Her name is out there and looks like she was obsessed with guns and death. Posted an “ok” symbol pic about 10 min before shooting & a link to a google docs manifesto, but forgot to make it public.
Once again, it’s little children that suffer from the hands of deranged adults. Pray for these innocents and their families just this moment hearing about their children. 🙏🏼
Arm and train teachers and put retired vets and Leo’s on the doors of all schools! It’s past time! Guns don’t kill people. People kill people with guns. Guns prevent people from killing people with guns.
False Flag doesn't mean that "**it didn't happen". It normally means that whoever is charged with the crime is the wrong person or entity. It was really someone else, or some organization actually coordinated the attack, and the event is being presented by the media or government in a way the truly guilty party is protected/ hidden.
In a number of "false flags" it has been discovered that quite a few people who "participated" were paid actors, and appear in various other "false flag" events. Some actually harm innocent victims, some have actors playing victims. If there are no obits, nothing about funerals, and no cemetery mentioned, one has to wonder.
We have to look at all the information made public, and try to tease out whether it was real, or a "false flag" to manipulate patriots into "doing something" to help the deep state. Raise money to launder, get guns banned, promote how one race or religion is "bad", etc. Perhaps your brother will be able to provide some details that don't get mentioned by the media.
this is a good explanation. the term can be offensive to those that have injured friends or relatives and those that have lost them in the 'false flag'
Much like when people say that covid is a cold. People have died and there is a better way to get thru to the normies than to say their loved one was a weakling that couldn't handle a cold.
I'm also tired of the False Flag narrative. Sometimes bad things just happen. I'm sorry for the community and pray your brother, his hard work and the families impacted.
saw that too - tried a bunch of the other links in DemPanic's post and they all returned variations of "user not found". Seems they were scrubbed already.
his wife says he's responded that he's fine. I'm sure i'll talk to him later about it - but it may be vague - he doesn't like to talk about the things we'd rather not see.
Funny as I was listening to the police briefing while at a patients home I hear the police chief mention that their first responders just "happened to be in training nearby and were able to practice their skills for a real event" and also that police didn't fire any shots and that FBI and ATf were already there,
Get digging, Anons.
For example at the Oxford shooting, the street address of the nearby local paper was "666". One of the sheriff's involved had on his bio that his team is responsible for covering all 666 sq. miles of his county. Funny, his county is recorded at 647 square miles.
Oh, and it "just happened" to occur on the 3rd anniversary of GHW Bush dying. Along with mass COVID lockdown demonstrations in Australia, and DEI being defeated in Missouri (a shooting takes headline reporting from these). These are the things to look for, get shovelin'!
Over 3 decades ago I worked at a Christian school. School shootings were ramping up, and this school decided to dramatically increase security (for that time). All entry doors locked, cameras, visual/voice communications before allowed entry, administrators with CC licenses had weapons (parents approved), "sketchy" students were monitored, etc. Fortunately, only one suspicious student was ever removed due to making a threat. They eventually - gladly/sadly - installed metal detectors.
Reading this story today brought chills to my body and tears to my eyes. Be it gun, knife, whatever - we must protect our children. My heart breaks for those who died and their families.
Over/under on the shooter being one of the darling minorities of the left, or a leftist themself?
That or it's a scrawny white kid who had no income but had $10,000 worth of guns, and their dad was in the FBI or CIA....
It's all so tiresome
4chan is saying it was a tranny shooter https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/491576985/tranny-shooter
Best / worst comment there (I'd expect nothing less from 4chan):
Edit: Here's a dig with additional info on the shooter...
