I write this with a tissue stuffed up my nose and a strong feeling of malaise for like the 15th time since 2020. I KNOW they're somehow poisoning us (via fog or water or food or all of it) but I'm starting to wonder if my immune system is severely effed or if others are getting sick way more often as well? I am not vaxxed and havent even gotten the flu shot since some time in high school. I havent gotten a vax of any kind since HS actually. I used to get a mild cold/flu maybe once a year and got the true on your ass feel like death flu ONCE over the course of 15 years. however since the pandemic I am getting sick fucking constantly and it's pissing me off.
I take ivermectin pretty often - am I making myself immune to it? I just take 12mg when I'm feeling shitty along with all my natural stuff (lots of sunshine, quercetin, glutathione, lysine, zinc, vit c, echinacea, garlic, vits B, mushroom extracts w Lion's mane, cordyceps, etc, oil of oregano, etc...) but I feel like I get sick where I feel pretty damn bad like every couple months and that never happened before 2020.
please tell me I'm not alone?? I'm in L.A., Cali so I'd imagine they're trying to poison us extra but who knows. also wondering if all the vaxtards have created like 9450394583 mutations that are constantly going around? just trying to get a bit of a litmus test on how often other unvaxxed people are getting specifically since 2020. and also any advice, like if I'm overdoing the ivermectin maybe? just really want to hear others' experiences. thanks so much in advance frenz <3
Quite the opposite. My wife and I haven't been sick at all but everyone around us who have been jabbed are constantly getting sick
Ditto here. We're pureblood and haven't been sick at all since we both caught Omicron, but our adult children are vaxxed and are constantly getting sick.
I'M SO JEALOUS UGHHHHH. what state are you in? wondering how much shedding is ruining my immune system :<
I noticed vitamin D3 is not on your supplement list. It is crucial and dirt cheap. Edit: forgot to mention I got a cold I think once in the last 20 years or so. I got Covid early January 2021, low grade fever and fatigue, never got tested but lost sense of smell after 7-10 days, took 2 months to get it back 100%. Have not gotten sick since. Because I live in the 51st state-very little skin exposure to sunlight- I take vit D supplement (6500u.i./day). However it is easy to be deficient in vitamin D even in a sunny environment. Of course your plight might be caused by something else entirely. Just my 2 cents. I hope you resolve this issue soon.
You should take whole milk with vitamin D. The fat helps break it down.
If you take large doses of Vitamin D(d3), which I recommend at least for a few weeks (30k IU / day), you have to take it with vitamin C as well as K2. the K2 will keep the excessive serum vitamin D from pulling calcium from your bones and into your bloodstream. I believe the best form is mk7 (k2-mk7) and I also recommend you take nattokinase and/or bromelian and/or lumbrokinase. And since you (OP) have been hitting the natural antibiotics, it might be helpful to eat kimchi, drink kefir and take both a multispecies bacterial probiotic as well as a yeast probiotic (SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII)
thanks!! the only reason I dont take it is I live in L.A. so I get hours of direct sun on my skin every single day. very rare that a cloudy day prevents this - would you still recommend taking vit D dspite that?
You would have to get your healthcare provider to test the levels of vitamin D in your blood. The average level in the USA in between 20 and 40 nanograms per milliliter. Below 20 is considered deficient, 40 is barely adequate. Recent reliable studies have shown that levels of 60 to 80 ng/ml are optimal. The official recommended supplementation is 400 i.u.(international units), just enough to prevent rickets. To get optimal levels one needs to take more, between 5000 and 10,000 i.u. a day. Now there are some conditions, although rare, when one has a hard time converting vitamin D3 into its active form. Hence why it could be wise to be on the safe side and have your levels confirmed by your doctor. As other posters have noted, taking vitamin K2 (100-120 mcg) along with vitamin D acts synergistically to move calcium into the bones and out of soft tissues. Adequate intake of magnesium is also important. Sunlight is of course the best source of vitamin D. How much you make thru sun exposure depends on 1) how much time and how much skin is exposed, without sun blocking agents; 2) genetics: The darker the complexion, the less vitamin D one makes; and 3) the amount of body fat one has: more fat equals less capability to make vitamin D. Sorry for the long answer. :-)
Do you work around sick or shedding people?
I live in Los Angeles so I'm sure I'm surrounded by 98% vaxtards at any given moment 😩
You'll only know for sure if you get it measured.
