Anon_69E0A63BD 13 points ago +13 / -0

Optics. Can't let the peasants believe Saudi crown is ducking a war with Israel when all the other descendants of Ishmael are jumping into the fray and the Palestinian pawns of the same root lineage are getting bloodied up by Isaac's lineage.

The worlds oldest family feud is erupting on the world stage again like a festering pustule rupturing on an angsty McDonald's eating teenagers face.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Upside is Rubio (DS)'s appropriation will shortly be off the table, so the next WH move to destabilize DS operations won't have to factor in that particular wild card of bribe / laundering money being available to the DS for their counter. Should be able to limit future maneuvering by DS if we force them to dump their reserve of appropriations into responding to WH moves (defense) rather than being able to focus exclusively on reorganizing and recapturing previously freed assets.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moves and counter moves. WH deinstall the SOH whom was DS controlled purposed for sending repeated billions to Ukraine and thus funding DS money laundering, child sex and organ trafficking, and research / production of the next pandemic illness.

DS responds with sending Iran billions earmarked to support an terrorist OP (Hezbolla) that will destabilize peace negotiations for Israel (delay and disrupt WH OP), bring SA nearer being DS controlled (or at least influenced and cornered again), create a pocket war in the ME, and ultimately allow the 2020 insurance funding authorization to activate releasing billions more to Israel for secondary channel money laundering for upcoming election interference or stealing operations.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also, I don't think they embedded enough time delayin the communication stream between the CNN office asking questions and the field reporter responding.

Maybe I'm wrong and the delay has gotten shorter inn the last few years. I just remember gulf war1 and 2 the"live reporters spent more time looking blankly in the camera till what we are hearing from the CNN office desk got to their ears.

Also, not believable that everyone is laying down in a ditch including the camera guy and the uplink locally (line of site would be broken by laying in ditch) was maintained to their truck with the mobile microwave sat dish sending to satellite uplink.

Anon_69E0A63BD 8 points ago +8 / -0

You don't implicitly trust rando uber driver wearing a tie who talks a lot without any sauce on video and without concealing his face about a concerted invasion of a trained foreign army happening under the guise of poor asylum seekers?

Does that guys face look like that of a shill to you? Heck he looks so honest and legit that I think I'd probably grab some candy from his sketchy looking cargo van with the free candy sign parked by the playground at my local park wouldn't you?


Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

If military is deployed elsewhere then DS won't have access to near as many F-15s and armor units than they would need. Additionally, do you think the remaining units from national guard will just allow their equipment be used by UN lackies? No they would sabotage / destroy it first.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +6 / -1

If those are the narratives we have to choose between, I would rather we MGTOW it and peace out.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just so we are all clear on this, I call having the lower bunk by the window... I know there won't be any trees obstructing the guard tower machine gun nest view, but there will probably be a planter box in front of the window on the ground. I would prefer having something to look out at rather than the four cinder block walls.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe this type of slanderous garbage will be used in public policy papers to suggest that MAGA is not just (in their belief) a fringe group, but also practically a terrorist group and further they would suggest that having or voicing ideas that are common to MAGA supporters warrants flagging those people on watch lists and possibly provides reasons supporting extra scrutiny ( in the form of lawfare type investigations including search warrants or extra constitutional FISA investigations and bureaucratic audits and possibly harassment by leo's).

Wrong think being criminal is certainly not beyond the scope of the intentions or desires of our 3 letter agencies in Biden's America.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was interrupted from watching a video by a pop-up message that I had to close out....it was traumatic I'll never recover.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recall reading a few times over the past decade that there was a lot of interest in some groups and or corporations buying up lands that had fresh water sources on them. We also have states that forbid land owners from collecting runoff water (no self preservation allowed).

LDR did say we would die of thirst after watching our children die of thirst.

Seems this attack vector has always been part of their strategy. So let's say they begin turning the water tap off in select areas. It would definitely shake up that population and make them reliant on the good graces of the deep state to bring in water.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sadly I read this without noticing the source and my initial reaction was I can believe they would do that. A one day instant slush fund bill.

Then I saw Babylon bee and realized it was satire.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

The playbook is surprisingly monotonous regarding what you have to say to get elected while telegraphing your actual loyalties to the uniparty deep state.

