Were you wondering how long it would take for them to start complaining about the loss of USAID monies.
Pope's Aid Man Suggests USAID Has 'Commitments' on Funds
Monday, 10 February 2025 07:16 AM EST
Pope Francis' point-man on migration and development has urged the Trump administration to remember Christian principles about caring for others, saying people are being "terrorized" by the U.S. crackdown on migrants and vital church-run aid programs are being jeopardized by the planned gutting of USAID.
Cardinal Michael Czerny, a Czech-born Canadian Jesuit, is one of the cardinals most closely associated with Francis' pontificate and heads the Vatican office responsible for migrants, the environment, the church's Caritas Internationalis charity and development.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Czerny said every incoming government has the right to review its foreign aid budget, and to even reform an agency like USAID. But he said it is another thing to dismantle an agency after it has made funding commitments.
"There are programs underway and expectations and we might even say commitments, and to break commitments is a serious thing," Czerny said Sunday. "So while every government is qualified to review its budget in the case of foreign aid, it would be good to have some warning because it takes time to find other sources of funding or to find other ways of meeting the problems we have."
USAID is the main international humanitarian and development arm of the U.S. government and in 2023 managed more than $40 billion in combined appropriations. The Trump administration and billionaire ally Elon Musk have targeted USAID hardest so far in their challenge of the federal government: A sweeping funding freeze has shut down most of USAID's programs worldwide, though a federal judge on Friday put a temporary halt to plans to pull thousands of agency staffers off the job.
One of USAID's biggest non-governmental recipients of funding is Catholic Relief Services, the aid agency of the Catholic Church in the U.S., which has already sounded the alarm about the cuts. Other programs, including Caritas international programs at the diocesan and national levels, are also being impacted directly or indirectly, Czerny said.
"I think people are still reeling from the news and beginning to figure out how to respond," he said.
While large, the USAID budget is less than one percentage point of the U.S. gross domestic product and a fraction of the biblical call to tithe 10% of one's income, Czerny noted.
Czerny acknowledged Francis has often complained about Western aid to poor countries being saddled with conditions that may be incompatible with Catholic doctrine, such as programs promoting gender ideology. The Trump administration has said it is targeting these "woke" programs in its USAID cuts.
"If if the government thinks that its programs have been distorted by ideology, well, then they should reform the programs," Czerny said. "Many people would say that shutting down is not the best way to reform them."
Could someone tell the Pope that USAID us under new management! Kek
Matthew 19:21 KJV: Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
That makes US taxpayers slaves, does it not?
There are people who will argue till you’re blue in the face that only 1800’s style chattel slavery is real slavery and anyone claiming this is just paranoid.
Time to put them back to their “Special Needs” class.
Your Social Security number is your slave ID
The Catholic Church's & The Vatican's attitude of entitlement to US Taxpayer dollars is disgusting.
There isn't one shred of gratitude for Americans' generosity in Czerny's statements.
But we know catholicism does not believe the Bible is the Living Word of God. "Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and give to God the things that are God's" Mark 12:17 Lincoln, our greatest Christian President warn the enemy is Rome
Someone once told me that Caesar and the governments of the world are owed nothing. This was because they were directly compared to God, who owns everything. One must own nothing if the other owns and has rightful claim to everything, which does God not? What's your take on that line of thinking?
If you don't mind my response...I would use the reply of Jesus to Pilate. "My kingdom is not of this world or else my servants would fight for me." Also in Hebrews 11:38 talking of all thr travesty experienced by Christians "...of whom the world was not worthy. They wondered in mountains, in dens and caves of the Earth."
Jesus wasn't here to cause a political uprising but a spiritual one. I would say spiritually you are correct and I would die before I worship some cuck pretender as God. But as for physical monies, if some king wants his tax, I will pay it and rely on the Father of Lights who gives "Every perfect gift from above." (James 1:17). I know that this answer my infuriate some who would chastise me for not helping fight the revolution against the British but I would and it would have been because of their heavy handedness towards the innocent, the fatherless, and the widow. I think there is a time where Christians are called to stand up but for a tax, if I'm going to utilize scripture and not my own want for revolution against commies I'd have to say I wouldn't because I couldn't support it by the life Jesus lived.
Thank you for a honest and detailed answer. It puts things in an interesting light.
