Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMHO their truly delusional state is what makes them so dangerous.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just so you know you can add your own dictionaries to spell check.

Maybe we should make a MAGA dictionary. :)

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I agree. If you aren't going to spell it out(just the acronym) where people will bitch about curse words then you are much better off using full leaded.

by Qlue
Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The question is... did he leep? Or was he thrown?

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

The web page itself was meant as a resource for atheists and agnostics. It has a discussion board that was mostly about religion but it also had that politics area. When I look back on it I think its safe to say that many of the atheists were just leftists their to bash on Christians. Ironically, a lot of Christians came to the board to argue with atheists.

This is the problem with these leftists. There pattern is quite clear. They find any sort of fringe movement they invade that movement and outnumber the real people involved. This allows them to takeover the narrative. They then throw money and political weight behind that twisted narrative in order to accomplish their own political goals. They've done this a dozen times in the past fifty years. Atheism, racial relations, LGBT, Islam, etc have all fallen victim to these tactics.

Look at LGBT. You now have gay against groomer etc. They want nothing to do with pedos yet the MAP BS has been placed squarely in their lap and the lunatics are attempting to normalize it. A gay man in 1970 wanted nothing to do with any of this BS. The leftist hijacked their movement and made it what it is.

Atheism has had the same problem. They start a movement like Atheism Plus. They make a list of things they view as important. They recruit. Within 5-10 years the list of issues has totally changed so much it has nothing to do with how it started. All the original people(the real atheists) have, for the most part, left. It becomes an echo chamber and falls apart.

Why? Because it started out with 3,000 actual atheists wanting to improve themselves and then 50,000 lunatic leftist show up and take over. They push an agenda that is mostly political and when you peal back the layers... yep they're lunatic Socialist.

Take a step back and look at it from a 50k ft view you will see the pattern I'm talking about.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

So an atheist is incapable of fighting? of building? of telling the truth?

You completely ignore the truth... atheists (admittedly a VERY small number of them) also participated in all the things you listed. I would argue that the small number of them present had everything to do with them being discriminated against by Christians. In that era anyone that wasn't a Christian was viewed as an agent of the devil.

And for the record while I might be an atheist... I AM NOT A FUCKING LEFTIST. And they aren't my pals. I assure you they hate me maybe even more than you because like a black conservative can negate the race card I can and often do negate the religion card. FYI - I'm banned on both YT and Twitter for my politics.

Everyone is so busy being emotional about their pet religion they all prove my actual point. When overly emotional about a subject people tend to lose all sense of logic and sanity. I wasn't bashing Christians. I was simply making a point similar to the OP and the reply. Passion while sometimes a good thing can also be a bad thing.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm... To be clear I'm an atheist. I don't agree with most Christians but I respect their faith just like I would hope they respect my lack of faith. For the most part I agree with you. Many people on this board tend to conveniently ignore negative events from the past.

My point was that people tend to lose sanity when discussing subjects they are most passionate about. Confirmation bias is most likely to creep in to their thought processes the closer and more passionate they are about the subject.

The problem with leftists today is that they have been taught that emotion is all important. Thus when they discuss politics they become even more passionate and lose all logic/sanity. Its is a fatal flaw in the very foundational structure of how they function.

Its also the root of what the OP is talking about. The only way they can shore up their emotional stability is to push aside anything that disrupts it. Ignorance is bliss...

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The most bizarre situation I ever ran across on the internet was being on an old site that is no longer around call IIDB Internet Infidels Discussion Board(2005-10 era). The mods were very careful to separate political and religious discussions. So I was on the politics board and this guy was making great points. He was so on point and eloquent that I even took note of his name etc.

A while later I got on the religion boards for Christianity and I notice this guy that is talking like a raving lunatic. He was fairly eloquent but he sounded like a freaking lunatic. He ignored basic facts and often went on rants that weren't even about the point being made etc... Same guy.

