by G-Anon
Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

My thinking is along the same line. Biden shows up the actual town residents are prevented from being near the event. Biden buses in hundreds of actors to be supporters. He delivers some platitudes about how aide is still being delivered and how everyone had been so well supported and protected by his administration. Media gets their sound bites and pictures of the actors cheering for him. Biden rolls out of town and media pretends it was all legit. Now they believe East Palestine is no longer a negative on their approval numbers.

We all know nobody in Biden admin expects or cares about convincing anyone in East Palestine (or more generally Ohio) to vote for him. Instead they will just force the town to become a prop for his election disinformation campaign. With a complicit old guard media, they figure the truth won't get far enough to reverse the positive publicity they believe it will bring.

Anon_69E0A63BD 9 points ago +9 / -0

Must be all those micro aggressions in the conservative rulings and legal arguments. Things like logic, reason, intelligence, proper application of law. It would be difficult for any clown to deal with day in and out.

Everyone feel sorry for Sotomayor now.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

What if he gets pantsed on live tv at a very large event. The announcer starts denouncing this disrespectful behavior and stops mid-sentence when the Michelle's penis is unmistakably visible in the frame. Reposts on social media will spread quickly similar to the Timberlake / Jackson super bowl thing.

Yes, I know that would end badly for the person doing the pantsing and I'm not really being serious that this should happen, but really there are simple things that could happen which would wake people up effectively.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I too am glad for the belated action.

I also would expect getting to this point would necessarily take a lengthy amount of time and intermittent steps before finally saying enough.... Just not 3 years of very little response (or few notable direct action steps) and now finally the full response we desired.

Election years --go figure.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the tunnel they celebrated opening with that bizarre satanic ceremony attended by many leaders in Europe.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Half-Life / Doom. LHC broke through, but due to the non Newtonian physics existent in the other dimension, the portal tore open in Florida instead of Switzerland. /sarc

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

So if the liberals activists get behind this demanding equality of justice between the sexes, will healthy men be selectively (as in a lottery) identified and forced to undergo medical ACL tear treatment, followed by painful time consuming medical ACL repair treatment?

Will liberal justice require we injure athletic men in the same ways athletic females are naturally more prone to injury and thus bring equality of outcome to sports and athletics.

Anon_69E0A63BD 16 points ago +16 / -0

Methinks top tier Academia is about to experience a reckoning. I'll have to pop up some popcorn special when these supposedly educated frauds finally get exposed.

Anon_69E0A63BD 9 points ago +10 / -1

Christianity is a hard thing for the dead spirit to accept.

The notion is this.

Sin is in the world.

Sin is weaved into the fabric of our existence.

Sin brought for us instant spiritual death and also brought physical decay leading to eventual physical death.

Sin is unacceptable to the nature of the Righteous and Holy Creator God.

Therefore we are separated (dead) spiritually from our Creator.

So far you may be agreeable to the above axioms.

Where our dead spirit and flesh really gets irritated is when we get to talking about solutions. God's holiness is a difficult concept to grasp and accept. We like to make God a little better than us and call that perfection and holiness, but it is a difference of incalculable magnitude. Describing his holiness vs our sinfulness as a distance so vast it is as likely for you to reach the Holy Creator God at His level as it is for you to travel yourself to the Andromeda galaxy in one of Elon Musk's rockets within your human lifetime is still far beneath an accurate description of this divide. And this chafes at the sinner's innate pride and arrogance because we want to be able to and even think we ought to be able to do something to get ourselves closer to God's holiness by making up for our shortcomings (sins). Most religions in this world have something to do with overcoming or own shortcomings through performing some how.

Now to Christianity, we see a different approach entirely. God seeing man (created in God's image) is beset by innate sin handed down the generations by Adams original sin, decides he is not content to allow His image bearer to be cursed to forever be separated from Him. Instead He sends a Savior (Jesus) to earth as a human (born of Mary who was a virgin) whom while sinless would be willingly subjected to the final penalty of sin (physical and spiritual death). His blood thus shed as the perfect sacrifice is laid over the mercy seat in heaven and acts for those who have faith (also given them by the grace of our Lord via the Holy Spirit) are redeemed spiritually and saved from the eternal punishment of being separated from God. How does this occur? Well that blood on the mercy seat in heaven is without sin but it was shed in receiving our punishment thus God can be fully holy and equate to those whom have believed and trusted the holiness and perfection of Jesus Christ (his death and resurrection) as we are covered by the blood of Christ's sacrifice.

If you look in the old testament you will see this story has been consistently foretold in the sacrificial system setup for Adam, Noah, Abraham and finally codified for Israel. It all points to someone else needing to pay the price of our sinfulness. This price was paid and the prophesies all fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

The response of the redeemed soul whom had received salvation would naturally be thankfulness and devotion. It is not the thankfulness and devotion that saves the Christian, the salvation was entirely and only Jesus work and the Holy Spirit awakening your heart to the truth wherein you believed. However these and other fruits should naturally follow along in the life of the person whom had been redeemed. As our Master should now and forever more be Christ and our life should reflect that in every aspect. This is the journey that comes after the gift of salvation for the Christian.

