2nd man has now been identified. I'm still seeing the only identifier of the pilot as 'woman pilot with 500 flight hours'. Why are they not releasing the name? It's all starting to make sense.
There are so many unhinged leftists that truly believe that Nazis are all over the place zieg heiling and amping up a new holocaust. They’re all fucked up and potentially dangerous. Heads on swivels.
I grew up in a religious and conservative house. I was homeschooled all but 2 years of my K-12 education. I considered myself a conservative until 2016. I’m still religious today.
I come from a family of service. My cousin is Ret. Admiral James O. Ellis Jr., former commander of United States Strategic Command who is now a fellow at the Hoover Institution. My great uncle served in the Army during WW2 in the Battle of the Bulge as a forward artillery observer. My grandfather served in the Navy during WW2 hunting submarines. My older brother served in the Army as an M1 Abrams tank operator in Iraq in 2003. Service is in my blood.
I joined the Virginia Army National Guard in 2009 as a 15G helicopter mechanic. I deployed to Iraq for Operation New Dawn in 2011 and earned the Air Medal for serving as a helicopter door gunner. I served in reserve operations in Guatemala in 2014 for Operation Beyond the Horizon, deployed to Kuwait in 2016 for Operation Inherent Resolve, and completed my BA in International Relations while deployed to Kuwait.
I’ve had symptoms of what I now know to be “Gender Dysphoria” since I was 5 years old. I learned early to hide these symptoms from my family because I thought they meant I was a bad person. This led to healthy and not-so-healthy coping mechanisms. I thought that if I could just be more religious, more successful, more manly… that I would cure my condition.
I got married, bought a house, helped raise a stepdaughter, played drums in the church band, and adopted a dog. All the things I believed a good man should do. And I really wanted to do those things, but I also secretly hoped it would fix me. It didn’t work.
In 2020, as a Staff Sergeant, I applied and was accepted into the Army’s Warrant Officer Flight Training program. I completed Warrant Officer Candidate School, SERE School (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape), and the UH60 Black Hawk helicopter course. During the Pandemic and flight training, I realized that I had repressed my gender dysphoria symptoms and was finally at a point in my life and career where I could face them. I sought therapy and learned what options were available. I returned home from flight school and flew with my unit for a year before taking next steps. After much counseling and discussion with my spouse, we agreed that for my health I needed to take steps towards transition.
In 2023 I sent an email to my command giving them notice that I intended to start transition under the current in-service transition policy. My commander called me immediately after receiving the email and offered his support. I was met with overwhelming support from my entire command team and it would be kept confidential until I was ready to officially change genders. During this time, I started hormone treatment and started slowly presenting female in private or on vacations. I was medically stable and deployable 2 months later. Not every transgender person needs or wants gender reassignment surgery.
In 2024 I came out to my unit and started presenting publicly as a woman. Once again, I was met with overwhelming support from my unit at large. For obvious reasons, I was nervous I’d be unwelcome or make other females feel uncomfortable with my presence in the barracks, restrooms, etc. Many female soldiers in my unit offered their support. Some even went out of their way to make me feel comfortable in their space.
I’ve paid out of pocket for all my trans-related care. The military hasn’t covered any of it. I recently underwent facial feminization surgery and was non-deployable for 6 weeks. This was considered an elective surgery and not deemed medically necessary for transition. Similar to anyone who gets a nose job or face lift.
Since I’m part time military, I’ve also had to balance military obligations while working full time in the private sector. When I’m called up for service or training, I make less money than I do in the private sector. I say this to stress that this is coming from a servant heart and not motivated by finances or promises of medical care.
I’ve served in the same unit for 15 years. I want to serve at least 15 more. I love my state and I love my country.
Jo has served 15 years in the Virginia Army National Guard. Her current rank and job title is Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) – UH60 Black Hawk Pilot. She has served in combat zones in Iraq and other operations overseas. She is a transgender woman and recently transitioned while serving in the military. When not serving her country, she works as an IT Engineer in the private sector and previously worked as the Digital Media Manager for Smerconish.com. She enjoys flying airplanes, racing cars, playing musical instruments, and skateboarding. The views and opinions presented are those of Jo Ellis and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or the Army.
That would make sense.. completely unstable "trump won i can't take it anymore", and crashes into plane on purpose. Did he survive so he can be tried? or was it a tranniekazie attack?
