It is actually scary to see how grocery stores are cleaned out. Snow shovels sold out? Do you throw them away every year? WTH?? As if they won’t survive till Tuesday. Did the jabs or living through the lockdown damage their brains?
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FMDS Fake Media Derangement Syndrome
People cant live without the drama anymore
Made twitchy by all the FEAR Porn and yet they can't wake up from our bad dream. FMDS ( so many to remember)
The words they use sometimes cracks me up.
Weather's gonna weather.
The Media!
I live in PA and this happens every time, every year.
You would think living here they are used to this.
Oh no they have to go grocery shopping for bread, milk and toilet paper.
It isn't snowing here yet and schools are calling off.
It is a running joke here.
Here in the woods in WV, this coming storm is actually a bit on the serious side for us.
We're expecting 5-7 inches of snow, and then 1/4" of ice, but an hour away has 7-10" of snow forecasted so we could get that. Even if we just get 6", it will take a week or more for the county to get to plowing our road, and we're not going to get above freezing for at least a week, which means it's not going to melt. We expect to not be able to get to a paved road for at least a few days and maybe a few weeks. Hopefully the power will stay on.
Now we do plan for this sort of thing, but as the military says, no plan survives contact.
Fortunately, I'm WFH and have Starlink, so as long as gas for the generator holds, we're mostly good. But it ain't going to be fun.
The ice is the worst thing. Sticks to everything and gets heavy. It can down entire trees and forget driving on it. But you may have firewood forever.
Ice world is beautiful. We had such a storm about 30 years ago. No electric for 2 weeks, which means no water. That storm took out every scrub pine in our forest. My kids thought it was great fun. Melting and straning water over a camp fire for flushing. Collecting water from the local fire department (only street with electric) for washing and drinking.
Kids loved the whole adventure, as did my husband who got to play with his chain saw every day. Me? I discovered you can, indeed, wash your hair and whole body with a couple of gallons of warm water and gained a whole new respect for my great grandmothers who lived like that every day of their lives.
A decade or two later. We lived without electric after a hurricane. Much worse because no way to preserve food and fetching water was a full time job.
Think of the people in the mts. Some with no roof at all. For them, this could be really rough.
I’m from up north where this just sounds like another normal week but we have plows and it will be clear in a day. Over a foot in one day is unusual but does happen some winters but it’s been maybe 2 years since that happened where I live.
The ice is no joke regardless of where you live. You can’t stop or steer much if it’s all covered in ice. Power lines can fall and power distribution can fail.
I pray that none of the ice happens and you just have a nice snow that melts in a few days. Stop the weather modification in Jesus’s name. Cause the machines to fail that would seek to cause this from planes or buildings. Calm the weather and make the terror of the storm be gone and not allowed to come forth.
There are instances where it’s understandable. But less than a foot of snow, maybe some ice??? (Which is the forecast here.)
Saw the same here in MO. Insanity.
I am frightened not by the storm but that I live surrounded by people who think like this. My daughter told me to day we gotta move to live off the grid as these people are mentally impaired.
It's always been that way. That's why there's the joke about folks making "milk sandwiches" since the milk and bread completely disappear from stores. Experienced that when I lived in NC and a polar vortex would come to town.
It's "bread cereal" in Ohio lol
Another recipe! Lol
I always joked it was French toast they were making, but milk sandwiches works too.
Where I am it's French Toast time because everyone's stocking up on bread, eggs, and milk.
VA resident here and can confirm the media builds this up, and people get hysterical with last minute prepping. Vehicle accidents start happening as soon as the first flake lands.
It’s amazing how people fall for the media hype. Well actually, not, as the Covid crap did so many in.
Can confirm...have lived in NoVA for 30+ years and the retardation, esp now, is off the charts. Can't wait to get out.
Coming west of the Rockies was the best move we ever made! (But not so far as to land in Hell/Cali)
It’s almost like it’s, oh, I don’t know… a MOVIE? KEK 🍿🥤🐸🎥
Hahahahaha....I so love this.
I hope joggers cap each other off at the Springfield Home Depot.
Problem is 50% of NoVA has never seen snow.
So glad I left.
I survived Snowmageddon.
Seriously, as did I. I doubt we get a foot of snow with this, yet everyone is so panicked.
Were you there for Snowmageddon? 05-06 Feb 2010. 2 Back to back 30" snows.
Yep. And I’m a Georgia gal, so snow is something else for me.
I had tennis elbow for 9 mo from shoveling the snow, LOL.
Here in the Sierras we survived Snowmageddon and Snowpocalypse the following year. This year we are wondering if it will even snow at all. Maybe it all went to Virginia.
Bwhahaha anon! Food and milk just shot out my nose from laughing so hard at that term.. “snowmageddon”.. LMFAO 🤣🐸 KEKEety KEKing KEK! GBY Fren! 😊
I think the lockdowns have everyone thinking every single thing could get huge. It's annoying.
The weather channel is heavily responsible for this crap. I watch the game every hurricane that gets close. I'm old enough to remember hurricanes pre Internet. Nash Roberts - a New Orleans legend - drew on a white board lol. He TOLD you how he figured it and he told everyone to just be calm. There was no hysteria like today.
It's probably a good thing if they're too scared to get behind the wheel.
My grandma is losing her mind right now even though we may get up to 2 inches of snow lmfao
The storm is upon us. Arriving January 6th..
It's the AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaah factor.
Hammer of the gods.
NAh the Gods are simply shaking their duvets.
Will drive our ships to new land To fight the horde sing and cry Valhalla I am coming
On we sweep with threshing oar Our only goal will be the western shore
How soft your fields; so green
It’s been the same every year for my area since as long as I can remember.