Anon_69E0A63BD 12 points ago +12 / -0

I wonder what benefit package she retained by hanging on til the next calendar year rolled over.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do believe this type of thing has happened before when NYC was experiencing flooding issues and sewer gas plus underground electrical substations would cause explosions. However, I haven't heard of any natural flooding event. (Hurricane) impacting NYC recently.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is a risk of working around automation and robotics in manufacturing and other industries. Missing a safety step like turning off power or proper lockout procedures for the robot to be disabled from moving while a technician is in the danger zone is a severe violation which should result in write up or termination of the technician and management, but often management performance metrics and production requirements are tied to bonus structures that create an incentive to look the other way and short cut safety procedure to get the malfunctioning machine back to production quicker.

The engineer although injured is lucky. Often times the robot hits central mass and the unlucky person ends up impaled and pinned to an immovable structure resulting in severe injuries or death.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really running out as much as they are diversifying their cheating streams which is their way of trying to insure they have a successful portfolio of cheating to facilitate election wins in nearly any electoral environment.

Anon_69E0A63BD 6 points ago +6 / -0

Seems like the family court judges all have a smoking gun conflict of interest in that money stream. Would need to be brought to a federal court most likely, but that is quite nefarious and makes so much sense when you look back over the past 50 years and see how things have progressed (regressed) in society.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good post OP,

That mod poll thread was interesting.

I wanted to suggest we make a special thread type that put a counter by each reply. The counter would only count up to 751. Then the post and replies would self lock, but until 750 replies to the original post are reached, the thread remains open. We could have these volunteers whom would summarize the quality replies and information and only one would be on deck at a time but rules would be set to handoff the mantle if the one assigned had to be offline for awhile or if the thread was slow rolling to 751. So the volunteers we would call bakers and the thread would be numbered and referred to as the bread. And people could post their shower thoughts and research in the thread. The baker would take the most interesting and useful information or thoughts and would be responsible for summarizing those things into the next new post (bread) which would become the next numbered new 751 limit post. And as long as we have safeguards in place to make sure not to let a baker group of only one mindset capture control of everything, it should feel pretty cozy after things get rolling. Plus we won't have CIA and Mosad monkeys posting rolling porn (sometimes illegal shit) and gore and racism and about their poor cat and other obscenities here (trying to shit the bread) since mods will remove that garbage. The site would also need a safeguard to prevent premature baking of a bread and also an emergency bake option too (for unforeseen problem scenarios).

I guess the mod with the poll was wise to peeps like me jumping in with "new" (old /other) ideas and locked replies out so it was only an upvote competition instead.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Probably only their "selected" leadership is retarded and highly compromised just like our "selected" leadership.

I can't imagine any population, given the choice of biolabs in my back yard with highly contagious man made germ agents present on site (intended for genociding a future unspecified enemy at some unknown nonspecific date and place) bringing a constant risk of only being one inattentive lab accident / leak away from harming/killing the local population of the nation, would be saying yes sign me up for that one. But self serving and compromised leadership most certainly would push this onto their own population for a couple shekels of local currency and/ or to prevent their own malfeasance from being made public.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

How would they know I voted for trump vs another candidate?

I thought we had secret ballots in America and that the authenticated ballot became divorced from my identity after i hand in said ballot.

What I'm really hearing is if I (America) votes to elect Donald Trump for a third time, then they are just going to remove the illusion that we actually have real elections instead of selections because we just aren't playing along in their game properly so they'll just take us out of the equation and restore their corrupt selection process openly and brazenly removing the people having a say in self governance.

Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

Next thing we will hear about is Judge Engoron directing his court reporter to enter into the record a confession speech purported to be testified to by Trump during a hearing where Trump is not present and afterward announcing summery judgement against the plaintiff in regards to the case.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

I say we let Harvard go down with her at the helm. It will take awhile though because Harvard already has over a billion dollars in their foundation fund. But with people cancelling new donations, Harvard will start having to pull money out of the foundation fund and that's when the clock starts counting down.

Feels similar to how armies laid siege to ancient cities, only this time it's the financial domain that this ideology driven war is battling on.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm probably jaded about all of congress, but I expected something like this would happen when they started hyping that he would release all J6 video to the public.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

That makes perfect sense. For footage that is publicly recognizable and with that much interest from the public to find out what actually happened, of course you would need to blur out faces of public officials and other people (actors).

After all if the crisis actors faces were visible, anons might start putting the crisis actors and antifa /FBI /CIA agent faces onto a deck of playing cards so we can quick reference when these people get recycled into the next psyop against the public. And that would be unacceptable for their operational security when they pull their next big psyop against our country and countrymen.

Damn Clowns.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gosh judge, we didn't realize we had passed that thing over a powered degausser a half dozen times when we were boxing it up to deliver the evidence to court as you ordered. We're sorry for the f'up, hope you can get something useful from the drives still.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree it's personal and he's going scorched earth as well he should. I'm not convinced his security is unassailable. Pharma has a long history with wet works and coroners on speed dial that declare suicide as cause... (Not unlike the Clintons).

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