QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yall might be thinking we are all watching a movie but this is real and in my back yard.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

That trial will go on into his Presidency. They will use it for impeachment #3,4,5...100.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Itll end when people stop pretending that memes and popcorn is the way to fixing this world. The Bible says nothing of popcorn and memes but plenty of chapters on defeating evil. Give it a read.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

BS - Same nonsense excuse that Balenziaga spewed. These add campaigns cost millions and dont just come out of no where.
This is how they slow walk the pedo agenda in - ooopsss we didnt know... its part of the agenda to continually plant the seeds until its normalized.

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

Biden could be recorded in public eating babies and the media would report on a parking ticket from the 1970s that Trump received.

There is no point to trying to wake up the masses. The shots fried these peoples brains.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they were to take his mug shot - do you think he would have his Truth Social war paint on? Guess we will never know.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean the Q plan is filled with deception, which is a pointer to what the devils agenda is... so might as well show Trump marking some of the notches of the anti-christ.

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

Imagine what the media is going to do with this...

They will spin Trumps 3000+ bull shit charges into him being the literal Hitler of the times and he wont be able to defend himself. Albeit all those stories will be lies but he will not be able to speak about what the truth is.

This is a complete joke and is going to be used to convince the normies that Trump is the biggest criminal of all time.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Terrible for you but that is a good day of golf for some.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Although I am a fan of Bitcoin - It is not the answer to the corruption. The exchanges are already compromised by bad actors. So what good is a bunch of Bitcoin in a hard wallet when you cant exchange it or perform any transactions because the ministry of truth has black listed you from society?

The answer is FREEDOM and JUSTICE. If we dont see that first then any system will be controlled and used to enslave the people. There must be arrests and prosecutions before any new system is established.

Think about what was taking place during the revolutionary war. We were being ruled by British soldiers who were raping and pillaging the people in America and once the people had enough they rose up and started fighting back. The British could no longer control the people and new systems were built. We must rise up and defeat the deep state before new systems can be built that prevent these bad actors from infiltrating them.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well if history holds - then everyone who is predicting anything related to arrests and prosecution of the deep state will be wrong.

The most predictable thing that will happen is more of the same. More insanity - more over reach - more loss of rights - more desperate people predicting military saving humanity and more of humanity being crushed into perpetual slavery.

That is my prediction - more of the same and more posts like this where people eat popcorn and watch the new normal sitting in while giving each other up doots for how this plan is so freak'n sweet.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Been saying that as well for years and everyone here down voted and or banned me for it. Guess the end wont be for everyone is hitting home now.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone should start the campaign to convince these trannies to get metal plate armor implanted in their chests vs silicon. :D

QDay -2 points ago +1 / -3

Who cares?

The country is falling a part and commies stole it from Trump and you are worried about why Trump wasnt wearing a fuckn tie?

deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
QDay 2 points ago +9 / -7

This is odd..

Trump claimed he was the father of the vaccine and told everyone to get it regardless of whether they wanted it or not. Strange times we are in.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

My theory: Trump is arrested. Antifia dresses up like MAGA and riots, burns, does mass destruction. Trump is blamed for starting insurrection 2.0 and barred from holding any rallies + all internet communications due to being able to send coded messages to his followers. He disappears for a lengthy amount of time... just like Q disappearing into the ether.

We are left hanging...

Then Q starts dropping again and then we get the long awaited storm tweet... followed by emergency broadcast of

"This is the military and during the next few weeks we will be arresting public officials for crimes against humanity"

That ... or the deep state ships Trump to GITMO.


QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I heard the other night that the first arrest was kevin clinesmith.

What is the real story here... seems like the word was the Q confirmed it was kevin clinesmith. No?

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