at home, mostly sourdough but the problem I see now is the glyphosate that could be in my flour especially if I didn’t bake myself. I buy organic but heard even those could be contaminated from the air if next to non organic farms. The other issue I realized is that modern wheat is hybridized and more difficult to digest. I’m looking into alternatives for Ancient and Heritage grain variants from companies that promises to be glyphosate free.
Is there a significant difference between wheat and barley? I cannot escape white rice since I live in Japan and have been married to a J-girl for the past 23 years, but I have tried reducing the amount I eat. About a year ago she began adding barley into the rice. Just a bit. It's supposed to help with digestion and constipation, but I think neither is good. I've gained back all the weight I started losing 2 years ago. I started gaining weight last year around this time, and it was the same time she started adding barley into the rice. I'm not entirely sure if it's a direct correlation or a coincidence. I know I have lost a lot of my motivation to exercise though. Long story.
Both barley and wheat contain gluten. Maybe there is a link between the gluten and the weight gain? When hubby quit gluten he dropped about 20 pounds, doctor said that was normal for someone with celiac.
I feel the same - very fatigued and almost as if my health has declined ever since 2020. While I never took the shot I am absolutely certain I got some type of vax spike damage from being trapped in a room during holidays with a large group of newly vaxed maskers. There is also the possibility something else is contributing to it such as 5g. I also seem to be having an excessive amount of brain fog lately over the past year and I usually think very clearly.
According to Mercola you just need a little bit and you don't need to keep taking indefinitely. Just enough to get your mitochondria functioning again.
Visbiome is a live culture probiotic that cured my chronic fatigue and gives me energy. If you have what is called "leaky gut" due to an unhealthy balance of gut flora, then toxins from food will pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, causing an immune response which causes fatigue. A healthy gut bacteria population will stop this.
I got it online. It comes refrigerated because it's a live culture and must be kept in the fridge. It is made for people with digestive problems, but I think it's good to use at times even if you don't have problems like that. I recently bought it again because I was on antibiotics which can kill the good gut bacteria.
The potassium bromide for fluff was some time ago ushered in to replace iodine which not only produced fluff, but was used by the thyroid gland to make T4 and T3. IIRC, the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, in the absence of sufficient iodine, will grab on to other halides (bromide, flouride, etc.) and adulterate the gland's ability to produce high quality T4 and T3, thus weakening the immune system. I would love the industry go back to using iodine for the fluff. It would make people's immune systems stronger.
Wow this is actually YUGE. No doubt about it our President has realized they are trying to kill us through the food supply. I never thought I would live to see the day of something starting to change in this area. Thank God!!
Although there might be benefits to consuming baking soda, it won’t alkaline your body. Your body stays within a very strict ph level and if you go outside of that you get really sick or die.
Until recently I would have thought grounding mats were “woowoo” nonsense but I’m now thinking about getting one. Even mainstream articles say that it does affect people. I was reading something on webmd or similar and even they say that there’s a real effect there. They even suggest to start slowly by using it for like 30 minutes and then ramping it up. Apparently it’s so effective that you have to ween into it. Pretty interesting
Okay, I disagree re baking soda. Depends on your information source, but anyway you can just buy the ph strips to test your alkalinity. Liken it to if a fish is sick change the water, it's that simple. Don't treat the fish, change the water. You can obviously also increase your alkalinity but removing acidic foods and consuming alkaline mostly and juicing. Which I do but also baking soda and regularly test my ph. Only an acidic body gets ill. Also or instead regular lemon juice and or apple cider vinegar.
But yeah grounding mats, I bought one for my bed and it feels so calming and no inflammation in body. Check out testimonials. I don't think you need to build up to it like you said as it's all natural, how we are meant to live before we had insulated everything, shoes etc.
Your blood has a normal pH range of 7.35 to 7.45. This means that blood is naturally slightly alkaline or basic.
In comparison, your stomach acid has a pH of around 1.5 to 3.5. This makes it acidic. A low pH is good for digesting food and destroying any germs that get into the stomach.
You really don't want to go outside of these ranges!
You can also just find some grass and take your shoes and socks off and walk around! Or do that around a lake shore, walk barefoot along the beach! That's all grounding too!
Hope I didn’t come off as rude. What part of your body do you test as far as ph is concerned? I was thinking blood and stomach ph but maybe we’re talking about different things.
Yeah I’m waiting to see if the Mrs gets me a grounding mat for Christmas and if not I’ll buy one then. It’s crazy to think that although I work outside in the garden sometimes and I’m a mailman so I’m outside constantly, I’m almost never touching the earth. Always insulated from it by something
You can buy ph strips at the pharmacy. And pee on them to test your alkalinity! Only acidic bodies get sick and lets face most people are. If your lifestyle doesn't change you just keep getting more acidic as you age, diet, medications, stress, alcohol, coffee etc very acidic.