I would approach this as if I had gotten the jab or could’ve had it forced without my knowledge (during other medical testing or procedures?).
Find a good vac detox protocol. Even if you haven’t had the vax you should still benefit a lot from it.
Really smart response! TNLadyPatriot! I suggest you try Masterpeace theladypatriot. https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/. It’s a detox protocol that uses zeolite and sea water drops twice a day to remove nano toxins, aluminum…. See what you think. After all the fires in LA it’s probably a good idea anyway!
amazing thank you so much for this rec, getting immediately!
thank you! thank God I have not had any procedure or any shot of literally any kind where they could've snuck me the injection - I am so paranoid I would 100% think that honestly LOL. but not possible, thankfully. but I will be looking into the detox protocol from shedding thank you!
Ha!!! I just noticed your name. Are we cousins?!
hahaha internet cousins~ I'm assuming you're in Tennessee which is so vastly superior to my state (california). I visited Nashville once and was like Y I NO LIVE HERE
Well come on back!!! :)
Not constantly, but every time within a week or two of the free flu shots at work. And it's not exactly like the flu, it's flu like symptoms without a fever.
So if you are around a lot of people getting flu shots and/or vaccines, it doesn't surprise me one bit.
And yes, they are poisoning us. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Don't drink the tap water without filtering it, or avoid it as much as possible.
i think every single gd person I know but myself and my husband are vaxxed :( I have to go into the office at work twice per week (remote rest of the time) and I know for a fact every single person there is vaxxed and the person I share an offie with is a regular booster getter (HOW PEOPLE ARE STILL THIS STUPID BAFFLES ME) so i def think i get a lot of shedding. perhaps i should wear nicotine patches mainly when im out/at work. those can easily make me feel sick so its tricky but it hink may be beneficial..
I'm in the onsite category, so always at work dealing with it.
The worst is the kids. They are always sick now. Everyone I know with kids are dealing with it constantly. It wasn't like that when I was a kid. Something would go around once or twice a year, flu, measles, whatever, and that would be it.
Unvaxxed, and no, not getting sick (except for one time a couple months ago).
This might sound odd, but I would change diet to eat only beef for 1 month.
See if that helps at all.
Also, get a Faraday cage/bag to park your phone when you are at home, and shut down wifi for your computer (use ethernet instead).
Possible that toxins are created by your diet and/or EMF's inside your home.
Make sure you have no mold.
Also, read this:
Not once, but I take ivermectin every few days and I have since 2020 so that may be why?
I suppose you could reduce the frequency, if necessary. Listen to your body. If you feel like you need a dose, do it. If you are literally squirting on the toilet, stop for a little bit.
If you are not taking it, maybe you should try vitamin K2. Works with D3, but if you get enough sun you won't need to take D3 as pills. But unless you are eating butter, or cream, and fatty cheeses made from the milk of grass fed cows, and meat and offal, especially liver (not often, once a week or every second week as it has lots of vitamin A too and that is something where too much is not better) from same, you may not get enough of K2. Well, or fermented foods, but it seems to be most plentiful in natto which frankly looks disgusting to me, and I am not overly fond of sauerkraut although I do eat it.
The problem with animal sources for that vitamin, or any vitamin, is that how much there is depends way too much on what the animals ate, and they are not fed well for anything but fast weight gain these days. And when it comes to vegetables or such, of course if the soil is poor even if the crops are given enough fertilizers to grow fast they may not have enough anything we need because the fertilizers used these days mostly are made just for that, to produce bulk and fast growth.
You can get K1 from greens, but while some of it turns to K2 inside us that seems to happen mostly in the lower intestines where it isn't all that available anymore.
I haven't had many colds since I started to take both D3 and K2 as pills, D3 because I live far enough north that I can get enough sunlight only less than half the year. So no, I haven't been sick after the beer bug any more than before it or during it.
i will add thank you! i dont take vit D but I get several hours of direct sun everyday (unless its cloudy which is not common in LA honestly)
You won't become immune to Ivermectin. It's necessary to have Ivermectin, end of. I see it as just another supplement. We take it if there is 'just a little gum thingie' or a headache. Recently, I discovered it heals bruises, and tweaked tendons (from the gym) really fast too.
We are suffering the rapid mutation too. Since 2020, every two months or so. But I am happy to report that we were down for two full weeks in 2020, but more recently, it has been a couple days. Sort of like calibrating the immune system.
