Its bots pushing weak minded people with propaganda. Those posters at bus stops etc aren't organic protest, they're expensive to design print and purchase advertising spaces where they are displayed. Its a well funded propaganda movement and the propaganda bots that were employed to manipulate public opinion during the election didn't just vanish. They're still working for the same people as always. With what we learned recently I wouldn't even be surprised to learn its tax funded still, waiting for discovery and prosecution.
I love how mad my opponents become. It is their judgment for being stupid and wrong. Expressing that and letting them know about it drives them even more mad, which is much better.
Under the First Step Act, which was enacted in December 2018, inmates can earn up to 54 days of good time credit per year, provided they have not engaged in any misconduct. So... good time = 15% reduction in sentence.
If these terrorists get 20 years... they can earn up to 3-years off the sentence with good behavior. That's still 17-years in the Federal pen. 10 year sentence can get up to 1-1/2 years off, which is still 8-1/2 years in prison.
Federal time is NOT cut in half. At best, it's 15% discount.
exactly! Pam needs to monitor the bank accounts of all the perpetrators find out who is funding them & sue them for all damages as well as plenty of fines & have them serve time as well
Interesting that Elon only owns 12 % of Tesla, the rest is owned by stock holders and institutions. I also suspect that (because of the green movement) most Teslas are owned by dems. So the dems are hurting themselves and several will be jailed for their acts.
I am a firm believer in the American right to peacefully assemble. It is a protection in our United States Constitution. You do not have any right to hurt anyone impede traffic or business. You do not have any rights to damage or steal property.
That is a warm fuzzy thought, but watching elections not go their way anyways, feeling it's because they aren't allowed as they're being punished forever for being so stupid it made their voice meaningless. Kinda priceless:)
It's funny how the right firmly stood against electric vehicles a few years ago and called all electric vehicles a scam and was pissed about the trillions of dollars wasted of our taxes on green incentives that elon happily took to the bank. Now they are buddy buddy with Elon and sucking his dick, defending the tesla scam.
I don't know about electric is a scam. I just don't want the restriction and I will happily purchase a hybrid. The only problem with electric is the chargers.
it's funny how mad reddit is about this
Good. For too long they get away with crap
Yeah they are losing their shit over this
Its bots pushing weak minded people with propaganda. Those posters at bus stops etc aren't organic protest, they're expensive to design print and purchase advertising spaces where they are displayed. Its a well funded propaganda movement and the propaganda bots that were employed to manipulate public opinion during the election didn't just vanish. They're still working for the same people as always. With what we learned recently I wouldn't even be surprised to learn its tax funded still, waiting for discovery and prosecution.
Reid Hoffman.
I love how mad my opponents become. It is their judgment for being stupid and wrong. Expressing that and letting them know about it drives them even more mad, which is much better.
Is Reddit still a thing?
Sadly. And they seem to be doing well even after IPO and banning 3rd party apps.
Doing well? They’re “doing well” the same way CNN and MSM are “doing well”
Propped up with fakery, and corruption, and outright crime.
I mean cmon we are talking about the platform who’s FIRST SUPER USER to reach a million points or whatever it was was LITERALLY GHISLAINE MAXWELL!
Who then used this power status to simp and normalize for PEDOS!
You think they are doing things by the books over there?
Commie social media site for radical left wing troglodytes!
The law is already on the books. 5-20 yrs. Everything is cut in half for good behavior.
Nope. Federal crime = Federal time.
Under the First Step Act, which was enacted in December 2018, inmates can earn up to 54 days of good time credit per year, provided they have not engaged in any misconduct. So... good time = 15% reduction in sentence.
If these terrorists get 20 years... they can earn up to 3-years off the sentence with good behavior. That's still 17-years in the Federal pen. 10 year sentence can get up to 1-1/2 years off, which is still 8-1/2 years in prison.
Federal time is NOT cut in half. At best, it's 15% discount.
Yes if the law is 5-20 they can actually cut that in normal circumstances. But the 5 years is mandatory minimum they cannot go lower than that.
same for pedos. It's called 'good time'
Isn't it odd how they all used Molotov cocktails? Almost like they coordinated with one another, or something. 🙄
exactly! Pam needs to monitor the bank accounts of all the perpetrators find out who is funding them & sue them for all damages as well as plenty of fines & have them serve time as well
Made by one person and distribute. Bet you.
Interesting that Elon only owns 12 % of Tesla, the rest is owned by stock holders and institutions. I also suspect that (because of the green movement) most Teslas are owned by dems. So the dems are hurting themselves and several will be jailed for their acts.
or lessen the sentence if they go state's evidence against the big guy (RICO)
No deals, the retards funding these degenerates should be easy to find
It's going to open the eyes of many dems.
twenty years of hard labor.
Hard labor 20 years or I can calculate minimum wage for all the hours work to pay back the damages. That would be fair, right?
prison wage is like 40 cent an hour.
Howls. Never get out then.
That works for me. These scumbags need to stop.
I am a firm believer in the American right to peacefully assemble. It is a protection in our United States Constitution. You do not have any right to hurt anyone impede traffic or business. You do not have any rights to damage or steal property.
He should have extra charges for wearing a man bun.
It’s a handle…for when he’s retrieving the soap…bad…I know…truth hurts sometimes.
Now do Summer of Love before the Statute of limitations expires..(not that adems care about SOL!)
They should all be tossed in jail.
Technically they are terrorists and should be imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. They also deserve to be water boarded.
I would just make them pick litters the rest of their lives but I understand.
Awesome, I hope they're felonies- so these retards can't vote anymore
I kind of like the concept of them voting and still losing, knowing their vote is meaningless. It makes them more helpless and hopeless.
That is a warm fuzzy thought, but watching elections not go their way anyways, feeling it's because they aren't allowed as they're being punished forever for being so stupid it made their voice meaningless. Kinda priceless:)
Good point kek
Legally anyways
Oh yeah, there's that too :)
I kind of like the concept of them voting and still losing, knowing their vote is meaningless. It makes them more helpless and hopeless.
We wanted Hillary and Pizzagate. We get Manbun Liberals with car keys.
I do too. One step at a time. You cannot eat an elephant with one bite.
It's funny how the right firmly stood against electric vehicles a few years ago and called all electric vehicles a scam and was pissed about the trillions of dollars wasted of our taxes on green incentives that elon happily took to the bank. Now they are buddy buddy with Elon and sucking his dick, defending the tesla scam.
Not really. People are just against terrorism and arson.
I don't know about electric is a scam. I just don't want the restriction and I will happily purchase a hybrid. The only problem with electric is the chargers.
Low hanging fruit window dressing. Until I see some Epstein clients getting arrested and frog walked I don't care.