I love my grounding mat, have had it about 3 months. It makes so much sense to me. Animals and children naturally ground themselves but most adults live their lives completely insulated.
No I did not think you rude at all!
Cut out as much sugar as you can ad STOP buying the flour mfgd in USA. It's banned in almost every country but our own. Buy OO Flour. (Available in most healthy food stores). That is the most chemically free four you can get.
Very true. Also worth noting that the names “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” are names of the gods of King Nebuchadnezzar. Their Hebrew names were different:
Daniel 1:5-7
[5] The king assigned them a daily portion of the food that the king ate, and of the wine that he drank. They were to be educated for three years, and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king. [6] Among these were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the tribe of Judah. [7] And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
Fantastic...have basically been living on peanut butter and jelly as times are tight. Not so worried about myself but sucks to know have been feeding kids this garbage thinking was ok.
One more thing to keep an eye on though which is a positive. RFK Jr exposing a lot
Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
Cut out sugar. Your life will change.
I agree. I went keto then carnivore. Lost weight pretty quick. I got abs now. Doubled my testosterone. It cures type 2 diabetes and most intestinal issues pretty quick. I eat until full. No starving. I think part of the reason it works so well is because the cow filters out all the crap. Plants are contaminated with glyphosate and the soils have no fertility.
Carnivore Rules!
Quick question; have always wanted to give it a whirl. Know you can't provide full breakdown but do you do any vegetables, fruits or just strictly meat. Also, does it matter what types (chicken, turkey or pork, seafood etc.)
I've been on the bubble of giving it a try for a while now and looking to take that leap of faith.
The Energy Wellness Podcast will provide all the reasons you shouldn't do keto or carnivore. Or check out Dr. Mercolas new book. Keto, fasting and carnivore are stressors. God gave us mangos for a reason :)
Awesome, thanks for sauce here and I'll check it out!
I'm not familiar with the Energy Wellness podcast, but I came here to say this:
We don't have amylase in our saliva as some sort of cruel joke. Fruit, potatoes, organic blue corn, honey and organic sourdough etc. are delicious, meant to be eaten and enjoyed. Carbs are not evil.
The key to handling glucose is healthy gut flora, NO PUFA, B vitamins, proper exercise, sunshine, getting LOTS of minerals like magnesium and potassium from WHOLE FOOD, good sleep and leading a low stress lifestyle. And once again NO PUFA. None, like an intake of less than 4 grams per day.
I would say right on target 👍
Also, mainstream media doing what it always does, shoves extreme stressful diets in our faces such as carnivore, keto and fasting. They do it for a reason. To make us weak, scatter brained and stressed.
I’m going to try. We don’t eat any fake sugar after the husband started peeing glass-like shards. Fifty-two days with a Foley catheter. There were several secondary things that occurred during this time. We went back to natural sugar, trying to avoid high fructose or glucose, eating lemons regularly, cherries when available and only drinking filtered water. He hasn’t had another incident in 5 1/2 years. Thank You, God! Cutting sugar altogether is hard. I’m running out of things in life that aren’t work😂.
Cutting sugar is hard! Have you tried cutting out wheat and seed oils? Asking because I feel the same way.
I have cut the seed oils. Not the wheat. My daughter is having an issue with her palms cracking. The other night they were coming back from my grandson’s all-star game and she ate something without wheat. I believe it was a chicken and rice bowl. She’s on steroids so her hands haven’t been acting up as much. Later on, she finished my granddaughter’s burger and sure enough, her palms started itching. She’s now thinking it’s a gluten allergy. I’m thinking it’s the glyphosate that’s getting sprayed all over it. Either way, I think you’re onto something with the wheat. That’s what I should try next. I’m not a rice fan but my hubby sure is so we have that at least once per week. I imagine that’s going to increase along with the potatoes. I’ll be looking like a potato in no time. I’m already a little stocky 😊.
Add some salt, preferably sea salt, to the water she drinks. Some salt is needed for the water to be absorbed and hydrate the cells. I used to have eczema issues on hands and feet, but no more. I heal much faster, too. Salt will also help with fatigue.
Its easy to find reasons why salt is necessary in the animal kingdom, and testimonials from pet and livestock owners about the benefits. But us humans get doctored advice.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you. I do eat Himalayan salt. I’ll tell my daughter about this. It’s worth a shot. She was saying that when she eats too much salt, it seems to set it off. I imagine she’s referring to salt that’s in food. She’s always been sensitive to salt. The sea salt, though. That may be the key.
If she's sensitive to salt, it's because the salt triggers self-cleansing, which causes uncomfortable symptoms.