You are doing all the right things, and hopefully the 'bugs' will have a lesser effect as we move into the future. The key is immune-support.
Try improving your diet - more meat, less carbs and junk. If you are overweight, concentrate on that: The fatter, the more prone to illness. Try sourcing some quinine or hydroxychloroquin to add to the list. We found that a huge support a year back or so.
One needs at least one dose of IVM per week, to deal with the shedding that is everywhere. That's the protocol in Africa, where the soil is riddled with parasites.
Everytime one goes into the public spaces. I think the supermarket is OK, given how frequently one goes there, and if one washes one's vegetables, but a council-meeting or a PTA meeting? Ivermectin. Visiting an old-folk's home? Ivermectin. Shook a stranger's hand? Wash hands. Ivermectin when you get home.
^We have an unvaxxed household.
thanks so much and yes this is how i take the ivermectin too actually! can yo let me know how much you take? i have 12mg and typically just take 1 of those per day but curious if i need more. also what dose for hydroxychloroquine? thanks in advance!!
So some techno stuff:
The recommended dosage is one oral dose of 200 micrograms of ivermectin per kg body weight, so for example, someone over 80 kg (176 lbs) the dose will be 18 mg.
The Mayo clinic is more conservative. For that same 180lb-odd person the dose is recommended at 12mg for 'river blindness' and one single 18mg for a worm infestation in the gut.
The drugs.com site goes into more detail: For example, there was a study in Papua New Guinea that doubled the regular dose for the treatment of Elephantitis. https://www.drugs.com/dosage/ivermectin.html
The safety sheets mention side effects as a result of die-off. So if there is a serious infestation of parasites, there might be a rash or other symptoms 'from the drug' - it is actually from the toxic bi-products from the infestation as it dies, and briefly loads your bloodstream with yuck-stuff. I have never experienced that, however. The only 'side effect' I have experienced is easier trips to the toilet, which is a bonus IMO.
Mind you, Mayo clinic is waxing on about avoiding alcohol and tobacco when taking Ivm. I don't drink, so there's that. But from what I've read, tobacco, or more accurately, nicotine, acts in a similar pathway as Ivermectin in that it blocks some ACT cell-receptors - to wit - there was a study of smokers in hospital who were given nicotine-patches vs. others who weren't. the nicotine patch lot all survived the covid, while the hospital had some deaths amongst the no-nicotine crowd (when they were smokers before).
I found that Hydroxychloroquin is quite difficult to get ahold of (Prolly just DJT denial syndrome TBH), unless you import it from India or somesuch. There is quinine, and a good dose of it, in some of the 'upmarket' brands of tonic water. So we like the Fever tree brand which is the most expensive one. Schweppes is ok, but a bit too sweet for my taste. The fever tree brand atually looks a little blueish in the bottle. Just remember that the English Bwanas (i.e. lording it in India or Malaya), in Victorian times, used to drink gin-and-tonic at sundown EVERY day, to ward off Malaria.
thank you thank you!!!
HCQ is hard to source (prescription). You can achieve the same thing with quercetin and EGCG with zinc
oh awesome thank you for that tip!!
Imo you're overdoing the supplements. Any detox/prophylactic regimens should be minimal, so as not to mess up your normal energy levels. No judgement ... I was a supplement junkie for almost 2 years after covid started. But a round of nicotine patches was enough to make me feel clean, and I ditched them all after that.
Go for a clean keto or better yet carnivore diet, plenty of water with sea salt, and you'll perk right up.
Interesting that nicotine comes up a lot when people talk about improving health.
Worked for me. I had been getting recurring sickness just like u/theladypatriot, but the patch put an end to that, and I was very happy to ditch all the supplement pill bottles.
i have read that the nicotine molecules fight for (and win) the same receptors that get clogged with covid shit so this makes sense. do you regularly use nicotine patches or once every ___ orrr..? thanks in advance!
I've done it 2 times in the past 2 years.
The first time I did a 3mg patch for about 10 days. I think that was around 10/23. Honestly that was enough. I had been going through different detox protocols, including ivermectin, and NAC + bromelain + zinc, and I had done one or two others, being quite strict with them. But I think those protocols just kept my symptoms at bay--- because a few weeks after stopping, I'd start getting fatigue again, and mild breathing difficulty if I waited longer. But after the first round of nicotine patches, I felt well, and felt no further need for any supplements at all.