You're very welcome brother! It would be a great thing to talk about over a tea and coffee as it could go very deep indeed. I personally have to buffet myself to focus on the spiritual side of things at times because the physical side of life would drive me mad especially if that's all I thought I had. I would have been Frank Castle a long time ago if I didn't know God.
Hear, hear! I suppose since 2020, there has been a hardening of the heart, I can feel detached from events that go on, as I didn't follow the election closely. The plan and God's victory are in my thoughts, but the details don't fully concern me. It might make the emotions in the physical world all the more intense and devolved when they do rear their head.
Shutting them down, is the ONLY way to reform them. Sorry Holy man, you are retarded.
I don't care for criminal grifters who wave the flag of their home country and take away needed support for USA citizens!
Turn off their funding and deport them all!
No. The papacy is quite wealthy, we do not need to subsidize their charitable works.
The Pope should start selling its property and its artwork to cover any deficits it is and will be experiencing.
Cry me a river.
Religious grifters, go figure!
The Roman Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest entities on the entire planet. Why do they need U.S. taxpayer money?
Trump took his gold
This. Apparently "ill gotten" gold, we're patiently awaiting the full accounting.
If we had the Vatican's money we would throw ours away.
Tell us about the vows of poverty again.
Sell some property pope. No more u.s. rax dollars to fund your Satanist agenda.
Open archive for the public. We demand to see all the scrolls and hidden books not included in The Bible!!!!
Who made the flair "Masshole"?
LOL. I said the same thing and yet somebody downvoted both of us (for having a sense of humor apparently)
What a masshole
If they feel so strongly about this they are always welcome to sell off those gold graven images which one could say go against the religion anyways and fund all they want to their little (tiny) hearts content.
Smh hypocrites
LOL! And kudos to whoever came up with that flair!
Funny. At first I thought it was for Massachusetts, where priests were regularly moved around to avoid prosecution. It's actually like moving one's cows around to graze new fields. Perhaps the true intention is to increase pedophilia.
I took it as "mass" (like Catholics attending Sunday "mass" since we're talking about the pope in this post.) The M just added to the derogatory terms for A-hole
I love this, it's like a catch 22, anyone who complains exposes themselves and the media/deepstate can't justify it!
The worthwhile projects funded by USAID are still happening. In fact, projects that had been ignored are finally being done.
Hey Pope, it's your turn to be charitable. We've given enough, now kindly fuck off.
Let those who are Communists follow the communist rules. Don't let them speak for God. God has spoken recently and shown his approval for Trump and Trump's actions.
The pope is supposed to cover religion, not politics. Where was he when the bishops were moving around pedophile priests to avoid their prosecution? And why is the Catholic church approving abortion? Jesus loves children--ALL children. If religion and morality are the proper focus of the Catholic church, then why have they not prevented abortions and rapes worldwide?
"Trump administration to remember Christian principles about caring for others". Trump 45~47 is doing the Christian principle thing and taking care of Christian Americans Muslim Americans ect ect. America First not Rome First. Pope better sell some properties.
I like Trump’s simplistic approach: DELETE as the best reform.
Jesuit shitstain grifter masshole parasite blasphemer money whore in a robe.
If a Jesuit is speaking, they are forwarding their agenda.
How can he say he wasn’t warned it was gonna happen when Trump has campaigned for four years and was elected in November and it’s now Feb so several months of warning
Didn't they just build a giant snake church? WTF.
Shut up Cardinal. It's none of your effing business what our President does. How about raiding the coffers of the Vatican and giving to the poor? There, fixed it for you.
Matthew 19:21 Matthew 19:21 KJV: Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
Any irony that we have the first Jesuit pope in history, against custom? Panic much? They have seen this coming, but NCSWIC.
That's fair if the money has been committed. So all you need to do is open up the books and see what they have been spent on.
The dark pope, um I mean pedophile masshole (hat tip to ai0tm) has billions in commitment from his many parishioners across the world to do God’s work. How about those commitments. FU Francis.
Perhaps Trump can find a way to force the church to make Archbishop Vigano the pope.
Vatican can open its vaults and pay for it with the loot they have accumulated over the centuries.
Why don’t you open up your own pocket books? We don’t owe anybody anything unless they are a US citizen.
Is he serious.?
So, now the Pope thinks we're OBLIGATED to send that money out? Sorry NO
Time to money to mouth