Salt is a key component in body chemistry, essential for transfer of nutrients from the blood to the cells AND transfer of waste from the cell to the blood. When the body doesn't have salt the waste accumulates in the cells instead of being removed. When the body receives salt, especially after not having it for awhile, the cells release a lot of accumulated waste, making you feel sick. So if she ups her salt intake she'll feel sick. But if she avoids salt, the waste will continue to accumulate instead of cleanse and symptoms will progress. This function of salt is why hospital IVs are saline solution, not water, because the body needs it for the blood to do its job.
It's not a perfect analogy, but it's kind of like changing the oil in a car. If you do it regularly the oil always looks clean, but if you wait a long time, the oil eventually turns to sludge. And if you still wait, something in the car is guaranteed to break.
At some point she'll have to power through it, and accept some symptoms. Over time the symptoms will clear up and the salt will not bother her anymore; instead it will help her stay healthy. And unless her skin is cracking from harsh chemicals she touches, it will clear up her dry skin too. It did that for me.
I ask about the wheat because it affects me. We cut it out of our diet, hubby is celiac, and now I can’t tolerate wheat because I’m not used to eating it anymore. I’m working on cutting out seed oils, soooo difficult if you like condiments.
Actually, it works the other way for most people, including me. I.e. the longer I go without eating wheat, the better I tolerate it if I do eat it. But I try to eat only Spelt bread or Dinkelbrot.
I went many years with no wheat. I was obsessively strict about it. Then I added back only organic wheat and things were just fine. I started with Ezekiel 4:9 bread and my digestion completely normalized. I can make buttermilk pancakes with organic flour with no issues whatsoever. I think the problem is the Round Up sprayed on wheat crops as a desiccant. Organic pasta from Italy seems fine too, they don't use Round Up in Europe.
Omg I have the same issue with my hands cracking and itching. I react to foods that are high histamines. Hers could be something else like gluten but I think you could be right to about glyphosate, its something I recently became aware off and now trying to find a way to avoid.
For cracking skin try applying honey for half an hour each day.
Histamine issues are a gut flora imbalance. Glyphosate does wreck gut flora.
I think you are right about the glyphosate. I eat fairly clean however I love bread and bake at home, mostly sourdough but the problem I see now is the glyphosate that could be in my flour especially if I didn’t bake myself. I buy organic but heard even those could be contaminated from the air if next to non organic farms. The other issue I realized is that modern wheat is hybridized and more difficult to digest. I’m looking into alternatives for Ancient and Heritage grain variants from companies that promises to be glyphosate free.
You may have Raynaud Syndrome. I have a family member that has it--goes through a lot of lotion each day.
The doctor told that person it was genetic.
Is there a significant difference between wheat and barley? I cannot escape white rice since I live in Japan and have been married to a J-girl for the past 23 years, but I have tried reducing the amount I eat. About a year ago she began adding barley into the rice. Just a bit. It's supposed to help with digestion and constipation, but I think neither is good. I've gained back all the weight I started losing 2 years ago. I started gaining weight last year around this time, and it was the same time she started adding barley into the rice. I'm not entirely sure if it's a direct correlation or a coincidence. I know I have lost a lot of my motivation to exercise though. Long story.
Barley contains gluten. If glyphosate is used to dessicate before harvesting then that's a big problem. Ask a barley farmer.
Both barley and wheat contain gluten. Maybe there is a link between the gluten and the weight gain? When hubby quit gluten he dropped about 20 pounds, doctor said that was normal for someone with celiac.
Life is work so that out soul can rest. If the life is rest then…
Live hard and die easy. Live easy and die hard.
Seed oils are a thousand times worse. At least the body knows what to do with sugar.
I feel the same - very fatigued and almost as if my health has declined ever since 2020. While I never took the shot I am absolutely certain I got some type of vax spike damage from being trapped in a room during holidays with a large group of newly vaxed maskers. There is also the possibility something else is contributing to it such as 5g. I also seem to be having an excessive amount of brain fog lately over the past year and I usually think very clearly.
Try Methylene Blue - 20 drops a day of 1% solution. It tastes horrible so mix it with something. Do your own research.
"The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue" - Mark Sloan
According to Mercola you just need a little bit and you don't need to keep taking indefinitely. Just enough to get your mitochondria functioning again.
New balance and Hitchcock shoes saved my 6E feet.
Barbara O'Neill has many holistic natural remedies... check her out, she's everywhere these days...
I have her on telegram! I love Barbara!
Visbiome is a live culture probiotic that cured my chronic fatigue and gives me energy. If you have what is called "leaky gut" due to an unhealthy balance of gut flora, then toxins from food will pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, causing an immune response which causes fatigue. A healthy gut bacteria population will stop this.
I am going to try this. Where do you get this at?