I don't use them regularly. I did another set for 2 full weeks in early 2024, but it was more to accompany my son than for any reason on my own, as I felt he had covid-like symptoms that would benefit from the patches, and I was demonstrating that they were harmless. I still haven't gone back to any supplements.
The theory about out-competing the covid pathogens was put out first by Dr Ardis as far as I know, and that's how I heard about it. You can find a lot more testimonials about it by searching "nicotine" on the GAW search bar. Hope that helps, and feel free to ask anything else.
Haven't gotten sick since before CV. I had the 24 hr. Flu in 2012. Put me in ER, given morphine three times; thought I was going to die feeling. But I'd been caregiving for my Mom and working until she passed. My immune system was shot.
But, the last five years I've traveled less, not gone to doctors or dentists, stopped all my prescriptions and have improved my eating habits, stopped dying my hair and using "chemicals". I actually stopped all my supplements and vitamins too as I realized I was putting blind trust in them also.
Just trying now to get all my nutrition naturally; food, sun, exercise, sleep. Also, using more baking soda (for toothpaste) vinegar, homemade quercetin, etc.
My body has been detoxing just by not putting the above in my body.
Hope you get some relief soon Fren.
I have had some small sniffles since 2020 and a stomach crud once but, never anything too bad. When covid went through our area and people I know, I got insane sneezes for a day first time and second time, my nose ran like a faucet for a few days and in December, I did lose my sense of smell and taste for a week after another head cold that, wasnt enough to have me in bed even and never got into my lungs (at all for any time been sick) just head stuff ups and runs and no real fever noticed. My allergies on the other hand seem to have increased, eye itch and stuffiness and ears have "clogged up" at times.. I kinda feel like I am under attack with how often "allergy symptoms" come up of late, body is reacting to something but, not like an all out Flu or cold thing. I dont take meds for allergies, never have had problems with them in the past and the one time I did take a med a chunk of years back for it, it shot my blood pressure and heart rate up so... yeah, never touch that stuff lol. I take reg aspirin every once in a while but, that is about it. Vit D is one thing I do keep up on because, my vit d did crash out about 9years ago now and I smoke. heh.
Yes. I caught original strain Covid in Jan. 2020 in Vancouver (it was very mild but weird, unlike any sickness I’ve ever had). I was never injected and I have been suffering from debilitating illness since plus my immune system is messed up. It really started to get bad for me when I spent time around my vaxxed family members when they first rolled them out and I seriously suspected spike protein shedding. I’ve done all the ivermectin protocols with all the supplements and they really didn’t noticeably help. All I can do is manage pain and symptoms as best as possible and trust in the Lord.
I have my own theories but I don’t want to fearmonger. Not to mention many here believe that Covid was a total hoax.
What I will say is that they 100% accomplished what they set out to do with the mass injections and now they are just biding their time. It’s why we have record illness and death right now and crickets from all governments and health agencies.
But everyone I know, vaxxed and unvaxxed (in countries around the world) have experienced the worst colds/flus/infections in their lives over the past month.
Try nicotine. See my other comments in the thread. I had a similar situation to yours. Worked for me.
exactly people are sick fucking constantly now i feel!! I am unvaxxed and havent had any sort of procedure where i was put under or anything where they could've even sneakily injected me. but i am around vaxxed people CONSTANTLY and I'm sure living in L.A. makes any public outing mostly surrounded by these idiots. they're for sure poisoning us.. I'm just hoping Trump & this whole DOGE thing can cut off funding for however tehy're doing it. siiiighh...
Based on earlier conversation it sounds like you are off the merry-go-round of suppliments etc., but just wanted to pass this along.
Might look into this guy: https://www.petermcculloughmd.com/
He has a supplement regimen that might help. It is a combo you don’t have to purchase from him - it is all available OTC or online.
Purported success with ‘long covid’ sufferers. No experience with it however it would probably be the 1st thing I would try if I had ‘long covid’.
The IVM has helped me only in early (1st day or two) of symptom onset. I use oregano oil now at 1st day of symptoms (sinus / throat) until they disappear. It has worked well for me personally for a few years. Others in my household have been fairly worse off in general and choose to suffer over the unpleasantries of the oregano oil. I don’t mind it at all now, but it isn’t for everyone.
Thanks. I’ve been following Dr. McCullough since 2021.
Incidentally, in another thread regarding health, someone suggested nicotine. So nicotine is the next big supplement to look at. I’m calling it again now - organic nicotine (aka cigarettes), lol.
