Jamie Ratskin needs to be impeached for saying ON CAMERA that the Demonrats would refuse to certify a Trump win and we could expect 'civil war conditions'. Same for AOC for calling Trump a rapist on X just before the inauguration. It's way past time to stop tolerating these CUNTS. Ratskin is an actual, legal, Threat To National Security and must be dealt with accordingly.
My initial reaction to your post was "Well, what would you do to her". But after considering it for about ten seconds, I say let's just let her be. She can talk, blather, and yammer all she wants, but if we wait for the Q plan to flesh itself out, we might just be surprised at what is in store for AOC. Certainly she has taken graft since she has gotten into office and I bet she will have to stand in court and answer for those payments. Yep, she will be charged with something, but we just have to sit in our reclining chairs and wait for the right time for her impending imprisonment. Let's just watch her squirm in the mean time, it will be delicious. Cheers, fren!!!
Upvoted for using Ratskin. I've been using that for a while and won't type it any other way - he deserves it.
Also - if we ever get to have Ratskin arrested we need to force him to tell us exactly what he used and did to cure his cancer. The man is so evil and has such a dark soul, whatever he did to have his cancer cured must be very powerful to work on a man as evil as him.
When it fails they should be personally charged for the cost. I am tired of our money being used to falsely charge OUR president and tie up everyone's time on bullshit.
Oh, let them begin the Articles of Impeachement and have Speaker Johnson force her to be the one and only spokesperson for this movement while on the House floor. I'd like to see how she babbles he way through a breakdown of charges against Trump and the look on her face when she is laughed off the lecturn because of her inability to cogently construct facts to support her claims. Idiot.
I guess its as good a reason as the other two bullshit charges. Since a President has pardon power, as specified in the U.S. Constitution, this is a joke, but that's what you get from clowns.
It's just more proof that elected officials have likely never read the the document.
I disagree (although I agree a president and any other govt worker can be retroactively impeached since it has been done at least twice). House Republicans need to work on Trump's agenda while they are still in the majority. Until the big stuff the Biden administration broke is fixed, they should do nothing else. It would be a huge waste of time and get us very little.
If the signatures on the pardons are questioned and it looks like a staffer issued the pardons, then - and only then - the reps should go after Biden on the pardons. Until it is accepted that he likely didn't issue them himself, there was nothing illegal about them according to precedent.
Grrr... AOC, I'm tired of having to pay attention to this liberal cow fart. Someone, anyone, make her go away. As in leave politics. I'm sure she's dirty, something about her campaign money getting laundered. Remember her retarded comments on J6.
Every Republican president since at least Reagan has had these same papers filed on them because Democrats are sore, pathetic losers and election deniers.
They can go F themselves. They didn’t care about Biden pardoning murders or his crime family or what the J6 committee did to over 1500 U.S. citizens. Raskin is a liar and is probably one of many on the list for using millions of taxpayer dollars to pay off sexual assault victims perpetrated by Congressional members. AOC is a bird brained, loud mouth, dumb as a rock woman.
They aren't even trying at this point. I could understand if they took the time to lie and say he broke some kind of non-existent law. But impeaching him for something he very clearly is legally allowed to do is just lazy.
There was a time that politicians were kept honest by the great tradition of tar and feathers. I miss those days.
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Don't we all!😂😂😂😂😂
Jamie Ratskin needs to be impeached for saying ON CAMERA that the Demonrats would refuse to certify a Trump win and we could expect 'civil war conditions'. Same for AOC for calling Trump a rapist on X just before the inauguration. It's way past time to stop tolerating these CUNTS. Ratskin is an actual, legal, Threat To National Security and must be dealt with accordingly.
My initial reaction to your post was "Well, what would you do to her". But after considering it for about ten seconds, I say let's just let her be. She can talk, blather, and yammer all she wants, but if we wait for the Q plan to flesh itself out, we might just be surprised at what is in store for AOC. Certainly she has taken graft since she has gotten into office and I bet she will have to stand in court and answer for those payments. Yep, she will be charged with something, but we just have to sit in our reclining chairs and wait for the right time for her impending imprisonment. Let's just watch her squirm in the mean time, it will be delicious. Cheers, fren!!!
