She said not too long ago that Asa Hutchison has done a fantastic job as governor. I wonder which of his bad decisions she supports most: masks on kids, shutting down "non-essential" medical procedures during Covid while allowing the abortion mill to continue as normal, or his veto of the bill preventing chemical castration of children.
We're doing our best! The AR GOP makes it insanely difficult for a candidate to primary one of thier RINOS, but we have some wonderful people going for it for various positions this time (my main concerns are: Doc Washburn is trying to primary Sarah Sanders for governor, and Jan Morgan is trying to primary John Boozman for senate).
When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. Proverbs 3:24-26 KJV
I repeat this reminder to myself when my anxiety overcomes me and it seems to help.
The pro-life movement will never gain traction until we insert ourselves in schools like the perverts have done. If we can introduce the idea of life to little people (who already understand it; my toddlers recognize photos and models of preborn children as babies) then that will likely stick with them. It could be done without religion too: every person has unique DNA which starts when a person is conceived. Instead though, we are trying to legislate morality, which will never work. A woman who doesn't value life will not value it more because she cannot end it. Volunteering for a local pro-life organization is becoming increasingly frustrating as I watch them pat themselves on the backs for introducing legislation that restricts abortion after a heartbeat is detectable. Guess what tho...that baby with a heartbeat today is the same baby who didn't have a heartbeat yesterday. Instead of congratulating themselves for how good they are, WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE TRYING TO EDUCATE CHILDREN LIKE THE LEFT DOES?!?!?
I wonder what ivermectin would do for chicken flu. You can give it to 'em for worms and apply it topically for certain types of mites and since it is apparently a miracle anti-viral for people, it seems logical that it might work for avian flu too, right?
"First do no harm" no longer has any meaning. Hope Nuremberg 2.0 starts soon.
Can confirm. Every time I spend a while in close quarters with jabbed folks, I get a runny nose with chest congestion and cough symptoms for several days afterwards. I religiously take quercetin, zinc, d, and c and I still get these symptoms, although as time goes by it seems the sick periods aren't lasting as long.
Psychologically rigid?
Because fiction entertainment will reinforce that we are nuts to a lot of normies. They will now nudge each other and snicker and whisper among their friends how we are stupid enough to believe this obviously imaginary stuff.
Or.....maybe it really is a red pill in disguise. But the cynical side of me thinks its probably the first reason....
Pretty sure that's more than the "safe" amount. I'm sure it's purely coincidental that aluminum buildup has been found in the brains of autistic children.
Side note...I hate studies like this so much. It is always painfully clear that the people doing the study want vaccines to be okay so they dance around obvious things. One of the things I have brought up with pediatricians in the past is that my kids' genetic background is absolutely riddled with autoimmune disease and therefore I am more cautious than most mamas about artificially stimulating their tiny (God given) immune systems. Every doctor I've talked to has assured me that vax and autoimmune issues are in no way correlated, so I, being the obsessive researcher I am, have extensively looked for information to share, but the papers I find tend to be summarized like this "vax x is positively correlated with autoimmune condition y, but it isn't the vax causing it and we didn't prove the vax causes any other conditions so it is better to put this in your kids rather than letting them get chickenpox (for example)." It is absolutely maddening. Heh, also, doctors don't really like it when you pull out the package insert you printed from the manufacturers website and show them that among the reported side effects you can find the very conditions you are concerned about.
Thank you for the ivm/MS article. I suspected it was out there somewhere but hadn't come across it yet. My husband is on one of those insanely expensive MS treatments and I would love to figure out how to get him off of it. Prayers for you on your MS journey!
"Few rights are more central to individual freedom than the right to control one's own body." But they forced people to choose between buying groceries and taking the death jab. Fuck. Those. Assholes.