I'm pretty sure this will be the start of it. I expect a war to break out the minute a major politician is arrested. Fortunately, I've been wrong about everything so far :-).
I cannot wait to see those lists though ... That's gonna wake a hell of a lot of people up. People have an idea of what kind of filth Epstein is, but few have an idea of Sean Combs depravity as well as those in his inner circle. Even fewer are aware of his political ties (especially to Obama). This guy was a child trafficker among many other disgusting "businesses".
You know why God has an awesome sense of humor (among many things :-))? Sean Combs ran MTV's "Vote or Die" campaign on the channel during POTUS election years. They likely pissed away billions trying to get the youth vote to turn out. They failed.
Barron Trump got his dad +40% MORE of the youth vote just by suggesting where his dad should talk. That kid is brilliant! :-)
I have a feeling Diddy will be the first nationally televised public execution ... I'd air it on MTV personally ... Call it "Didn't Vote".
We are well past the point of needing to give a single fuck about the people who aren't awake yet. If you still support the Democrat party at this point then you are completely lost and absolutely incapable of leaving the bubble. We are at the point where if you are still a Democrat, then you are going to be pushed off to the side and marginalized because your voice is literally worthless now. Like why do we need to give a shit about the opinion of an enemy we defeated?
Because they are still 20-30% of the population. Trust me they could all die for all I care. I really don’t care if some lefttard offs themselves cause the truth is too hard for them but Q chose this route not me.
It's 20 to 30% of the population who have essentially been rendered disabled by the propaganda. These people are mentally handicapped at this point. We don't necessarily need to be cruel to them but we can't afford to waste any time appeasing them anymore. They will never change and they will never be appeased. I'm thinking the 6% are lost forever was an underestimate. There's 30% of the population who are too retarded to function on their own because of how they were raised unfortunately.
Yeah I don’t wish their deaths and hope they see the light but if they get a case of the “suddenlies” or off themselves then whatever.
And I agree I don’t think they’ll see the truth because it came from the Trump administration. I really thought more shit would go down before the election but I was wrong.
Yeah a bunch stopped talking to me by the end of 2020 because of disagreements on the Coof, refusing to go along with Bullshit Lies Matter, or election fraud. I think many people's relatives used the events of that year as a reason to stop pretending to like each other. For those who did still get invites to the reception it was a test and I was surprised how many did actually come and they behaved themselves that night, even a few who declined still sent gifts to my surprise. I did however make sure that when my wife made the seating chart that anyone with TDS was segregated to a specific table in the far back of the room surrounded with a buffer of tables filled with people who I considered to be moderates.
Suicide weekend will probably be when real top government figures are arrested! Once those that held bigger positions in their secret society are arrested, those that thought they would forever be protected will panic!
People will just say that it's AI. Why do you think they suddenly released the AI software to the public a few years back and have been trying to normalize that you can no longer trust video evidence?
That's true. At first they will. But at this time you can still see the AI. And I think tools can spot AI. So, video evidence is not yet useless. Not yet.
Yeah, even if an average human does a careful technical analysis of the video data a deep fake/AI fake can be spotted. There are forensic data tools that can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt as well weather something is real or not....
And that's why Musk's XAI was declared smartest in the world. It will be able to distinguish what is fake and what is real. Timing is everything. That fact that all the left's "fact check" sites claim Frazzled.rip is nonsense and non-existent, well let's just say that makes me believe it more likely to be real IMHO.
Now that you mention it, I remember some of the things they did being discussed. Of all the things I want to see them hang for, but not know the details.....
I could handle it, I just don't want to. And the hangings won't make me feel better, but it would be nice knowing they'll never be able to harm another child ever again.
The main thing I question is, are all the files there?
Thinking about the JFK "files" supposedly to be released... These are govt files. But do they contain all the info?
ECW (not the Shadow of ECW) indicated they don't contain all that much, simply what the govt was holding. As such, he says an audit needs to be done on the files themselves, and on the information via a public probe.
Would the govt under DJT 'release' the so-called client list? Only if it were of no more use in legal actions to be taken?
Is the truth to be found in govt files? Or elsewhere, via research?
I suspect that we can be confident that govt files to be released will be done in a manner that brings maximum destruction to the DS and Cabal...
I remember hearing AG Bondi saying somewhere that she would be releasing the list of names AND all of the related files. Hopefully, that means we won't be left wanting once again.