Anon_69E0A63BD 27 points ago +27 / -0

Makes sense to me. They shopped this specific judge for the headline grabbing ruling and for the interference this will cause to Trump's campaign and potentially balloting headaches.

It doesn't matter that the ruling gets overturned eventually. The key purpose is the intermediate disruption to Trump's campaign that will occur which the uniparty hopes will knock him out of the running for the 2024 election.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

The back of that shirt should show the shattered pieces of skulls and the brains spattered on the wall which was Che's hallmark. It would be appropriate to also have that carnage framed in a 1950s tv set along with the horrified look of a child and wife (to the now deceased) watching the state execution broadcast on all Cuba channels. Bonus points if you can figure into that picture a way to communicate that the bodies were thrown in unmarked mass graves and the family were not allowed to attempt recovering and burying their loved ones unless they wished to meet the same fate..

Che never participated in an execution he didn't sadistically enjoy (except maybe his own execution when Castro sent him to South America to "help" bring the revolution to their comrades down there and Castro double crossed Che by tipping off that nation to Che's whereabouts so that Che could be eliminated since he was a loose end for Castro at that point.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe for around the time the population at large gets the bad news about the vax.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

We are no different from what is common to man.

God's divine mercy is the difference.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is probably the best reworking of that video that I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looking at the cabal's actions over history, it appears to me that their belief system involving bloodlines and preservation of them over generations has allowed them to attack problems (for their preferred ultimate outcome) over longer timelines than typical human lifespan ( or alternatively said multi generational and incremental solutions toward the ultimate goal). Since generally populations do not think generationally and do not focus much on bloodlines, the population is unable to consider or fathom the slow incremental attacks on the population by the current and next generations of cabal members. So risk tends to go to 0% and success over time goes to 100%.

The reality is boiling a frog (population) fast has a high likelihood of meeting direct resistance and failure. Boiling the same frog ( population) slowly over multiple incremental and generational steps toward the ultimate goal has a high likelihood of going unnoticed and succeeding without any noteworthy resistance. ---Makes me think of why operation warp speed was a success for Trump as it accelerated the boiling events far too quickly and guaranteed substantial resistance would occur --

One might even argue that Andrew Jackson was responsible for preventing the first (more rapid) attempt to get the population to quickly proceed to where the cabal desired it be in a shorter timespan. Thus the failure there required they regroup and begin attacking again from a different point on a multi generational timescale.

So did the constitution give the cabal what they ultimately wanted for America? No, it provided a framework with baked in weaknesses that could be exploited to erode the population's liberties and thus generate multiple paths to that end. The things the cabal didn't get immediately were not achieved because they were not possible to do or accomplish on the generation that composed the population at that time.

I believe the better question is did the cabal get what they wanted for that generation in the constitution? To this I believe the answer is yes because the framework (Constitution) allowed sufficient cover for them to operate and erode the freedoms and liberties understood by the people without having to be completely exposed in the process. Also, the constitution was substantially better for the cabal's ultimate goals than the preceding Articles of Confederation since it created a federal government with actual power which centralized the points of control that should be attacked to pave the way for their incremental multi generational plans.

Since the cabal generally understands what kind of measured multi-generational approach is necessary within a given generation to continue movement and inertia toward their ultimate goal, I would argue from that perspective the cabal did get what was realistically achievable.

Really I see the cabal as being backed by spiritual satanic forces (demons, principalities, Satan) whom do not age or die like humans and whom intend to battle Creator God for control of all domains (physical and spiritual (or perhaps alternatively described as higher multidimensional)). Given that the human bloodlines and families are serving and following these evil forces, the generational continuity of the cabal has been preserved far more consistently and more successfully than the typical non cabal affiliated family. I have often noticed that there is inevitably (typically at generation #3 or #4 if the original successful generation did not neglect their own children) a generation of idiots whom squander the previous successful generation's progress in moving their family up in society. This results in a reset for the family back to a typically average state compared to the general population.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recall back in 2001 many airline planes had seat back airplane phones that cost way too much to use.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

So the non president of the US didn't shake the hand out the non president of Brazil.

Was there something important going on here to deserve media coverage, press, and a podium?

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is because global warming is raising seal levels.

Seal levels are too high? Bring out the clubs and we can fix this problem inside of a month.

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