Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Great news for Law Enforcement and American Justice! Dan Bongino, a man of incredible love and passion for our Country, has just been named the next DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE FBI, by the man who will be the best ever Director, Kash Patel. Dan has a Masters De...
Dan’s podcast is a must watch. He tells the truth, like it or not and has no fucks to give.
It looks like he'll be giving up the podcast for the duration. I'll miss his podcast, but I'd rather have him in a position in the administration.
His podcast will become a daily press briefing.
I hope.
The left and their pals be wetting themselves.
He'll be able to mint a second podcast career from his time at the FBI after he leaves the job in 2028 or 2032.
He will forever be the butt of the joke "What does Joy Reid, Alex Wagner and Don Bonjino have in common ..." but this is so awesome. These kinds of nominations, just a little while ago, would have been pipe dreams.
Okay, I'll bite. Why? What has this guy done to be qualified to be deputy director of the FBI? Secret Service? NYPD? None of these were high level roles. Hosted a podcast? Why do we need so many talking heads in high level positions in this admin? I'd rather someone who was ruthless, unknown to me, fully aligned with Trump, and had worked at and knew the inner workings of the FBI in order to dismantle it. Bongino is also vaccinated, which I use as a litmus test nowadays.
The "talking heads" you refer to are the people who put their reputation on line and spread the truth long before it was fashionable, when most of them did not even know just how bad things will get, and whether we might even become free at all.
This is a litmus test to know who were loyal to the truth and who were merely along for the ride.
Well F'ing Said. And fair question cp0707.
He was dealing with cancer at the time and you could tell it shook him up. Don't think he fully understood how much the medical industry was corrupted until COVID tyranny fully set in. I think his investigative work on Spygate and Ukraine is the reason this makes sense. He's written 3 books on it and it helped me connect dots between Spygate and impeachment that no one else talked about. As a listener to his show since 2017 I fully support this.
He had to, by order of his physician, as he was diagnosed with cancer and was to undergo surgery and chemo. It was early on in the vaccination times…and yes, he has said he regrets it immensely.
I have a few people in my family that were forced into the vax and did not want it and regret getting it but that doesn’t make them bad
The number one cause that is near and dear to my heart is the defense of my fellow Americans. Here's Dan's:
Not sure why he chose to do it At one point Trump said the vaccine was the thing he was most proud of in his first term. My wife works in healthcare and that is one of the reasons she took it, along with all the doctors and nurses she worked with saying it was just a normal vaccine.
Because Kash and Trump want him.
He wrote a few books about money trails in Ukraine, spy gate and other topics the FBI should be looking at.
He is almost like a special prosecutor; basically ready to step into court to try these DS guys.
Respectfully- what qualifications can be considered when you have a corrupt system all those who have been in it could potentially be part of the corruption. There are absolutely good guys in the FBI likely more than those who think the constitution is a cute antique idea or are owned by someone BUT the only way to be sure is to start with someone who you are certain is 💯 in line with making the FBI an arm of actual justice. Dan definitely fits that IMHO. I don’t want qualifications of rising through the ranks of the septic tank. We can’t know those people until we clean it up and see who is the problem. He understands investigations, he is dedicated to individual rights, he loves the constitution, he has experience running a complex organization , and most importantly he will say piss off to people who want to bribe or intimidate him. Will rank and file accept him? Maybe it is best if they don’t since they were also the same rank and file investigating parents for speaking at school board meetings
I think most of these "our side" guys who claim to be vaccinated are a psyop. I think specific people who have an audience are being told to ham this shit up so they can be used later to wake vaxxed normies to things by doing the ruse of "I fell for it too! I'm just like you fellow kids!"
That's right and I'll miss it because he won't be able to continue with it.
He is great. Very few people I think are worth a view. Mark Dice comes to mind as well
Dan is a Kash mini-me.
And Dan's reply.
SO. MUCH. WINNING. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Thank you, Mr President.
Thank you and congratulations, Mr Bongino.
Thank You, Lord. 🙏✝️
I'm just amazed this is happening in my lifetime.
I have to keep pinching myself. This is almost too good to be true!!!!!
Oh hell yeah!!! He knows the Russian Collusion hoax better than anyone I know. Pain incoming…
I'm sure he has a lot of inside information & contacts.
I was hoping he would be put over the USSS but this will do!
Congrats DB!
Dan Bongino was truth telling what they did to trump (Russia Russia Russia) without ever mentioning Q
The truth he told reached audiences we could not reach.
Very intense guy!
The wins just don't stop coming!
This is awesome!
WOW, the left will really be freaking out now!
President Trump is coming for them big time.
Trump is truly putting together the greatest Rule of Law dream team!
Appreciate it, fren - see you next Tuesday
Er, that would be a slip from your right hand to your left.
It's a great time to be alive!! This is amazing!!!!
Dan Bongino filled the "Rush Limbaugh" void from 12noon-3pm here in the Wash D.C./Northern Virginia AM/FM radio area - while he wasn't Rush (no one is) - I still found myself seeking some solace on my lunch hour in my big ass truck while working. Dan wasn't terrible. That should be considered high praise.
I’ll miss his podcast but I’m glad he will be serving in this capacity. Congrats Dan! 🇺🇸
Another comment made about Dan on Truth Social.
Does he have to go through a confirmation process?
I think only Directors have to go through confirmation. All subordinates are up to the will of the Director, or in this case, President Trump?
According to Trump's post, Kash chose him.
They should make a pretty impressive team (and will undoubtedly drive the leftists even crazier than they already are :) )
He does not need Senate confirmation.
Oh. I love it whne a plan comes together. 2 strong leaders.
Bongino is the Right Stuff. Every time I see his name, I think he should select a theme song from the former group Oingo Boingo.
You were first to post this. Why didn't you post get stickied?
Named by Kash, not Trump...
I'll hold of on expecting anything beyond ds-stooging(both have things in their past that makes them, questionable..) until I see actual actions and results, and see them be consistent over time....
Then again, Trump does have a consistent history of setting people in positions that has their actions expose their true nature, if one were to expect something odds would certainly be in favor of that outcome over this being the exception....
Awesome news!!!
All right!