Have you tried his long covid protocol (McCollugh)?
Yeah - I know - re: nicotine😀 / latest craze.
I won’t dismiss it though.
There was some research very early on by ‘the ethical skeptic’ who found a markedly less incidence of cov with those who were smokers. Since then some researchers have said nicotine blocks the certain receptors so cov is less prevalent among those who use it.
Then again, this could ALL be noise to keep us all busy searching - who knows?
I’ll continue oregano oil as it has been very effective for me personally. Has virtually eliminated my seasonal illnesses, but only if used early, not as a treatment per-se once something is respitory / bronchial.
Thanks. Yes, I have.
I don’t think it’s all noise. I just see the lines between “healthcare” and what Revelation calls “pharmakeia” blurring more and more every day - eroding our trust in Heaven alone.
These bodies we have are like baby teeth. As we mature they become really irritating and painful right before we ask our Daddy to yank them. No sense seeing a dentist, getting freezing injections and fillings, and paying a small fortune for a tooth that’s about to be replaced with a permanent adult one.
I realize that’s an oversimplification. If I had a cure I would obviously take it - and I have tried many. I am grateful for what helps. However, my focus is primarily on my eternal metaphysical health at this point.
Understood / makes sense.
Much success on your path and continued Peace.
No, just once. I caught sick from a man I care for in my private home, he had gone on a weekend with his guardian, and spent 4 days with a sick person, (who should not have gone with them), he caught a bad upper respiratory, and me, of course being the caregiver came down with it. My son and I contract with an agency to provide room board and care for a man with CP and Autism, and it's impossible to stay away from him if he is sick, very much like having a sick child. Other than that, knock wood, we are good. I am a hermit, take LOTS of supplements, and don't really go anywhere except to a local market and run errands. We wash our hands good. I also take turmeric regularly. I have an auto immune disease from long term Lyme, so I take all the things one can take to protect myself. But,as I said, I am a happy introvert whose social life consists of gabbing with neighbors at the market or farmers markets.
Personally not been sick once and no jabs in any of my family. Have you taken precautions for all the dioxins that has contaminated the LA area over the past 5 years? If not, please research. There doesn’t need to be an active wildfire, which is a major source of dioxin contamination. There has been numerous warnings issued since 2020. The smoke contaminates the soil and water so if you are active outdoors you are sucking this into your lungs which is not healthy.
i have NOT thank you so much, will look into the dioxins. in all these commets the main thing im not diong that im seeing a lot of are these various detoxes so i think thats my main goal now.
Yeah, was going to mention this, with all the fires that have gone on, there is a LOT of crud in the air still from it being all over the ground and everything so, every time the wind blows it is going to kick it back up into the air. it has settle on the ground and in the water it will take a while for it to naturally filter out of the environment enough to be not affecting things.
Stay inside on chems days.
Get sun as much possible ( ur doing that - check ).
Lotta Vitamin D ( more than regular doctors recommend ).
Avoid vaxxed ppl as best as u can.
Detox protocol. Spirulina Chlorella, edible bentonite clay, avoid tap water at all costs, but stay hydrated ( electrolytes ). Lot more u can do besides these.
Good diet ( no sugar & processed food ), eat real food. Meat, eggs, chicken, fish, etc.
Regular exercise.
Sauna if possible. Sweat is good and we don't do it enough. There are cheap mobile units that take up no space and fold up.
Red light therapy. Boost immune, better sleep, and more.
Proper sleep and enough of it.
Destress. Stress doesn't fix anything so why do it. Control what u can and let go of what u can't.
Clean water filters on taps and showers.
Clean you air filters or ducts.
Run an ozone machine once in awhile. Buy your own or rent one.
Get a grounding mat or do it outside.
These are just good practices in general we used. Still a battle to keep on top of it all. Have not been more sick post covid tho - Thankfully.
We used to take ivermectin and fenben 5 days on 2 off. now we just do 7 days of both at the same time once a month or when symptoms arise.
Good luck. Get well soon and update us as u get more info.
thanks so much! I'm doing almost all of these but need to add the detox protocol and not ea the processed foods. I eat like SUPER well half the time but love a trashy snack and need to cut them out. where do you get your fenben? the 2 online Indian pharms i order ivermectin from dont have it. thanks again!!
Fenbenlab. I'll refrain from posting direct links as I'm not sure about protocol around here anymore. U can search upper right for fenbendazole and all of us have consistently posted fenben, ivermectin, and HCQ sources.