First solid Snow Storm of the season. You’ve got people freaking out buying up shovels, Ice Melt, Coats, Jackets, Gloves etc. about every 4th year. We get a severe storm that has people buying the fuck outta Generators and Heaters.
Though to be fair to my area. Most of the time the folks freaking out are usually people ‘passing through’ as we’ve taken to calling it locally. They come in from out West, or down South for work at one or more of the local Corporate Offices. And Live here for a couple years. Before moving onto some other part of the country.
And if your caught with your metaphorical pants down as it were. Maybe your shovel broke or some other problem. Odds are good one of the Longtime Residents has extra Snow Shovels squirreled away in a Garage or Outbuilding they’ll lend you no questions asked.
I bought a genny this year; last year I nearly lost a deep freezer full of meat. We buy beef by the quarter here; there are many cattleman here; and beef is tasty, but expensive.
It’s not nearly as expensive as frozen pipes; in 2021 we replaced a cracked pipe, ship lap, and rotted floor.
Ice storms are worth preparing for; when I was a youth in NC we had a snow of the century event; and were without power for a week.
Anyway I think the fear is no good; but the preparation for the future is good.
Agreed. I bought, for the first time, outdoor spigot insulation. My instagram algorithm has been tailored to include home repair and construction. It's been a very useful tool, over the years.
Yes. Too much fear.
Sensationalist reporting. Even on YouTube. "Bro, this storm system is going to be unlike anything else!" "What they aren't telling you about this new weather front."
TV rots your brain.
Yes people have complex PTSD. Very sad. We gotta unwind em before 2030
Keep tightening until they wake or break.
Lived in upstate NY for many years. Always laughed at my siblings who stayed in VA and panicked if they predicted any snow there.
I will admit people don’t know how to drive in it and the south isn’t as prepared to clear roads as they are in upstate NY
Moved from WNY to just outside DC. Blizzard of '85 I had to pick up some meds. Made it out to the main road, down to the store. Cops inside asked if I could use my "4WD" vehicle to transport hospital personnel. I laughed my ass off as I got back into my manual tranny, Chevy Beretta, dropped it in low and headed home. I learned to drive in the Southern Tier!
Mad shopping at the mere mention of a storm drove me NUTS when I lived there. Always had powdered milk, stuff to make bread, and plenty of tp ALL the time! Not to mention firewood and propane cookers if needed.
NW Indiana: radar and hourly forcasts have shown blue and ❗️❄️ all day, but not one flake today. 🤔 We know it's AI weather forcasting these days, and it's better than the reverse (all clear but hit with large amounts of snow/ice)...but--C'MON. It feels like an alternate reality.
Media phyological warfare.
All week my google headlines have been non stop making sure i knew about a very bad snow storm that is coming.
This is a Utah custom. Every snowstorm is Snow-megeddon. Life will end on the planet, and we are all going to die.
The only thing that truly sucks (not including shoveling the driveway and sidewalks) is the Inversion. A snowstorm, or wind will clear out the smog; but the calm that follows usually means Inversions, and those are miserable.
I lived in Virginia for five years, i worked 4 miles from home... We got an inch of snow one time and i volunteered to close the shop, on my way home after 8pm i went by 7 vehicles off the road. IMO an actual snow storm in Virginia might as well be the apocalypse.
They ALWAYS DO and have now for literally years.
They have no clue how to drive in the RAIN, let alone snow, sleet or ice!
I can attest to that.
John Bolaris walks into a bar carrying an ancient weather model in one hand, and a video camera in the other. Bartender asks, "What'll it be?" Bolaris answers, "Armageddon".
I’m originally from NC; if you google “Snowpocalypse” you will find a photo from I-40, about 15 miles from my old house at the time.
Snow, cars wrecked, a fire on the interstate. NC is a special breed.
7 days of no power will do things to people.
Because every snowstorm is treated as the apocalypse now?
The dairy farmers and bread manufacturers conspired to get stupid people to raid the grocery stores every time it happens.
As a Vermonter, I am amused. Winter and it's weather does not stop us, if the school buses can do the backroads to pick up all the kiddos, in -10 degrees and a foot of snow on the ground, any area can follow. There is not much anyone can do about ice, except stay off f it, 4 wheel drive does nothing on ice. So you sand, you sand a lot, mix it with salt, the trucks are out before it freezes.Our local forecasters have jumped on the media wagon these past few years though. Storm warnings for 6 inches are a joke up here, it isn't a storm, it's just snowing. I understand that southerners are not used to it, but it is hardly the end of the world. If it's glare ice, do not drive, period. If it's snow, give yourself time to brake, go slow, keep your tires straight, dont jerk the wheel you will spin. Do not dress for the office, wear a hat and sensible boots, wear pants if you are a lady who wears dresses, long underwear helps, you can bring your dress clothing with you and change at work. People die of exposure in their cars because they are not dressed for the weather and get stuck. Keep those emergency blankets with you, carry a thermos of hot beverages. Be prepared.
It was like that for both hurricanes that hit FL last season. You can thank the media for the fear porn.
Granted, both hurricanes caused massive, widespread damage and took more than a few lives, but the fear porn was ramped up to an 11 during both events. It was hard to keep my friends and family calm. And these are people who were here during the drought fires of '98 (where half the state burned) and the '04 storm season (where we took 4 hurricanes in 3 months, 3 came during a 6 week period). To listen to th media and some of my friends and family, you would've thought the end was nigh.
It was disturbing to watch.
It's always been that way. The weather guy on channel 9, Topper Shutt, made a joke 'Bread'o'meter" to use in his snow forecast.