If this is the case, i think trump should get these people out of the military
I don’t even know what “transgender woman” means. Is it a man in a dress? With the recent ban on transgender in the military, rightfully so, maybe this was a suicide. Sucks for all those involved. Mental health people. Goes for trans, gay, whatever. They need mental health help, not BlackHawks to fly.
He took hormones, so yes. The human body is not designed to be pumped full of abnormal hormones from big pharma drug pushers. If you want a mental illness, that's how you get a mental illness.
And that's on top of the mental illness that prompted them to start taking hormones in the first place. I guess the estrogen just amplifies that mental illness.
This serious question needs to be looked at right away: How mentally unstable, dangerous and violent are transgenders overall?
Transgenders are dis-proportionally represented in serious crimes than other populations in committing murders and violence. Look at the school shooters, this pilot, etc.
It's like pit bulls. Pit bulls represent only 6.5% of the dog population but account for 67% of human fatalities from dogs.
Before you can fix a problem, you need to recognize a problem exists.
If all this is true, about the pilot being a mentally ill he/she, then he just proved Trump right - that they are mentally unstable and need to be removed from the military. If the son of a bitch wanted to kill himself, why murder an entire plane full of innocent people??
Fraxis™️@FakeGayPolitics 3h
not my own research, not yet verified by government sources
@Sinnahn3030 2h
And you obviously didn't read her article or listen to her interview. She isn't even in the active duty battalion group the helo was from. She is in the Virginia NG part time.
Hope you're enjoying the clicks and likes while an innocent person is being smeared.
Some craziness has happened on the internet and I’m being named as one of the pilots of the DC crash. Please report any accounts or posts you see. It’s insulting to the victims and families of those lost and they deserve better than this BS from the bots and trolls of the internet.
Yesterday at the briefing, Hegseth noted that there were three military personnel on board. A enlisted member, a chief warrant officer 2, and a captain. u/floridafrog and u/taqo link two articles in the comments below which identify a ssgt and a cwo2 as being killed in the crash. Neither of the two are this tranny. The Captain is still unidentified. The tranny above doesn't appear to be a Captain, so I don't think it's him.
The left has so lost the trans narrative now.
I did a dig on this earlier. It's very plausible this tranny was the pilot.
What is confirmed is that it was a "woman" pilot in training with about 500 flight hours.... Which matches this trannys profile.
3 people on board but they only release info on 1, happens to be white man
Lmfao Coulters law is in effect. Keep in mind he isn't listed as the person piloting the aircraft.
REQUEST: The radio that was published.... was a male speaking. Can someone voice match that with the voice of the tranny in this tweet?
Here's what I think happened:
Mentally unstable tranny finds out their career in the military is over.
Estrogen takes over.
Transitions into kamikaze pilot.
Not that stunning, not brave at all
2nd man has now been identified. I'm still seeing the only identifier of the pilot as 'woman pilot with 500 flight hours'. Why are they not releasing the name? It's all starting to make sense.
Is the tranny craze an MKultra product?
Most likely, yes.
There are so many unhinged leftists that truly believe that Nazis are all over the place zieg heiling and amping up a new holocaust. They’re all fucked up and potentially dangerous. Heads on swivels.
The last border agent killed was by a tranny.
Gross. Mentally defunct individuals. I feel for them. But, ultimately, they chose their path.
Clever choice of words.
Andy Ngo on the Trans Terror Cell operating in the US
Thank you. First thing that came to mind when I read it.
"First thing that came to mind when I read it."
...tis a sad state of affairs...
This look to be true according to bio. (no way in hell this person should have been in cockpit of a chopper in a highly congested traffic area)
I grew up in a religious and conservative house. I was homeschooled all but 2 years of my K-12 education. I considered myself a conservative until 2016. I’m still religious today.
I come from a family of service. My cousin is Ret. Admiral James O. Ellis Jr., former commander of United States Strategic Command who is now a fellow at the Hoover Institution. My great uncle served in the Army during WW2 in the Battle of the Bulge as a forward artillery observer. My grandfather served in the Navy during WW2 hunting submarines. My older brother served in the Army as an M1 Abrams tank operator in Iraq in 2003. Service is in my blood.
I joined the Virginia Army National Guard in 2009 as a 15G helicopter mechanic. I deployed to Iraq for Operation New Dawn in 2011 and earned the Air Medal for serving as a helicopter door gunner. I served in reserve operations in Guatemala in 2014 for Operation Beyond the Horizon, deployed to Kuwait in 2016 for Operation Inherent Resolve, and completed my BA in International Relations while deployed to Kuwait.