I chose fenbenlab cuz tons of good reviews and have stringent prep and standards.
I have used Indian and Canadian sources for other meds for years and had no issues at all, but for fenben I use fenbenlabs. I think they are on Amazon now too.
thank you!!!!
I'm unvaxxed and haven't had a cold or the flu since 2020. People I know who were vaxxed have had colds and the flu a lot. My allergies are much worse. Probably because they are poisoning us in some manner (air, water, both?) and it sets my allergies off.
I hope you feel better soon.
Adding raw milk to our diet has been a game changer for my wife and me.
This website ...
.. has a lot of good information. Plus, it has a "Raw Milk Finder" button to click on. You enter your state and then can enter a maximum distance from your zip code. It looks like there are several sources around the L.A. area.
It angers me that I was a little "mentally queasy" about drinking it at first because of the brainwashing from the cabal. Now I absolutely love it and haven't gotten sick once sense (I also take everything on your list).
Just checking in with my 2 cents. I hope you have good health.
oh awesome thank you!!! I will DEFINITELY add this to my stack. being in L.A. does have its advantages sometimes and it should be suepr easy for me to find a spot close by to get it. :)
I got a pretty bad case of covid in Dec of 21. I got frequent colds and sinus infections after that until Feb 24, before covid I had always been healthy. I finally hit on a good supplement regime for me and havent been sick in the last year. Daily; vitamin B complex, suglingual B-12, vitamin C blend with querzetin and zinc, vitamin D, Vitamin K. When my grandkids come around with their schoolage germs I take extra C several times a day ( your body expels what it doesnt use).
I wasted a lot of time and money with lots of different things but this regime works for me with the least amount of pills. I also only buy natural with fewest ingredient. My spouse and I do ivermectin only 2x year for parasite protocol. Hit me up if you want brands I use, if you experiment, try for a month and listen to your body if it still needs something or didnt feel a difference. I agree with the suggestion to detox as though you were jabbed, I didnt do that but would have saved me some time I think.
thank you!! i am curious about brands bc I take those things as well (though needto add K) and wondering if I just need better brands perhaps..
I will get them to you when I am home at the end of the week - traveling with a pill box right now. 🇺🇸
thank you so much!!!
Get the hell out of California!
I've gotten sick but I work around kids and they are always sick, so I'll get a sore throat congestion for like 2 days and I'm good.
The only time I got really sick was when spending 2 hours in close quarters with someone recently boosted in 2022. I immediately took an antihistamine that Friday morning, started HCQ, stayed in bed with horrible pain in every cell of my body Fri & Sat, and by Monday I was much better. Went to an ENT who stuck a covid test swab up to my brain before I knew what he was doing. Learned my lesson that time. A few times after spending time in a group of people, have woken up the next morning with what I would call allergy/ coming down with something feeling. Immediately take my normal dose of ivermectin (horse paste) and by afternoon feeling well again.
I stay away from recently boosted / flu shot people and anyone coughing. If I'm around a group, I'll take a dose of ivermectin later that day and use a saline sinus rinse. I take a high dose (50,000 ui) of Vit D weekly. Vit K-MK4 daily. I rinse my hands with clean water often, and ALWAYS when I get home from "somewhere". I don't use the smelly hand cleaners of any kind. I get all my drinking water from the reverse osmosis water dispensers at the grocery store. Bought the 5 gallon jugs and quite a few of the 1 gallon jugs first, then refill them, and replace after using them a while. NEVER drink tap water unless it's served to me at a restaurant, and most I go to filter their water. Our water in this area frequently smells of bleach, so tap water is very noticeable. Keep my air filters clean, changing more often than normal. Have a UV light that operates with the A/C. I'm more careful to use a mask or nose filter when raking leaves or working in the woods, and going in dusty or musty smelling thrift stores.
I used to get horrible allergies for the entire winter, several times ending up in the ER from total exhaustion or fluid in my lungs. This had gone on for about 40-50 years. Since starting taking ivermectin about once a month, and doing the above, so far, I haven't had any respiratory problems during the winter. My "winter allergy" (caused from dry leaves) went away. Though I still have an occasional cough that started several years ago right after spending 2 days in the car with a cousin who had a cough and had recently been to Germany.
