Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twice they shot the wrong Kennedy.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, fuck them. I was going to stop by Saturday for a new pair of muck boots because they’re cheaper than my local Farmers Coop. Guess I will spend the extra money hwere I’m appreciated and I’ve never seen a rainbow fag, errr, flag there.

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I went to school in the 60’s with a girl whose father was in one if the camps. He ran a clothing store in our town and had numbers tattooed on his arm. He claimed that he, his mother and sisters were rounded up, brough to a camp and separated. He never saw them again. He was a teenager and was a straight up guy. I have no reason to not believe his story.

To say this is all a lie is counter to the movies and pictures taken at that time.

Is the “Holocost” exaggerated? Probably. But I do believe their is substantial evidence of it happening.

I don’t believe a thing the Red Cross says or said.

Photoncounter 6 points ago +6 / -0

We need to bring ALL of our troops home and stop interfering in the affairs of others. Doing so with the understanding that any entity fucking with us on our soil will be turned into radioactive dust.

Too many good women and men have given their lives for nothing. Enough.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be no election in November.

They are planning something big, like all out war, and will declare Martial Law and cancel the election as it will be too dangerous for we little people to vote.

But we have been preparing for this for several years…

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m still trying to figure out how many times a week is semi-annually.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

One solution for California is to give up the US Dollar and print thier own money, like German notgeldt during the weimar republic. They can then raise the minimum wage for everyone to 500,000 Caldollars per hour, making everyone wealthy.

A starbucks trip will only cost them a couple million, but who cares? They’re rich!

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

SIL went to a trade school rather than high school. Took the HVAC program. He’s 26 and making around $100K. He owns his house outright, no debt except a car loan.

A Master’s Degree in Non-Binary Early Diversity Ecological Education and Grooming pays what? Is a Sociology degree worth $250K in student loans?

Haha! Stupid people pursuing stupid degrees will never be out of debt nor own a home.

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

There will be no vote. They will not allow that to happen. They will unleash something on us, worse than 9/11, declare Martial Law and lock us down.

Prepare yourselves.

Photoncounter 8 points ago +8 / -0

There will be no election this year. The “migrants” will commit acts of terrorism all over the country. Sniffer Joe will declare Martial Law for our safety and cancel the election. The sheep will trade their freedom for a false sense of security. We won’t.


Be well prepared.

Photoncounter 12 points ago +12 / -0

Last week my company, a Fortune 500 defense company, sent out an alert to all employees. Message said there was no emergency but that this was one way of communicating with us if there was.

Things that make you go hmmmmm…

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bidenomics. Designed to collapse the financial system. Working as intended so far.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Toilet Safety Authority?

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Testing them during the day does not attract attention, unless you have neighborrs very close. I changed the oil, spark plug and air filter in all four generators and tested the transfer switches. Overkill but I expect them to start when I need them. The worst time to find out the oil was bad or it leaked out is when the engine seizes…

I keep my solar generators on utility power all the time for vital equipment like battery chargers and my portable ham equipment.

Will steal the tannerite idea. Won’t use gnomes, though.

Photoncounter 13 points ago +13 / -0

Boomer here. Unvaccinated, told my Doc to shove it. However, I got diagnosed with “slow growing” prostate cancer about a year ago. At my 6 month checkup they ordered an MRI. I had a fast growing tumor. I went from Stage 1 to Stage 4 in 6 months. I traveled alot during my career and bet that I got some of the spike proteins other were shedding.

Radiation treatment almost over, then we look for wherever else this shit has spead.

NO ONE is safe from the “vaccine”. This is consistent with the depopulation agenda…

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boomer here. Any suggestions for metastatic prostate cancer? I will be starting radiation therapy soon.

Photoncounter 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have had a life long addiction to sweets. Now I have Stage 3 prostate cancer (it has spread locally). I start the adventure of radiation treatment next week, five days a week for 8 weeks then hormone treatment (gives you “manopause”).

This is my fault. But also the fault of the numerous Doctors I have had as a kid. I only found out how bad sugar was when I was in my early 60’s.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +3 / -1

Much of the facade of many modern buildings is foam, not stone, so that might be the case here. Look up the Monte Carlo Las Vegas fire and the Grenell Towers fire (UK).

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Left wing loonies in France getting what they deserve.

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