Shooter's name: Samantha Rupnow
Her username on multiple platforms is Crossixir. (You can check out the deviantArt link for example and see both names together)
Checking username Crossixir on:
[+] 8tracks: https://8tracks.com/Crossixir
[+] DeviantART: https://Crossixir.deviantart.com
[+] Discord: https://discord.com
[+] Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/Crossixir
[+] HackenProof (Hackers): https://hackenproof.com/hackers/Crossixir
[+] Itch.io: https://Crossixir.itch.io/
[+] NitroType: https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/Crossixir
[+] ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/@Crossixir
[+] PyPi: https://pypi.org/user/Crossixir
[+] Shpock: https://www.shpock.com/shop/Crossixir/items
[+] SlideShare: https://slideshare.net/Crossixir
[+] Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/Crossixir
[+] TLDR Legal: https://tldrlegal.com/users/Crossixir/
[+] Telegram: https://t.me/Crossixir
[+] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Crossixir
[+] Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Crossixir
[+] Xbox Gamertag: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/Crossixir
[+] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Crossixir
[*] Search completed with 18 results
Archive everything
she is not a tranny goes back to baby pics on her Dad's facebook.
It’s Madison of course it is.
Yep. Too close to Racine. Evil satanic rituals again?
Apparently the shooter was a biological female. But was in a relationship with a male who wants to be a woman. This is the boyfriends profile
Her name is out there and looks like she was obsessed with guns and death. Posted an “ok” symbol pic about 10 min before shooting & a link to a google docs manifesto, but forgot to make it public.
It’s all trans related bullshit
Has to be leftist in elca lutheran, woke. single dad, looks like mom isnt around. but hard to say, not on her dad's facebook.
Hates men, shoots guns with Dad. pics show her dressed as darth vader is shooting. guessing Dad is a star wars nut.
but his FB page isnt too crazy, hard to imagime raising this killer.
Dad's FB, can scroll all the way to birth. Belong to ELCA lutheran church, elca is woke.
But I scrolled through, a couple pics with shooter and her dogs and skeet shooting, but nothing to insane.
Once again, it’s little children that suffer from the hands of deranged adults. Pray for these innocents and their families just this moment hearing about their children. 🙏🏼
Hearing 5 killed. 🥹. Shut all schools down until after the inauguration.
Arm and train teachers and put retired vets and Leo’s on the doors of all schools! It’s past time! Guns don’t kill people. People kill people with guns. Guns prevent people from killing people with guns.
Guns don't kill people, kids targeted by three letters agencies due to being the product of a broken home do (statistically).
Waiting on press.conferance, but footage of the chaos going around it....this feels like it's going to be a bad one.
Those kids!!!! I'm so SICK of this EVIL
We all are fren, we all are.
Not like there are good ones...
Who knew being a sex deviant could lead to violence
FF - flight radar 24 - ZERO HELICOPTERS POLICE SCANNERS - ZERO ALERTS Just like all the other fake school shootings.
False - I know. Brother is here. Enough with this.
False Flag doesn't mean that "**it didn't happen". It normally means that whoever is charged with the crime is the wrong person or entity. It was really someone else, or some organization actually coordinated the attack, and the event is being presented by the media or government in a way the truly guilty party is protected/ hidden.
In a number of "false flags" it has been discovered that quite a few people who "participated" were paid actors, and appear in various other "false flag" events. Some actually harm innocent victims, some have actors playing victims. If there are no obits, nothing about funerals, and no cemetery mentioned, one has to wonder.
We have to look at all the information made public, and try to tease out whether it was real, or a "false flag" to manipulate patriots into "doing something" to help the deep state. Raise money to launder, get guns banned, promote how one race or religion is "bad", etc. Perhaps your brother will be able to provide some details that don't get mentioned by the media.
this is a good explanation. the term can be offensive to those that have injured friends or relatives and those that have lost them in the 'false flag'
Much like when people say that covid is a cold. People have died and there is a better way to get thru to the normies than to say their loved one was a weakling that couldn't handle a cold.
Why are you trying to censor discussion you have no idea what this either...
wrong - censor would imply trying to Stop discussion.
I refuted the automatic instant claim it was a FF.
That's not stopping a discussion - that contributing to it.
And also - you had to dance over a lot of what I said to come to that conclusion.
have a good day.
You are doing fine.
I'm also tired of the False Flag narrative. Sometimes bad things just happen. I'm sorry for the community and pray your brother, his hard work and the families impacted.
You won’t find the channels MPD uses for this because they are no longer public.
