Calling him racist, nazi, fascist, insane...that schoolyard bullying crap doesn't work any more, now that everyone has seen him risk his life, and very nearly lose it, in steadfast defense of democracy and the American constitutional Republic. His great humility (that's right I said humility) and genuine heartfelt patriotism are what has garnered him not one, not two, but THREE landslide election victories in a row by a nation of people who love their country—and a mandate unlike anything the democrats or Republicans have ever had in my lifetime.
At this stage of the game, people who don't like Trump but still give him a fair and balanced hearing based on the needs of the many are probably more important than ever.
+1 good post, a good boom - eveybody can listen and see he’s truth-telling here.
after listening, I still think he needs to be shown a ventilator and an ivermectin tablet and he should be offered one or the other, publicly____ because in this short clip he also dissed Trump
maybe he reaches a few thousand dems and changes a few dozen minds? not worth the effort or time.
2- He prefaces all his 'support' with bashing Trump and implying he is a bad father, bad husband, bad business partner - fuck this guy 150 million people would LOVE to have Trump as any of those things. Fucking idiot.
3 - and this is the big one that should never be forgotten - this fucker helped his mass murdering brother by covering for his sending covid sick to old folks homes and murdering 10s of thousands. No one should give one fucking ounce of 'oh hes reformed now and kinda sorta almost supports trump a little bit' - he should be charged with aiding crimes against humanity - who the fuck cares about his shitty political opinions?
His mobiles are mostly leftist bullshit. For decades democrat fools have elected people who are 1000x worse in every way. Ffs they rape and murder children.
Whatever anyone has to say about Cuomo, I am glad that he has shifted the focus from Trump's hairstyle to the rapacious and predatory bureaucracy he is fighting against (not to mention judiciary overreach).
He just repeats what he is told to say.
By White Hats?
Wise words oh brain_dead won.
I just couldn't help myself, IF ya' know what I mean...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But it's great because I can show it to the wokies
Clever play, Chris...
Good message, but you're still on the dbag pile...
I consider dbag anyway.
I never heard the term “sane washing” before.
I think he made it up just now to try and sound edgy and trending.
Me neither.
Yeah, as if Trump is the one who's insane here.
Calling him racist, nazi, fascist, insane...that schoolyard bullying crap doesn't work any more, now that everyone has seen him risk his life, and very nearly lose it, in steadfast defense of democracy and the American constitutional Republic. His great humility (that's right I said humility) and genuine heartfelt patriotism are what has garnered him not one, not two, but THREE landslide election victories in a row by a nation of people who love their country—and a mandate unlike anything the democrats or Republicans have ever had in my lifetime.
He had everything.
He chose us.
Someone should write
👏 👏 👏
He still believes the propaganda about Trump though. Trump is a very stable genius.
I've never heard it before either, but Devory's channel on youtube is pretty good, I listen to him once in a while.
At this stage of the game, people who don't like Trump but still give him a fair and balanced hearing based on the needs of the many are probably more important than ever.
Yes. Especially someone who have to move due to Trump.
I think he had to move because of his COVID behavior and those 'outings', and that the covid thing is slowly becoming uncovered.
+1 good post, a good boom - eveybody can listen and see he’s truth-telling here.
after listening, I still think he needs to be shown a ventilator and an ivermectin tablet and he should be offered one or the other, publicly____ because in this short clip he also dissed Trump
Yeah, He's a little late to the party. I agree with you.
His only concern is for the collective....
Yes. What he is saying.
I really don’t know why people listen to him. There are so many other better things to do in life than to fill my head with garbage.
I just happened to find him telling more truth recently.
Total grifter unworthy of a sticky. He's full of crap just like all these CEOs that are all of a sudden America First.
There will never be a day where I "need" to hear anything that falls out of a Cuomo yap. Never.
He's 100% the good guys. He's capitulated.
He never was a regular coat.
If anything he is turning away (a bit) from the libtard lefty loonies (the LLL, or Triple L).
Hey, maybe we can get that going as a thing? LLL
Oh yes. I am sure the Left will hate him.
Fredo's right.
Don’t care, he’s a huge faggot and him saying this is bad for the movement get him the fuck out of here.
Still a pos, nothing can save him or his pos brother.
Fuck Chris Cuomo and literally everything he says, ever.
His mobiles are mostly leftist bullshit. For decades democrat fools have elected people who are 1000x worse in every way. Ffs they rape and murder children.
Panic attack. Cuomo is a lying propagandist. No refunds
Fuck Chris Cuomo and his rat brother.
Still a fucking leftist douchebag.
Define "progress."
Whatever anyone has to say about Cuomo, I am glad that he has shifted the focus from Trump's hairstyle to the rapacious and predatory bureaucracy he is fighting against (not to mention judiciary overreach).
He sounds like Bongino here, LOL.