PresElectDeezNuts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent example of how to drag deez nuts over the flag.

PresElectDeezNuts 11 points ago +11 / -0

I have finally arrived. 🌰

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think it will be Nikki Haley. She’s the only democrat that they think can beat trump. It’s probably why the RNC was quick to rally behind Trump. Need to hide her away so she can transform into their ‘bridge the gap” candidate. His polite refusal was interesting to me because now she has to continue to campaign. I think she will rally behind the “we can’t let him win” globalists and switch parties for the greater good.

PresElectDeezNuts 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes. I was in the business of building websites, and knew immediately that they were laundering money.

And “they” gave it to a Canadian company to build. Many highly capable US based businesses would have been thrilled to get this business. if it was legit.

complete scam.

PresElectDeezNuts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jews historically vote democrat and are uber liberal. so. why should anyone care about their people when they clearly don’t care?

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

You lost me at Harvard. These people deserve to be mocked relentlessly. Even if the broken clock is right 2x a day, it’s still broken.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I honestly don’t see the difference between clowns and drag queens. why it was ever ok for clowns to be around children is beyond me.

glad they stopped the painted weirdo.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

For this interested in what the prayer was and some insight:

Flynn ended his speech with a strangely distinctive prayer, which was repeated verbatim by those in attendance and in all likelihood by many of those watching the videostream:

We are your instrument of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels, all of them. We will not retreat, we will not retreat. We will stand our ground. We will not fear to speak. We will be the instrument of your will, whatever it is. In your name and the name of your legions. We are freeborn, and we shall remain freeborn. And we shall not be enslaved by any foe within and without, so help me God.

This has been identified as a modified version of a prayer that appears in the work of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a religious teacher whose main influences were Theosophy and the I AM Movement. In the 1980s, she famously advised followers to move to Montana to escape an imminent nuclear apocalypse. Prophet died in 2009, but her Church Universal and Triumphant – inevitably dubbed a “doomsday cult” by the media – still has some followers and offshoots, and the groups and ideas she drew from also remain current.


PresElectDeezNuts 5 points ago +5 / -0

the CIA day of rage? I think the FEDbois have their matching panties and will sashay around in their green, red, and white.

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

The “join my newsletter” call to action seems thin at best. Maybe it’s late, but what am i missing and why is flynn getting all feisty now? has he been featured, or even attended a trump rally?

i forget he’s around until i see a post here.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just read this. Not sure how legit, but worth investigating.

Dude claims they changed the location of the venues for the music festival 2 days before the event.


PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was curious how close to the boarder the festival was. here’s a link.


Translation of the festival details.


what a lucky coincidence that the hamas paratroooer swooped in at the exact spot near right into the festival. undetected until it was too late.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +2 / -1

from what i can gather, the trans community day dreams about all the ways they will get fucked. by some foreign chad.

same as our military.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

What’s Laura’s story? Anyone have any background intel to share on her? She is now all over my feed. DJT could have made her part of his inner circle, i think, but choose not to. She has lots of “sources” for some chick that seemingly came out of nowhere from my POV.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

i read a comment on twatter that said 2 million people are in gaza. think it’s a tiny area. 5 square miles? for context, SF is basically 7 x 7 miles.

so, relocate, raze their homes, and then……camps? chambers? glassed? loomer would rub her meat flaps on a picture of herself if the last one happened.

by PepeSee
PresElectDeezNuts 6 points ago +6 / -0

Penis Person

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jobs was a perfectionist. He demanded those around him deliver excellence. So they labeled him as a tyrant. Which, is not entirely inaccurate. but the innovation and creativity died with him. They would never have killed him on purpose. No way. Without Steve, there has been zero innovation since. They knew what that had. I’d anything, he worked himself into an early grave.

I don’t disagree that Tim is cabal. People forget that he has a taste for young asian men. dare i say boys….Very blackmailable.

What i’m suggesting is that he’s playing ball to save his legacy. This game is more like game of thrones than a football game with binary sides. i’d you believe that this has been decades in the making, then it’s not a stretch to believe that Tim was compelled to start making changes, years back.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Apple is being given an “out” for collaborating with the Chinese.

Their strategy for growth is new markets. The west is saturated, and people are not snapping up iPhones when there are other viable options. China was the prize. But with the CCP dropping them, not Apple proactively pulling out, they can save their reputation.

If you recall, under president Trump, they opened or started building a chip manufacturing facility in Austin. Up until this point their entire supply chain was manufactured in China. This was some years back.

Tim Apple was briefly on that corporate task force Trump created. It was dissolved, which i can only speculate was to quell the radical left backlash. I suspected that Tim Apple made a deal. His fate was tied to that of the company he ran.

Leads me to believe that Apple (and Tim) will be allowed to keep his legacy intact. Or at least Tim Apple is being allowed to keep his benevolent neutral reputation. And Apple alive.

PresElectDeezNuts 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was an asymptomatic psy-op. we had it and none of us knew. but we’re super spreaders, so check your privilege, bigot. and climate change. and down with the patriarchy. and words are literally violence. TGIF!

PresElectDeezNuts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Check out the lock picking lawyer on YouTube. Very eye opening as to how easy locks are to break into.

Someone posted a video using a rare earth magnet to open most safes. after we saw that video we decided a safe was a waste of money. We’d have to engineer our own solution.

Because of these videos, and successfully picking our locks based on what we learned, we opted to hide in plain sight. Hollowed out books, mayo jar, drawer, small safe, floor board, etc. scattered things around the house. Inside and out. Some locked, some not. But nothing is in one spot.

Increase level of effort for find and time to locate. Safe has a frustratingly small number of items. So, effort spent would equal small gain. Same with the scattered approach.

We were thinking of the casual break and enter. FED protection would need Indiana Jones level of obscuring. Which we’re actively trying to figure out and build.

Something to consider.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I say this all the time. It’s the only way IMO.

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