I got it online. It comes refrigerated because it's a live culture and must be kept in the fridge. It is made for people with digestive problems, but I think it's good to use at times even if you don't have problems like that. I recently bought it again because I was on antibiotics which can kill the good gut bacteria.
This sounds like something we should try. Thank you! I’m going to check it out. Thanks for the forethought of a link!
You're welcome. Good luck. Please let me know if it helps.
I will.
The potassium bromide for fluff was some time ago ushered in to replace iodine which not only produced fluff, but was used by the thyroid gland to make T4 and T3. IIRC, the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, in the absence of sufficient iodine, will grab on to other halides (bromide, flouride, etc.) and adulterate the gland's ability to produce high quality T4 and T3, thus weakening the immune system. I would love the industry go back to using iodine for the fluff. It would make people's immune systems stronger.
But how would big pharma meet quarterly profits?
by selling supplements and cure alls
Millions rejoice as deep hiney hole scratching becomes a thing of the past...
Wow this is actually YUGE. No doubt about it our President has realized they are trying to kill us through the food supply. I never thought I would live to see the day of something starting to change in this area. Thank God!!
same! love Trump even more...dream president
Add bicarbonate of soda to your drinking water to alkaline your body. Also have you ever looked into grounding mats (for your bed)?
Although there might be benefits to consuming baking soda, it won’t alkaline your body. Your body stays within a very strict ph level and if you go outside of that you get really sick or die.
Until recently I would have thought grounding mats were “woowoo” nonsense but I’m now thinking about getting one. Even mainstream articles say that it does affect people. I was reading something on webmd or similar and even they say that there’s a real effect there. They even suggest to start slowly by using it for like 30 minutes and then ramping it up. Apparently it’s so effective that you have to ween into it. Pretty interesting
Okay, I disagree re baking soda. Depends on your information source, but anyway you can just buy the ph strips to test your alkalinity. Liken it to if a fish is sick change the water, it's that simple. Don't treat the fish, change the water. You can obviously also increase your alkalinity but removing acidic foods and consuming alkaline mostly and juicing. Which I do but also baking soda and regularly test my ph. Only an acidic body gets ill. Also or instead regular lemon juice and or apple cider vinegar. But yeah grounding mats, I bought one for my bed and it feels so calming and no inflammation in body. Check out testimonials. I don't think you need to build up to it like you said as it's all natural, how we are meant to live before we had insulated everything, shoes etc.
Your blood has a normal pH range of 7.35 to 7.45. This means that blood is naturally slightly alkaline or basic.
In comparison, your stomach acid has a pH of around 1.5 to 3.5. This makes it acidic. A low pH is good for digesting food and destroying any germs that get into the stomach.
You really don't want to go outside of these ranges!
You can also just find some grass and take your shoes and socks off and walk around! Or do that around a lake shore, walk barefoot along the beach! That's all grounding too!
Hope I didn’t come off as rude. What part of your body do you test as far as ph is concerned? I was thinking blood and stomach ph but maybe we’re talking about different things.
Yeah I’m waiting to see if the Mrs gets me a grounding mat for Christmas and if not I’ll buy one then. It’s crazy to think that although I work outside in the garden sometimes and I’m a mailman so I’m outside constantly, I’m almost never touching the earth. Always insulated from it by something
You can buy ph strips at the pharmacy. And pee on them to test your alkalinity! Only acidic bodies get sick and lets face most people are. If your lifestyle doesn't change you just keep getting more acidic as you age, diet, medications, stress, alcohol, coffee etc very acidic. I love my grounding mat, have had it about 3 months. It makes so much sense to me. Animals and children naturally ground themselves but most adults live their lives completely insulated. No I did not think you rude at all!
Cut out as much sugar as you can ad STOP buying the flour mfgd in USA. It's banned in almost every country but our own. Buy OO Flour. (Available in most healthy food stores). That is the most chemically free four you can get.
Now give us stevia.
Ever notice how it doesn't seem to grow mold anymore? Shit just gets dried out or hard but zero mold. Same thing with soft tortilla shells also
The bacteria in your gut also had a hard time breaking down the preservatives.
Thank God.
I'm actually making my bread this morning :)
eat organic. Subway got caught using yoga mat rubber in their sandwich buns! Then Jared Fogle got caught being a spokesperson pedo!
Very true. Also worth noting that the names “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” are names of the gods of King Nebuchadnezzar. Their Hebrew names were different:
Daniel 1:5-7 [5] The king assigned them a daily portion of the food that the king ate, and of the wine that he drank. They were to be educated for three years, and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king. [6] Among these were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the tribe of Judah. [7] And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
They may also be a Hollywood Law Firm.
Fantastic...have basically been living on peanut butter and jelly as times are tight. Not so worried about myself but sucks to know have been feeding kids this garbage thinking was ok.
One more thing to keep an eye on though which is a positive. RFK Jr exposing a lot