When I finally noticed I even when back to politics and checked to be sure. He was clearly intelligent. He always had the right facts and was totally on point in the politics boards, but when he posted on the religion board he ignored facts and drifted to his pet points to pull the argument in another direction so he wouldn't be seen as losing the real argument because he was losing.

It was truly amazing to me to see how the passion some people put into something like religion(or in the case of leftists their religion of big GOV Socialism) can make them devolve into blathering idiots when they were otherwise sane, intelligent, and skillful debaters.

Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

So disturbing yet funny at the same time. So wrong...

Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

They didn't evolve. This is who they always where. They've just pulled off their sheep skins and started saying and acting as their true selves.

Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

I do. Maybe once a decade it would happen. Not several hundred in a year, and those are just the ones that have been highlighted. How many people have died that no one but their family has paid any attention to it? Thousands? Millions?

Darwyn 4 points ago +4 / -0


Died August 29, 2022 in New York City, New York, USA (unexpected sudden illness)

H🤡NK H🌎NK‼️‼️‼️

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't think about that. Even better. Might be nice to see Ben catch a strike or get banned. Dose of his own meds. :)

Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Having dealt a little with merchant accounts and CC transactions you learn that VISA etc charge the seller a fee of 1-5% for transactions. That's how they make money. Usually its 2-3%. Many people set their prices assuming you will pay with a CC and give you that 3% back as a discount when you pay cash. When your profit margin is 5% a 3% loss means you will go broke pretty quickly.

Darwyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Let's be 100% clear. This isn't about Putin or Ukraine. This is about their stupid green energy non-sense removing all other sources of energy. They wanted this to happen.

Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

HEY BEN! Post a link to this site. I dare you. You loser. You have to provide sauce for your claims. Show everyone what we are talking about. We're evil right. No harm showing everyone how evil we are. Post that link.

Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep. I'm proud to say I updooted that post earlier. Put me on the list.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The likely result will be that the FBI will show up with a warrant to arrest Trump, but the secret service will tell them no because it is a direct threat to Trump's life. The SS will then offer a compromise that they will arrest Trump and hold him in protective custody until a judge can speak to bail etc etc. They are federal agents as well.

The FBI will get stupid because it was never about arresting Trump it was about getting control over him to poison him etc... to Epstein him. The SS will know the jig is up and it will become a dick measuring contest maybe even a full blown gunfight.

IMHO this is exactly why the cabal won't try this. Even if they succeeded all it would do is spur the ultra-MAGA crowd to form a mob and roll over DC like a tidal wave. They are stupid etc but not that stupid. They know damn well that if even one million of us show up armed they don't stand a chance in hell. Going after Trump will spur way more than just a million into action nation wide. Its power/control suicide to wake a hungry lion pride. You'll just get eaten.

Also Q/Q+ wouldn't stage this type of thing themselves because it would create chaos and get people killed. Q said that wouldn't happen. This isn't the plan. If Trump is arrested things have gone to total shit.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

... and should be immediately reported to Big Brother.

W🤡MP W🌎MP‼️‼️‼️

by PepeSee
Darwyn 8 points ago +10 / -2

I truly don't get it. I'm not really even interested in having anal sex with a woman. Why would I want to have it with a man? Exit only and all that. Everything else aside the health issue and disease issues make it remarkably unappealing.

And FYI I'm so atheist they don't even have a term to describe me. Its not about religion its about just basic biology to me. I've seen two female pigs hump each other first hand. Some would say they are lesbian or whatever. They are just trying to let the male know they want to get busy. He's too preoccupied with eating to bother. That whole born gay line is crap.

Darwyn 15 points ago +15 / -0

This right here was my thought. Read more carefully. He was escorted by "headquarters types". So the cabal is going to make him a sacrificial lamb and he will either shoot himself twice in the back of the head or he will get a sweet gig on MSNBC as a contributor.

Call me when one of these fuck-wits gets 30 to life. Till then its all...


Darwyn 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't have a freaking hour and half to sit around watching some dude babble. I'm sure there was some important nugget in this video but no one will ever see it because its just way too long.

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