Upvoted for using Ratskin. I've been using that for a while and won't type it any other way - he deserves it.
Also - if we ever get to have Ratskin arrested we need to force him to tell us exactly what he used and did to cure his cancer. The man is so evil and has such a dark soul, whatever he did to have his cancer cured must be very powerful to work on a man as evil as him.
When it fails they should be personally charged for the cost. I am tired of our money being used to falsely charge OUR president and tie up everyone's time on bullshit.
Oh, let them begin the Articles of Impeachement and have Speaker Johnson force her to be the one and only spokesperson for this movement while on the House floor. I'd like to see how she babbles he way through a breakdown of charges against Trump and the look on her face when she is laughed off the lecturn because of her inability to cogently construct facts to support her claims. Idiot.
No worries, I understand she may have acquired a new aid who was recently fired…forget her name…Kammablah or something like that?
Will they be able to view the resulting vote from their GITMO jail cells? Just wondering...
Intellects of a feather flock together. This is what PANIC looks like.
The other flock member, Omar is panicking, because she knows Kash has her in his sights, for illegally entering this country, by marrying her brother.
TBH. It took about 4 days longer than I expected it would
I guess its as good a reason as the other two bullshit charges. Since a President has pardon power, as specified in the U.S. Constitution, this is a joke, but that's what you get from clowns.
It's just more proof that elected officials have likely never read the the document.
House Republicans need to file articles of impeachment for FJB for his unlawful pardons.
A president can be retroactively impeached.
I disagree (although I agree a president and any other govt worker can be retroactively impeached since it has been done at least twice). House Republicans need to work on Trump's agenda while they are still in the majority. Until the big stuff the Biden administration broke is fixed, they should do nothing else. It would be a huge waste of time and get us very little.
If the signatures on the pardons are questioned and it looks like a staffer issued the pardons, then - and only then - the reps should go after Biden on the pardons. Until it is accepted that he likely didn't issue them himself, there was nothing illegal about them according to precedent.
Anyone with a brain knows FJB didn't issue those pardons.
And who says Congress can't do more than one thing at a time?
That is the biggest issue I've seen with a lot of Republicans, they think that Congress can only handle a single issue at a time.
There is a lot happening right now behind the scenes
LMAO… sounds like Pelosi and Obama are still calling the shots
This is not going to age well for these two NON PARDONED criminals.
Grrr... AOC, I'm tired of having to pay attention to this liberal cow fart. Someone, anyone, make her go away. As in leave politics. I'm sure she's dirty, something about her campaign money getting laundered. Remember her retarded comments on J6.
Did they ever consider that means BIDEN can now be impeached for pardoning his entire family? Lol
Wait so we can prosecute Biden for his pardons?
not this time you demonrat pos WE THE PEOPLE ar going to tar and feather your asses
What would be nice would be if Johnson would just completely ignore this.
Firstly,a question- were they awarded due process?
Now fuck off
I can't wait for the limited-edition tins of President Trump Peach Mints to be released.
She was almost raped
She needs to be impeached. Republicans better shit this shit down.
Let them waste their time and file articles of impeachment once a day. Every day they are foolish is a leftist red pill.
yep, let the purple hair nut jobs follow this for a while.
Every Republican president since at least Reagan has had these same papers filed on them because Democrats are sore, pathetic losers and election deniers.
Tell me you are irrelevant without saying you're irrelevant.
Someone n ds to file articles of impeachment on them, and articles of censure, and articles of removal.
They can go F themselves. They didn’t care about Biden pardoning murders or his crime family or what the J6 committee did to over 1500 U.S. citizens. Raskin is a liar and is probably one of many on the list for using millions of taxpayer dollars to pay off sexual assault victims perpetrated by Congressional members. AOC is a bird brained, loud mouth, dumb as a rock woman.
You mooks don’t get to do this again!
Tits for brains.
Good little soldiers.
They aren't even trying at this point. I could understand if they took the time to lie and say he broke some kind of non-existent law. But impeaching him for something he very clearly is legally allowed to do is just lazy.
Like that's gonna go anywhere
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.