Bwyzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

JDV has an amazing story EVERYONE is familiar with and WAS a never trumper in '16 much like those we are still trying to wake up. Unite ffs and stop having tantrums

Bwyzer 5 points ago +5 / -0

This red pill will unite all humanity across party lines.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]? Difficult truths. Q

Bwyzer 5 points ago +5 / -0

My husband is so addicted to Fox that I cannot stand another minute; He won't do his research for truth and needs it fed to him but rejects my input. He's a prepper but seems to be still asleep, programmed but armed to the hllt. That's where we part ways. I am so done and don't know what else to do. It seems like the perfect disaster waiting to happen. I don't trust him with my or our daughters' lives.. I wish i felt completely secure. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

Bwyzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

While we're on the subject, these memes are 3rd grade level and makes us look retarded. I've tolerated them for years without a peep til now.

Bwyzer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone else looking into trademarking their name (own their own straw man), setting up an EIN d.b.a. individual banker to hold all assets including land, vehicle, bank, DL, birth certificate, etc (separate from your slave status), land patents, or legal trusts? This government/courts have gone rogue and we prob should be prepared for anything. Edit: Video of Michelle "Mikki" Klann, bondsforthewin.com, mentioned the reason Trump is getting cases dropped is because he is giving a conditional agreement to the courts. Essentially, he'll contract with them if they prove they have jurisdiction over him and apparently, they can't.

Bwyzer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jim Jordan seems squeaky clean but has a shady past by looking the other way in Larkins Hall at OSU and sexual scandal involving hundreds of young athletes/victims of Dr. Stauss while Les Wexner funneling millions into the university as J. Epstein's only financial client. Wiki says Jordan is "close ally to Trump" which we know DJT keeps his enemies close to play their part in draining the swamp they're a part of. Interesting 20min read on the ugly details https://pixcayanmacuahuitl.medium.com/the-jim-jordan-les-wexner-nexus-c8cd376e5bb4

by panamax
Bwyzer 1 point ago +1 / -0

A comment I read somewhere for dragging feet on impeaching....to essentially run out the clock so the DNC can't easily replace him ahead of '24 election

Bwyzer 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will fight for this country, for my children and a great ancestor and signer of the Declaration of Independence!

Bwyzer 1 point ago +2 / -1

From MrTruthBomb: "Dereck Johnson (who completely ignored Q for years as he was too busy trying to be a famous singer like Stewie Peters - has not been around this truth movement at all + associates with The Grift Gang™ of course) was the one spreading that June 2023 military tribunals shite because of the NY Times article we all saw 🙄️"

Bwyzer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Found iPot when starting the Q journey in early '18, good digs. After going thru his feed last night, apparently he now believes there are "no patriots in control" and is hating hard on blacks and jews while posting biblical scripture, very confusing.

Bwyzer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope it's ok I used some of this against a very loud hate group in my state https://twitter.com/INDprogressives/status/1672371465939714052

Bwyzer 4 points ago +4 / -0

My SIL stocks competitor beer in this store, his display within feet, says this is fake a) because he was just there and b) it would go against contract. Question but verify.

Bwyzer -1 points ago +3 / -4

I should've said this same thing at the time, there was no sauce to confirm his claim or rumor....pure speculation, wishful thinking, and craving for attention

Bwyzer 2 points ago +2 / -0

autogynephilia noun a form of sexual response in biological males characterized by sexual arousal over the idea of being or becoming female a supposed form of gender identity disorder. The phenomenon of gender identity disorder when caused by extreme transvestic fetishism. His fetishes are diapers, age play, dressing as a child, and blood play - violence against women

Bwyzer 21 points ago +22 / -1

I propose we also protest with a national shutdown in the US and day of prayer. Don't work, don't shop, don't go to school, max your ATM withdraw, no taxes paid to the swamp, and no chance to be infiltrated by the nazi's and satanists!

Bwyzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

GP: "The Jan 6 riots were planned. We all know it. Now we better understand why." Me: Why would Trump encourage over a million Patriots to show up THAT DAY...almost like a trap...a sacrifice...lead us in the den of lions... to pull off his own coup? That's the plan?? We all know J6 was bullshit from day one, but now....this doesn't pass the smell test. If "We Caught Them All" (Nov 8th, 2019), why would we have to continue this charade, covid, coup, collapse our Country...? Trust Jesus only you fine Patriots!

Bwyzer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they should have apprehended him first before announcing it to the world...

Bwyzer 2 points ago +2 / -0

My last comment was to Brit Hume calling him a clown right after J6 as he counted down the days 45 had left in office..."only 12 days to go"!

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