I’ve had symptoms of what I now know to be “Gender Dysphoria” since I was 5 years old. I learned early to hide these symptoms from my family because I thought they meant I was a bad person. This led to healthy and not-so-healthy coping mechanisms. I thought that if I could just be more religious, more successful, more manly… that I would cure my condition.
I got married, bought a house, helped raise a stepdaughter, played drums in the church band, and adopted a dog. All the things I believed a good man should do. And I really wanted to do those things, but I also secretly hoped it would fix me. It didn’t work.
In 2020, as a Staff Sergeant, I applied and was accepted into the Army’s Warrant Officer Flight Training program. I completed Warrant Officer Candidate School, SERE School (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape), and the UH60 Black Hawk helicopter course. During the Pandemic and flight training, I realized that I had repressed my gender dysphoria symptoms and was finally at a point in my life and career where I could face them. I sought therapy and learned what options were available. I returned home from flight school and flew with my unit for a year before taking next steps. After much counseling and discussion with my spouse, we agreed that for my health I needed to take steps towards transition.
In 2023 I sent an email to my command giving them notice that I intended to start transition under the current in-service transition policy. My commander called me immediately after receiving the email and offered his support. I was met with overwhelming support from my entire command team and it would be kept confidential until I was ready to officially change genders. During this time, I started hormone treatment and started slowly presenting female in private or on vacations. I was medically stable and deployable 2 months later. Not every transgender person needs or wants gender reassignment surgery.
In 2024 I came out to my unit and started presenting publicly as a woman. Once again, I was met with overwhelming support from my unit at large. For obvious reasons, I was nervous I’d be unwelcome or make other females feel uncomfortable with my presence in the barracks, restrooms, etc. Many female soldiers in my unit offered their support. Some even went out of their way to make me feel comfortable in their space.
I’ve paid out of pocket for all my trans-related care. The military hasn’t covered any of it. I recently underwent facial feminization surgery and was non-deployable for 6 weeks. This was considered an elective surgery and not deemed medically necessary for transition. Similar to anyone who gets a nose job or face lift.
Since I’m part time military, I’ve also had to balance military obligations while working full time in the private sector. When I’m called up for service or training, I make less money than I do in the private sector. I say this to stress that this is coming from a servant heart and not motivated by finances or promises of medical care.
I’ve served in the same unit for 15 years. I want to serve at least 15 more. I love my state and I love my country.
Jo has served 15 years in the Virginia Army National Guard. Her current rank and job title is Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) – UH60 Black Hawk Pilot. She has served in combat zones in Iraq and other operations overseas. She is a transgender woman and recently transitioned while serving in the military. When not serving her country, she works as an IT Engineer in the private sector and previously worked as the Digital Media Manager for Smerconish.com. She enjoys flying airplanes, racing cars, playing musical instruments, and skateboarding. The views and opinions presented are those of Jo Ellis and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or the Army.
Never heard of smerconish.com and it wasn't archived until the 29th
It's where he previously worked. Not sure why you would have heard of it.
When not serving her country, she works as an IT Engineer in the private sector and previously worked as the Digital Media Manager for Smerconish.com.
It's odd that they just published that article on the 28th, the same day as the crash. Was this his manifesto?
"Living as myself" my ass! More like, "living and pretending to be something I'll never be able to become" is more like it.
Thank you, my internet has been in and out all day.
That would make sense.. completely unstable "trump won i can't take it anymore", and crashes into plane on purpose. Did he survive so he can be tried? or was it a tranniekazie attack?
If this is the case, i think trump should get these people out of the military
This should be sticky fren. See my comment below.
Lets do itim unstickying.. i can validate your work, but i can't prove he was on it at that time.Thank you mod.
I don’t even know what “transgender woman” means. Is it a man in a dress? With the recent ban on transgender in the military, rightfully so, maybe this was a suicide. Sucks for all those involved. Mental health people. Goes for trans, gay, whatever. They need mental health help, not BlackHawks to fly.
The only thing a person can transition too is neuter.
He still have a penis undoubtedly.
Bio I pasted above says: Not every transgender person needs or wants gender reassignment surgery.
Trannyism is a deviant sexual fetish. Plain and simple.
Mentally ill?
He took hormones, so yes. The human body is not designed to be pumped full of abnormal hormones from big pharma drug pushers. If you want a mental illness, that's how you get a mental illness.