Drones are out, shootins are in. And praying for those who hurt or suffer from this, whatever it develops into.
https://www.deviantart.com/crossixir/favourites Only 1 pic posted….Adolph Hitler
saw that too - tried a bunch of the other links in DemPanic's post and they all returned variations of "user not found". Seems they were scrubbed already.
Scrubbing social media should be a crime. The people deserve to peer into the lives of the person who committed such heinous acts.
Instead, we are hand fed motives and other informational pieces -- if even that.
Enough with the FF label on this crap.
My brother is there.
I didn't put it there but that is definitely going to get said a lot for a few days.
Prayers for your brother. I hope he is ok.
Thank you
Praying for your brother, fren.
thank you
Praying for your brother
Thank you
Most welcome fren! God bless
Praying for your brother and the others there fren
thank you
So have you talked to your brother? Is he ok? I’m assuming he’s a teacher or administrator.
responding officer.
his wife says he's responded that he's fine. I'm sure i'll talk to him later about it - but it may be vague - he doesn't like to talk about the things we'd rather not see.
thank you
Funny as I was listening to the police briefing while at a patients home I hear the police chief mention that their first responders just "happened to be in training nearby and were able to practice their skills for a real event" and also that police didn't fire any shots and that FBI and ATf were already there,
Watch as this won't be covered at all by the MSM.
Reasons why:
It’s Madison I am betting a white Marxist loser.
the way things look right now, the shooter was a student at the Christian school. still developing.
Update: Vicki Mckenna says it was a 17 yr old former or current student white female named samantha
I will say this though ... it is consuming an awful lot of police personnel if it's a distraction for something else. 🤔
Anyone realize that this shooting happened within a hour or so of President Trump's news conference?
Smith-Mundt FEMA drill?
Get digging, Anons. For example at the Oxford shooting, the street address of the nearby local paper was "666". One of the sheriff's involved had on his bio that his team is responsible for covering all 666 sq. miles of his county. Funny, his county is recorded at 647 square miles.
Oh, and it "just happened" to occur on the 3rd anniversary of GHW Bush dying. Along with mass COVID lockdown demonstrations in Australia, and DEI being defeated in Missouri (a shooting takes headline reporting from these). These are the things to look for, get shovelin'!
Over 3 decades ago I worked at a Christian school. School shootings were ramping up, and this school decided to dramatically increase security (for that time). All entry doors locked, cameras, visual/voice communications before allowed entry, administrators with CC licenses had weapons (parents approved), "sketchy" students were monitored, etc. Fortunately, only one suspicious student was ever removed due to making a threat. They eventually - gladly/sadly - installed metal detectors.
Reading this story today brought chills to my body and tears to my eyes. Be it gun, knife, whatever - we must protect our children. My heart breaks for those who died and their families.
Shooter's name: Samantha Rupnow
Her username on multiple platforms is Crossixir. (You can check out the deviantArt link for example and see both names together)
Checking username Crossixir on:
[+] 8tracks: https://8tracks.com/Crossixir
[+] DeviantART: https://Crossixir.deviantart.com
[+] Discord: https://discord.com
[+] Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/Crossixir
[+] HackenProof (Hackers): https://hackenproof.com/hackers/Crossixir
[+] Itch.io: https://Crossixir.itch.io/
[+] NitroType: https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/Crossixir
[+] ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/@Crossixir
[+] PyPi: https://pypi.org/user/Crossixir
[+] Shpock: https://www.shpock.com/shop/Crossixir/items
[+] SlideShare: https://slideshare.net/Crossixir
[+] Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/Crossixir
[+] TLDR Legal: https://tldrlegal.com/users/Crossixir/
[+] Telegram: https://t.me/Crossixir
[+] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Crossixir
[+] Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Crossixir
[+] Xbox Gamertag: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/Crossixir
[+] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Crossixir
[*] Search completed with 18 results
Archive everything
It's fake! Wake up!
It is happening all over.
I believe this is her Dad's facebook. cant believe its still up. Nothing too crazy in it.
And.... Biden posted this a couple of days ago....