A lot of the vaxxed people around me who shoved aside my attempts to let them know about HCQ are now getting sick almost monthly, and are missing a lot of events due to a "cold". Somehow I can't feel sorry for them due to their attitudes. University environments do something bad to decent adults.
C heck to see if you are close to any 5G towers. We had them go up in 2022 right beside our house and health problems galore right after through 2023. It took that long to figure out what was the cause of the change because we are both unvaxxed and neither of us got sick ever. Then over several months we seemed to age 20 years and sick constant. Finally clued in because inlaws would come stay a week and have nose bleeds and bad headaches within a day or two of staying. We sold and moved to the country and health went straight up ever since and immune system is back.
theres one about 3 blocks from here - thats closer than i'd like but hopefully not too close?? how close ws yours?
No. I did get sick during the weird fog though. Maybe do that Fenben clean out that was posted here the other day.
A friend just sent me an email with this book recommendation;
Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants is Good for Our Health
I haven't read it, of course, but just scanning the description and comments at the Amazon page is a reminder ('cause we all already know this, really) that being in nature, keeping plants in the house, physically handling organic soil, and so on strengthens the immune system and improves health in many ways. There's plenty of scientific evidence for this, and while the effects aren't always dramatic they definitely are worth seeking.
yes my house is full of plants and i go outside as much as possible!! thanks for the rec!
I’m not ‘sick’, but my sinuses are constantly sore and stuffed up with lots of congestion/coughing. I do think something is weird with the air.
agreeeeeeed :<
Don't discount the effects of stress. The last 5 years have been very stressful.
Somewhere I heard that medicines cure illness by forcing it deeper into the body. Dr. Hulda Clark believes that many supplements are contaminated. So maybe less is more. One thing I did that I thought was effective was eating one fresh orange each day.
But I think it's more likely that you are catching stuff from sick coworkers. I remember my college days. If my roommate got sick then I was basically guaranteed to get sick. Going to class or the cafeteria for an hour was not enough to cause infection. I believe there were studies done for covid that confirmed that. Maybe you could get a HEPA filter or Corsi-Rosenthal Box for your office.
ya I should probably take more note of this - I got an extremely stressful high paying job in beginning of 2022 and despite my best efforts on health I'm sure tahts kicking my ass at some level. a filter in my office is a great idea though thank you!!
Ok what’s your diet look like? Try eating carnivore. Meat meat meat. Cut the carbs and the veggie out. Remember the FDA is run by vegans and vegans are sickly. Try it for 30 days see how you feel. Keep your electrolytes up add salt to your meat eggs fish diary. Plenty of good filtered water. Look it up do your research Shawn Baker, zero carb life and many many others. Ken Berry MD.
i eat red meat as much as I can but I def need to work on cutting out processed foods. my job is super demanding so its tough and a lot of times I will opt to use my limited time to work out vs cooking from scratch. I feel os much better when i work out in a way that is even more noticeable than food. I need to look up all the Pinterest short cuts for home made stuff to really slice out the processed crap..
I have been well, but a relative in LA (vaxxed) has been getting sick a LOT.
I feel like we are getting poisoned so much worse here and I want to leave but it's not so easy to pick up and leave for us work-wise. I continue to peruse our options..
Did you husband or boyfriend take the shot? Almost like you got a dose of spike proteins from someone shedding.
no thank god he didnt. it was a BIG hit for him professionally to not do it as well but thankfully we btoh were on board with that choice bc a few years of work decline is better than a lifetime of FUCKEDness
You are not alone. I have been sick 3 times since November with all turning into Bronchitis and this last time starting to turn into pneumonia. Just finished the antibiotics in addition to several homeopathic remedies but this time I can’t shake the coughing and feeling like I have had all energy removed. Mentally and physically I feel ok just constant coughing and so tired it’s all I can do to get up. I took ivermectin the first time but was afraid of building immunity against it so I have not used it since November.
I too wondered about shedding. Most around me took the first Vax with a couple taking a second but none took any booster after that. And I have done the FLCCC protocol a couple times over the past few years. I have been taking several supplements including vit D for 10+ years after being told I was deficient. I eat healthy and organic when possible. I just can’t figure out why I’m constantly sick the past 6 months and I’m worn out from all the coughing.
I was unfortunately really into genealogy many years ago and was an early participant in 23 and me. It helped me find a couple of relatives but over time and especially the past 9-10 years I have requested all my data be destroyed but something in the back of my mind wonders if they used some of that data to develop some of the more recent viruses.