And that's on top of the mental illness that prompted them to start taking hormones in the first place. I guess the estrogen just amplifies that mental illness.
transgender woman means a was-man...
Not a woman but a was-man. Good term, I'm taking that one!
Maybe you are onto something here. Trump firing all trannies from the military, so fruitcake goes on a revenge/ suicide mission.
I wonder will a note / manifesto be found shortly.
Talk about validating your decision.
WOW! Gives new meaning to the word Cockpit.
Amazing that a factor like this, if true, is proving out a connection to the leftist agenda, and how it is putting lives at risk.
Trump brought up DEI knowing the media would go crazy. Now this will prove his point.
Dudes username is literally fakegaypolitics...."fake"....
Just saying.
I did a dig on this earlier. It's very plausible.
What is confirmed is that it was a "woman" pilot in training with about 500 flight hours.... Which matches this trannys profile.
3 people on board but they only release info on 1, happens to be white man
Lmfao Coulters law is in effect. Keep in mind he isn't listed as the pilot
Here's what I think happened:
Mentally unstable tranny finds out their career in the military is over.
Estrogen takes over.
Transitions into kamikaze pilot.
Not that stunning, not brave at all
new meaning to the FNG acronym. no longer f*cking new guy, but Fake and Gay...
This would explain President Trumps comments about DEI which many thought strange - he's so ahead of the curve its spooky sometimes.
We may have organized tranny faggot terror cells.
God damed Trannies. We need to treat them like the mentally ill terrorists they are.
for non x users: https://xcancel.com/FakeGayPolitics/status/1885151698311889223
Does this explain President Trump’s statement earlier today about DEI hires in positions that require high skill levels?
Unconventional tactics indeed.
Adams apple.
This serious question needs to be looked at right away: How mentally unstable, dangerous and violent are transgenders overall?
Transgenders are dis-proportionally represented in serious crimes than other populations in committing murders and violence. Look at the school shooters, this pilot, etc.
It's like pit bulls. Pit bulls represent only 6.5% of the dog population but account for 67% of human fatalities from dogs.
Before you can fix a problem, you need to recognize a problem exists.
So it was a suicide ride?
If all this is true, about the pilot being a mentally ill he/she, then he just proved Trump right - that they are mentally unstable and need to be removed from the military. If the son of a bitch wanted to kill himself, why murder an entire plane full of innocent people??
On further looking, I don't think this person was a pilot on the chopper.
Hi fren
I have removed this. Jo Ellis does not appear to be the pilot:
Tweet has been deleted!
another example of WHY WE VERIFY!!!
found in the X comments:
Fraxis™️@FakeGayPolitics 3h not my own research, not yet verified by government sources @Sinnahn3030 2h
And you obviously didn't read her article or listen to her interview. She isn't even in the active duty battalion group the helo was from. She is in the Virginia NG part time.
Hope you're enjoying the clicks and likes while an innocent person is being smeared. @Piper_truth1
The female in the photo posted is Maj. Gen. Jeannie M. Leavitt who retired in 2023. She is not who was on that helicopter. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/1952656/jeannie-m-leavitt/
Jo Ellis 53m ·
Some craziness has happened on the internet and I’m being named as one of the pilots of the DC crash. Please report any accounts or posts you see. It’s insulting to the victims and families of those lost and they deserve better than this BS from the bots and trolls of the internet.
I don't think so...
Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot Killed in D.C. Tragedy Identified as Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Eaves
That article also confirms that there were two pilots, and the the other one was a woman.
That does leave the door open for this tranny pilot theory to be true. We won't know for sure until the name of the other pilot is released.
Yesterday at the briefing, Hegseth noted that there were three military personnel on board. A enlisted member, a chief warrant officer 2, and a captain. u/floridafrog and u/taqo link two articles in the comments below which identify a ssgt and a cwo2 as being killed in the crash. Neither of the two are this tranny. The Captain is still unidentified. The tranny above doesn't appear to be a Captain, so I don't think it's him.
Grabbed the wrong control stick.
I would have thought it would have a better grip on things based on the size of those meat paws.
The song "Psycho Killer" just popped into my head as well. Can the FAA Biden appointee be held accountable for this?
Interesting if true, how come only one body admitted to? It’s strange.
A suicide?
Another tranny goes on the rampage and murders people. Instead of a gun, this one used a helicopter as a missile!
Saw this on X. Apparently she posted on FB that she wasn't involved. https://x.com/DMichaelTripi/status/1885322944206819447