I think all of us here have come pretty far in watching this movie of spy vs spy. We know how evil the bad guys are. We want to see justice and the proof that it happened. We all know that if they don't do a full declass that its not a win for us, just more of the same slow boiling the frog instead. I know that Trump and every one of the other patriots at his side didn't come this far, work this hard and promise what they promised just to let us all down and prove that they don't have what it takes. I know that for sure.
For that reason, I'm seriously not concerned or worried about what THEY do. I do have concerns about what we understand or perhaps expect. It's important to not be too attached to one's own expectations.
I don’t think like you said the whole truth is in the government’s documents, however if the evil disciples have evidence in one way or another like videos or paper trace where they were blackmailing others, the good guys have what they need.
Suicide weekend. Coming to a theater near you. Its about to go next level on the depravity at the top. Fiscal abuse and fraud is one thing, the sexual wickedness in high places will shock folk out of the programming. Everything changes.
Files sounds more accurate. It seems the only 'list' would be compiled and curated by law enforcement's investigations, as I'm sure Epstein never kept a tidy, single list. And any editorialized presentation will be subject to attack. We need the files!
What needs to be seen is…and I hate to say this because I don’t want to see it personally. But, the tapes. It’s one thing talking and charging with lawsuits and legality stuff. It’s another to “show the people”. That would be game ending for the cabal. The people of this country and world need to be shown what evil actually does in the dark and behind locked doors of the highest of offices. I mean we know…and it’s hard to imagine that kind of evil. But it’s real. We need the truth. And it will hurt many. But it has to happen. We’ve asked and prayed for this. Let God’s Will be done.
Oh, my God! This is going to be a very exciting weekend! We have been waiting for this for a long time. Suicide weekend is my bet. I don't have enough popcorn!
I think it's three weeks away. By memory, there's a Q drop that reads something like this. 'week, week, week, suicide weekend'.
My theory is the count down started 2/20 when Kash was confirmed. Over the next three weeks, things will happen that will leave them hopeless, realizing they have no way out. Then suicide weekend.
That's just a theory, and most likely false. But, hey, theorizing is part of the fun.
Sounds plausible to me. Three weeks, then suicide weekend. There are a lot of scared corrupt people out there. We will have to see what the weekend brings. I can see a meme of "Where is Kevorkian we we need him?"
Q gave us the list. There's no way he quoted the 'one' specific Epstein list and somehow it's not true so we think a bunch of innocent people are pieces of shit.
She can't stop grinning. Boy, how I wish I could be there behind the scenes just being a fly on the wall!
Yeah, and just the thought of how panicked the degenerates are right now is making me smile.
Is this a weekend? What could happen this weekend?
Will this lead to suicide weekend?
I'm pretty sure this will be the start of it. I expect a war to break out the minute a major politician is arrested. Fortunately, I've been wrong about everything so far :-).
I cannot wait to see those lists though ... That's gonna wake a hell of a lot of people up. People have an idea of what kind of filth Epstein is, but few have an idea of Sean Combs depravity as well as those in his inner circle. Even fewer are aware of his political ties (especially to Obama). This guy was a child trafficker among many other disgusting "businesses".
You know why God has an awesome sense of humor (among many things :-))? Sean Combs ran MTV's "Vote or Die" campaign on the channel during POTUS election years. They likely pissed away billions trying to get the youth vote to turn out. They failed.
Barron Trump got his dad +40% MORE of the youth vote just by suggesting where his dad should talk. That kid is brilliant! :-)
I have a feeling Diddy will be the first nationally televised public execution ... I'd air it on MTV personally ... Call it "Didn't Vote".
I hope it wakes people up but do not underestimate the mental gymnastics of the left and the stupidity of normies.
We are well past the point of needing to give a single fuck about the people who aren't awake yet. If you still support the Democrat party at this point then you are completely lost and absolutely incapable of leaving the bubble. We are at the point where if you are still a Democrat, then you are going to be pushed off to the side and marginalized because your voice is literally worthless now. Like why do we need to give a shit about the opinion of an enemy we defeated?
Yeah we're nearing the summit of Mount Doom and some people are still telling us to wait for hobbits who have yet to leave the Shire. Fuck 'em.
Because they are still 20-30% of the population. Trust me they could all die for all I care. I really don’t care if some lefttard offs themselves cause the truth is too hard for them but Q chose this route not me.
It's 20 to 30% of the population who have essentially been rendered disabled by the propaganda. These people are mentally handicapped at this point. We don't necessarily need to be cruel to them but we can't afford to waste any time appeasing them anymore. They will never change and they will never be appeased. I'm thinking the 6% are lost forever was an underestimate. There's 30% of the population who are too retarded to function on their own because of how they were raised unfortunately.
Yeah I don’t wish their deaths and hope they see the light but if they get a case of the “suddenlies” or off themselves then whatever.
And I agree I don’t think they’ll see the truth because it came from the Trump administration. I really thought more shit would go down before the election but I was wrong.
I guess you don't have family members, like most of us, who are part of that percentage!
I do they gave me all the names and no longer talk to me. Didn’t even come to my wedding
Congratulations on your nuptials. Look at it this way you saved a lot of money, not having to feed them
Yeah a bunch stopped talking to me by the end of 2020 because of disagreements on the Coof, refusing to go along with Bullshit Lies Matter, or election fraud. I think many people's relatives used the events of that year as a reason to stop pretending to like each other. For those who did still get invites to the reception it was a test and I was surprised how many did actually come and they behaved themselves that night, even a few who declined still sent gifts to my surprise. I did however make sure that when my wife made the seating chart that anyone with TDS was segregated to a specific table in the far back of the room surrounded with a buffer of tables filled with people who I considered to be moderates.
Kek to the last paragraph, agree with everything else fren.
Suicide weekend will probably be when real top government figures are arrested! Once those that held bigger positions in their secret society are arrested, those that thought they would forever be protected will panic!
Beat me to it… Well done. No double post From me
A little Q-proof, no?
First arrest will be shocking, I’ve heard.
Lock her up
Wasn't it kind of consensus, that Trump's arrest was the "first arrest"?
I just noticed the word POP awakening now. A Pop Star, perhaps???
Jennifer Lopez JLo? JayZ, Beyoncé?
Tom hanks would be the best choice since so many people (normies) see him as the last person they'd expect to be a pedder.
Yes I think so
My vote would be to release that charming video of Killary and Huma filleting that girl’s face. Talk about the first arrest that would set the tone.
People will just say that it's AI. Why do you think they suddenly released the AI software to the public a few years back and have been trying to normalize that you can no longer trust video evidence?
That's true. At first they will. But at this time you can still see the AI. And I think tools can spot AI. So, video evidence is not yet useless. Not yet.
Yeah, even if an average human does a careful technical analysis of the video data a deep fake/AI fake can be spotted. There are forensic data tools that can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt as well weather something is real or not....
And normies still won't care.
And that's why Musk's XAI was declared smartest in the world. It will be able to distinguish what is fake and what is real. Timing is everything. That fact that all the left's "fact check" sites claim Frazzled.rip is nonsense and non-existent, well let's just say that makes me believe it more likely to be real IMHO.
Now that you mention it, I remember some of the things they did being discussed. Of all the things I want to see them hang for, but not know the details.....
I could handle it, I just don't want to. And the hangings won't make me feel better, but it would be nice knowing they'll never be able to harm another child ever again.
No, that's been Trump's slogan since his first term.
Poor anti-Q tards. It's going to be difficult for them.
Delta is 3/4? So about 2 more weeks?
Not the (missing) Delta, but promises made, promises kept. Listen 'til the end.
2 moar weeks kek
The main thing I question is, are all the files there?
Thinking about the JFK "files" supposedly to be released... These are govt files. But do they contain all the info?
ECW (not the Shadow of ECW) indicated they don't contain all that much, simply what the govt was holding. As such, he says an audit needs to be done on the files themselves, and on the information via a public probe.
Would the govt under DJT 'release' the so-called client list? Only if it were of no more use in legal actions to be taken?
Is the truth to be found in govt files? Or elsewhere, via research?
I suspect that we can be confident that govt files to be released will be done in a manner that brings maximum destruction to the DS and Cabal...
I remember hearing AG Bondi saying somewhere that she would be releasing the list of names AND all of the related files. Hopefully, that means we won't be left wanting once again.
I'm confident that team DJT know what they are doing. I'm just wondering if we do. No doubt, we'll find out soon.
I think all of us here have come pretty far in watching this movie of spy vs spy. We know how evil the bad guys are. We want to see justice and the proof that it happened. We all know that if they don't do a full declass that its not a win for us, just more of the same slow boiling the frog instead. I know that Trump and every one of the other patriots at his side didn't come this far, work this hard and promise what they promised just to let us all down and prove that they don't have what it takes. I know that for sure.
I think you are right.
For that reason, I'm seriously not concerned or worried about what THEY do. I do have concerns about what we understand or perhaps expect. It's important to not be too attached to one's own expectations.
True. There are still a lot of us frogs here that need to get up to speed.
Yes but she didn't actually say that in the video associated with this tweet. Headline is misleading.
can they release the Diddy list before his trial though?
you already know
if i knew i wouldn't have asked.
sorry. It means that no, they will not be releasing it before his trial. It means that your suspicions and presumed reason for asking were correct.
thank you. appreciate your time.
i suspected they shouldn't for jury selection reasons because it's so high profile. but didn't know if they couldn't.
I don’t think like you said the whole truth is in the government’s documents, however if the evil disciples have evidence in one way or another like videos or paper trace where they were blackmailing others, the good guys have what they need.
There are probably a number of Federal Judges with restraining orders prepared and ready to be released. Anything to delay the inevitable.
But how many of them will be exposed as well?
Can anyone say conflict of interest?
Someone must request the restraining order. Good way to make the guilty expose themselves.
The way this meme makes me feel all warm & cuddly… 🥰
A nuclear kind of warmth
Suicide weekend. Coming to a theater near you. Its about to go next level on the depravity at the top. Fiscal abuse and fraud is one thing, the sexual wickedness in high places will shock folk out of the programming. Everything changes.
“Donald Trump doesn’t make empty promises!” All of us know the joy and relief of having a leader who flattens obstacles instead of giving up. Wow!
Crimes against children will unite them all.
The girl with the dragon tattoo...
Hey y'all think Hollywood is gonna move to GITMO?
They do love being cheered on. I think they will be surprised by the standing ovation they get.
Files sounds more accurate. It seems the only 'list' would be compiled and curated by law enforcement's investigations, as I'm sure Epstein never kept a tidy, single list. And any editorialized presentation will be subject to attack. We need the files!
Now the Dems will start crying that see, Bondi isn’t independent because she’s following Trump’s directives.
What needs to be seen is…and I hate to say this because I don’t want to see it personally. But, the tapes. It’s one thing talking and charging with lawsuits and legality stuff. It’s another to “show the people”. That would be game ending for the cabal. The people of this country and world need to be shown what evil actually does in the dark and behind locked doors of the highest of offices. I mean we know…and it’s hard to imagine that kind of evil. But it’s real. We need the truth. And it will hurt many. But it has to happen. We’ve asked and prayed for this. Let God’s Will be done.
I love the Christian cross she is wearing - symbol of a resurrected Christ! From death to life!
Oh, my God! This is going to be a very exciting weekend! We have been waiting for this for a long time. Suicide weekend is my bet. I don't have enough popcorn!
I think it's three weeks away. By memory, there's a Q drop that reads something like this. 'week, week, week, suicide weekend'.
My theory is the count down started 2/20 when Kash was confirmed. Over the next three weeks, things will happen that will leave them hopeless, realizing they have no way out. Then suicide weekend.
That's just a theory, and most likely false. But, hey, theorizing is part of the fun.
Sounds plausible to me. Three weeks, then suicide weekend. There are a lot of scared corrupt people out there. We will have to see what the weekend brings. I can see a meme of "Where is Kevorkian we we need him?"
Arresting bill, Hillary, Obama, George and dick would wake a lot of people up.
Neither of them mention Diddy.
I can't imagine how scrubbed this list will be. There will be notable redactions and missing (((names)))...
I agree.
Just a reminder folks, the Epstein files and his black book are two different things. There will be even more revelations if they release that.
Announcements are worth exactly 0.
Nine Eleven 2.0 coming
Need to drop them into Wiki Leaks. I remeber whne Wiki Leaks dropped all the Clinton Files. Good times!
Hollywood u better start packing up..
Q gave us the list. There's no way he quoted the 'one' specific Epstein list and somehow it's not true so we think a bunch of innocent people are pieces of shit.